There is currently no generally-accepted medical treatment for colic, and the approach taken by medical professionals varies substantially from country to country and indeed from doctor to doctor. Many believe that the condition is currently untreatable, and is best left to run its course. Other doctors prescribe simethicone, which treats trapped gas; some parents report that this is effective, but for many others it is not, and research suggests that it is not useful.[14]
One study showed a moderate success when infants with colic were treated with dicyclomine, an anti-spasmotic drug commonly found in some anti-diarrheal medications.[15]
Other studies have found success with probiotics such as Lactobacillus reuteri, which were intended to reduce gas.[16]
Gripe water is believed by some to relieve the symptoms associated with baby colic, teething and baby's gas[citation needed].
In addition to herbal teas it is believed that the organoleptic effects of certain herbs can help calm and relieve colic symptoms.
Scientists warn that further studies are necessary before any specific cure should be recommended.[16]
There is general agreement that soothing measures, such as pacifiers, listening to white noise and rocking, are often effective in calming the baby during crying periods. Also known as the "cuddle cure",[17] the five S's are known as Swaddling, placing the baby on their Side or Stomach, Swinging the baby, making a Shhh sound in the baby's ear, and giving the baby something to Suck on. Some parents take turns holding the baby upright (which may reduce the pain and crying) to enable the other parent to catch up on sleep. Babies with lactose intolerance or reflux cry harder and longer when left to lie on their backs, but parents are not advised to put the baby to sleep on their front as it is considered a risk factor for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Various tactics, such as changes in diet or routine, an increase in fresh air or certain herbal teas, are popularly believed to cure colic. There is also the theory that rubbing warm olive oil on the hands and feet, then rubbing the stomach with olive oil in a clockwise motion will cure colic. While some of these may help in certain cases, none of them is known to be universally effective. The widespread belief in them may be partly due to the suddenness with which colic naturally resolves itself. Many parents keep trying different approaches until the colic suddenly stops, at which point they presume that the last thing they tried was the cure.
In cases where 'colic' or excessive crying is possibly the infants innate healing mechanism helping them to recover from birth trauma or other past or current stress, appropriate holding and facilitation techniques may be able to increase the effectiveness of the release process and reduce the overall amount of crying time needed. In any case parents may benefit from learning these techniques, as this can help them to cope better psychologically with their child's distress, and to feel more empowered in the midst of an extremely trying situation.
The one thing that worked for my colicy son was me rubbing his tummy like you are massaging it start at the bottom of his stomach and push up a little not too hard continue till you get to the top of his stomach. If that doesnt work hold him across your shoulder putting a little pressure on his tummy and burp him. Really any baby can be colicy cause no oe know why babies have colic so be patient with his doctor and if really get over whelmed make sure he is dry and feed lay him down in his crib on his side let him cry a little go outside breathe for about a couple of minutes then come back in and try tohelp him babies can sense your emotions and they can trigger an undesired effect God bless you