Congratulations for your healthy little girl! If you were like me, you thought the hardest part would be delivery, when it actually turned out to be breastfeeding her the first few weeks. I think it was on day 3 I had bleeding and cracked nipples, so I went to several different lactation consultants to have their advice if it was improper positioning, poor latch on, or something else. It wasnt that, I think I left her on too long at first but I didnt know any better. It sounds like you had decided to breastfeed your baby, and as much as it hurts right now (and believe me, I KNOW the feeling - cringing before she would latch on because I knew the pain it would cause) it is so worth it to push past the first few horrible weeks and continue. I did, and 11 mths later we are still happily breastfeeding. You know from everything you've read it's healthier for your baby, cheaper, less of clean-up, hassle to travel with her, etc etc. I hate the pump, wont use it at all. I express by hand and while it may take longer it was better for me. Plus if your nipples are cracked it's the only way to go. The occassional bottle of formula to get you through the first weeks is great to give your body a chance to heal a little too. It wont hurt her to have some formula but you need to make sure it is for the right age group. You can use silicone nipple protectors, and I swear by Lanolin cream - it is great to heal cracked nipples and you can keep it on while you nurse. Truly, it's worth it to continue, and I just hope you have a friend close who went through the same thing who can support you. I live in France now and I had no one here to lean on when I went through this with my girl. I was on the phone alot with girlfriends from back home, getting advice from them.
If after all that you decide to give formula, absolutely dont feel guilty. But make sure you dont give up to fast, so you have no regrets, because once you stop it only takes a few days for all your milk to dry up. As for pooping frequency, that depends on the baby. Breasfed babies are suppose to poop more, but my daughter almost never did. Once a week I think it was for the first month, a little more after that. I was scared something was wrong as my girlfriend's baby went after EVERY nursing session. So depends on the baby. She made up for the frequency though in quanity when she did go, this really liquidy yellowish poo. Dr said it's normal; depends on how much 'waste' passes through in your milk.
I feel sorry for the person who says they gave up after the first few days for not having enough milk. No one explained to her that NO woman has milk for the first few days and its just this yellowish colostrum stuff, which is great for your baby.
It's really once the baby starts on solids that the stools become interesting. Something to look forward to!
Good luck.
P.S. Send me an email if you would like to talk more about working through the first difficult weeks of breastfeeding, or go to a LLL (La Leche League) meeting if you can find one in your town. They also have a website