What are some baby names?
2006-09-25 15:51:35 UTC
What are some baby names?
Thirteen answers:
2006-09-25 15:59:23 UTC
Erika & Emmanuel!
2006-09-26 20:51:13 UTC
Elenna Scarlett, Lily Rose, Amelia Grace for a girl, and David Joseph, John Tyler, James Andrew, Derek Lee for a boy.
2006-09-26 03:16:40 UTC

Tyler Ray

Nathan Seth

Jaythan Daniel

Alex Joseph


Caitlyn Nicole

Alexis Jean

Kylie Rachelle

Jera Annette

Hillary Shay
2006-09-25 23:06:18 UTC
Girl - Mackenzie, Leigh, Emily

Boy - Decklin, Lucas, Harrison
2006-09-26 02:22:52 UTC
For a boy Vincent and for a girl Victoria.
2006-09-25 22:57:31 UTC
Well my favorites are Elle or Madelyn for a girl and Gavin or Roman for a boy.
Dixie H
2006-09-26 21:54:00 UTC
Lets see some names in my family: Samantha,Shavon,Johnathon,Robert,Darrold,Daresa,Gregory,

Heath,Cedric,Bryce,Bobbie JoRyan,Dixie,Andrea,Dylan,Drew,Madison,Tia Lynn,Tryeson,Genna,Kayla,Alex,Kaylee,Sebrina,Shon,Abbie,Torence,RaAnn,RozeLynn,Kevin,Jose,Andy,Ethan,Shawn,Riley,Emelina,

I have always liked these names: Gunner,Sage,Nigella Persian Jewel,CourdeLane,China Mae and Asia Renee
2006-09-25 23:00:16 UTC
Always was partial to Madelaine Elizabeth.
2006-09-25 23:19:17 UTC
Boy or girl
2006-09-25 23:13:44 UTC
girl or boy

kassy or ricardo





2006-09-25 22:53:10 UTC
boy or girl?
2006-09-25 23:01:20 UTC
boys: brendan... josh.. kyle... adam... brayden.. kellan.. cameron... andrew... jordan... derrek

girls: adrienne...allison... morgan... carmen... emily...jennifer... nicole... ashley... elizabeth... taylor... jordan
2006-09-25 23:06:51 UTC

Abir - Hebrew: Strong one. Also Aber.

Acelin - French: Noble.

Acton - English: From by the oaks.

Adair - Scottish: From the oak near a ford. Also Adare, Adaire.

Adar - Hebrew: Fiery one.

Addison - English: Son of Adam. Also Addis, Addie, Ade.

Aden - Arabic: Port of the Red Sea.

Adir - Hebrew: Noble and majestic.

Aiken - English: Little Adam.

Aimon - Teutonic: A house.

Ainsley - English: A clearing.

Ajani - Nigerian: The victor.

Akira - Japanese:Intelligent one.

Ali - Arabic: Exalted one.

Amadeus - Latin: A lover of God. Also Amadeo - Italian.

Amal - Arabic: Hope. Also Amahl, Amali.

Amir - Arabic: Princely one. Also Ameer, Ameir, Amere.

Ammon - Egyptian: Hidden.

Amon - Hebrew: Trustworthy.

Aneurin - Welsh: Truely golden. Also Nye.

Angelo - Italian: An angel.

Annan - Celtic: From the stream. Also Anan.

Ansari - Arabic: The helper. Also Anari.

Anwar - Arabic: The bright one.

Archer - English: A man of the bow.

Arden - Latin: Sincere.

Ari - Hebrew: A lion.

Ariel - Hebrew: A lion of God.

Arion - Greek: From mythology.

Arje - Dutch: from Latin: Meaning the dark one.

Arjuna - Sanskrit: The white one. Also Arjun.

Arley - English: From the meadow. Also Airlie.

Arlo - English: Protected hill.

Asher - Hebrew: Happy and fortunate. Also Ash, Ashe. (Note: Asha - is a girls spelling and means something different).

Ashlin - English: One by the ash tree. Also Ashlen.

Ashur - Hebrew: Black.

Asim - Arabic: The protector. Also Aseem.

Aston - English: From the eastern place. Ashton, Aiston, Aaton

Avan - Hebrew: Proud.

Ayer - French: An heir. Also Aire.


Bae - Korean: Inspiration. Also Bay, Baye.

Bakari - Swahili: Promising.

Barak - Hebrew: Ligtning flash.

Beck - English: A brook.

Benedict - Latin: Blessed.

Blaine - Gaelic: Slim one. Also Blayn, Blayne, Blain.

Blair - Scottish Gaelic: Coming from the plains. Also Blaire.

Blaise - Latin: With a lisp. Also Blaize.

Boyce - French: From the woods.

Brady - Irish: A surname. Also Bradee, Braedy.

Brae - Cornish: A hill. Also Bray, Braye.

Brock - English: A badger. Also Broc.

Brodie - Irish: A dug out or ditch. Also Brody, Brodee.

Bryn - Welsh: A hill. Also Brinn.

Bryce - Celtic: Freckled one. Also Brice.


Cadell - Welsh: Spirit of battle.

Cadmus - Greek: From the east.

Caedmon - Celtic: A wise warrior.

Caesar - Latin: From the Roman Emperor.

Cahil - Turkish: Young one, inexperienced.

Cailean - Irish: From the Greek: meaning Victory of men.

Cain - Hebrew: meaning possessed. Cane - Gaelic: A surname. Also Caine. Kane, Kain, Kaine - Irish: warlike.

Caleb - Hebrew: The devoted one.

Camden - Gaelic: The winding valley.

Carey - Cornish: The beloved one. Celtic: From the river. Also Cary.

Carlin - Irish: A little champion.

Carne - Cornish: From the rocks.

Carrik - Irish: From a cliff.

Carson - English: Son of a marsh dweller.

Casey - Irish: The vigilant one.

Caspar - Persian: The treasurer. Also Casper, Kasper, Kasper.

Cassidy - Irish: The clever one.

Cathan - Irish: From the battle.

Cato - Latin: The wise one. Also Kato.

Cavan - Irish: The handsome one. Also Kavan.

Chad - African: A placename.

Chaim - Hebrew: Life.

Chaney - French: From a grove.

Chase - French: A hunter.

Chet -Thai: Brother.

Chiron - Greek: Wise tutor.

Cian - Irish: Ancient. Also Kian.

Ciaran - Irish: Dark or black. Also Kiaran, Kieran, Keiran, Ceiran, Kyran.

Ciro - Persian: Founder of the empire. Also Cyrus, Ciros, Syrus.

Clay - English: From clay.

Cleary - Irish: A scholar.

Cody - English: A pillow.

Cole - English: Dark and swarthy one.

Conall - Celtic: Strong.

Conan - Irish: Wise and intelligent one.

Conn - Irish: A cheif.

Corey - Celtic: In the hollow. Also Kori, Kory, Korey, Cory, Cori.

Crewe - English: A city.

Crispin - Latin: The curly haired one. Also Krispen.

Cristian - Latin: Christs follower. Also Christian, Cristien.

Cristo - Greek: To carry Christ. Also Christo.

Cy - Cyprien: From the Island of Cyprus.

Cyrus - Persian: Founder of the empire. Also Ciro, Ciros, Syrus.


Dacey - Gaelic: A southerner.

Dai - Welsh: From David meaning the beloved one.

Dakota - Nth American Indian: A friend.

Daley - Irish: A councilor.

Damas - Greek: Meaning popular. Also Demas, Darmas, Darmes, Damus.

Damon - Greek: Tame one and a true friend. Also Damyon, Damiano, Damian, Demyan, Demyani.

Dane - English: From the valley. Also Daen, Dain, Daine.

Dante - Italian: Enduring and steadfast.

Darby - Irish: One without envy.

Darcy - French: A place name, also an old Norman surname. Also D'Arcy, Darcey, Darcee, Darsey.

Darien - Greek: Wealthy one. Also Darian.

Darius - Greek: Wealthy. Also Dare, Dair, Dario, Daris.

Darnell - French: The hidden place.

Delmar - Latin: From the ocean.

Demas - Greek: Very popular. Also Damas, Darmas, Darmes, Demus.

