Hey! I just wanted to tell you..you are awesome for bfing and it is NOT easy...whoever said it was..must not have been a bfing mom.
I have been bfing for 8 months now, and hun I have been through it all..breast infections, engorgment, oversupply, low supply, overactive let down, no let down, biting, nursing strikes, sore nipples...ugh..the list goes on...but if you ARE DETERMIND, you CAN do this.
First, you can start by calling someone from la leche league..just go to their site, go to the area you live in, and call a LC.. FOR FREE.
They, will probably suggest a nipple sheild..to help your baby latch..(sold for a couple of bucks, at walmart, target, kmart..etc etc)
And for supply, you can call your ob/gyn and get a prescription of Reglan over the phone sent to your local pharmacy (it helps increase milk production)
In the meantime, for latch...it something that you CAN fix now..the more she gets it right..and the more you work on it..she will get it.
Tips for a good latch:
And here is a video on it by Dr. Jack Newman
You can do it mama!! Just have faith in yourself!!