Experienced Mothers please help me with some ?'s about my newborn?
2006-10-03 03:14:47 UTC
I had a perfectly healthy baby girl on September 26. I had made up in my mind that I was going to breastfeed. The 2nd day i was in the hospital my nipples were HURTING. cracking, bleeding, all that. I screamed out and cried everytime I put her on. I was not getting her to latch rite so now I dont think I can breastfeed at all. Well I wanted to know if it was ok to go ahead and give her formula and shes only 7 days old. Im trying to pump but that hurts too. Of course my doctor is not going to force me to do anything i dont want to but i want to know from some actual moms who formula feed their baby and did they poop less,spit up more or whatever, somebody please help me because i have already gave her a bottle of formula and i hope that was ok
28 answers:
2006-10-03 08:17:12 UTC
I've never heard anyone else share this advice, but man did it work wonders. Raw nipples make you want to scream! If you want to keep breastfeeding get 2nd Skin Moist Burn Pads. You'll find them in the first aid section of the drugstore. Cut them into nipple sized squares and store them in the fridge so they are extra-cool. Keep them on your nipples anytime you aren't nursing. I put them on mine when they were raw and I thought " I CANT DO THIS ANOTHER MINUTE!" and it was like "AHHHHHHH!!" Within a few days, my nipples "toughened up" and it made nursing bearable in between.

I have no idea why more people don't know about this!

If you do decide to supplement with formula, there are a lot of people who will try to make you feel guilty because the reality is that breastmilk really is a lot healthier for your baby. But we have to do what's best for us so we can take good care of our babies! Maybe try to keep breastfeeding part time until you feel better.
2006-10-03 03:51:33 UTC
Wow! Sounds alot like what happened to me. Your boobs will be in soooo much pain, like worse than the birth pain until your milk dries up. I tried to breast feed for the first couple of days and didn't have enough milk. You can't pump anymore, just let it go, then it will really start to hurt when you totally dry up. You'll be done and boobs will be fine in a week. This sounds strange, but works and your Dr. may have told you this already. My Dr. had me put cold cabbage leaves underneath a tight ace bandage. You have to totally wrap your boobs tight and it hurts but it will help through your drying up period. Your beautiful baby girl will most likely take to the formula with no problems. I assume the hospital sent you home with formula to try and that is what you are using. There shouldn't be a poop difference. She should poop once a day or 1 1/2 days. More is Ok as long as it's not watery diahrea type. She's just a week old and you will figure it out together. Small burp spit-ups are normal. If she has like alot of vomiting after or during a feeding, then you may need to change formulas, but this is pretty rare. Your baby should take to the formula fine. I found that formula feeding is actually better in the since that you can actually tell how much your baby is eating. The Dr. will ask that.

3 oz., 4oz., how often? You have no way of knowing when breast feeding. But when your making the bottles for 2oz, 3oz, etc. you know how much she ate and how often.

Good Luck, and you'll do Great! It all comes naturally. My best tip is, think of an alltime favorite song. In the middle of the night, when your feeding and rocking (or walking back and forth) with the baby, sing and yum that song, it will be something that you always remember, and so will she.
bettie b
2006-10-03 03:45:13 UTC
u can still breastfeed - the only reason it hurt was that the baby wasnt latched on properly as u said. ring the local breastfeeding organisation - la leche i THINK is american, and i gather u are? they will be very helpful. breastfeeding is fantastic, and if possible, u should do it. good luck!

add - breastfeeding, at the beginning isnt the easiest. but, if u ke a bit if an effort and seek out the MANY services and advice available to mothers - more than likely, u will be breatfeeding within a day or so. ur baby wont starve while ur learning to feed it - this is why theybuild up fat deposits before birth. dont give up without trying everything. formula isnt as good as breast milk, its expensive, messy, pain in the bum when ur not withinreach of a bottle. get some help from a pro - well worth it
2006-10-03 12:49:04 UTC
Yes it is ok! If it is too painful & too stressful for you to do it then you made the right decision to stop trying & give the baby formula. Continuing to stress yourself out with it will make it worse on you & the baby. Breastfeeding just doesn't work for some mothers. Don't beat yourselt up because you couldn't do it. The baby was breastfed for the first week & received the colostrum which is the most important thing because it helps them build their immune system up.