Dev - Sanskrit: Like God. Pronounced like (Dave) Also Devi, Daavi, Deva.

Diego - Spanish: From James Hebrew: One who takes anothers place.

Dimitri - Greek: Belonging to the Goddess of Fertility and Mother Earth.

Donato - Latin: A gift from God. Also Donatien, Donatus, Donates.

Drew - Celtic: Son of Druce, also from Andrew Greek: Strong and manly.

Duarte - Portugese: From Edward English: A Wealthy guardian.

Dyami - Nth American Indian: Eagle.

Dyre - Scandinavian: Precious one.


Eaton - English: From an estate by the river.

Edison - English: Son of Edward - meaning: A wealthy guardians son.

Ehren - Teutonic: Honourable one.

Elan - Nth American Indian: Friendly one.

Eli - Hebrew: The highest one, the lord is God. Also Elias, Elijah, Elisha, Ilya.

Ellery - Cornish: A swan.

Emerson - Teutonic: Son of Emery - meaning: An industrious rulers son. Also Emmerson.

Emil - Teutonic: Industrious. Also Emille, Emile.

Emyr - Welsh: Honour. Also Emir.

Ennis - Celtic: From the Island. Also Enys, Enis.

Ephraim - Hebrew: Fruitful one. Also Efrain, Efram, Ephram.

Estes - Italian: From the east. Also Este.

Etienne - French: From stephen Greek: A crown or garland.

Evander - Greek: A good man.

Ezra - Hebrew: The helper. Also Ezrah.


Fabian - Latin: A bean grower. Also Fabien, Fabiene.

Fabrice - Latin: A craftsman.

Fane - English: Eager. Also Fain, Fayne.

Farquhar - Scottish: The dearest one.

Fariss - Gaelic: A rock. Also Ferris.

Favian - Latin: Understanding. Also Favien.

Fenn - English: From the marsh.

Fidel - Latin: Faithful Also Fidele - Italian.

Fineas - Egyptian: Dark skinned one. Hebrew: An oracle. Also Phineas.

Finian - Irish: Fair or white.

Finn - Irish: Fair one.

Flavien - Latin: Golden haired child. Also Flavian.

Frayne - French: The Ash tree.


Gabriel - Hebrew: Man of God. Also Gabriele.

Galen - Greek: The calm one. Also Gailin, Gaelen.

Garek - English: A spear ruler. Also Garrick, Garrek, Garik.

Gaston -French: From Gascony. Also Gaton.

Geary - English: Changable one. Also Gearey.

Germaine - Latin: Little brother. Also Germayne, Germane, Germain, Jermayne, Jermaine, Jermain.

Garvais - Teutonic: A spear servant. Also Jarvis, Jarvase, Jervaise, Garves, Gervase, Gervaise, Garvis.

Gianni - Italian: from John Hebrew: meaning God is gracious.

Giles - Greek: A baby goat. Also Gyles.

Giordano - Italian: from Jordan Hebrew: meaning to flow down. Also Jourdain, Jourdan, Jordan, Joudano,

Jourdano, Jordayn, Jordon.

Girvan - Gaelic: Rough little one.

Grady - Irish: Noble one. Also Gradie.

Graison - English: A bailiffs son. Also Grayson.

Gye - Teutonic: From the woods. Also Guy.


Haine - English: Fenced area. Also Haines, Hayne.

Hakim - Arabic: Wise one. Also Hakeem.

Hakon - Turkish: Noble one. Also Hakin, Hakan, Hakkon, Haken.

Haley - Irish: Ingenious one.

Hamlin - Teutonic: From a small home. Also Hamlyn, Hamelin, Hamlen.

Hamon - Greek: Faithful one. Also Haamon, Hammon.

Hanan - Hebrew: A gift from God.

Hani - Arabic: Contented.

Hannes - Dutch: from John Hebrew: Meaning God is gracious. Also Johannes, Haanes, Hans.

Harlan - English: From the rocklands. Also Harlin.

Harper - English: Harp crafter.

Harvae - French: Worthy of battle. Also Herve, Harvey.

Hasim - Arabic: The decisive one. Also Hacin, Hasin, Hasen, Hasem.

Hassan - Arabic: The handsome one. Also Hasan, Hasaan.

Haven - English: A place of peace.

Heath - English: From the heath.

Hemi - Maori: From James Hebrew: One who takes anothers place.

Howell - Cornish: The eminent one. Also Hywell.

Hume - English: The river island.

Hunter - English: A huntsman.

Hyam - Hebrew: life. Also Chaim

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Baby Boys Names I - R


Iago - Spanish: From James Hebrew: One who takes anothers place.

Iden - English: Prosperous.

Ihaka - Maori: From Issac Hebrew: Laughter.

Innes - Celtic: From the Island.

Ira - Hebrew: Vigilant one.

Issac - Hebrew: Laughter. Also Isaak.

Isaiah - Hebrew: God is my salvation.

Israel - Hebrew: Gods soldier.

Ives - English: The little archer. Also Yves.


Jacek - Polish: A flower.

Jael - Hebrew: To ascend.

Jai - Sanskrit: Victorious one.

Jaleel - Arabic: Majestic one. Also Jalil.

Jamal - Arabic: The handsome one. Also Jamahl, Jamaal.

Jaron - Hebrew: To sing.

Javed - Persian: Eternal.

Jervase - Teutonic: A spear servant. Also Jarvis, Jervaise, Garves, Gervase, Gervais, Garvis.

Jesse - Hebrew: God's Gift. Also Jessie, Jessi, Jezi, Jessey

Jett - Latin: Ablack decoration. Also Jet.

Joachim - Hebrew: Established by God. Also Akim, Joaquin, Jochim, Hoakin.

Jourdan - Hebrew: Flowing down. Also Jordan, Jordaan, Jordon, Jourdayn, Jourdain.


Kadir - Arabic: Powerful one. Also Qadir.

Kamal - Arabic: Perfect one. Also Kamahl.

Kane - Irish: Warlike one. Also Kain, Kayne.

Karan - Sanskrit: A warrior.

Kareem - Arabic: Generous noble one. Also Karim.

Kasim - Arabic - Also Qasim.

Kavan - Irish: The handsome one. Also Cavan.

Keane - English - Handsome and bold. Also Kean, Keen, Kein, Keene.

Keenan - Irish: Ancient and little.

Kelan - Irish: Slender one.

Kent - Celtic: Bright and white.

Kerne - Irish: The little dark one. Also Kern.

Khalil - Arabic: A friend. also Kalil, Kaleel.

Kieran - Irish: Dark black. Also Ciaran, Keiran, Kyran.

Killian - Irish: Little and warlike.

Kim - Vietnamese: The golden one.

Kinnard - Irish: From the high hills.

Kinsey - English: A victorious prince.

Kiran - Sanskrit: A ray of light.

Kito - Swahili: A gem.

Kolya - Russian: From Nicholas Greek: meaning victory of man. Also Kolja.

Kyne - English: Royal.


Lachlan - Scottish: From the lochlands.

Lafayette - French: Faith.

Lal - Sanskrit: The beloved one.

Lamar - Teutonic: Famous one.

Lamech - Hebrew: Strong and powerful one.

Lamont - French: The mountain.

Laine - English: The narrow road. Also Lane, Layne, Lain, Layn.

Lani - Polynesian: The sky.

Lann - Celtic: A sword.

Lars - Scandinavian: From Laurence Latin: From the laurel tree.

Leal - Teutonic: One who brings joy.

Leif -Norse: Beloved one.

Lennon - Irish: A little cloak.

Lennox - Scottish: A district.

Levin - Russian: From Leo Latin: Lion hearted. Also Leo, Lev, Leon.

Levi - Hebrew: United.

Linton - English: Flax cutter. Also Lynton, Lyntone.

Lorant - Hungarian: From Roland Teutonic: from the famed land.

Lorenzo - Spanish: From Laurence Latin: From the laurel tree.

Lorne - Scottish: A placename.

Lucian - Latin: Light. Also Lucan, Lucien, Lucio, Luciano.


Madoc - Welsh: Fortunate.

Mahir - Hebrew: Industrious one. Also Maheer.

Mahon - Irish: The bear.

Makani -Hawaiian: The wind.

