Help Please? Hospital Checklist!!!?
2007-10-29 11:31:46 UTC
I'm 37 weeks and I'm getting ready to pack a bag for Baby and me. I'm a little lost and would like to know things I will need to pack for the Baby and what I need to pack for myself. I would realy appreciate your help!!!
28 answers:
2007-10-29 11:53:54 UTC
Congrats and Good Luck!!!!!

~coming home baby outfit

~coming home outfit for you


~car seat in your car ready to go

~ camera

~video recorder (if you want)




~cross word puzzle

~snacks (hospital food isn't that great!!)

~tooth brush






~hat (for baby)
Sarah K
2007-10-29 11:45:19 UTC
1. clothes for you-you will still be bigger and you will need maternity or something big and comfy.

2. Jammies for you-you don't want to keep wearing that stupid robe.

3. One or 2 outfits for baby for pictures and to come home in. The hospital will give you the little shirts they wear during their stay. they usually don't want them in real clothes.

4. Lotion, bath wash and chap stick. Some hospitals make you shower with their stuff and it smells like medicine so a nice lotion makes you feel better.

5. a blanket-if you have pets at home, you need to get the baby's smell on it (and yours too) and have dad take it home so the pet can get used to it.

6. Snacks for dad-they get really impatient and they are a lot better if they are fed.

7. A deck of cards-it makes time go by fast!

8. disposable camera-That way you don't have to worry about the expensive one getting lost.

You don't need lotion, diapers etc for baby because hospital will supply all that. Make sure you take what you can-it's "free"

Leave all your jewelry at home. they will make you take everything off.

Make sure you have sanitary napkins. You will need them for a few weeks after and you don't want to have to send dad out. I had to and he was like a deer in headlights!

Hope this helps and congrats!
2007-10-29 11:49:03 UTC
I have packed that bag 3 times in 3 years and the one thing I always forget is change for my hubby to use the vending machine! That is a must for us! This is my general list

~A sleeper or two for the baby

~socks for the baby and yourself

~Pacifier if your gonna use them

~Clothes for you and baby to come home in

~Blanket or 2

~Tolietries... take a hairbrush, some hairties, travel shampoo and soap (if they supply it, it probably won't be that nice) toothbrush, ect.

~You may also want to take some makeup if you want to wear it for pictures

~Something to do... a book, gameboy after baby is born you may be very very bored

~Nursing bra

~Your own robe and PJ's to feel more comfortable

~Your Adress book if you don't take your cell ... we always had the cell, much easier and cheaper to call all the family

~ If this is your first child and your Husband is staying with you pack stuff for him... toiletries, clothes, something to occupy his time.

Alot of good web sites will have a packing list also. I always went off the one in "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" by Vicki Iovine.
2007-10-29 11:42:24 UTC
Some hospitals dont give you baby wipes, they want you to use water and a cloth. I made sure to bring a pack of sensitive alcohol free wipes with me. Bring a book in case you are in labor a long time or if they end up trying to induce you and you have to stay longer.

I did not wear any of the gowns I brought (it was easier to wear the hospital gowns). My hospital provided shirts, hats, diapers, wipes, blankets, socks, and mittens for the baby. They also provided disposable underwear and sanitary pads for me (which was nice not to ruin my clothes!!). Also, make sure to bring your glasses and contacts if you wear them.

I ended up having to have a c-section after 2 days of failed induction so I didnt need any of the labor stuff I brought, but you cant prepare that way unless you are having a scheduled section.

Good luck!!
you suck.
2007-10-29 12:03:58 UTC
For the baby you will need:

an undershirt, socks, PJ's (depending on the weather you would take a kinda thick one if its cold), baby blanket, burp cloth.

For you:

you need some shoes (no flip flops), underwear, a bra, and your clothes that you are going to wear to go home. Nothing too tight cuase it might be uncomfurtable. A pillow, A CAMERA, baby name book. Dont really worry about maxi pads, diapers or breast pads the hospital usually supplies a couple for you.
2007-10-29 11:47:52 UTC
Check with your hospital, first of all. Hospitals are very different in what they provide and also what they will let you bring.

So first of all, see what they'll provide for you and the baby. Do you need to bring diapers or bathing products? Probably not, but I have heard of hospitals not providing them, which would not be a fun surprise! Do you need to bring disposable undies or will they have them for you? They should provide you with pads and things like Tucks wipes, but I'd double check!

