AAP is not now considering changing their stance on circ's. It is, as was stated, done for cultural and religious reasons. Cleanliness ? If you don't wash yourself, male or female, you are dirty-flat out. There is no increase risk of contracting STD's or AIDs-HIV with the uncirc' penis. That's a common (and proven) myth. Studies done to that fact are flawed and have been rejected by the AAP/AMA because of their flaws. The thought initially was that the STD's harvested underneath the foreskin, but, just as the female labia, when cleaned properly (and of course taking precautions like condoms) this risk is avoided. I've watched many a circ's on the labor and delivery floor, some doctors do this procedure without anesthesia, some with, either which way, it is not a pretty little snip the way most people make it out to be.
Neither my husband, nor my sons are circ'd. I couldn't justify cutting 1/3 of my sons penile skin off, I just couldn't. Which, btw is what circ's do remove.
The chance of breast cancer in females is more likely...and we don't remove baby girl's breast tissue do we ? A lot of people believe this is genital mutlilation ( I see their point, but I don't agree with going that far) because we would never remove 1/3 of the vaginal skin on females. Does that make sense ?
If you do choose to circ' your son...keep in mind there are risks!!! I've seen a lot of *oopsies* done by the doc's that ultimately leave the child either (a) scarred for life, in more than one way; or (b) not fully circ'd.
As for the UTI- well, if you do read the statisitic (which are in my Ped Nursing book), you'll see that the UTI's weren't caused necessarily by not being circ'd but more from the parent/care provider not providing adequate hygeine.
There is no clear cut medical benefit from circumcision. There is no medical benefit from not circ'ing. It's a personal choice.
Some sites you can look at www.cirp.org, www.sexasnatureintended.org http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/circumcision.html
You will ineveitably hear stories about kids who started out uncirc'd and for whatever reason needed to be circ'd later in life, but, keep in mind, there are men who pay loads of money to have their foreskin reconstructed.
As I've mentioned before, I've worked in Planned Parenthood- ultimately, I see the uncirc'd and the circ'd, truthfully, they both get diseases, but it's been my own personal exp that uncic'd know something is wrong, come in, get it treated much faster than those of the circ'd population. (Faster treatment= better outcomes)
So in spite of all evidences, why some people insist circumcision is not beneficial and is wrong and consider it a mutilation or child abuse? **Of course they do, watch a circ procedure you might feel this way too. It's not pretty, would you do it ? I wouldn't volunteer to go through that**
What might be their *real* motivation for doing this? To educate people about the facts.
Who is behind them, supporting and backing them? People from all demographics (including the Jewish, who circ' for legitimate religious reason)
Are they really succeeding in their cause? Yes, in two years the circ rate has dropped imensely..FY 2005 the circ rate was only 56%. People are educating themselves and realizing some things are left better as nature intended.
Why do their speech and methods become harassing and harsh at times? Because many people do believe this is genital mutliation, in fact, it very well may be. The WHO has a policy about genital mutlilation that protects ONLY females. Female circ's remove 1/4 of vaginal skin, male circ's remove 1/3.
I have come across with facts provided by anti-circumcision groups that are clearly misleading and incorrect, even to someone like me, who is not a specialist on the topic.
Do they produce this wrong information on purpose? Both sides have very flawed controlled groups, that's why neither sides is accepted by *any* reputable medical proffessional. Circ. is not medically necessary and has no proven benefits.
Why do they want to manipulate the general public?
They arent', unless you call "calling a bluff" manipulation
Anyone has answers to these questions? Help please!
Additional Details
29 minutes ago
Please if you think there are no benefits, provide evidence of this to oppose the studies and research above. Otherwise it’s the same story as before, people simply opposing but not supporting of their claims.
I think we have had enough Q&A so far to leave our opinions and say what we think. Let’s just stick to scientific facts and data this time. Thanks!
* I think you've ran into some nasty people, and are trying to be an a$$ to anti-circ groups. See your doc if you got any questions past this point. Bottom line ? Circ is a personal decision, you WON'T find medical research for or against that is accurate, hence, the AAP/AMA's stance. If you can't accept this, and make the best educated decision, circ'ing will be the least of your worries, believe me.*
Hey, PLEASE read and answer the questions above. This question is NOT about circumcision itself, is but about the contradictions * When you talk about people's kids penis's, you are going to get strong reactions..if you can't handle it, you shouldn't have asked the question in the first place*
Have a great day
Had to touch on Cervical Cancer and the Uncircumcisized man; it's not the penis itself,it's HPV, and the forms that are known to cause Cervical Cancer...again, was thought that HPV was found underneath the foreskin, if not in a monogomous relationship condoms solve this problem, as does the new vaccine. I have been married for sometime now and am working on my Master's in Nursing. I've read all the listed literature on these posts, unfortunately, the AMA/AAP still doesn't recognize circumcision as beneficial, and anybody with any common sense, could certainly see the holes in such research. Still NO solid research that circumcision is beneficial. (Having been married since 82 to an uncirc'd man, I have never had problems with my health...neither have any of my boys..)