I was only able to breast feed for 1 to 2 weeks with all 4 of my children because after that my milk just dried up. My body was not good at producing the milk so it only last a week or 2 each time. But they got the first week & the very important colostrum & thats what counted.

There is nothing at all wrong with putting the baby on formula, I always used the carnation good start with comfort proteins & would recommend it to anyone. Good luck hon, & congrats on your new baby!
2006-10-03 05:28:48 UTC
Your baby will be fine on formula. Some babies spit up more from formula, bottle fed babies do poop less (on a positive note less diaper changes ;)!) I switched my son ended up with double mastitis and it hurt like crazy to even pump. Have you tried using some different types of cream for your nipples? There are numerous types available. Also if your baby was having trouble lacking on there are nipple shields the doctor could have offered you, this would have saved you pain and the baby frustration.

Realize it is your final decision and I strongly believe bottle fed babies and breastfed babies all turn out the same in the end, so no worries.

Good luck and Congrats on the baby!!
2006-10-03 04:43:35 UTC
You need to get some breast shields. They will help pull the nipples out more so it is easier for her to latch on. They will also help relieve the pain.

As for feeding her, try getting some nipple shields, you wear them while you are feeding and they pull the nipple out for the baby and also help alot with the pain. Both products you can get at Babies R' Us or on line at the link below.

Try feeding baby first on the breast. If she is still hungry try cup feeding her some formula so that she doesn't get nipple confusion. Take a small cup, one like you use to measure medicine, and put a little formula in it. Slowly pour a little into her mouth at a time, not enough that she gasps, she will lap it up pretty easily. This is what I had to do with my son b/c he was so tiny and was burning more calories then he was taking in by breastfeeding. I would also recommend using a soy based formula just so you don't have to worry about tummy issues.

2006-10-03 03:27:29 UTC
Yes - It's going to hurt - A LOT - when you first start to breast feed. Everything you are experiencing is normal. Of course, you can wean her and just give her formula. With formula, she'll poop more and it will smell more. However, the breastfeeding will eventually not hurt at all and is healthier and more convenient than the bottle. If you decide to try to breastfeed, call La Leche and they can give you good tips to get through the painful stage. Otherwise, it's perfectly ok to switch to formula. Formula will also fill her up more than breast milk, but breast milk is the healthier way to go.
2006-10-03 03:24:45 UTC
The best way to overcome painful nipples is to continue breastfeeding, try rubbing a little breastmilk on your nipples to help them heal faster, and make sure baby is latching properly every time...however that's not what you asked.

My first baby was breast fed exclusively, my second was on formula from 6 weeks on. She tended to not poop less exactly, but her poops were thicker and harder for her to pass. She did have a little bit more gas, and was a major puker. I don't know if it was formula, or just that's how she is.

I was unable to breastfeed my second child for personal reasons, but it doesn't mean I love her less than my first and don't want all the best things in life for her. Please don't let people make you feel guilty for not breastfeeding, you need to decide what is best for everyone involved. It is possible to bottle feed with love and have just as much of a connection with your baby, I know I did it.