Makis - Greek: from Michael Hebrew: Of and like the Lord.

Maksim - Latin: The greatest.

Malachi - Hebrew: A messenger of God. Also Malachai, Malachy.

Malik - Arabic: A king or ruler. Also Malic.

Malin - English: A little warrior.

Malise - Scottish: A servant of the Lord.

Manas - Scottish: from Magnus Latin: The greatest.

Manaia - Maori: Sea horse.

Mani - Sanskrit: A jem or jewel.

Manu - Polynesian: A bird.

Marcello - Italian: from Markus Latin: From the God of war Mars.

Marius - Latin: Virile one.

Marley - English: A land near lakes.

Marlon - French: A Hawk.

Mason - French: From a stone mason.

Massimo - Latin: The greatest.

Matai - Maori: To lookout.

Mayan - American Indian: The name of a great spiritual tribe.

Mayer - Hebrew: One who gives light. Also Meir, Meyer.

Melor - Celtic: A placename. Also Mylor.

Mercer - French: A merchant.

Micah - Hebrew: Like the Lord.

Midas - Greek: A mythical king, everything he touched turned to gold.

Milan - Czech/Slovanic: The favoured and beloved one.

Miles - Latin: A soldier.

Milos - Czech: The favoured one.

Mischa - Russian: From Michael Hebrew: Of and like the Lord.

Myall - Hebrew: Like the Lord.

Myron - Greek: An arromatic and fragrant.


Naaman - Hebrew: Pleasant one.

Nadir - Arabic: The precious rare one. Also Nadeer.

Nairn - Scottish: A placename.

Namir - Hebrew: Like a leopard or big cat.

Narayn - Sanskrit: The son of man. Also Narayan, Narain, Narayne.

Nasir - Arabic: The helpful one. Also Nassar, Naseer.

Niall - Irish: The champion. Also Nyall.

Nico - Italian: From Nicholas Greek: The victory of man. Also Italian:Nicolo, Russian:Nikolai, Greek: Nikos.

Nikita - Russian: The unconquerable one.

Nils - Swedish: From Nicholas Greek: The victory of man.

Niran - Thai: Eternal one.

Nishan - Armenian: A sign. Also Nisharn.

Nur - Hebrew: Fire..

Nye - Welsh: Truely golden. Also Aneurin.

Nyall - Irish: The champion. Also Niall.


Omar - Arabic: Long lived.

Oran - Irish: Of pale skin.

Orion - Greek: The son of light. Also Orian.

Orlando - Italian: from Roland Teutonic: from a famed land. Spanish: From the land of gold.

Orton - English: From the farm.


Paige - French: A young attendant. Also Page.

Paine - French: A man from the country. Also Payne.

Paris - Greek: From a mythological persons name.

Parker - English: Park-keeper.

Pascal - Latin: Born at Easter time. Also Paschal, Pasquale, Pasqual.

Payton - English: From a warriors farmland.

Pearce - Danish: from Peter Greek: A stone or rock. Italian: Pierce, Piero, Also Piers, Pietro.

Perry - English: From a pear tree. Also Peri.

Phelan - Irish: Brave as a wolf. Also Felan, Phaelan.

Philemon - Greek: Loving one. Also Filamon.

Phineas - Eqyptian: The dark skinned one. Hebrew: An oracle. Also Fineas.

Phoenix - Greek: A mythical bird that rose from its ashes.

Pearson - English: A son of Peter.


Qadir - Arabic: pronounced Kadir. Meaning, Powerful one. Also Qadere, Kadeer, Kadere.

Qasim - Arabic: pronounced Kasim. Meaning, One who shares everything. Also Qaseem, Kaseem.

Quillan - Irish: A baby cub.

Quilliam - Gaelic: From William Teutonic: A strong protector.

Quincy - Latin: From the fifth son.

Quinlan - Irish: Athletic Build.

Quinn - Irish: Wise and intelligent.


Rafe - English: from Ralph meaning a strong and galant advisor.

Rafferty - Irish: The prosperous one.

Rafi -Arabic: The exalted one.

Rafiq - Arabic: A good friend.

Rainer - French: from Rayner German: meaning a wise warrior. Also Rainier, Raynar, Raniero, Rainer.

Ramiro - Spanish: The advisor.

Rasheed - Arabic: The well informed and guided one. Also Rashid.

Ravi - Sanskrit: From the sun.

Reeve - English: A steward or helper.

Reid - English: Red haired one. Also Reade, Reede.

Regan - Irish: A descendant of a king. Also Reagan.

Reilly - Irish: Valiant one. Also Riley.

Remy - French: An oarsman. Also Remi.

Renato - Italian: To be reborn.

Renzo - Italian: from Laurance Latin: meaning from the laurel tree.

Riordan - Irish: A poet of royalty. Also Reardon, Rierdon.

Roarke - Irish: A famous ruler. Also Rorke, Rourke.

Rocco - Teutonic: One who rests.

Rohan - Sanskrit: Ascending. Also Rohaan.

Roman - Latin: From Rome.

Ronan - Irish: A small sealion.

Rory - Irish: The red king. Also Rori, Rorie.

Roshan - Persian: Splendid one who gives light.

Royce - English: The son of a king.

Rune - Norse: Secret one.

Ryder - English: A knight

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Baby Boys Names S - Z


Sabian - Latin: From Sabine a city in Italy.

Sacha - Russian: from Alexander Greek: meaning the Protector of mankind. Also Sascha.

Sage - French: Wise one.

Saleem - Arabic: Secure one. Also Salim.

Sancho - Spanish: Truthful sincere one.

Sandor - Hungarian: from Alexander Greek: meaning the Protector of mankind.

Santos - Spanish: Saintly.

Saul - Hebrew: Prayed for.

Saviero - Italian: from Xavier Arabic: meaning Bright one.

Saville - French: From the estate.

Saxton - English: From the sword people.

Sayed -Arabic: The lord and master. Also Sayid, Sayeed, Seyed.

Sebastian - Latin: From Sebasta. Also the name of a Saint. Also Seb,Sebastiano, Sebastien, Sevastian, Sebastyen, Bastien, Bastian.

Semyon - Russian: from Simon Hebrew: meaning the listener. Also Simion, Simeon, Zimon, Semion.

Seth - Herbrew: The appointed one.

Severn - English: from the river.

Shae - Irish: Stately one. Also Shea, Shay.

Shakir - Arabic: Grateful one. Also Shakur.

Sharif - Arabic: Honourable one.

Sheehan - Irish: Peaceful one.

Shen - Chinese: Thinking one.

Sheridan - Irish: The wild one.

Shiloh - Hebrew: The place of resting.

Sloane - Irish: The warrior. Also Sloan.

Sol - Latin: The sun.

Soren - Latin: Stern one.

Steele - English: Like the metal steel hard and strong.

Steede - Danish: Steadfast. Also Steed.

Sumner - French: One that summons.

Swayne - Norse: Youthful one. Also Swaine.


Tahir - Arabic: Pure and virtuous one. Also Taheer, Tahere.

Tai - Vietnamese: One with talent. Tye - English: From the enclosure.

Tait - Norse: The cheerful one.

Tanner - English: A tanner.

Tariq - Arabic: Night visitor.

Tarn - Norse: A mountain pool.

Tarquin - Latin: A Roman kings name.

Tarun - Sanskrit: Young tender one.

Tashi - Tibetan: Prosperous one.

Tehan - Cornish: A place in Scilly. Also Tean.

Thane - Scottish: Leader of a clan. Also Thayne, Thaine.

Theon - Greek: Of God.

Thierry - French: From Terrance Latin: Smooth polished one.

Tierney - Irish: A Lord. Also Tiernan.

Timon - Greek: An honour. Also Tymon.

Tobias - Hebrew: God is good.

Torin - Gaelic: The cheif. Also Toren, Toryn.

Travis - French: The crossroads.

Tremaine - Cornish: From the rocky place. Also Tremayne, Tremain.

Tynan - Gaelic: The dark one.

Tyne - English: From the river.

Tyson - French: A branding tool.


Ultan - Irish: An old surname.

Upton - English: From the upper town.

Uriah - Hebrew: God is light.

Urian - Welsh: One of priviledged birth. Also Urien.


Vachel - French: A baby cow.

