Daniela (Poppy's Mama)
2009-06-10 22:52:45 UTC
Anyway. I have posted questions here before about her turning one and then literally becoming a little monster. I am getting used to dealing with the back arching temper tantrums and her slapping or biting everything in sight. She doesn't seem interested in stopping anytime soon but I am relentless in my redirection tactics and seem to forever be telling her NO. The problem we have at the moment and the reason I am exhausted is that she has decided that she can survive on 5 hours of solid sleep per night and then 2 x 1 hour naps in the day. While I understand that not all children want or need 12 hours a night, my Daughter definitely needs more than 5 hours at night because she is tired and lethargic all day these days and also has big bags under her eyes. Nothing has changed. Her bedtime and routine is the same, her last meal and bottle haven't changed. Her bedroom is the same, our bedroom is the same. I still lay with her, we still have the lullaby music on etc She goes to bed between 7-8pm and I transfer her into her crib about 40 minutes later. She'll then sleep happily until about 1am and then she is awake - she doesn't cry but she wont stay in her crib otherwise she will cry. I get her, put her into bed and put her pacifier back in and up until about 2 weeks ago, she would roll over and be snoring again in seconds but now she lays there, tossing and turning for about 2-3 hours until she either gives in and sleeps or I give in and we get up at 4am. My Husband works evenings and gets home at 2am and she is always wide awake by the time he gets home, so I cant blame her awakeness on that and this has always been his work pattern since she was born, so she is used to it. She has never learnt to self soothe which is entirely my fault and has never cried for me in her little life, I am always there for her and always get her the second she starts to show signs of being awake and/or getting upset. Honestly, it's like having a newborn again but this newborn has huge temper tantrums. I know she is teething as we have drool everywhere and she is constantly chewing things but this sleep issue seems to be different than the normal disturbance we experience with teething.
Whew, this is long (sorry).
I just wondered if any of you could help me with some ideas on how to get her sleeping back on track. While she seems quite happy to live on 5 hours a night, I simply can not function that way. It then takes over our entire day because we have a grumpy and exhausted baby that wants to catnap all day,
I have tried everything. Putting her back in her crib. Settling her in the crib and laying with her half through the crib bars (no easy task). Taking her into our bed and soothing her or leaving her to just lay there awake but she isn't content with being awake on her own, she wants to be the human windmill and roundhouse kick me in the face until I'm awake and will lay there with her. She doesn't even want to play, she is just wide awake and then when she does start to finally drift off, she is all over the place. I don't think it's anything physical, it's not too warm or too cold in our house, she doesn't appear to have a tummy ache or gas. I'm out of ideas and desperate.
I suffered with terrible pp depression and have been off of my medication for a while now but I feel that I am starting to have an overload of emotions again and things seem to be bubbling up. I know that it's probably due to not having enough sleep but I am at my wits end and just don't know where to turn or how to help her sleep soundly.