CS or natural way of giving birth, which do u prefer?
2007-02-22 05:17:32 UTC
...there is this program like yahoo answers that I saw sometime ago and a lady that just put to bed said her husband complained about her being slack down there (if u know what i mean), so I felt really bad, I mean how can a woman go through having birth and her husband tell her that her vi****na is slack!

So I just thought to myself that it will be really depressing to me if my husband tells me that.

So what is the woman to do and also what birth method is the best, CS or the natural method?
25 answers:
2007-02-22 07:18:21 UTC
Never have a C-section if you don't have to! I ended up having one and it is definitely NOT the way to go. It's major surgery and extremely painful recovery. Not to mention that I now have a much higher chance of having scar tissue issues later in life that can lead to complications and even hystarectomy. Once you have a c-section, the chances of having a VBAC(vaginal birth after cesarean)is low b/c it's risky. Women are built to give birth and that other guy sounds like a don't know what's going on in behind closed doors, but I would guess it's not really about her being slack...they've got other issues. Any normal, good man will NOT complain about least he would have the tact to not actually say anything!
2007-02-27 18:31:38 UTC
This is a very personal choice - and the possibility of your hubby's possible complaint about the lack of tightness down there really should not be a factor. I mean, realistically, how can any man expect that something narrow enough for a tampon to stay securely in place can stretch for hours to allow a baby's head to travel through and have absolutely no "side effects" is a bit selfish. I had 2 kids naturally, and both were well over 8 pounds each, and my husband had absolutely no complaints.

As to which method is "better", with childbirth - you can't always pick and choose!!
Brandi Lyn
2007-02-22 08:05:44 UTC
I have only had one baby (8lbs, 5oz) and he was born naturally and I wouldn't change that at all. I pushed all of 3 times and he was out and my only thought was "That was it, that's all I had to do?" I was up and walking around within hours. When he was 2 days old I was home and doing everything I would normally do.(Laundry, dishes and cleaning the house) If you need a CS than that's the right way for you, but I wouldn't worry about the "slack" issue, just as long as the baby and the mommy are okay that should be all that matters.
2016-11-25 04:37:48 UTC
I choose the scientific institution! even nonetheless I do choose they might enable water births like the midwives clinics do! i for my area choose the discomfort killers so a organic delivery is out of the question! additionally I definitely have huge toddler's so its probable a solid concept that i be on the scientific institution encase some thing might flow incorrect! the two my first 2 have been 9 lb toddler's! I only experience safer understanding that i'm already on the scientific institution! maybe i'm paranoid yet i might somewhat be risk-free then sorry! particularly if i might choose an emergency c-area! desire that enables and robust luck with the e book!
beenie 21
2007-02-27 16:49:42 UTC
i had a emergency section. If your husband says anything about you down there that would be very horrible. men should consider that having a baby is a beautiful experience and of course your body is going to take a while to heal. After all having a living human being inside of you is not easy. So for those men they should just shut up
2007-02-25 19:02:13 UTC
i have had 2 natural births first one in 20 Min's and he was 11lbs10oz and the 2nd 7lbs right on and my husband says I'm fine down their but you can do these tightening exercises that are great you can start 3 hours after a natural birth my 2nd was at home with a midwife it was so nice
2007-02-26 08:03:19 UTC

I've had 3 children and i had two of then naturally. My youngest i had by c-section and trust me i'de prefer to go through the pain of natural then going through the pain of recovering after the c-section.

After a natural you can walk around and do alot of things pretty much straight after but with a c-section it takes weeks. I was'nt able to walk properly for awhile because of the pain and for 6 weeks after your not suppose to drive, lift anything heavy including your older children if you have them and alot more.

If you can try and have a natural birth and only have a c-section if its needed !
Kennedy & Kevin's mommy
2007-02-22 06:23:43 UTC
THAT WAS RUDE!! Who says that to their wife? None the less, I had my 7 lb 11oz daughter vaginally and according to him I "feel normal". I also allowed myself time to heal. I had normal birth. I did have an episiotomy which was about an inch. That healed rather quickly. I didn't do anything special. I think it's different with each person. Besides if that does happen to you there's things out there to help. It scares me but I've heard of those balls you use squeeze on like weights to increase your muscle tone.
Angela G
2007-02-22 07:17:07 UTC
My husband would be kicked out onto the couch if he ever told me that my vagina was slack.