Valentino - Latin: Strong and healthy.

Valerian - Latin: Strong and powerful.

Valles - French: From Wales. Also Vallis.

Van - Dutch: Meaning Of.

Varden - French: From the green hills.

Varian - Latin: Changable one.

Varick - Teutonic: A protective ruler.

Vartan - Armenian: A rose.

Venn - English: From the fen.

Vere - Latin: Faithful and loyal one.

Vidal - Latin: Lively one. Also Vidas, Vitale.

Vidas - Latin: Life and lively. Also Vitale, Vidal.

Vidya - Sanskrit: Knowledge.

Vijay - Sanskrit: Strong and victorious.

Vitale - Latin: Lively one. Also Vidas, Vidal.

Vyasa - Sanskrit: The one who arranges.


Wade - English: From the river crossing.

Waite - English: A guard.

Weston - English: From the west.

Willard - English: Very brave.

Wren - English: A little bird.


Xavier - Arabic: Bright one.

Xylon - Greek: From the forrest.


Yael - Hebrew: A wild goat. Also Yale, Yaile.

Yannis - Greek: from John Hebrew: God is gracoius.

Yasir - Arabic: Wealthy one. Also Yasar.

Yeshe - Tibetan: The wise one.

Yves - French: The little archer.


Zahir - Arabic: Shining radiant one. Also Zaheer.

Zaki - Arabic: Pure one.

Zamir - Hebrew: A singing bird.

Zaine - Greek: from John Hebrew: God is gracious. Also Zayne, Zane, Zain.

Zed - Hebrew: The justice of the Lord.

Zeke - Hebrew: The strength of God.

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Bibilical baby boys names with origins and meanings, who is biblical names, a who is of biblical names


Aaron - Enlightened one, the older brother of Moses, the first high priest of Israel

Abednego - One of Daniel's three companions Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Abel - Vanity, Son of Adam, murdered by his brother Cain

Abiram - A Reubenite who along with his brother Dathan and the Levite Korah rebelled against Moses

Abishai - Nephew of David, his brothers were Asahel and Joab

Abraham - Father of a multitude, the first man to receive the promise from God that all the world would be blessed by one of his descendants, same as Abram

Absalom - Father of peace, son of King David that tried to take his throne, but was killed

Achish - The King of Gath, provided place of refuge for David when Saul was after him

Adam - A man of the red earth and the first man

Ahab - Uncle, Seventh King of Israel, a very bad King married to Jezebel, father of Queen Athaliah

Ahaziah - Jehovah seizes or the Lord takes, Two in the bible firstly the son of Ahab, and the other was the son of Jehoram, the sixth King of Judah reigned only for a year

Agrippa - King of Judea before whom Paul appeared

Agabus - A Jerusalem prophet that predicted a great dearth and Paul's arrest

Amon - Builder, the fifteenth king of Judah, son of Mannasseh, reigned for two years

Amram - The husband of Jochebed, the father of Moses, Aaron and Miriam

Ananias - A Christian that helped Paul at Damascus, the other died for lying to God and the third was a Jewish high priest that tried Paul

Andrew - Manly, courageous, one of the Christs disciples and the brother of Peter

Aquila - An Eagle, Co-worker of Paul

Aristarchus - One of Paul's traveling companions who accompanied him from Jerusalem to Rome

Arphaxad - Son of Shem and the grandson of Noah

Asahel - Nephew of David, killed by Abner, avenged by Joab his brother, his other brother was Abishai

Asher - Happy and fortunate, Born by Leah's handmaid Zilpah younger brother of Gad, Eigth son of Jacob had a long line of decendants the Asherites

Barnabas - Son of Consolation, one of the first missionaries that accompanied Paul

Bartholomew - Of the hill, the son of Tolmai and an apostle of Jesus, also called Nathanael, Nathaniel

Benammi - Son of Lot by his youngest daughter, became father of the Ammonites

Benjamin - Son of the right hand, The youngest of the 12 sons of Jacob, second born son of Rachel, his brother was Joseph, his grandfather was Isaac

Boaz - Lively or eager, married to Ruth, great grandfather of King David

Cain - Possessor, firstborn son of Adam and Eve, he murdered his brother Abel

Cainan - Two in the bible one was the son of Enos and great grandson of Adam also known as Kenan. The other was the son of Arphaxad and great grandson of Noah

Caleb - The devoted one, one of the twelve Israelite spies that reported good

Chileab - Protected by the father, second son of David and Abigail, also known as Daniel

Claudius - The Roman centurian that arrested Paul in Jerusalem

Core - Korah, Baldness, grandson of Kohath, challenged the authority of Moses and was killed by God

Cornelius - A Godly Roman Centurion

Cyrus - King of Persia that conquered Babylon and Syria, he let Israelite exiles return to rebuild Jerusalem

Dan - The fifth of the Jacob's twelve sons, firstborn son of Bilhah who was Rachaels handmaid. The land of Dan was very extensive

Daniel - As God is my judge, two biblical Daniels one was carried captive into Babylon, forever faithful to God and fought the lions and has the biblical book of Daniel his story and visions. The second is a son of David and Abigail, also called Chileab

Darius - Median King of Persia that emancipated Israel

Dathan - A Reubenite who along with his brother Abiram and the Levite Korah rebelled against Moses

David - The beloved and adored one, second King of Israel, son of Jesse, reigned for forty years, had twenty sons and one of them was King Solomon. He was married to Bathsheba

Demas - Co-worker of Paul

Didymus - Twin, Also known as Thomas the doubting disciple

Eden - Paradise, Adam and Eve (mankinds) first home

Eli - Lifting up, the High Priest that Hannah brought Samuel to

Eliab - David's eldest brother

Eliakim - Jehovah will rise, King of Judah, son of Josiah, was carried to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, also Jehoiakim

Elias - or Elijah, My God is Jehovah the famous prophet who confronted the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel

Elijah - or Elias, My God is Jehovah the famous prophet who confronted the prophets of Baal

Elisha - My God is salvation, the prophet that took the place of Elijah

Eliezer - God is my help, second son of Moses and Zipporah, father of Rehabiah

Elimelech - Naomi's husband, father in law of Ruth

Emmanuel - or Immanuel, God is with Us, a child prophesied by Isaiah as a deliverer of Judah

Enoch - Dedicated, son of Jared, father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God he did not die and went straight to heaven in a chariot

Enos - Son of Seth, father of Cainan

Ephraim - Although the second of Joseph's two sons, he was blessed as firstborn by Jacob, his brother is Manasseh and his mother is Asenath who was given to Joseph by Pharoah

Ephron - Sold Abraham the land where he could bury his wife Sarah

Esau - Hairy, firstborn son of Isaac and Rebekah, Esau was Jacob's older brother and he sold his birthright to Jacob, also called Edom he was the grandson of Abraham and Sarah

Epaphras - A companion of Paul

Epaphroditus - Handsome, a companion of Paul

Esaias - also known as Isaiah - Salvation of Jehovah, a great prophet of Israel, prophecised many times regarding the coming Christ, the bible book of Isaiah tells his writings

Ethan - Strong and firm man

Ezra - The helper, A hebrew priest and scribe that returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple His story is in the bible the book of Ezra

Felix - Happy one, a Roman governor of Judea, who sent Paul to Rome, married to Drusilla

Gabriel - God is my strength, Archangle that told Mary she was to have a son who would be the Christ

Gad - Born by Leah's handmaid Zilpah brother of Asher, His father is Jacob

Gaius - I am glad, one of Paul's companions

Gamaliel - Gift of God, a Jewish doctor of the law, teacher of Paul

Gershom - Stranger there, a son of Moses and Zipporah

Gideon - The mighty warrior, a judge of Israel that asked God for a sign

Ham - Son of Noah

Hamaan - Splendid, the bad man in the bible book of Esther, also known as Haman

Haran - Father of Lot, brother of Abraham

Herod - There were at least five Herod's mentioned in the bible one murdered the babies, one killed John the Baptist, and the other killed James and arrested Peter, and was eventually killed by an angel of the Lord. The last Herod actually listened to Pauls plea when he had been arrested and was nearly in his favour

