What did you bring to the hospital with you when you had your baby?
2007-12-12 09:15:06 UTC
I am due in February but the doctor thinks that I will go into labor before then. I told my husband that I want to have my hospital bag packed ahead of time with everything that I may need. The hospital provides you with a list of things you should bring for yourself. In my labor basics class she informed us that you should also pack a bag for the baby, and dad too. She also said that you should pack a bag for labor and delivery and a bag for post partum. What do I need to bring to the hospital with me? For everyone?
Nineteen answers:
2007-12-12 10:07:59 UTC
For Myself: I bought lots of underwear, my own soap (or shower gel), socks, about 2 outfits, comb, brush, extra twist ties for my hair, lotion, deoderant, flip flops, my purse (of course, make sure I had money incase I wanted something other than hospital food), and extra pillow. The hospital provides a lot of things as well. But anything that made me more comfortable and more the shower gel and lotion, rather than hospital soap and lotion. Your own shampoo if you planned on washing your hair. You might want your own little radio/CD player for post delivery to calm you and/or the baby instead of watching T.V., maybe a nature sounds C.D.

For the Baby: The cutest outfit you have for the hospital picture. And an outfit to leave the hospital. I would say maybe 2-4 outfits for the baby.Lots of Onesies.(their poop is runny when they are first born and may leak) the hospital provides the diapers and wipes so you don't have to bring that stuff. If you want bottles and formula unless you plan on breast feeding. The hopsital provides bottles as well. have your baby hat and coat and socks things because your hospital may not provide too much more than one onesie. have your baby lotion just in case, pacifier (if you don't like the one the hospital provides).

I was at the hospital with my mom the whole time for labor and delivery. I'm a single mom so my daughters dad came and helped my mom help me give birth and then he was gone in like 10 minutes after she was born. SUKS. So, Husband or spuse might want to bring extra clothes and showering material if they plan on staying there the entire time, and socks and hair products. An extra blanket and pillow as well. Anything to make you and him comfortable.

2016-05-23 09:38:43 UTC
I brought two baby outfits to the hospital when I had my baby. One was for the pictures, the other for bringing her home. She was born in November, and it's very cold where I live - she wore a little pink dress for her pictures and I brought her a onesie, socks, and a very thick sleeper to wear home - all in newborn sizes. I also brought a few blankets - a pretty one for the background of her picture, the other for when she went home. They provided her with a little knit cap, so I didn't bring one of those. You could bring a snowsuit or coat, but I didn't, I just tucked a few blankets around her. I had the car warmed up before I took her outside, had it pulled it right up to the curb and hooked her in the carseat before I went outside and it worked perfectly since she was only outside for a few seconds. (If you live in a warm climate, though, I guess this info isn't what you need...) I think basically if you just bring the baby something tiny, comfortable and easy (like no complicated three piece outfits with matching shoes...), you'll be fine! You won't need any other baby supplies, like diapers or lotion, the hospital will provide you will all of that, and you also won't need any clothes for the baby while you're in the hospital. Congrats and good luck!
2007-12-12 11:20:26 UTC
You never really know what your birthing experience will be like until its over. I had a surprise section and was in the hospital for 4 days after his birth. All of this unexpected I was under packed. I'm due on March 9th for our second baby and These are the things that I wish I would have brought my to my 1st delivery.

* Preemie outfits * he wore these clothes until he was 10 lbs. about 2 1/2months. he was 6 lbs @ birth.

* Bag of extra * you can avoid sending someone home to retrieve these things. If you have a section your stay will be extended a few days so maybe pack a light bag of clothing for 2 days for all of you and leave it in the car. Just in case.

*pillow & comfy blanket* for u and daddy too

*big towel* theirs were small and rough

**If possible try to have the trash taken out before you leave home and make shure you dont have any clothing in the washer or dirty dishes in the sink.. all of the above will have a smell that greets you at the door when you come home!
2007-12-12 09:30:46 UTC
these are things i brought (and some things i wished i would have!)

slippers (your feet get COLD!)

lotion so my husband could massage my feet and legs during labor

cell phone, to send pictures to everyone when she was born!

dvd's (you never know if your labor will be long, or like me, i had to stay a few extra days)

your own pillow (the hospital ones are not comfy and you will want lots of pillows anyway)

a diaper bag with a "coming home" out fit for the baby

stuff to read for you and hubby

oh, your make up and bathroom stuff

lots of undies if you don't like the hospital ones

a bathrobe to wear after the baby comes you can be warm and still wear your hospital gown

the hospital will provide you with diapers, etc. so dont pack that.

take anything in the hospital room when you leave-- you are being charged for all of it anyway. seriously. we took the wipes and diapers etc that they had used for the baby because they put the whole pack on our bill. if you get billed for it, it's yours.
Alina's Mommy
2007-12-12 09:28:53 UTC
Well, I personally only took myself, what I had on, and my boyfriend. On my due date, I had a scheduled NST and during the testing, the doctor decided that I needed to be induced. I would recommend having your bag packed and in your car a few weeks ahead of time (except for certain things you need daily).

