A playpen is helpful so he can play and not be in the dirt and bugs.
Bring a portable high chair (like the kind that folds up and sits on a regular chair) so he can sit with you all, and eat in a clean environment.
Make sure you can provide lots of shade, as babies burn easily and don't regulate temperature well.
Make sure he drinks a lot, water is good but you can give him juice too.
Bug sprays are not usually good for babies. Read the label or ask your doctor. You may be able to get something herbal but keep in mind it will likely end up in his mouth.
Bring a shade hat for baby, and a lifevest that fits. We used to let the babies swim in the lake with us with their vests on. They loved it.
Stay sober. Too dangerous a place for both parents to not have full awareness.
You might enjoy a backpack, or better yet, one of those backpacks that converts into a light stroller.
Camping with baby is tons of work and will be until he hits preschool age.
Bring lots of clothes you expect to get very dirty. If you don't want to wreck what he has, go to goodwill and buy stuff you don't care about. Shoes too. Some waterproof sandals are nice.
Carry a first aid kit that includes a thermometer, baby tylenol or motrin, and a good decongestant. Also bring Benydril (which can be a life saver if someone gets bit by something they are allergic to or in case of poison ivy). Ipecac in case he eats something bad.
I remember being out boating one day when a friend's child got sick, the tylenol was a big help.