Hiram - Exalted, The king of Tyre he helped King David to build his palace

Hobab - Beloved one, son of Jethro, the father in law of Moses

Hosea - or Hoshea, Deliverance and God is salvation, a prophet and the last King of Israel

Hur - The man that stood with Aaron to hold up Moses hands when Israel was fighting the Amelekites

Immanuel - or Emmanuel, God is with Us, a child prophesied by Isaiah as a deliverer of Judah

Isaac - Happiness and laughter, the laughing one, Son of Abraham and Sarah, husband of Rebekah and father of Jacob and Esau

Isaiah - Salvation of Jehovah, a great prophet of Israel, prophecised many times regarding the coming Christ, the bible book of Isaiah tells his writings, also Esaias

Issachar - The nineth son of Jacobs twelve sons, the fifth son of Leah

Ishmael - God shall hear, Son of Abraham and Hagar, Ishmael had twevle sons

Jachin -Firm, fourth son of Simeon, Grandparents were Jacob and Leah

Jacob - Held by the heel, Supplanter. The second son of Isaac and Rebekah that stole his brother's birthright and became the patriarch of the nation Israel, Jacob had twelve sons and was grandson of Abraham and Sarah

Jambres - One of the magicians that confronted Moses

James - The brother of Christ

Jannes - One of the magicians that confronted Moses

Japheth - Son of Noah

Jair - A judge of Israel for twenty two years

Jairus - Ruler of a synagogue, Jesus raised his child to life

Jared - A dove, Father of Enoch, son of Mahalaleel, lived 962 year

Jehoiakim - Jehovah will rise, King of Judah, son of Josiah, was carried to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, also Eliakim

Jephthae - He opens, The son of Gilead, a judge, deliverer of Israel, also Jephthah

Jeremiah - Exalted of God, a great prophet of Judah, the bible book of Jeremiah is his writings

Jesse - God's gift, the father of David

Joab - Jehovah is father, Commander of David's army

Joash - or Jehoash, there are two in the bible, Son of Ahaziah the eigth King of Judah who reigned for forty years and the other was the twelveth King of Israel

Job - Persecuted, loyal to God and Job was tested by Satan, the book of Job his story

Joel - Jehovah is God, two Joels in the bible, one was a prophet and the bible book of Joel is his message, the other was Samuel's first son

John - God is gracious, Three Johns in the bible one of the 12 apostles of Christ and writer of the gospel John and I,II,III John.

John Mark - young man that traveled with Paul on mission trips and John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ

Jonah - A man of peace the dove

Jonathan - God given, son of Saul, loyal friend to David

Joseph - God shall add or Increase, Three Josephs in the bible one was Husband of Mary the mother of Jesus. Another was Benjamins brother Joseph the eleventh son of Jacob but firstborn son of Rachel, who was sold as a slave by his brothers and became dream interpreter to Pharoah, his grandfather was Isaac. The last Joseph was elected to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the 12 apostles

Josiah - Jehovah heals, son of Amon, the sixteenth King of Judah, one of the best Kings of Judah

Joshua - God is salvation, successor to Moses

Jethro - Excellence, Father- in- law of Moses, father of Zipporah. A priest of Midian, also known as Reuel

Jonah - or Jonas, Dove, He was a reluctant self centred missionary, who was caught in the belly of a whale for three days,the biblical book of Jonah is his story

Judas - Two Judas' in the bible, one the brother of James and the disciple of Christ whom betrayed Christ, the other was Judas of Galilee, a revolutionary that was killed

Judah -Praise, Son of Leah and Jacob fourth of the twelves sons of Jacob, Judah had five sons Pharez, Zarah, Carmi, Hur and Shobal and was married to Tamar

Julius - The kind centurion soldier responsible for escorting Paul to Rome

Justus - A fellow worker of Paul

Kohath - Grandfather of Korah

Korah - Baldness, grandson of Kohath, challenged the authority of Moses and was killed by God

Laban - Father of Leah

Lamech - Son of Methuselah, father of Noah

Lazarus - Help of God, Two in the bible one was a friend of Jesus' that was raised from the dead the other was a leper

Levi - Associated, third son of Jacobs twelve, last son of Leah's four sons, his sisters were Zebulan and Dinah

Lot -Covering, Abraham's nephew whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back

Luke - Luminous, A physician and the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts was written by him

Mahalaleel - Father of Jared, grandfather of Enoch

Manasseh - Two in the bible one was the brother of Ephraim, his mother was Asenath who was given to Joseph by Pharoah he is the son of Joseph, the other was the fourteenth King of Judah and son of Hezekiah

Manoah - The father of Samson

Mark - Polite or shining, or Mars God of war, John Mark, who traveled with Paul and Barnabas,

writer of the gospel Mark

Matthew - A gift of God, Levi, an apostle of Christ and writer of the gospel Matthew

Matthias - An apostle chosen to replace Judas Iscariot

Medan - His mother was Ketura a concubine of Abraham who later married her

Merari - Third son of Levi

Meshach - Hebrew name was Mishael, one of the three friends of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Methuselah - Son of Enoch, the oldest man to have ever lived, he died at 969 years old

Micah - Like the Lord, a prophet and the bible book of Micah that was written by him

Micaiah - A prophet that prophesied against King Ahab

Michal - A brook. A biblical name

Michael - Like the Lord and archangel

Midian - Son of Abraham and Keturah

Mishael - Hebrew for Meshach friend of Daniel

Mnason - Paul's host on his way to Jerusalem

Mordecai - Consecrated to Merodach, a captive Jew, a relative of Esther, he raised her

Moses - Drawn forth, leader that led the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage

Naboth - Owner of a vineyard that Ahab wanted, so wicked Jezebel had him killed

Nahum - Comforter A minor prophet, and a book that records his vision

Naaman - A Syrian captain healed of leprosy by God through Elisha

Naphtali - The sixth of Jacob's twelve sons and second son of Bilhah

Nathan - Gift of God a prophet, Son of David and Bathsheba, his brothers were King Solomon, Shobab and Shimea

Nathaniel - or Nathanael the son of Tolmai and an apostle of Jesus, also called Bartholomew

Nicolas - The victory of the people,

Noah - Rest or peace, Noah obeyed God and built an ark he lived for 950 years

Obed - A son of Boaz and Ruth, grandfather of king David

Obededom - The owner of the land where David left the Ark of the Covenant before bringing it to Jerusalem.

Og - King of Bashan, defeated by the Israelites under Moses

Paul - Small or little, the Roman name for Saul, an Apostle, a great missionary Saul was the name of the Apostle Paul before he was converted

Peter - A stone or rock, Simon Peter, an apostle of Jesus and brother of Andrew or Peter one of Christ brothers

Pharez - or Phares, Son of Judah, grandson of Jacob, twin brother to Zarah and father of Hezron

Philip - A lover of horses, an Apostle of Jesus Christ

Philemon - Owner of the slave Onesimus, A short letter written by Paul to a Christian at Colassae, and the other was the evil son of Eli the priest

Phinehas - Mouth of a serpent, two in the bible, one was a high priest and son of Eleazar

Rehabiah - Moses and Zipporah were grandparents, father was Eliezer

Reuben - Behold a son the first, The First son of Jacob's twelve sons and firstborn son of Leah's four

Reuel - Also known as Jethro, Father- in- law of Moses, father of Zipporah. A priest of Midian

Samson - Sun man, an Israelite judge and Nazarite that had the most amazing strength

Samuel - Asked of God, Samuel was dedicated to God as a little boy, He later became one of the greatest prophets of Israel

Saul - Asked of God or Asked for, two Saul's in the bible. One was the first king of all Israel the other was the name of the Apostle Paul before he was converted

Sem - also known as Shem, son of Noah and the father of Arphaxad

Seth - The appointed one,the third son of Adam and Eve, father of Enos, also see Sheth

Shadrach - Commander of the God of the moon, a Hebrew captive and one of Daniel's three companions,Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Shem - Also known as Sem, son of Noah and father to Arphaxad

Sheth - The appointed one, the third son of Adam and Eve, father of Enos, also see Seth

Shiloh - Peaceful one, or Messiah, also a City of Ephraim site of the Ark of the Covenant

Shimea - King David's brother and David also called one of his sons to Bathsheda Shimea, his brothers were King Solomon, Shobab, Nathan

