When I call with a question, who will answer it? if I leave a message, how soon will I be called back?
What are the symptoms of illness that my baby would have that you want to know about?
How do I get to talk to *you* and not a receptionist or nurse?
Who covers for you if the baby is sick or in an emergency if you are not available?
How often are you not available?
if I am having trouble with breastfeeding, to whom do you refer me for help? What are that person's qualifications?
What are the symptoms that would require a trip to the Emergency Department?
If my baby is not gaining weight quickly in the first several weeks and I am breastfeeding, what will you suggest?
When do you feel a baby should start solids? Do you have some printed information you will give me about that at the time? Do you have any other printed information for me on normal growth and development?
Discuss how you feel about vaccinations. Some doctors will not continue treating your child if you do not vaccinate, but many are open to a modified schedule.
If my baby is ill after office hours, how is it handled? Weekends?
How long will I wait to see you after my appointment time?
Do you have separate areas for well and sick children in the waiting room?
These are just off the top of my head. I am sure you will want to ask other things as well, perhaps about insurance or payments. And make sure you write own as much as you can!!