....and the nice thing is Dad can help too!
2006-10-03 07:44:54 UTC
I was unable to breastfeed because I was very sick after I had my C-section. I tried and tried but I was just too weak to to do. He latched on a few times but I had to eventually switch to formula. I would have liked to have breastfed but it just didn't work out for me. And its ok if it doesn't work out for you. My son only poops once a day on formula and probably spits up maybe 3 times a month! However all babies are different and yours might take to forumula different. The one good thing I liked about formula is that my fiance would get up with him in the night and I didn't have to worry about having milk pumped or always being the one who had to get up to feed him. Do what is best for you.
Kim M
2006-10-03 06:52:43 UTC
Congragulations on the new baby! I am a mother of three and attempted to breastfeed all of them, but only succeeded with my last one. I know how it is to be in pain while feeding. Try not to be discouraged, giving them formula is completely ok. I know that breastmilk is obviously healthier for your baby but my two children who were formula fed are no less healthy than my breast fed baby. Enjoying feeding time is what is so important. It is truly a time when you bond with your child, breast or bottle. Bottle fed babys do tend to poop less and the color of it will change also once you have swithced over to all formula. A perk is that they sleep a heck of alot longer also. Their belly's get much fuller with formula than breast milk. Good luck and God bless your baby girl!
2006-10-03 03:23:25 UTC
Breastfeeding or formula feeding is completely up to you. The fact that you've given her formula already is fine. You were doing what you felt necessary. Try going to your local breastfeeding clinic. They may have some ideas for getting you back to breastfeeding if you want to still. I had a horrible time breastfeeding my daughter and they gave me nipple shields which helped alot. It made it so that it didn't hurt anywhere near as much while all of the cracked skin was healing. They also worked with me to make sure she was being latched properly. Good luck!
2006-10-03 07:56:32 UTC
Breastfeeding is not as natural as many people make it out to be. It takes a lot of hard work and pain to get it right and sometimes it just doesn't work out. Don't be too hard on yourself, your baby will be fine on formula. I do have to say though, breast milk does tend to reduce spit up, gas and general tummy upset problems. They poop more on breast milk and it tends to be a bit runny. On formula babies are more likely to be gassy (although using the right bottle makes a big difference) and they have a higher tendency to become constipated. My little girl (6 weeks old) was breast fed for two weeks and had to be supplemented b/c she was losing weight quickly. I ended up not producing enough so she is on formula only now. She has a very sensitive tummy and is on Similac Alimentum, a special formula for babies with protein sensitivity. I would recommend you use a formula that contains DHA/ARA to ensure your baby gets the very best next to the breast! Good luck to you!
2006-10-03 05:38:19 UTC
Yes it is ok! Millions of moms formula feed. Give your nips a rest and try going back to it. If it still doesnt work then go ahead and formula feed. You can buy special nipples that immitate the breast so you can switch back and forth. See a lactation specialist. If you cant do it dont feel guilty, at least you are feeding your baby and taking care of it the best you can.
2006-10-03 04:03:16 UTC
Girl, I went through the same thing. I wasn't making enough milk and my baby was screaming for a week before we found out he was hungry. My Dr. told me to supplement with formula, but being a single mother breastfeading, pumping and formula feeding were just all too much. I went through a big depression period because I thought I was hurting my child and not doing what was right. The thing is - it's more important for your child that they are eating and growing and it's more important that you are in the right state of mind - not hurting and stressed out. Breastfeeding is the best thing for your baby, I know that but what helped me through this is knowing that Formula Feeding is not the worst thing for my baby - it's a different way. Babies who are formula fed typically poop less, because it takes longer to digest. As long as the baby is having bowel movements it doesn't matter the frequency. Spit up, babies spit up and as my Dr. told me - it's a laundry problem not a baby problem. Breastfed babies spit up too - you have to make sure you burp them before too much milk gets on top of the air bubble. if your baby spits up excessivley it could be GERD, which my baby had but just make sure to talk to your Dr. about it if you think that's it. Just remember breastmilk is best but formula is not the worst. You'll get through it, trust me if I did you will too!
2006-10-03 03:21:08 UTC
Have you tried asking your doctor for a consultation to a lactation coach? I think that's what they're called, but they're nurses who help you when you have troubles with breastfeeding. Every nursing mother will tell you that it hurts in the beginning. But it will get better. A lactation coach can show you how to get the baby to latch on better. So, maybe try that before you give up. Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby.