Shimei - Cursed David but Solomon avenged

Shobab - Son of David and Bathsheba, his brothers were King Solomon, Nathan, Shimea

Sihon - King of the Amorites, defeated by Israel under Moses

Silas - Belonging to a wood, also Silvanus, accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey

Silvanus - accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey called Silas

Simeon - Hearing or a crown or garland, two Simeons in the bible one was the second son of Jacob's twelve and Leahs second son. The other Simeon was a devout man who blessed Christ at the temple

Simon - Hearing, there were about nine Simons in the bible, one was Jesus brother

Sisera - A general of Jabin's army, killed by the woman Jael

Solomon - Peaceful one, The son of David and Bathsheba, third King of all Israel, given the greatest wisdom and wealth by God, his brothers were Shimea, Shobab, Nathan

Stephen - Crown, One of the seven Deacons that was killed for his belief in God

Thaddaeus - Son of heart, an apostle of Christ

Timothy - Honoring God, a friend converted to Christianity by Paul, accompanied Paul on many occasions,and Paul's letters to him

Titus - Pleasant, a Gentile traveling companion of Paul

Thomas -One of the 12 apostles that doubted Christ, doubting Thomas also known as Didymus

Tychicus - Fate, a companion of Paul

Uriah - God is my light, husband of Bethsheba, one of David's fighting men that David had murdered so he caould marry her

Zacharias -or Zachariah, Remembered by the Lord father of John the Baptist, married to Elizabeth

Zadok - The high priest of David and Solomon's time

Zarah - or Zareh -Twin brother of Pharez, son of Judah and Tamar

Zebedee - Gift of God, father of James and John, husband of Salome

Zebulan - The tenth son of Leah and Jacob, brother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Dinah, half brother to Asher and Gad who were born by Leahs handmaid Zilpah



Aaliya - Arabic: Sublime exalted one. Hebrew: To Acend. Also spelt Alia, Aalija, Aaliyah, Aliya, Alea, Aleah.

Acacia - Greek: Named after the thorn tree. Also spelt Acatia, Acasha.

Adalia - Hebrew: In God is my refuge. Also spelt Adalea.

Adara - Arabic: Virginal. Greek: Beauty.

Ainslie - English: A wood. Also spelt Ainsley, Ainslea, Anslea, Ainslee, Ainsleigh.

Aisha - Arabic: Life. Also spelt Ayesha, Ayisha.

Alatea - Spanish: Truth. Also spelt Alatya.

Aleka - Greek: Helper of mankind. Also spelt Alika.

Allira - Aboriginal: Gem.

Allegra - Italian: Cheerful. Spanish: Happy and joyful. Also Alegra, Alegria, Allegria.

Amani - Arabic: An aspiration.

Amaris - Hebrew: Gods promise.

Amber - Arabic: Gem.

Amae - Old French: Beloved. Also Amay, Ame, Amia, Aimee, Amy.

Amalie - German: To strive. Also Amelea - French. Amelia - English. Amalita - Spanish. Amalina - Italian.

Anais - Greek: Pure.

Andras - Norwegian: Breath.

Aneira - Welsh: Golden. Also Anera, Anira, Anyra.

Anya - Hebrew: Favoured by God. Anica - Italia. Anuschka - Russia. Hannah, Hania - Polish.

Arcadia - Greek: Greek region of Arcady.

Ardis - Latin: Warm or enthusiastic one.

Argenta - Latin: Silver one.

Aria - Latin: A beautiful melody.

Ariane - Greek: The holy one. Also Ariana.

Ariel - Hebrew: Gods lioness. Also Arielle, Arial.

Artemis - Greek: Perfect.

Asha - Sanskrit: Hope.

Ashira - Hebrew: Wealthy.

Atiya - Arabic: A gift. Also Atija, Atea, Atiyah, Aatiya.

Azaria - Hebrew: Helped by god. Also Azariah, Azeria, Zaria.

Azura - Persian: Blue sky.


Basia - Polish: The stranger

Beau - French: Beautiful. Also spelt Bo.

Bena - Hebrew: The wise one.

Bian - Vietnamese: Secret. Also spelt Bianne, Biann, Biarn.

Blaine - Irish: Slender. Also spelt Blane, Blayne.

Brea - Celtic: Honourable and noble. Also Bree, Brie, Bria, Brianna.

Briana - Celtic: Honourable and noble. Also Bryanne, Bryana, Brianne, Brienna, Brea.

Briar - English: Thorny.

Bronte - English: Surname of novelists.

Bronya - Slavonic: Protection. Also Bronja, Bronia.

Bryony - Greek: A Plant. Briony, Bryonia.


Cadene - Latin: Rhythmic. Also Cadence, Cadena, Cadenza, Cadeane, Kadene.

Cailin - Irish: A girl. Also Caylin, Kailin.

Caja - Cornish: A daisy. Also Caya, Kaja, Kaya.

Caley - Irish: Slender. Also Calie, Kaley.

Calista - Greek: The most beautiful one. Caliste, Calliste, Kalista.

Candra - Latin: Luminescent. Kandra.

Capri - Italian: An Island.

Caprice - Italian: Unpredictable.

Carita - Latin: Loving and benevolent. Irish: A friend. Cornish: Love. Cara - Italian: The beloved one. Also Carine, Kareen, Careeta, Karita.

Carey - Celtic: From the river. Also Carie, Kari.

Cassia - Hebrew: From the tree.

Celeste - Latin: Heavenly. Also Celesta, Celestine.

Ceres - Latin: Goddess of corn.

Cerise - French: Cherry red. Also Cherise.

Chandra - Sanskrit: The shining moon.

Charis - Greek: The graceful one. Karis, Caris.

Charity - Latin: Loving and benevolent. Also Carita, Charita, Caritas, Cherry.

Chiara - Italian: Clare from the Latin: Bright and famous.

Ciara - Irish: An Irish saint. Also Kiara.

Ciera - Irish: Dark, black. Also Kiera, Keera.

Cressida - Greek: The golden one. Also, Cressa, Kresida, Kresia.


Dacey - Gaelic: The southerner. Also Dacy, Daci, Dacie.

Dacia - Greek: An ancient country.

Dae - Korean: Destined for greatness.

Dai - Japanese: Great one.

Damaris - Greek: Gentle one.

Damiane - Greek: Tame. Also Damiana.

Damita - Spanish: Little noble one.

Danae - Greek: A mother from Greek mythology. Also Danay, Denay.

Danika - Slavonic: The morning star. Also Danica.

Daria - Greek: Wealthy. Also Darea, Darya, Darja, Daris, Darie.

Dechen - Tibetan: Health and happiness.

Demi - Latin: Half.

Deni - French: Lover of wine. Also Denny, Dennie, Deny.

Destry - French: An old surname.

Deva - Sanskrit: A Goddess.

Devika - Sanskrit: Little Godess.

Dido - Greek: The name of a Queen.

Dimity - Greek: Material.

Drew - Greek: Strong.


Edana - Gaelic: Fiery. Also Eidann, Eidana.

Eden - Hebrew: Place of immense pleasure.

Edrea - English: Prosperous and powerful.

Eithne - Irish: Ardent and fiery. Also Ethene, Ethna, Ethne.

Electra - Greek: Brilliant. Also Elektra.

Eliane - Latin: Sun. Also Eliana, Elian, Elianne.

Elysia - Latin: Blissful. Also Elytia, Elisha.

Etain - Irish: Shining brightly. Also Etainne.


Fabienne - French: Bean farmer. Also Fabia, Fabiana.

Fabriane - Latin: Resourceful one. Also Fabrianna, Fabrianne, Fabrienne.

Faine - English: Joyful. Also Faina, Fayne, Fayna, Fayn.

Fern - English: Plant. Also Fearne, Ferne.

Freya - Norse: Lady. Scandinavian: Goddess of love. Also Freja, Freia.


Gaia - Greek: Godess of the earth . Also Gaea, Gaya, Gaja.

Gemina - Greek: Twin.

Genesia - Latin: Newcomer. Also Genetia, Genisha, Jenesia, Jenetia, Jenisha.

Geneva - French: Lady of the people. Also Geneve, Genevieve, Genevra.

