First question, I am not a female and we adopted our daughter and didn't breastfeed her.
Second question.
I hear women say that it is a special moment between her and her baby to do such but I don't buy that when I see women in McDonalds doing it in open public. If it was that special, don't do it in McDonalds. And if you do it in public, why try to cover it up and smother the kid with a blanket? Everyone knows what you are doing and those of us who do feel uncomfortable with it will have a problem. But you couldn't not cover/smother the child...because that would make you uncomfortable.
I say do it in private. My sister came over to my house for some sort of family thing. When my infant nephew was hungry, my sister didn't make a big production or anything...she just slipped out of the main area...into a back bedroom with my nephew...did her thing...and that was it. No worries or anything. Had my sister chosen to stay in the room and cover up, I can assure you that most everyone in the room would have been uncomfortable and I am thankful that my sister was considerate.
If you are going to be on the go...use a pump and pump it into a bottle for times when you are in public. If you insist on always giving them milk from your boob...then stay at home around feeding times.
To respond to RoJo63:
First, I am going grant you the courtesy you didn’t grant me and not result to name calling.
If a woman is going to be out during the day with her baby, she can very easily pump the milk at home and carry it with her using a cold pack. Then, when the baby gets hungry…she gives the baby a bottle and doesn’t have to worry about covering up…right? By doing this, the woman can still engage in whatever she is doing…shopping at the grocery…eating a meal with a friend/family…or sitting in church.
Yes, I do understand that breasts are meant to feed children…so why do women cover up then? Are you now going to tell me that it is beneficial to cover you baby’s face with a blanket? According to you, you are only feeding your child so why should the child’s potential oxygen flow be restricted?
You talk about society and being uncomfortable…so start a movement for women to allow women to go around topless. Then we have a non-issue. Breasts get recognized for what they are…organs used for feeding the young. The plastic surgery industry, adult entertainment industry, and bra makers industry might have issues with that but I don’t and I honestly mean that from a nonsexual position. You change the societal stigma with breasts from sex and towards feeding…and all goes away. Until this is changed by society though…you will have people, like me, who do feel uncomfortable with it and have every right to voice our opinion as we do live in a free country…or at least I do.
Just because something is nature doesn’t mean we should be able to do it in public. When “nature calls” and you must go to the bathroom…it is done behind closed doors. Sex is also a fundamental natural instinct so is this to be done in public as well?