It's very sweet that you want to understand but know that you could never know because you are not a woman and thank God for it. You don't know what a favor He did for you when he designed women to carry the child.
Let me not even tell you about the nine months prior to this whole birth thing! That was a terror. You feel like you are going crazy if it is the first pregnancy. Nothing is normal. At first, you can't imagine what it's like to want to go into labor because you are so enthralled with the baby's development but THEN...OMG...THEN, you are like,"Get this thing out of me".
My water broke almost a week and a half late and I had no pains. I was taken to the hospital where the dumb doctor tells me my water had not broken. Hours later the RNP tells me the Doc was out of his mind because my baby was at risk due to low fluids!
They jab you, fist you and poke you while you are in the worst pain of your life. I was hoping the doctor would come in with a rifle to shoot me since I thought that would relieve my pain.
I was in labor for 24 hours when I realized that I hadn't slept and needed to get some rest. They gave me the best stuff that knocked me out but was awakened by the pain.
After 28 hours of torture, the kind that takes over your entire body, an Ultrasound was taken. I hadn't dilated more than 2 cm in 24 hours. It was ruled that my baby's head might have been incompatible with my pelvic bones.
The doctor said she wasn't sure but did not want to risk it. After all, she said that 25 women had come and go while I was there and they all had their babies before me.
I was given an emergency C-section but not before I was given 4 botched epidurals. Finally, the 5th one took and it was heaven. Until all the meds kicked in and I suffered what felt like a seizure on the gurney.
It was terrible, but the best thing about labor was the result. My daughter, Phoebe, is 7 months old and of course, I would do it again!
Also, I am forever convinced that I am special because I am a woman. Not only can I be beautiful but I can give birth and live to tell about it!