As for what to put in the bag:



Comfy clothes to go home in (that are easy to put on)

Snacks for your labor coach

Any sort of game, book, movie or anything that will keep your attention. (especially movies- many hospitals dont have movies or any good ones)

Socks (your feet get cold in labor and you need them to walk around the hospital)


Outfit for the baby (for pictures and going home)

Blanket for the baby


Video/Digital/ Disposable camera

Memory book
2007-12-12 09:55:52 UTC
For you:



Comfortable post-partum clothes for going home

Hair ties




Umbrella for the trip to the car going home if needed



For Baby:

A warm blanket for the ride home

A going home outfit

Nursing pillow (Boppy) The nurses could help baby latch on and you'll be more comfortable with whatever you're going to using on a daily basis

For Dad:

Change of clothes



I've also heard change for vending machines but I never needed it. Nurses provided everything and hospital had a cafeteria...otherwise no one really needed it.
2007-12-12 09:47:27 UTC
One thing I would suggest is lip balm and hand lotion. My skin and lips got extremely dry after I gave birth to my son. Make sure to pack a going home outfit for yourself and your child. Don't forget the camera!! Also if you anticipate a long labor you may want a book or magazine to read. If you prefer your own shampoo and conditioner I would bring that as well. Make-up if you like to wear it and don't forget the all important deodarant and toothpaste/toothbrush!! I made sure to have a warm pair of socks with me and also slippers in case you have to walk up and down the halls. Good luck!!
Yummy Canadian Mummy
2007-12-12 10:10:25 UTC
My daughter came 6 weeks early and I thought I was just going into the hospital for observation when I did go. Ended up staying overnight and having her the next day! Don't worry too much -- you can always send someone home to get what you need if you forget anything (that is assuming you're nearby a hospital).
2007-12-12 09:41:51 UTC
Congratulations on the soon-to-be-here-baby!

Ok, first let me say that there is such a thing as OVER packing for the hospital; I did it, so I know!

There are the basic things you'll need - the "going home outfit' for the baby, going home outfit for Mommy (I gave birth in June, so I had on a pair of cotton, elastic band shorts and a tank top - my point is, you want something comfortable and roomy), your toiletries (depending on how long you'll be staying in the hospital, you'll still want to shower with YOUR shampoos and soaps and lotions, your toothbrush, hair stuff, etc), camera and plenty of film (or batteries/memory cards if it's digital), a notebook or journal (to write down visitors, gifts received and just your thoughts and feelings during the whole labor and delivery process as well as after - I did and transcribed it into my son's baby book), any necessary insurance/doctor paperwork INCLUDING your birth plan (if you don't have one yet, you can look up "birth plan" online and get several good websites/ideas for one), comfy slippers for you, old undies you don't care about (several pairs - trust me on this), change (for the pay phone) or even pre-paid phone cards (for those all important first phone calls), a radio (bring batteries just in case - I wanted music while I was in labor), if the hospital has a VCR in your room (or better yet a DVD player) bring some videos/dvds to while away the labor time (or for even after delivery - remember, this will be your last chance for some "down" time for a while!!), and of course, don't forget the car seat!

Here are some things that I packed that I didn't use:

-crossword puzzles and my latest Kinley McGregor novel (with all the people in and out of the room, I never could finish that paragraph);

-nightgowns/PJs - it was just easier to wear the johnny that they gave me, plus, if it got "stuff" on it, I didn't care (and you will get "stuff" on your pj's)

-3 changes of clothes - what was I thinking??!! I lived in their hospital gown for 2 days; I got undressed at 10am on a Tuesday and didn't get dressed again unitl 4pm on a Thurs!

-my pillow from home - again, I decided I'd rather "mess up" the hospitals linens, bedsheets, pillows etc, rather than ruining mine

-diapers for my son - the hospital loaded us up with diapers, formula, wipes, nuks (pacifiers), baby soap, baby shampoo, baby lotion, etc. (word to the wise, have Dad bring the nursing station coffee in the mornings when he comes to visit you - they LOOOOVE that!)

-my birthing ball - the hospital had one that I could use (although, I would double check this in advance)

-deck of cards - yeah, I was an uber dork and thought we'd get to play some Spades...HAHAHAHAHAHA!

-my address/phone book - everyone called ME. I never got a chance to call anyone.

And that's about all that I can remember from my experience. I ended up packing waaaay more stuff than I actually needed and of course, you always go home loaded with goodies and presents (from the hospital, the doctors and of course, family and friends).

