I have a question about the vaccines MMR?
2011-08-26 18:52:59 UTC
MMR is Measles,Mumps,Rubella shots. My son is 2 years and 2 months old and he never revived these shots. My fear is autism and I know there is no prof out there that says my child will get autism if he has the shots. I though it would better to wait until he was older. My daughter who is 1 years old is next to have them but I haven't done so. Anyone have children that got autism and they were vaccinated or any mom's have kids that have autistic children and never got the vaccines
Ten answers:
2011-08-26 20:11:25 UTC
"Anyone have children that got autism and they were vaccinated or any mom's have kids that have autistic children and never got the vaccines"

Sure, there are lot of unvaccinated autistic people and lots of vaccinated autistic people. Obviously, there will be more vaccinated autistics, as there are greater numbers of vaccinated individuals than not; however the rate of autism is the same in both groups. This is actually evidence that vaccines aren't the cause.

People who oppose vaccination will say that it just means vaccines can trigger autism, that there are many causes. Of course, they have no proof that this is the case, it's just special pleading on their part.

You should be confident that vaccines will not give your children autism - the vast majority of the scientific community is, after extensive investigation. Not to mention, the only paper suggesting this has been through the wringer and exposed as fraud. Vaccines are very safe and much more preferable than the diseases they prevent.

Edit: To be blunt, Holly is a liar. The MMR is near 100% effective and the risk of serious harm is incredibly low. No one on here is financially motivated to answer in favor of vaccination. She can't refute anything we say, so she lies to try and discredit our position.

Edit: @Multiple Miracles: The rate of autism across the world pretty well rules out the cause being the American diet; as does the fact that children are barely into solids when they first show signs.

Edit: "Nate I hope you are aware that you and your cronies are blatantly lying every time you call me a liar. The very fact you all feel the need to call me out almost every time only shows you feel threatened by my answers. I am here to make sure that everyone asking vaccine related questions can hear both sides of the vaccine debate rather than being bombarded by all of you self-righteous *Pharma bloggers with financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. It is ultimately up to them to decide whose advice to take."

Lets see, you call me and other users pharma bloggers, financially motivated to answer in the pro-vaccine camp. I know, and they know this isn't the case. How? Well, I'm me, aren't I? You've been told this over and over, but continue to lie. You have no evidence, only your post-hoc definition, designed to pigeonhole anyone with a dissenting opinion into a shill.

If you were really interested in letting people decide for themselves, you wouldn't be poisoning the well, lying in an attempt to make our position seem weaker. Of course, even if someone is financially motivated, it doesn't make them a liar.

Edit: Best to lock him in a freezer; so he can cool off :)

Edit: "If vaccines were really safe the NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) wouldn't exist. It has paid out over a billion dollars in compensation so far to parents of children injured or killed by vaccines."

There have been about 2700 compensated cases in 23 years of the program. The burden of proof is so low, you can't even claim all of those as vaccine injuries. Considering that, and the tens of millions who were vaccinated in that time frame, we're not speaking out of turn when we say vaccines are very safe.
2011-08-29 16:33:28 UTC
Polio affected 1 in every 5,000; we now have 1 in every 100 with autism and no one seems to care and the doctors and researchers try to sweep it under the rug with huge denials. These children for the most part will never recover and lead normal lives as most with polio did. The same old denials are not working any more. Tens of thousands of parents have watched their kids react to their vaccines, become sicker and sicker, regress, and eventually be diagnosed with autism. With those kinds of numbers it ceases to be anecdotal and demands real unfettered research and science. Children that regressed need to be studied. Children that have never been vaccinated need to be studied, but that is never going to happen, and this situation is not going to improve. It’s just a lose-lose for everybody, except the drug companies; they make the drugs to treat the children when the vaccines are done damaging them.

While telling the public that Hannah Poling was an anomaly not a precedent vaccine researchers were secretly meeting with mitochondrial experts to find out how common these disorders are. So they were reassuring the public before they had the information to do so. The Mito experts informed them it is as high as 1 in every 50. Very close to the rate of boys with autism (1 in every 58).

