Question about car seats?
2009-10-18 08:43:32 UTC
We just bought the car seat we have been wanting, it holds 5-100 pounds and was only $100 and we planned as this to be our only car seat. But my boyfriend took a daddy boot camp class and the guy told him that the baby needed to be taken out of the hospital in a carrier, I didn't think this is true since in all the baby stories (Bringing Home baby, Baby Story) the babies are being held out to the car. So I am kinda bummed thinking I might have to buy another car seat just to bring him home in. I wouldn't mind but the cheapest I have found was $60, is it okay to get a used car seat? Where is the expiration dates on the car seats? Do you have to prove the car seat is new? Is it my best bet to get a new car seat or a car seat that comes with a stroller?
Fourteen answers:
2009-10-18 14:03:55 UTC
You do not have to have an infant carrier if you don't want one, though many parents prefer the convenience of them for the first several months. The hospital probably will require that you have the seat, so you may have to bring it in or have them see it in your car.

It is NOT okay to get a used car seat. Car seats are one time use and if they are in an accident must be replaced. Never buy/accept a used seat from anyone you would not trust your child's life with. You do not know how that seat was treated or what it's been through. A used seat is also more likely to be missing the instruction manual and/or important labels to help you determine if the seat has been recalled or is expired.

The expiration may be listed a few different ways. Some have a sticker that says 'do not use this seat after xxxxx" Others have a kind of clock looking thing molded into the plastic. If you cannot locate either of these, check the model sticker. It will have the model number, serial number and date of manufacture. Then check the instruction manual for how long the seat lasts. 6 years is the most common expiration, so if you find nothing else, go by that.

You should not have to prove that the seat is new, but it sounds like yours is, and I would not get a used seat if you get an infant carrier, so that would be new, too. They cannot require this because many people will use the same infant carrier for a second child. They may check that it has not expired, though.

You said you got the seat you have planning for it to be the only seat you'll need. You have a 3 in 1 seat (my 1st guess is the Alpha Omega Elite or Eddie Bauer, though I couldn't find either for only $100 so it may be a different one) and though these advertise to be the only seat you'll ever need, it's just not true. First off, they expire after 6 years and you already have it before your baby is born, so it's going to expire before baby turns 6 and that is too young to be in the vehicle without a booster. Second, they tend to not fit kids well as a booster, so you would need a dedicated booster anyway.

If you're set on the 3 in 1 seat you have, it does make a fine harnessed seat, both rear facing and forward, so you can use it for several years before you'll need to look into getting a dedicated booster.

I, personally, prefer convertibles because they harness to higher weight limits than the 3 in 1's. Most 3 in 1's go to 35 lbs rear facing and then to only 40 lbs forward facing (the 100 lbs listed is for booster mode). Most convertibles rear face to 35 or 40 lbs and forward face to 65 lbs (some as low as 40 lbs like the 3 in 1, some up to 80 lbs)

A higher weight limit is not always necessary, it completely depends on the child. Some will outgrow their seat by height long before weight, so the 3 in 1 would last them just as long. But if you think you may have a chunky little one, you might want a seat that has a higher weight limit.

I hope I answered all your questions. Car seats are my passion and my obsession! Feel free to ask me anything else!

2016-05-22 10:40:24 UTC
If you can only afford one car seat and don't plan to have another child within the next couple of years, then get a convertible. If you do plan to have another child, you certainly could justify the cost of the infant seat. Remember, these things are no good after 5 or 6 years, so have to be thrown out anyway. You'll get more mileage for your money with a convertible. If you use a sling, you don't need the carrier (which hurts your back anyway). If you don't plan to spend much time in malls, the carrier/cart system isn't worth the money either. You would be better off with just a regular stroller (again, the seat would have to be thrown away eventually). Lots of women use only convertibles and never get the infant carrier, so don't stress about it. Baby will fit fine. If it didn't support her, they couldn't list it as good from 5 pounds. I would add that I didn't find it any harder to stick the baby into the car seat in the car vs. sticking baby into car seat and then into a base in the car. However, I don't have an SUV either. That may complicate things if you have to climb in and out. Another advantage of the infant seat is that if your baby has reflux or a cold, they breathe better if left to sleep in their carseat (strapped in, of course). Can't do that with the convertible since it is installed in the car. This problem doesn't affect most babies, though.
2009-10-18 09:27:49 UTC
Used car seats could be old and if an accident happens the plastic could be weak and break not protecting your child. Also if it was in an accident there could be stress damage or something that will make it unsafe for the child.

