Hi everyone. I'm 28, my husband is 26, and we want to have children. The only problem is that we both don't know how. My husband asked his parents and they said he too young to understand. I tried asking my parents and they told me that a stork (whatever that is) will fly down and drop off a baby at our doorstep. I knew that answer sounded bogus to me so I tried looking up the answer on the family computer, but it was blocked out. My husband asked one of his buddies at church and said we have to sleep together in the same bed. We tried sharing a bed for the past 8 nights and still nothing has happened. What do we do? Do we just wait for a baby to show up on our doorstep? We live in North Dakota my husband thinks the baby might freeze if we don't notice it in time. After all it is winter. When should we expect this baby to arrive so that we don't have to spend all day looking out the door window?