"I have worked with kids who have Autism, and there are a ton of forms. I strongly believe that it is NOT caused by vaccines. My personal belief is that it has something to do with the American diet, but this has not been proven, just my thoughts."

Thank you for your peer reviewed, double blind, published, scientific, albeit anecdotal research.
Pedestal 42
2011-08-27 11:33:44 UTC
I'm on the autistic spectrum.and was born with that long before the MMR vaccine existed.

Also had mumps, which was seriously unpleasant, and that's the lest of the risks from not vaccinating.

One advantage of my particular autistic traits is me being able to coolly analyse the logical arguments each way.

Emotive appeals don't cut it.

The case or claim that there is a vaccination/autism link is badly flawed.

The risks from not vaccinating are appreciable.

Having single vaccines, spaced out, would seem at first sight a sensible compromise, but this has been examined at least in the UK, and a significant proportion of parents do not follow through on the initial intent, missing later jabs.
2011-08-26 20:48:38 UTC
Me and my mother had a conversation about this. Its a bs u dont get autism from shots, autism is genetic and the spectrum is so wide that my mom was told by a special education teacher that having a tactile sensitivity is a form of autism, which means that me and my mother have autism in some way. My mother works with adults with all sorts of disabilities most are genetic but some are accidental but the ones who have autism didnt get it from a routine vaccine. I believe that yes people have there reasons for not vaccinating but I was vaccinated as well as my daughter. Im not one to judge someone for their actions but what im trying to say that your children arent going to become autistic.
2011-08-27 06:00:25 UTC
As you correctly pointed out, there's no link between the MMR and autism. There's not a shred of credible evidence showing a link, and great swathes of data show no link.

Just to remind you; there was only ever one paper suggesting a link. The results have never been observed in larger studies. The only other thing indicating the vaccine is the time; MMR is given around the time autism symptoms usually first start to appear. Correlation isn't causation.

Delaying increases risk without benefit.

Holly, we call you on your claims (and will continue to do so) because you are demonstrably lying. You are a menace to public health. Your lies are putting peoples health at risk if they should follow it.

Are you familiar with logical fallacies? You might want to avoid using them in your argument, it makes you look somewhere between uneducated, illogical and desperate.

Edit: Nate, I'm on duty with an American medic.

....he referred to my a.s.s as "tail". Shall I lock him in the cupboard?

Edit: The Walker study does not validate Wakefield's fraud! The MMR still does not cause autism. His results STILL haven't been replicated, he still highly likely falsified data, he still failed to disclose conflicting interests, he still conducted unethical experiments. etc.

It gets worse for Holly though. That article is over 4 years old. It's actually talking about a poster presentation!

And you've grossly misrepresented the results anyway.

To reiterate, there is no evidence that the measles virus causes bowel disease or autism. The suggested presence of the virus in the gut is just that, end of. It does not mean the MMR causes autism. Much less exonerate that other *******.

Edit: "now have 1 in every 100 with autism and no one seems to care and the doctors and researchers try to sweep it under the rug with huge denials. "

Are you serious? Do you realize how much research goes into ASD? And swept what under the rug, numerous studies have investigated a link between vaccines and autism.... none exists.

It is people like you who don't care. By continuing to blame vaccines, you are hurting actual research into finding the cause of autism. You don't have a shred of evidence that vaccines cause ASD, yet for some bizarre reason you seem hell bent on blaming vaccines. Most of the increase can actually be attributed to broadening of the definition.
2011-08-26 19:06:42 UTC
Measles is back and very harmful to young children. The MMR vaccine will do more good than the ever so slight link found by a man who has since been found to have lied about his finding.