What about food during labor? Do they provide you any meals or beverages? What about your husband? Is there someplace he can get snacks/drinks? Is the cafeteria open in the middle of the night? This will help you figure out what to pack in terms of snacks and drinks. Don't forget that after you have the baby, you may want something to eat in your room in the middle of the night. You will probably be starving! It is good to be prepared (even just throwing a few power bars and bottles of water in your bag can help!).

You should ask them about what you have access to for your comfort. Can you plug things in (like a little fan)? Do they have a DVD player in the room (so you can bring some movies for you and/or DH)?

My general list includes lots of entertainment and comfort labors have gone anywhere from 4-37 hours and it is better to be prepared for a long one. So for me that meant magazines and puzzle books, some music (CD player and headphones), massage supplies, and snacks. I also had a fan, which made me feel much better! I even brought lavender air freshener...the hospital smell bugs me and spraying some lavender scent in the air made it feel more comfortable to me. If you want to go all out, you can even bring some of the flameless candles that go on batteries...they make your room look homey and a lot less institutional!

I also like to bring a notebook to write down the progress of my is fun to look at later, and the whole thing will be a blur after it is over with. Camera, video camera, etc. Change for vending machines and even the pay phone if you need it. Clothes for your husband to change into (also bring a toiletry kit for him so he can brush his teeth, shave, etc).

One more thing: bring some goodies for the nurses! Seriously, it helps. They are so much nicer to you after you've stopped by the nurses station with some cookies or banana bread! It works wonders. ;)

I think that's almost it! LOL! I like to go prepared...better to have it if you need it, especially if you end up having a really long labor.

Good luck!
Susan B
2007-10-29 11:37:23 UTC
Take an outfit for the baby (take home in and or pictures if your hospital offers that and you plan to get any). Take socks for your feet. Take a robe (in case you leave your room). You may want to find out if the hospital rooms have CD players to take music during labor. Take things for a shower during your stay. Make sure you have the car seat in your automobile or you can not leave the hospital with the baby (you probably know that already!!)...Hope this helps...just think of things you may want to have there with you!!!
2007-10-29 11:55:28 UTC
Dont forget the camera or film and check the battery!!!!

I also never found anytime to really read or do crosswrods or anything like that. I was busy breastfeeding and sleeping.



comfy clothes

lots of underwear

nursing bra or reg bra

pads ( hospital pads r not the greatest but they are free)

bath products



the hospital usually provides formula, diapers, vaseline, wipes, hats, recieving blankets

going home and picture outfit

recieving blankets to take baby home

hat if hospital doesnt allow you to keep it

rear facing carseat

my husband took care of himself. just remind your partner that labor can be very long and he may be there over night or longer and need to eat and drink too keep up his strength to support you.
Mommy of 2 little girls<3
2007-10-29 11:41:33 UTC
For the baby- pacifier, take home outfit, receiving blankets (my hospital supplied diapers and wipes, and i wasnt allowed to use baby powder incase she was allergic) Hand mits, little booties, baby hat. THE BABY BOOK.

For you- Shampoo, conditioner, toothbrust, toothpaste, hair brush, hair ties. I brought pajamas but wasnt allowed to wear them . A BLANKET, i was freezing the first night i was there.. Hospitals are always cold. Something to read, SNACKS..socks or slippers. A cell phone, trust me you will get bored and want to call everyone.

I brought a hole bunch of extra stuff i never used. That list is the only thing that was actually helpful to me.

good luck momma
2007-10-29 11:42:48 UTC
Hospital & Insurance card, for sure

a couple bras ( Breastfeeding ones, if that's what your doing)

a bunch of underwear (you'll need about 10)

A few night gowns or PJ's (Buttoned if breastfeeding)

Bathrode, slippers

Sanitary napkins (Designed for new mothers)

hygien products (toothbrush, paste, soap shampoo, etc.)

clothing for when you leave

stuff for your comfort (pillow, water and snacks, etc.)

stuff for entertainment (mp3 player, short books, list of people to call, etc.)

5 or so pairs of PJ's and bodysuits for the baby (at least one bigger, in case the baby is bigger)



outfit for trip home

warm blanket

bibs (to protect baby's clothes)



towels for burping the baby

baby soap

and mitttens for babys hands

Hope that helps. I actually found this list on a website, but didn't write it down. This is most of the stuff you should take for yourself and the baby.
2007-10-30 13:12:36 UTC
Packing your hospital bag

Completed insurance or pre registration forms and health care insurance card

Heavy socks to wear in delivery room

Cotton nightgown or T-shirt for labor

Lip balm, lollipops or fruit drops to use during labor

Books or magazines

A nightgown for after the delivery

Slippers with rubber soles

2 Nursing bras

3 pairs of panties

Toiletries (Brush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.)