If you've given it all you can, and still have trouble, don't worry about giving the baby formula. A whole generation of people never had breastmilk and they're CEO's of huge organizations, presidents of companies, etc.
2006-10-03 15:32:58 UTC
Breast or bottle feeding is entirely up to you. I breast fed all but 1 of my children and they are all fine. However when I breast fed my oldest daughter 16 years ago, I was inexperienced and my breast cracked and bled also. I learned that it was because she was not properly latched on. I was told to use breast milk to lubricate my breast before she latched on and to walk around with my breast uncovered and that they would heal faster. I located a safe lubricant to use will they healed. Now let me tell you that it still hurt will they were healing but once she is properly latched on it no longer hurts. Also bottle fed babies do throw up more and poop less because formula is harder for them to digest. I was told that soy based formula are easier to digest so if your child is not allergic you may want to try that. Also I have also seen some new formulas that are supposed to be closer to breast milk. Check it out. Congratulations and good luck with your newborn and I wish her the BEST of health.
2006-10-03 05:15:28 UTC
I HAD THE SAME!!!! The one thing I wanted to do the most was breastfeed my daughter, but she didn't open her mouth big enough and her top lip kept folding in. I had bloody nipples, cracked and it hurt like hell. The midwifes and even my husband wanted me to breastfeed but I could feel myself becoming more and more depressed every day. I made the decision to give her formula as I was raised on it and even my husband was given formula as early as 2weeks. I am happy about my decision and my daughter is now 4.5 months old and healthy. And YES you can give your baby formula from birth.
2006-10-03 04:10:03 UTC
I formula fed..and actually had the same problems BFing my first child...

the difernce was..the poop was a differnt color.. a little bit more solid...(but i that varies with each child), the spit up issue is the same.. it changes with each child...

They dont sleep as long(if you like your sleep) with Breast milk...

I always got a good 4 hours straight at nite with mine once they got formula....I know some moms like to be awakened 20 times a nite to feed, but i didnt..LOL

Its perfectly fine that u gave her formula.. you could always PUMP too and alternate formula and Breast milk.. I did that for a while too...

The pump dont hurt as long as your not raw and stuff.

gl... Its wicked hard to breast feed... but once you know what your doing its a sinch!(from what im told..LOL..I only BF my kids no longer then a month)
2006-10-03 03:25:52 UTC
IF you can hang in there your nipples will toughen up soon and you will be giving her the best formula available. In between feeding you can apply Vaseline or bag balm. Before feeding the baby wash the nipples with mild soap.

I breast fed all of my children (3) When I was pregnant I started toughing the nipples by scrubbing with a coarse wash cloth.

Congratulation on you new baby!
2006-10-03 04:56:35 UTC
Congratulations for your healthy little girl! If you were like me, you thought the hardest part would be delivery, when it actually turned out to be breastfeeding her the first few weeks. I think it was on day 3 I had bleeding and cracked nipples, so I went to several different lactation consultants to have their advice if it was improper positioning, poor latch on, or something else. It wasnt that, I think I left her on too long at first but I didnt know any better. It sounds like you had decided to breastfeed your baby, and as much as it hurts right now (and believe me, I KNOW the feeling - cringing before she would latch on because I knew the pain it would cause) it is so worth it to push past the first few horrible weeks and continue. I did, and 11 mths later we are still happily breastfeeding. You know from everything you've read it's healthier for your baby, cheaper, less of clean-up, hassle to travel with her, etc etc. I hate the pump, wont use it at all. I express by hand and while it may take longer it was better for me. Plus if your nipples are cracked it's the only way to go. The occassional bottle of formula to get you through the first weeks is great to give your body a chance to heal a little too. It wont hurt her to have some formula but you need to make sure it is for the right age group. You can use silicone nipple protectors, and I swear by Lanolin cream - it is great to heal cracked nipples and you can keep it on while you nurse. Truly, it's worth it to continue, and I just hope you have a friend close who went through the same thing who can support you. I live in France now and I had no one here to lean on when I went through this with my girl. I was on the phone alot with girlfriends from back home, getting advice from them.

