Babies trained on table food that is spiced, can experience tummy troubles. Their delicate little systems just are not ready.
One of the issues is that children will develop a taste for salt and sweets if introduced in their foods.
If you want to teach your baby on table foods, if they can not feed themselves yet, then every thing should be strained, cooked with out salt, sugar and spices.
Just remember the simple one ingrediant foods are best. Take squash cassorole of instance. The sauce, cream and onions are just to much for the baby. But, when preparing it for the family, just set a side the portion for the baby.
There are cheap baby food purpee machines out there. Mine used to sit on the table, and was the size of a baby food jar.
While going through the possible food allergy stage, and introducing one food at a time is best. Just make sure you avoid things with additives, food dye, preservatives, sugar, spices, casin resins, BHT's, yeast, corn syrup, frutrose, whey, glutemate and the rest of the list.
Just stick to food in it's simpliest forms. Feeding a baby doesn't have to be expense or a trial evey meal. Of course, try the rice cereal first, then move on to strained veggies, fruits last. Our babies loved mashed sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, yams, green beans, and sweet peas. No seasonings, just strained, mashed and pureed. When they were big enough for finger foods, we used the same in small chunks and added cherrios, fruit, and slowly introduced meats.