I had two natural births (no pain medication) and I would do it again that way if I ever had any more kids.
Amanda M
2007-02-22 05:39:26 UTC
You can do Kegel exercises to restore the vagina. My hubby says it feels different, but no worse.

No way would I choose a CS over vaginal delivery. There is an extreme satisfaction in delivering a baby yourself, and having had one major abdominal surgery before, I've no desire to repeat that process. I'd want to be as mobile as possible to take care of the new baby. In fact, my OB was threatening one when I delivered my son, and I just plain refused. I was bound and determined to deliver without surgery, and I did.
2007-02-22 05:34:28 UTC
I prefer natural,

about the other matter, I've had two children (natural) and my husband wouldn't dream of saying such a thing.

now if your husband is so low as to insult you after such an intimate moment, it would be the last time that train pulled into that station, of course I would also have to tell him as he was leaving, that I was faking for the last (however long it's been),since his performance was inatiquite.
Mommy of 3
2007-02-28 12:44:42 UTC
natural childbirth is a gift!! Only some people can do it because of complications that other people encounter they HAVE to have a c section....but naturally is a great experience...i know the pain seems scary and that your wont be able to do it but trust me...I'm the biggest baby when it comes to pain and i didnt have nothing..because my epidural didnt work but i made it and im glad i didnt do nothing differnt!! It was a great experience!!!
2007-02-28 04:53:52 UTC
Having delivered twins and a singleton naturally and having one C-section, I would say natural all the way. I had so much pain and such a long recovery from the C-sec.
2007-02-22 05:47:07 UTC
My husband has told me that some men he used to work with would joke about needing to tie a 2 X 4 around their waist so they wouldn't 'fall in' their wives vaginas after they had given birth.....

So I think alot of men don't like the way their wives feel after giving birth but never say anything to their wives.

Thankfully I had a c-section!!
2007-02-22 06:28:51 UTC
Have a vaginal delivery if at all possible! Don't worry about the stuff you read about. A c-section is major surgery, with lots of risks, so it's best to not have one unless the doc says you absolutely must.
2007-02-22 05:23:39 UTC
I think it would depend on the size of the baby and what your doctor says.

I had an emergency c-section with my first and a scheduled c-section with my second. Its a good thing as he was 10 1/2 lbs and the doctors says I would never would of been able to give birth naturally with him

What ever you decide, good luck and enjoy you baby when the little one is born.

Both of my recoveries were good. The second one I recovered alot faster. No problems or complications.
2007-02-22 05:28:41 UTC
I agree with natural birth, i am hoping to have a water birth but this is my first one so ask me again after ive had it!!! Lol
2007-03-01 21:36:40 UTC
i've heard alot of women say that. me personally i had to have both of my children CS. but it was really kind of hard to take care of a newborn with a big cut in my belly. i was so glad i had someone to help me. i've heard alot of women say that its a little easier to recover if you have your babies through your as we call it in my house (whowho) lol .the best thing i guess i would recommend is doing lots of kegals.
2007-02-22 05:47:25 UTC
I prefer natural (with the help of an epidural). I delivered my first that way and plan on delivering my second that way too. At first my husband said it was "different" but he didn't say it was bad. It hasn't affected us at all.......
Veronica's Mommy
2007-02-22 05:45:50 UTC
most dr wont give you a c- section if you ask... if your husband is that concern about how you feel down there then ask him how is penis would be if he had to psuh a bowling ball thru it.... i had an emergency c section and the recovery is awful...but my daughter is perfect.. i dont feel like i was jipped out of delivering her vaginaly.... all i care is that she was healthy! good luck!
2007-02-22 06:19:19 UTC
3 natural (unmedicated) vaginal births here, and no complaints about anything being "slack".

Keep up with your kegels if you're concerned about muscle tone.

C-Sections are for medical EMERGENCIES.
2007-02-22 23:00:45 UTC
Ive had 3 c-sections.

would never try natural
2007-02-22 05:26:01 UTC
CS, it might take longer to recover, but your husband and you will be thankful later on in life :)
2007-02-23 03:12:44 UTC
yeah, you don't have to believe what you can't. because you don't understand anything at deep, i find hard to explain to you
2007-03-01 22:03:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.