I have worked with kids who have Autism, and there are a ton of forms. I strongly believe that it is NOT caused by vaccines. My personal belief is that it has something to do with the American diet, but this has not been proven, just my thoughts.
navy wife
2011-08-26 21:06:50 UTC
By now your children would be showing signs of autism if they have it. Vaccines don't trigger it. You are born autistic or you aren't. If your children are interacting and communicating with you, even just eye contact, babbling to you, following simple directions, you have nothing to worry about. The risk of having serious complications or death from contracting measles, mumps, or rubella are far greater than any rumored risk of autism.
Hello Friend
2011-08-26 18:55:00 UTC
My kids got all their vaccines on the normal schedule and neither of them have autism.
Mrs Adorkable
2011-08-26 19:49:24 UTC
I plan on giving my son a few vaccines @ age two (I am waiting, but for reasons other than fear of autism) **but** requesting them as 3 separate vaccines instead of the MMR & waiting in between.
2011-08-26 20:07:09 UTC
Here is a link to many stories by actual parents who know their child was injured by the MMR jab. Of course the pro-vaxxers will all say this is just "anecdotal evidence" and no one can prove it was the vaccine. Yet the vaccine inserts themselves list neurological disorders as just one of the many possible side-effects. All of these parents wish they could go back in time and refuse the shot that injured or killed their child but they can't. Please read some of these stories before you make a decision you may regret. Vaccines do NOT guarantee immunity and can carry great health risks for your child both now and in the future. Here is the link:

"Without proper research, we can only rely on all the other forms of evidence that exist, including parent and clinical experience. And dismissing as "post hoc fallacy"(or anecdotal evidence) the thousands of reports of vaccine reactions followed by regression into autism as not scientific; that is just blind prejudice, especially when these reports are consistent with published peer reviewed studies showing various forms of immune system dysregulation in people with autism, and historical reports of vaccine induced encephalopathy compensated by our vaccine program, and recent cases such as Bailey Banks and Hannah Poling."-- Author Unknown

Please be wary of those here pushing vaccines many of them have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry and their livelihoods depend on the sale of these poisons.

Good luck to you I hope you make the best decision for your child.

@ Nate I hope you are aware that you and your cronies are blatantly lying every time you call me a liar. The very fact you all feel the need to call me out almost every time only shows you feel threatened by my answers. I am here to make sure that everyone asking vaccine related questions can hear both sides of the vaccine debate rather than being bombarded by all of you self-righteous *Pharma bloggers with financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. It is ultimately up to them to decide whose advice to take.

(*) Pharma Blogger: An individual who uses the Internet to: 1) promote and defend maintstream medicine while denigrating natural medicine approaches; 2) attack others who express a preference for natural medicine, or who question the value of mainstream medicine; and 3) cite a variety of “junk medical science” funded by industry for the purpose of establishing markets for marginally effective, and often dangerous, medical products and devices.


Disinformation is created out of intentional lies. That`s Big Pharma`s shtick. Then the MSM journalists take Big Pharma`s press releases and regurgitate them to meet their deadlines. Misinformation is their shtick. Fortunately, there are pockets of reality that expose these press release items as bogus.

On January 10 2011, a Mail Online (UK) article entitled "Scientists fear MMR link to autism." reported a Wake Forest University (USA) medical study that found measles virus in 70 out of 82 autistic children tested. None of them were wild measles strains. They were all vaccine strains, common to MMR shots. This should at least exonerate Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British doctor who had a similar report published in 1998 and became the subject of a witch hunt that ruined his career. Of course the article contains maybes and reportage of how most of Wakefield`s research team recanted. Of course they did. They were coerced by the Medical Mafia!

Please do your own research and trust your own motherly instincts. Don't do anything just because someone says you should. And please don't give into the scare-tactics and fear-mongering from doctors, Big Pharma, the media, and the group of vaccine pushers here on YA. I personally know a mid-wife who has 7 grown children and 15 grandchildren all NOT vaccinated and all alive and extremely healthy today. I honestly believe you have a far greater chance of dying or being injured by a vaccine than you do from any disease, and there is plenty of info available here online to support this. It's really up to you to determine who is being truthful.

If vaccines were really safe the NVICP (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) wouldn't exist. It has paid out over a billion dollars in compensation so far to parents of children injured or killed by vaccines. There is no way of knowing if your child will become the next victim until after receiving the vaccine and then it's too late.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.