Hair band

Clothes for going home, preferably loose fitting

Glasses (You cant wear contacts during labor)

Sanitary pads (check to see if the hospitals supplies them or not)

What to pack for Labor

Watch with a second hand (For timing of contractions)

Talc or cornstarch for massaging

Paint roller or tennis ball to massage your lower back

Tapes, CD's and a player

Camera and film

List of telephone numbers to announce the birth of your baby.

Change for call

Light snacks for your partner or labor coach

What to pack for your baby

Clothes for the trip home (Vests, baby grows, hat and socks)

Baby blankets


Be sure to have an approved baby car seat correctly installed in your car, in which to take your baby home. Some hospitals won't even let you take your child home in your car unless you have one installed.
PJ's Mom
2007-10-29 11:51:12 UTC
Bring your own sanitary napkins, the ones that they give you in the hospital are horrible.

Something comfortable for you to wear home. Some nightgowns and a robe, slippers and warm socks.

Shampoo, Conditioner and a nice scented bath gel or soap.

A hairdryer (I forgot to bring mine and looked like the bride of Frankenstein the whole time).

Makeup (if you want).

An ipod or some other kind of music playing device.

Your camera!

Clothes to bring the baby home in and a receiving blanket.
Katie C
2007-10-29 11:38:14 UTC
The most important thing that I brought was something comfortable to wear while laboring and something super comfortable to put on right after I showered. You can wear their gown... but I doubt you'll have to.


diaper bag: PJ's, diapers, wipes, cute clothes for up to 4 days,

your bag: PJ's, socks, period underpants and plenty of them, pads (although they will probably give you some industrial sized ones when you deliver). Body pillow and or your pillow.

I brought cards, knitting, cell phone and list of phone numbers. Hand held computer game.

I used very little of that stuff though.
2007-10-29 11:35:45 UTC
What to pack for yourself

After your baby is born, you’ll want to keep things simple. Here’s a list of things you’ll want to bring to the hospital:

Comfortable clothes, including something loose and flowing to wear home

Robe and nightgown

Nursing bras


Sanitary pads

Toiletries (shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, skin care lotion, hairbrush, deodorant, etc.)

A few pairs of maternity panties

A battery-powered CD player with headphones so you can listen to relaxing music while you’re in labor

A pocket name book if you haven’t chosen a name for your baby

What to pack for your significant other/coach


Change of clothes if your significant other/coach will be staying overnight at the hospital

A camera and film and/or a video camera

What to pack for your baby

Car seat — By law, you have to have a child car seat to take your baby home. Make sure it’s installed correctly.


Receiving blanket — Bring other blankets if the weather is cold.

An outfit to wear home (including socks and booties)

Onesies — These are baby "bodysuits" that are designed for ease of dressing and changing, and add an extra layer of warmth under the baby's outfit.

A hat — You might be able to keep the one the hospital puts on your baby.)

You might also want to bring snacks such as granola bars, crackers, dried fruit, etc. After going into labor, you will probably be hungry. You should also bring change for the vending machines in case the hospital cafeteria is closed.

Do NOT bring a cell phone (each room has a telephone for patients to use), cash, credit cards, jewelry, or other valuables with you to the hospital.
2007-10-29 12:22:58 UTC
I'm 20 weeks and it's my 3rd - this is my check list....

For you:

House Coat

2 or 3 night gowns as well as comfortable clothes

2 or 3 bras

4 to 6 pairs of underwear

Socks & Slippers

Super absorbant pads - 1 pack is good, but your better off with 2

1 box of breast pads, cause you may leak through your clothes

1 box of kleenex

Your own pillows, if you like ( lable with your name )


Glasses or contacts ( if needed )

Make-up bag & accessories ( shanmpoo,soap,deoderant...etc)

Hair brush, combe blow dryer ( if needed )


for him:


comfortable clothes & Running shoes

Face cloths

Camera & Film

Radio, CD, Mp3

Sleeping bag & pillows


For baby:


non perfum baby soap

clothes as well as clothes to bring baby home

Newborn baby car seat

Bottles - If not breast feeding

Thats pretty much it! Your good to go!

Hope this helps you - it's what i packed the 2 first times!

Congrat's and good luck! *Smile
2007-10-29 11:36:58 UTC
Something to bring the baby home in (outfit) and a heavy blacket if it's cold, Something comfortable for yourself to come home in.. Slippers to wear around the hospital .. Nursing pads and bra,, Carseat, some magazines or a book// make sure you take off all your jewellery before you leave too or else they make you do it at the hospital.. A brush and toothbrush..
2007-10-29 11:44:37 UTC
Here's what's in my bag:

Comfy pjs to wear in the hospital

A change of clothes to go home in

Shampoo, body wash, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste

make-up ( my one fru-fru item )


socks and undies


For baby:

clothes and a blanket to take her home in

The car seat is in the car.