Congratulations and best of luck!!
2007-12-12 09:26:20 UTC
I brought shampoo and conditoner. I brought my own blanket and pillow. I also took sweat pants outfits for me to wear. I brought my own nightgowns for the baby. The hospitals here only give them a t-shirt to wear. If you plan on using larger nipple bottles(more like the breast) you will want to bring those. Most hospitals have the long nipples. It may be hard for your baby to adjust after leaving. Bring an outfit to take the baby home in. I also brought a microwavable heating pad(the are filled with rice). For any cramping you may have. Slippers, in case you walk around the hospital floor.
2007-12-12 10:11:21 UTC
I can honestly say that I didn't need 80% of the things I brought to the hospital. I had "planned" on waiting awhile and not having any drugs until absolutely necessary. I wanted to be able to walk around. Well let me tell you, that did NOT happen. Lol After being at home suffering through 12 hours of contractions, I wanted drugs right away. Let me tell you what I brought and what I didn't need.

Toothpaste-I didn't really need it, the hospital gave me some

Toothbrush-Same situation

Deodorant-Same situation, but I prefered my own to their roll on kind

Pads- I only brought a few, just in case, but they gave me PLENTY

Underwear-Several pair, but I actually prefered to wear their fishnet ones...why mess up my own?

PJs- Wear the hospitals, just in case you bleed through

Socks- I wore my own, but the hospital provides slipper socks

Comb/Brush- Definitely needed it

DVD Player- We just ended up paying for the tv service in the room

For baby

Onsies, blankets and caps- The hospital provides these but they use alot of bleach in their clothes, so if you prefer, you can put your own on baby once he's in your room. My little boy was pretty much taken to the special nursery right after we got settle in our room for health reasons and I wasn't able to use my own stuff

Coming home outfit- Bring 2!!! Definitely!! They usually take pictures and you should able to dress them in whatever you like for that. My little boy peed all over his coming home/picture outfit. Luckily I brought another one.

Don't bring diapers, wipes or formula, the hospital will provide you with plenty of that

For Dad-

Now that depends, do you want him staying with you both nights? I sent my bf home since baby wasn't in my room anyway. But if you want dad their, he's going to need clothes and hygiene items. Snacks, since you get hospital food( yay! lol). And that's about it.

Good luck.
2007-12-12 09:27:57 UTC
From experience - as little as possible.

Bring a robe and your own toiletries and a comfortable outfit to go home in. (I said comfortable, not stylish.) Bring two outfits and blankets that are weather appropriate to bring your little one home in. Bring a camera and maybe a few magazines or a book.

Have your hubby bring a calling list and charged cell phone.

You aren't going to be there that long and it just has to come home again. If you forget anything, you can always send your hubby home to get it. Keep it simple and easy.
hello kitty
2007-12-12 09:29:34 UTC
i brought way too many things....the things that i didnt use diapers (the hospital has those for you) and wipes...night gowns...( i just used the hospitals because it was easier for me to nurse in theirs) i brought a robe....(i didnt use it) ....definatly bring socks tho.....and an out fit to bring baby home in......i always feel better to be over prepared than under prepared....but it is your choice....and you will be in the hospital for 24 hours so your husband can run home for you if you need not panic if you think you are forgetting i said....i brought way to many things...oh ya,,,pads..i just used the hospitals cause theirs are bigger. the hospital provides you with most of the stuff.....bring a comb, shampoo, conditioner, tooth brush and paste...your moisturizer.....stuff like that.
Elizabeth K
2007-12-12 09:49:27 UTC

pads the hospital I was at didn't have very good ones

a comfy and easy outfit to put on for when you leave

flip flops or slippers

take home outfit for baby and blanket

some snacks for hubby

a hair brush

tooth brushes 4 u and hubby

tooth paste


a camera

a car seat 4 baby!
2007-12-12 09:23:42 UTC
I had my daughter at a birthing center. I brought a diaper bag (diapers, 3 outfits, wipes, powder), and an extra outfit for me. Granted, I DID leave there 5 hours after she was born, so I didn't need much.
Sugga Mama
2007-12-12 09:35:30 UTC
id have to say , only what the hosp doesnt provide.. your clothes, babys clothes, hair brush. remember you will have alot to bring home. most hospitals give u the toiletries, and freebies for baby. plus you will have gifts, flowers , baloons etc. so dont over whelm yourself.
melissa s
2007-12-12 09:47:35 UTC
wear hospital clothes for labor including there sox, other wise your will be ruined, bring clothes for baby to get pictures and clothes for baby to come home in, bathrobe, sox, undies, night clothes, loose clothes to go home in, change for your hubby for snack machines during labor, you are only allowed chipped ice during labor so i snuck in jolly ranchers, breast pump, car seat, baby blanket, baby book give to nurse in labor room open to page for hand prints and foot prints, they will do it when they do the hospitals
2007-12-12 09:25:24 UTC
this is what i brought and i used it all...



out fit to go home in

1 also for baby



soap/body pouf

nursing bras!!!

lots of undies!!!!

dont worry about pads. u will want to use theres b/c they are huge! u will need huge ones lol!

nursing pads

warm blanket


cell phone!

one thing i wished i would have brought was my own towels

theres are so tiny and soooo not fluffy! LOL!

good luck!
2007-12-12 09:22:12 UTC
I took my wife!!!

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