Gianne - Italian: From Jane. Hebrew: God is gracious. Also Gianna, Giane.

Giselle - Teutonic: Pledge. Also Gislain, Ghislain, Gisela, Gizelle.


Hanan - Arabic: The tender affectionate one. Also Hannan, Hanen.

Hanne - German: From Jane. Hebrew: God is gracious. Also Hanni, Hani.

Hasina - Swahili: Good one.

Havana - Spanish: Name of a city.

Haya - Hebrew: Life. Also Haja, Hayat, Hajat.

Hedia - Greek: To please. Also Hedea.

Helea - Greek: The sun. Also Helia.

Helika - Greek: A spiral. Also Helica, Helicia, Helitia, Helisha, Helice.

Hera - Latin: Queen.

Hermione - Greek: Messenger of Gods. Also Hermina, Herminia, Hermia.

Hide - Japanese: Excellent, plentiful. Also Hidae, Hydae, Hydee.

Hoku - Polynesian: Star.

Hoshi - Japanese: Star


Ianthe - Greek: A flower. Also Iantha, Ianthina, Iolanthe.

Ilayne - Greek: From Helen meaning - Light of the sun. Also Ilain, Elaine, Yelena, Jelena, Ileana, Laine.

Ileana - Romainian: From Greek Helen meaning - Light of the sun. Also Ilain, Elaine, Yelena, Jelena, Ileana.

Iman - Arabic: Believer in God. Also Eman, Emann, Imaan.

Inari - Finnish: A lake.

Inas - Polynesian: Wife of the moon.

India - India: The country.

Indira - Sanskrit: Wife of an ancient God.

Ione - Greek: A beautiful stone.

Isra - Arabic: Journey by night. Thai: Freedom.


Jael - Hebrew: Wild goat. Also Yael, Yaelle, Yale.

Jamal - Arabic: Comely one.

Jamila - Arabic: Beautiful. Also Jameela, Jamilah.

Jana - Polish: Form of Jane - Hebrew: God is Gracious. Also Yana.

Jarah - Hebrew: Honey. Also Jarrah, Jara, Jarra.

Jett - Latin: Black

Joelle - French: The Lord is God. Also Jo Elle, Joell.

Jordaine - Hebrew: Flowing down. Also Jordan, Jordane, Jordana, Jordyn.

Jonquil - Latin: Flower or reed.

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Baby Girls Names K - Q


Kade - Indonesian: Lovely. Also Kaid, Kaide, Cade, Caide.

Kadira - Arabic: Powerful. Also Qadira, Cadira.

Kaja - Estonian: Echo. Cornish: A daisy. Also Caya, Kaja, Kaya.

Kalea - Hawaiian: Bright.

Kali - Sanskrit: Black. Also Kala, Cali.

Kalika - Greek: A rose.

Kalinda - Aboriginal: A lookout. Sanskrit: The sun.

Kama - Sanskrit: Love. Also Cama, Karma.

Kamilah - Arabic: The perfect one. Also Camila, Kamila, Camilah.

Karita - Latin: Loving and benevolent. Irish: A friend. Cornish: Love. Cara - Italian: The beloved one. Also Carine, Kareen, Careeta, Carita.

Katya - Russian: from Greek meaning Pure. Also Katja, Katia.

Kayna - Cornish: Name of a saint. Also Kayna, Kaina, Cayna.

Keeley - Irish: Beautiful. Also Keyly, Keeleigh, Keely.

Keera - Irish: Dark or black. Also Kiera, Keira, Ciara, Ceira.

Kendra - English: Royal Power. Also Kendrea.

Keshia - African: The favorite one. Also Kesha, Ketia, Kesia, Kisha.

Kiara - Irish: Name of a saint. Also Ciara, Keara.

Kori - Maori: Exercise. Also Korey, Corey, Cori, Coree.

Kyoko - Japanese: A mirror.


Lacey - French: Lace material. Also Laci, Lacee, Lacy.

Laine - Greek: From Helen meaning - Light of the sun. Also Ilain, Elaine, Yelena, Jelena, Ileana, Ilayne, Lane.

Lane - English: Narrow road. Also Lain, Laney, Lanee.

Lani - Polynesian: The sky.

Lark - English: A songbird. Also Larc.

Latoya - Spanish: Victorious. Also L'Toya, Toya, Toija.

Laveda - Latin: The innocent one.

Lavinia - Latin: Mother of Rome. Also La ' Venia, L'vania, Levena, Lavernia, LaVerne.

Leala - French: The loyal one. Also Liala, Lyala.

Lenis - Latin: Gentle one. Also Lenita, Lenise, Leneta.

Lexie - Latin: Defender of mankind. Also Lexy, Lexi.

Lien - Chinese: A lotus flower.

Liesl - Scandinavian: From Elizabeth which is Hebrew: Meaning consecrated by God.

Liese - German: From Elizabeth which is Hebrew: Meaning consecrated by God. Also Lise.

Lisette - French: From Elizabeth which is Hebrew: Meaning consecrated by God. Also Lizette, Lizete, Liset, Lysette.

Lourdes - French: Town in the South of France.

Lucia - Latin: Light. Also Luchia, Lucida, Luci, Lucina.

Lyris - Greek: Harp player.

Lystra - Greek: Free. Also Listra, Lestra.

Pregnancy Pillows - Maternity Pillows - Nursing Pillows - Breast feeding Pillows - Breast pumps


Madison - English: Matthews son.

Maeve - Irish: Intoxicating one. Also Meave, Maive, Mave.

Mahalia - Hebrew: Tenderness. Also Mahala, Mahalya.

Mai - Swedish: Mary From the Latin: Meaning star of the sea. Also French: Maia, Maja, Manon. Russian: Masha. Danish: Mia. Welsh: Mair. Irish: Mairi, Mara.

Malak - Arabic: Angel. Also Malac.

Malaya - Spanish: Free. Also Malaia, Malaja.

Malika - Arabic: Female master.

Malise - Gaelic: Gods servant.

Marcella - Latin: From Mars. Also Marchella.

Maris - Latin: From the sea. Also Maresa, Marice, Marissa, Marisse, Marne, Marnie.

Maya - Latin: The great one. Also Maja, Maia.

Maysa - Arabic: One who walks gracefully. Also Macey, Maci, Mace, Maysi, Maisa, Macy.

Melek - Arabic: Angel.

Melia - Greek: Mythological nymph. Also Melya.

Mercedes - Spanish: Merciful one. Also Mercede, Mercia.

Meta - Latin: Ambitious one.

Metis - Greek: Wise one. Also Metisse, Metys, Metise.

Mika - Japanese: The new moon.

Milena - Czech/Slavonic: The favorite or beloved one. Also Mila, Milana, Milan.

Mira - Slavonic: The famous one.

Misty - English: Mist.


Nada - Arabic: The generous one. Spanish: Nothing.

Nadja - Slavonic: Hope. Also Nadia, Russian: Nadya. French: Nadina, Nadine.

Nairne - Scottish: From the river.

Nalani - Hawaiian: Calm like the sky.

Nani - Polynesian: Beautiful

Nasrin - Persian: Wild rose. Also Nasrine, Nasreen.

Nea - Greek: New. Also Nova, Novia, Novelle, Nia, Nya.

Neroli - Italian: A princesses name. Also Nerolia, Nerolina.

Nevada - Spanish: White as snow. Also Neva, Neve.

Nissa - Scandinavian: Cheerful elf.

Nita - Spanish: From the Hebrew name Hannah meaning Favoured by God.

Nor - Arabic: Light. Also Noor, Nur, Noa.

Nyssa - Greek: The beginning. Also Nissa, Nisa, Nysa.



Ola - Scandinavian: Descendant.

Oleander - Greek: Evergreen tree.

Olian - Russian: Dear one. Also Olien, Olianne, Olienne, Olyanne.

Oma - Arabic: Long living.

Omega - Greek: The last.

Onida - American Indian: The awaited one. Also Onyda.

Oriane - French: from the Latin meaning to rise. Also Oriana, Orianne.


Paige - English: A young child. Also Payge.

Pare - Maori: From Mary which is Latin: The star of the sea.

Pascale - French: From Latin: Meaning Easter. Also Paschale, Pascoe, Pasha, Pascal, Pasqual.