There are so many unnecessary things that you don't need. Find out how long your stay in the hospital will be, and pack accordingly.
2007-10-29 11:39:14 UTC
I already have my hopsital bag packed, I did it over the weekend. You are going to need underwear, your own pads if you dont want to use the huge hopsital ones, pajamas and clothes that you dont mind getting ruined (same with underwear), robe, slippers, baby book for his/her footprints, shampoo, toothbrush, soap, anything to wash up with, clothes to wear home for you and the baby and most importantly a car seat.
2007-10-29 11:39:26 UTC
I'm almost 35 weeks with #3 and I just did my bag run today...

From the drugstore, I like to pick up

Travel sized

- shampoo and conditioner

- pre-moistened facial wipes (like Oil of Olay/St. Ives/whatever)

- deodorant

- toothpaste

- mouthwash


- overnight ultrathin maxi pads (some hospitals only provide the old style thick pads...yeee-ouch)

- new toothbrush

- new hairbrush (then you don't have to scramble last minute)

From home

- two pairs of nursing nightshirts (easier than PJ pants for when you need to be examined postpartum)

- roomy 'granny' panties

- couple of pairs of little sport socks for the cold hospital floors

- reading material

- notepad and a pen/pencil

- YOUR OWN PILLOWS! Hospital pillows suck. :)

- an outfit for you to wear home...make sure it's roomy! :)

For baby

- few pairs of sleepers

- going home outfit

- carseat, of course. :)
2007-10-29 11:48:39 UTC
Diapers and clothes for baby. Breast pads, sanitary pads and clothes to go home in for you. You may want to bring your own pjs, robe and a pair of slippers or cozy socks as well, just keep in mind that you will likely get blood on them, so you may want to wear that oh-so-fashionable hospital gown.
Adrianne R
2007-10-29 12:03:52 UTC
for yourself pack loose clothing when you get to go home hygiene products,robe,pillow,socks something to read information like insurance cards cameras as for baby a outfit for NB pic most important car seat at the hosiptal they'll have diapers,formula and wipes everything you'll need and plus you get to take that stuff home
2007-10-29 11:59:08 UTC
Baby Socks to cover babies hands

Pajamas for mommy

Snacks for Mommy and Daddy

A camera

Tooth Brushes and Tooth paste


A couple of Onsies for Baby

A couple of Bibs and Diaper Clothes

change of socks

a portable fan

A Positive Attitude

Lots of Love for Baby .....

Congratulations !!
Autism's Beautiful Face
2007-10-29 11:36:43 UTC
First Congrats and Good Luck

Baby Bag nappies cotton wool, mittens, a few romper suits, cardigans, and a blanket

for you night dress lots of sanitary towels wash bag nursing bras and breast pads
2007-10-29 11:37:21 UTC
comfy clothes for you, slippers, baby clothes, diapers, wet wipes, a cute outfit for baby to come home in,blanket for baby(though the hopsital will give you one) magazines or a crossword puzzle book for hubby/bf, breast pads if you will be nursing,also Pads for you a lot of women dont like the hospital ones! and congrats on the big day comming soon!!!
Mommyof3 BGB
2007-10-29 11:36:16 UTC
an outfit for you and the baby to go home in

lots lots lots of undies for you

carseat should be installed


razor for daddy


focus object

music (usually has to be cds)

phone card to call out of towners

nursing bra

hair stuff

slippers or slip on sandles

toiletries (shampoo, toothbrush etc)


2007-10-29 11:40:51 UTC
If you go to under pregnancy they have a list that you can print off. I loved it I printed it and used it as a checklist while packing and had everything I needed, down to snacks!!
Little Momma
2007-10-29 11:36:46 UTC
I just had my girl last week here is what I took.

Some comfy pajamas

Toothbrush and paste


snacks for my husband

couple of wash clothes. (comes in handy)

Perfume and makeup

Going home ourfit for baby

2 pairs of panties

Non slip socks

regular socks

Going home out fit for myself

Baby Car seat

Comb and brush.

Wallet with Id and Insurance info

List of phone numbers for my husband to call.

Cell phone!
2007-10-29 11:34:30 UTC
baby's pj's and diapers...your clothes to go home...maybe a robe and slippers...good luck

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.