when i had my baby i packed the following for myself:
comfortable gown with easy access for breastfeeding. buy a cheap one since blood may get on it.
go to the travel section in walmart and get travel sizes of the following: shampoo, soap, toothpaste, mini toothbrush, mini lotion. this will all cost very little and you can toss it when you get home or while at the hospital instead of having to unpack a lot when you get home.
slippers for cold feet. non-slip are best.
chap-stick. my lips were super dry.
yummy, good for you snacks. i packed some granola bars, crackers, and sun chips. this is good for dad too.
hair brush, if you care.
pads! extra pairs of panties. this is very important.
nursing pads. also very important.
nursing bra.
outfit for ride home. i packed a long, baggy skirt, flip-flops and my fiance's t-shirt. comfort is key.
some women pack books for themselves or hubby, but i was too tired to read.
good luck!