If after all that you decide to give formula, absolutely dont feel guilty. But make sure you dont give up to fast, so you have no regrets, because once you stop it only takes a few days for all your milk to dry up. As for pooping frequency, that depends on the baby. Breasfed babies are suppose to poop more, but my daughter almost never did. Once a week I think it was for the first month, a little more after that. I was scared something was wrong as my girlfriend's baby went after EVERY nursing session. So depends on the baby. She made up for the frequency though in quanity when she did go, this really liquidy yellowish poo. Dr said it's normal; depends on how much 'waste' passes through in your milk.

I feel sorry for the person who says they gave up after the first few days for not having enough milk. No one explained to her that NO woman has milk for the first few days and its just this yellowish colostrum stuff, which is great for your baby.

It's really once the baby starts on solids that the stools become interesting. Something to look forward to!

Good luck.

P.S. Send me an email if you would like to talk more about working through the first difficult weeks of breastfeeding, or go to a LLL (La Leche League) meeting if you can find one in your town. They also have a website
2006-10-03 04:35:01 UTC
ou,I have so been in the same situation,if she is not latching on after a week than stop.she is not getting what she needs.if she latched onto a bottle of formula go with it.babies can sense when mommy is in pain and that is probably what happened.and as far as myself being a proud mom of anow 12 yr old thats the one i had the same problem with and a 6yr old who I was able to breast feed until she was 6 mo. they poop,burp laugh play spit-up and love mommy the same way.I hope that helps sweetie.
2006-10-03 04:23:19 UTC
It is fine whatever you decide and comfortable with. Breastmilk they say is the best milk for babies but most of the time it takes patience and perseverance and lots of support. Have you tried contacting your local Australian Breastfeeding Association group. They have a telephone counsellor you can call. There are many benefits of breastmilk but lots of babies also survive on formula. It is your choice. Bottlefed babies open their bowels routinely, and yes they do posset more. Choosing the right formula for the specific age of the baby and making the formula up correctly and sterilising is important. Also remember formula is not cheap. Remember it is your choice.
2006-10-03 08:17:38 UTC
No matter what some idiots say on here, YOU ARE A GOOD MOTHER. If breastfeeding is stressing you out then you shouldn't be doing it. In my opinion, a fed baby is a happy baby. I breastfed but gave formula in public. In my case, my kids didn't care where their food come as long as they got fed. Your baby's poop will change in texture and color but don't worry, she is fine. Congratulations and good luck on your new adventure.
2006-10-03 03:20:52 UTC
You do what makes you happy and if that's bottle feeding and she likes it then you are both going to be happy and content and not stressed out.. sometimes bottle fed babies poop a little less than breast fed but don't worry about that ,each baby is different just enjoy her and you'll work it out together.
2006-10-03 05:08:58 UTC
We all know the benefits of breast milk, etc etc. But, I bottle fed my daughter from day one, and she was a regular "pooper", she did spit up on occasion, but that is completely normal and happens whether you are breast or bottle feeding. And, she was (and still is) as healthy as an ox. Not all woman can breast feed, whether it is do to faulty "equipment", or baby just not digging it. Do NOT beat yourself up because of this. Formula is so similar to breast milk these days, you are not going to hurt your baby by doing it!
2006-10-03 03:30:55 UTC
i have 4 children who are all perfectly fit an healthy and every one of them was feed on formula.

breast feeding isnt right for everyone and you were brave to give it ago.

formula milk will not do your baby any harm at all.

also a baby will poop and throw up as much as it wants to regardless of if its feed formula or breast milk thats what babies do good luck
2006-10-03 03:23:30 UTC
Formula is fine for your baby. Check with the baby's doctor and make sure you are using the right kind. Never breast fed and my soon to be 12yr old survived :)
gosport girl
2006-10-03 04:32:43 UTC
yea give her formula i experienced the same with my son it really hurt after a few days so i put him on the bottle hes as healthy as she should be

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