No you dont have to have a carrier car seat, they are more perfered because they carrry the child to and from the car. The convertible once from birth to x amount of weight is fine! they cant tell you what car seat to buy they just need to know you have one cause believe it or not there are still people who will drive with a small child on their lap! You dont have to bring the car seat in to the hospital the nurse will and should push you in a wheel chair to the car to make sure the baby gets in safely I was not allowed to walk out with the baby because its against hospital policy. The nurse waited till we got the baby in and I got in safely (c~section). If they try and tell you that you have to bring the car seat in explain its not a portable one and you do not want to take it out and risk not getting it back in right. Believe it or not as much as people are scared of hospitals they can not keep you or your child UNLESS they can prove your endangering the child. GL

BY it has to face back for a child under so much weight.
2009-10-18 09:05:35 UTC
You may not need a carrier, and I didn't at first with my son, but they truly are a god send in the early months. Babies without a doubt will fall asleep in the car and to try to get them out of those carseats is really hard without waking them. To be able to just grab the seat out and take them in and finish their nap is wonderful. You can often pick them up for 60 bucks new and resell them at 6 months when they are staying awake more. I also found my son's convertible really did not lay back enough when he was first born and his little head even with the headrest would go forward. I bought his carrier when he was 3 weeks old because the other carseat scared me.

Used carseats are fine as long as they are within their expiration date which is on the back of the carseat a long with the manufacture date and lot number. You can easily look up whether they are recalled for any reason. When I sold my girls' carseats I took a picture of the expiration date and the other information on the back. I had also kept the books and the headrest that came with them. I would only buy a used one if they did all of this. They are also no good if they were in a car accident.

Edit: People keep saying that the hospitals don't have any car seat experts. Mine actually had a nurse on duty at all times in the Nursery that walked the mothers down. She was trained in proper instulation of carseats and helped us to make sure ours was in properly and that the straps were adjusted right for our daughters. Our girls since they were in the Special Care Nursery also had carseat test. We had to bring in our carseat carriers and they had to be able to sit in the carrier for an hour without their monitors going off. They only let us use the headrest that came with the carseat.
2009-10-18 09:14:53 UTC
You don't have to have a carrier. You need to have a car seat that is appropriate for an infant, which it sounds like you do. When the nurse wheels you down after you are released, they will check the car to make sure there is a car seat in there for the baby and that it's rear-facing or they won't release the child.

I held my baby on my lap as they wheeled me down and my husband went to pull the car around to the front. They checked to make sure I had a car seat (facing backwards) and waited for me to strap her in and for me to get in the car and then we left. It was the same for both births (at different hospitals).

If you're still nervous about it, call the hospital to verify. I can't imagine them insisting on a baby carrier...that makes no sense. If for some reason they won't let you hand-carry the baby out, then your boyfriend can put the baby in the stroller to go to the lobby and then bring the car around with the seat installed.

Keep in mind though that they are not car seat experts and they will not check to see if the car seat is properly installed. That is yours and your boyfriend's responsibility. Read the instructions that came with the car seat thoroughly, and/or check with your local fire department to see if they will check your installation for you.

The people at the hospital simply verify that there is a rear-facing car seat in the car.
2009-10-18 09:11:21 UTC
You do NOT need a carrier car seat to take the baby out the hospital, they are not liable if you were to crash and didn't have a car seat, they cannot refuse to let you leave the hospital carrying your baby. Do not get one, they're a waste of money, i got one and i used it till my son was 6 weeks old then i had to buy one like what you've got as he grew out the carrier, birth - 4 years and it's rear facing, then goes forward facing from 6 months, it's alot better.

