Our 4.5 week old is consuming so much formula, before we were restricting his feeds he would feed approximately 8 times a day and take on average 100 mls per feed - this means he was having 800 mls per day. He is gaining weight rapidly, 0.5 kg per week and I believe he is overeating. My theory is that he has a string sucking reflex and as we weren't offering a dummy was taking in formula through feeding to satisfy his sucking urge. He wasn't really throwing up his feeds but I think all the formula was causing his bad digestion issues as he often looked in pain. For the past 24 hours we have tried to feed him every 4 hours, and he is taking the full feed of 120 mls at each feed. This means that over 24 hours he is having 720 mls, the tin suggests 5 feeds at this amount so 600 per day, based on his weight and the guideline of 150 mls per kg he shoud be having 675 mls so even at 4 hourly feeds we are giving him a lot. What do people suggest we do, I feel s bad putting him on a schedule - I had aimed to demand feed but don't want t overload the little guy with formula.