Ok. i have a 2 1/2 year old boy and 9 month old girl. i'm also 25 weeks pregnant with another boy. i have kept ALL of my daughters clothes she has outgrown(preemie-6 month), and i've kept 90% of my sons clothes (preemie-24 month). The reason being that i know i'm not done having my own children, and i really dont want to part with anything until i know i am. i literally spend about 2 hours on laundry day going over every piece of my childrens clothes to be sure the stains come out. i have taken care of them so i can reuse them. however, over the course fo the last few weeks i've had several people ASK if i can give them baby clothes (which i think is rude anyway). i know a lot of them are having financial troubles right now, but so ae we. we can afford our children, including the one i'm carrying, but we DON'T have the money to go out and buy all new clothes. someone even had the nerve to ask me for my newborn boy clothes, KNOWING i'm having a boy myself. and the people that are asking i'm hestitant to loan them too, because i know that if i do, i either WON'T get them back at all, or they won't be taken care of and i'll get them back stained and completely ruined. am i selfish for saying no?