Things have changed, when my parents had us, they used to take us home in a taxi just holding us, no car seats at all.

If the hospital were bothered about you carrying your baby, they might ask to see your car seat, but you just take the nurse to your car and show them it.
2009-10-18 09:49:16 UTC
call and check with the hospital as to whether or not they want you to bring in the car seat. Some may want to see it and others may not care too much...possible liability issues. When i had my son, they said we did not need to bring it inside. We just had a hospital aide accompany us and i think that as long as we had a car seat, we were okay.
2009-10-18 08:52:09 UTC
Not true. The hospital does not care what kind of car seat you have, they dont check them because they cant be liable if anything happens and they check it. Got this information from 2 diferent hospitals I delivered at.

EDIT the car seat you have is great. Just put it rearfacing. Cantact your local fire department to get all the laws if your family is still on your back about it. The carriers are a waste of money and outgrow them too fast anyways.
2009-10-18 09:05:10 UTC
Okay, you just in luck the car seat fairy is here! I want you keep in mind that the car seat is what insures your babies life in car crash cheapest is not always the best.

The best/safest car seat for newborns to about 10 months are infant car seat (5-20lbs wait limit). There handy when shopping or taking the baby out and good in bad weather conditions (rain or snow protection). They are far more comfortable for a newborn or a young baby. I would strongly suggest you buy an infant car seat.

Since you plan to keep this car seat for such a long time make sure its a good car seat. Unless you plan on buying another one later on. All make sure the 5-100lb car seat can face both forward and rear.Babies must be facing rear until 20lbs for safety. Just a side not: 3 in 1 car seats can NOT be taken in an out of a car and can be difficult ecspecially when babies sleep alot at first.

To answer your questionsmaximum its okay to buy a used car seat. Theexasperation for a car seat is 10 years. The exspiration date is on a 3"x3" sticker on the side or the underneath of the car seat. You will have to prove that is less that 10 years old. Your best buy is to buy a stroller/infant seat combo.

Your options (all items are from Babies R Us):

Infant car seat:

Infant car seat/stroller combo: seats2582970&parentPage=family

3 in 1 carseats (5-100lbs) -

I would NOT suggest somthing like this unless its a Britex:

ETA: I had a infant car seat until 10 months. Even at 10 months I found it difficult to use a 3 in 1. They dont lean back far enough and every time she falls asleep in the car I'd have to wake her up.

Good luck I hope I helped!
Mary May
2009-10-18 08:49:19 UTC
totally fine. the hospital just needs to see the car seat. so you would have to bring it in to show them you have one. you do not need to leave the hospital with the baby inside a carrier. have your bf bring it in, the nurses will demonstate how to secure your baby properly and the your bf can take it back out to install it in the car.

congrats and best wishes.
2009-10-18 08:50:15 UTC
you dont carry them out in the car seat if you dont want. it has to be anchored in the car before they leave. it doesnt have to be new as long as it meets the requirements and is fastened in right it doesnt matter. they will send someone down to make sure its properly installed before you can leave with the baby tho. we got a travel system but we also travel alot so it was easier for us to have one with a stroller, but it doesnt matter what type you get as long as you can put an infant in it safely. all they care about is it is safe and installed right.
2009-10-18 17:21:51 UTC
they should let u use it as long as it is appropriate for a nb; just bring the instruction book or something to prove it's for a little one too....that said, only a 100bucks for seat sounds wayyy cheap and i would be concerned about it's construction and safety...
advise please
2009-10-18 08:50:32 UTC
yes you do need a baby car seat the one you bought is for can use a used one just make sure to check if there are any recalls for it....i would simply take the one you bought back and get what you need...state laws i believe in every state do require you to have an infant in a car seat and cops are never very friendly when they find an infant not in one...there is no expiration date on them...cheapest way to go is go to wal mart or meijers if you have them where you live and get a 60.00 one
Shorty, Baby, Bunny
2009-10-18 16:13:05 UTC
Can I just copy and paste what Anne said?! She said it so well.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.