I chose NOT to have my son circumcised. It is not medically necessary, and the very few UTI's that it prevents are negated by the rate of complications. People say that it is easier to clean, but that is NOT the case! With an natural penis, you just wipe like a finger, but with a circumcised one, you have to have gauze, Vaseline, push back skin to prevent adhesion's, and think about it... a fresh wound being soaked in urine and feces all day?!?!?!?!?!?!
The main reason you hear about boys needing to get circumcised at 3 or 4 is because of misinformation. Some old school doctors and nurses tell you that you have to forcibly retract the foreskin and clean under it every diaper change. not only is that not true, it is dangerous! At birth, and sometimes until puberty, the foreskin is attatched to the head of the penis like your fingernail is to your finger. It is NOT supposed to be retracted. It is like this in order to keep the head of the enis protected from urine and feces. Around the time a boy is potty trained, most boys are retractable. (you can pull the foreskin back) is this a coincidence? NO!!! There is no need to clean under the foreskin before it can be retracted because nothing can get under it. Do we need to clean under our fingernails? (the part that is actually attatched) no, because there is nothing to clean.
It is becoming less common is America (I don't know where you are?) So the locker room thing just wont hold up. Even if he does get made fun of for it, is it not our job as parents to build a healthy body image? If your daughter got made fun of for having small breast, would you immediately get her a breast augmentation? What are they making fun of anyway? At least he has a whole penis....
Looking like daddy, now this one makes me laugh! Ah, the ignorance of this statement! Since when do toddler boys look even remotely close to a grown man? What are you gonna tell him when he asks like he doesn't look like mommy or sissy??? And since when do teenagers compare penises with their father? This argument makes NO sense!!!
Your son can stay STD free with the use of a condom (which he should be using regardless of his circ status!) and still have his foreskin.
The foreskin is not just a useless flap of skin, it is a vital structure of the penis. http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com/
If people are so worried about infections, HIV, and Cancer, the why why don't we give all baby girls routine mastectomies? That would eradicate breast cancer, which kills thousands every year, and is MUCH MUCH more common in the developed world than infections of the foreskin, penile cancer, and HIV put together!
The real kicker for me though, was the fact that I believe that we own our own bodies. Who am I to make that decision for my son. It is HIS penis, so it is HIS decision
As for religion, no one has the right to practice their religion on MY body. Your freedom of religion ends at someone elses body. That may be your child, but it is not your penis to sacrifice, kwim? What if your son doesn't grow up to be jewish/muslim? I was raised in a strict christain home and I am now atheist, it happens all the time...
The next three are about how male circumcision affects the woman