Paz - Latin: Peacec. Also Pax.

Perry - French: By the pear tree.

Phaedra - Greek: The bright one. Also Phaidra, Phedra.

Pia - Latin: Devout.

Pilar - Spanish: Supportive.

Piper - English: One who plays the pipe.

Placida - Latin: Peaceful.

Portia - Latin: An offering. Also Porsha, Porsia.

Prema - Sanskrit: Love and affection.

Prima - Latin: The first.

Priya - Sanskrit: Beloved. Also Preya.


Qadira - Arabic: Powerful one. Also Kadira, Kadera.

Qasima - Arabic: One who shares. Also Kassima, Kasema.

Queensley - English: From the Kings Vineyard


Raina - Polish: A queen. Also Rayna, Rayner.

Raine - German: One who gives advice. Also Reine, Rayne.

Raja - Arabic: Hopeful one. Also Raia, Raya, Rajya.

Ranja - Arabic: Beautiful to look at. Also Ranya, Rane, Rana.

Rani - Sanskrit: A queen. Also Ranee, Ranei.

Rashida - Arabic: Righteous.

Reanna - Welsh: A queen. Also Rhiannon, Riana, Reana, Rheane.

Regan - Latin: A queen. Also Reggae, Raina, Rayna, Reagan, Reine, Reina.

Reseda - Latin: A flower. Also Resida.

Rio - Spanish: Of the river. Also Ria.

Riona - Gaelic: A queen.

Rohana - Sanskrit: Sandalwood.

Rosheen - Irish: Rose. Also Rois, Roisin.

Roma - Latin: From Rome. Also Romain, Romany, Romani, Romelle, Romana, Romane.

Romy - German: Fromthe Latin: Dew of the sea. Also Romi.

Rozada - Spanish: A Rose. Also Rosita, Rozita, Zita, Rosheen.

Roshan - Persian: Splendid one. Also Roshanne, Rosharne.

Roxy - Persian: The Dawn. Also Roxi, Roxanne, Roxane, Roxsana.

Rumer - English: Gypsy. Also Ruma.


Sabia - Irish: Sweet one.

Sabina - Latin: From an Italian town.

Sabira - Arabic: Patient one.

Sacha - Russian: Defender. Also Sasja, Satia, Sasha, Sascha, Sasia.

Sachi - Japanese: Joyful.

Sadira - Persian: Lotus flower.

Saffron - Arabic: A spice.

Safia - Arabic: Pure.

Sahar - Arabic: The dawning.

Samara - Hebrew: Guarded by God.

Sana - Arabic: Radiant one.

Sancia - Latin: Sacred. Also Sancha, Sancya, Sanchia.

Sarisha - Sanskrit: Charming and alluring. Also Saritia, Sarisia.

Savannah - Spanish: Of the Plains. Also Savanna.

Sebastiana - Latin: From Sebasta. Also Sebastia, Sabasha, Sebastienne, Sabatiene, Sebastine.

Serian - Welsh: Sparkling or glittering. Also Serianne, Seriane, Serion, Cerian.

Shahira - Arabic: The famous one.

Shakira - Arabic: Thankful one.

Shani - Swahili: Wonderful. Also Sharni, Sharnee, Sharney.

Sheridan - Irish: The wild one.

Shirine - Persian: Charming one. Also Shirin, Shereen, Sherine, Sherin.

Shoshanna - Hebrew: A flower.

Sian - Welsh: God is gracious. Also Cyan, Cian, Sharn, Sharne, Shian, Shianne.

Siena - Italian: A city. Also Sienna.

Siran - Armenian: Alluring.

Skye - Scottish: Named after an Island. Also Sky.

Sol - Latin: The sun. Also Solita, Solina, Solana.

Solange - French: From the Latin: Meaning solemn one.

Sunita - Sanskrit: Good behaviour. Also Sonita.

Suniva - English: Gift of the sun. Also Sunniva, Suneva.

Surie - Hebrew: A rose or Lilly Persian: Princess Also Souri

Syna - Greek: Together.


Tahnee - Latin: Silver haired one. Also Tatyana, Tatjana, Tahnia, Tatiana, Tahnea.

Talia - Greek: Flourishing and beautiful. Also Thalia.

Talya - Russian: Christmas child or born at christmas. Also Natalie, Natalya, Natasha, Tasha, Talie, Talee, Talea, Taleah, Natalia, Talia, Talja.

Tani - Japanese: Come from the valley.

Tao - Chinese: Long life.

Taryn - English: From the high hills. Also Tarin, Taren.

Tashi - Tibetan: Prosperous one.

Tatjana - Latin: Silver haired one. Also Tatyana, Tahnee, Tahnia, Tatiana, Tahnea.

Tate - English: A country dwelling, place or home. Also Tatum, Tayte, Tait, Taete.

Tavia - Latin: Meaning the eighth. Also Tavea, Tavee, Tavei, Tavae, Tavya.

Tawny - French: Wheat, brown haired one. Also Tawni, Tawney, Tawnie, Tawnee.

Tean - Cornish: An Isle of Scilly. Also Tehan.

Tegen - Cornish: Pretty. Also Tegan.

Tempest - French: Stormy.

Thea - Greek: A Goddess.

Tierney - Irish: A Lords decendant.

Tirion - Welsh: Gentle one. Also Tyrian.

Tori - Latin: Victorious one. Also Tory, Toree.

Trinity - Latin: Three, triad or trio.

Trista - Latin: Melancholy one.

Tyne - English: Name of the river.


Uma - Hebrew: A nation. Sanskrit: Light and peace.

Una - Latin: One.

Unity - English: As one or oneness.

Usha - Sanskrit: Dawning.


Vala -Teutonic: The chosen one.

Valeda - Latin: Strong and healthy. Also Valida.

Valora -Latin: Brave one.

Vanja -Scandinavian: God is gracious. Also Vanya, Vania.

Vanni - Italian: From Hebrew: Meaning favoured by God.

Vardis -Hebrew: A rose. Also Vardice, Vardise, Vardah, Varda, Vardia.

Vasanti -Sanskrit: Springtime. Also Vashanti, Santi, Shanti.

Vashti -Persian: Beautiful one.

Veda -Sanskrit: Wisdon and knowledge.

Velika -Slavonic: The great one.

Venetia -Latin: Lady from Venice. Also Venicia, Venisha.

Venita -Latin: Roman Goddess of beauty and love. Also Venus, Venisa.

Verda -Latin: So fresh.

Verity - Latin and French: Meaning the Truth.

Verran -Cornish: The small or short one.

Vida -Hebrew: The beloved one.

Vidya -Sanskrit: Knowledge.

Virida -Latin: The colour green. Also Veridana, Veridane, Verideane, Veridja, Viridis.

Vita -Latin: Life. Also Vitia, Visha.

Viveka -Scandinavian: Full of life. Also Vivica, Viveca.


Wanika - Hawaiian: Gods gift. Also Waneka.

Willa - Teutonic: The protector.

Winona - Nth American Indian: The first born daughter. Also Wynona.

Wren - English: A little birds name.


Xanthe - Greek: Golden haired one. Also Xanthia, Zanthe, Zanthia.

Xaviere - Arabic: Brilliant and bright one. Also Zaviere.

Xena - Greek: Welcoming and hospitable one. Also Zena, Zene, Zenia, Xene, Xenia.

Xylia - Greek: From the forrest. Also Zylia, Zylee, Xylee, Xylena, Zylena.


Yael - Hebrew: A goat. Also Jael, Yale, Yaelle.

Yelena - Russian: From Hebrew: Meaning Favoured by God. Also Jelena, Yalena, Yaleana.

Ynes - Spanish: From Greek: Meaning pure. Also Enes, Ynez.

Yoshi - Japanese: Good.


Zada - Arabic: The lucky one. Also Zaida, Zaeda.

Zalika -Arabic: Well born one.

Zara -Hebrew: The brightest dawn.

Zaria - Hebrew: Helped by god. Also Azariah, Azeria, Zaria.

Zena - Greek: Welcoming and hospitable one. Also Xena, Zene, Zenia, Xene, Xenia.

Zita - Italian: A Rose. Also Zeta.

Zuri -Swahili: Beautiful one

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.