What vaccinations might cause Autism?
2009-12-02 21:32:04 UTC
My little boy is due for his 2-month vaccines next week:


Which vaccinations are the ones that are suspected with Autism? And should any of the above vaccines be avoided? Thanks!
Sixteen answers:
2009-12-02 21:49:59 UTC
Um, none. At least that's what the US government says. Also, I've never known anyone to have a serious problem from a routine vaccine and none of the children I've known with autism can trace the disease to a vaccine. The main culprit, according to the anti-vaccine folks, is thimerosal which contains mercury, but that has been eliminated from most vaccines (except some versions of the flu vaccine). They also point out the MMR combo, but 10 of the 13 authors of the only study that points to MMR have retracted their conclusions. Sometimes they bring up aluminum salts, which sound scary because you think of aluminum foil and metal, but in actuality, aluminum salts are natural and are found in everything, including formula.

RotaTeq is a completely optional vaccine. Rotavirus can be a serious illness but it by no means a public safety issue.

In most states, HIB is recommended but not required, so read up on it. Though the disease is rare, there are very serious complications including brain damage and death. PCV-7, the pneumococcus vaccine, is also usually recommended but not required but in this case, the diseases the bacteria it protects against causes are pretty common and can be really hard for babies.

I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that my little boy is up to date on his shots and that most of the "experts" in the vaccine debates don't know what they're talking about and are fear mongering.
2009-12-02 21:47:28 UTC
First off no vaccines are proven to cause autism! Second I would not neglect any vaccine since these diseases are still around and can still kill your child. They are not eradicated but held at bay by vaccines that prevent children form dieing and or becoming severely sick and handicap from the disease. If anything I would talk to your doctor about what the latest date a vaccine can be given to be effective and what the best schedule is so that your child isn't getting ten at once. Personally I believe there is a genetic component to autism that is still to be proven. The groups that say vaccines cause autism have yet to provide legit proof of this claim. Autism is bad but the effects of the diseases that will be prevented are much worse, even death in some cases. Trust me I understand be worried but I think you are better of getting the vaccines. The only vaccines I'd avoid is the new H1N1 since it was pushed out so fast and some contain mercury. That's just my opinion though and good luck!
2016-05-25 01:39:05 UTC
There are just as many links to studies that say there is a correlation to the MMR and vaccines, thinktwice website lists 25 of them. However none of the studies either for or against are large enough to be considered significant. Therefor the MMR autism link hasn't been proven, and it hasn't been disproven since there are no 5000 participant, double blind, peer reviewed and published in a reputable medical journal studies to show either way. I have a son who did develop autism from the MMR, prior to this he had been developing normally sitting 6 months, crawling 7 months, walking 13 months, talking first words 12 months. At 15 months he got the MMR. Within 2 weeks he regressed stopping all of the above. At 28 months he couldn't sit unsupported, stand, walk, talk, look you in the eye... I know this son wasn't born with it, and Dr. Greenspan agrees with me, yeah, we've been to baltimore, kennedy Krieger, Dr. Cave, Dr. Wakefield... Not vaccinating kids who are high risk for autism, or not vaccinating them on anything but a delayed schedule would save a generation of kids from dependent lives in group homes. Herd immunity isn't impaired unless less than 85 percent comply, currently immunzation compliance is 95 percent. personally if the government and would be concerned parents about my nonvaccinated kids wanted to encourage nonvaccinators to vaccinate they would take steps to remove neurotoxic substances that are known to cause brain damage from vaccines such as toxic levels of aluminum exceeding cdc limits of safe amounts, thimerisol-the 2nd most toxic substance known to man, formaldyhyde-embalming fluid, antifreeze, MSG among others. If this and they got rid of combo vaccines, did adequate testing on the vaccines that are out there and stopped having to pull unsafe vaccines off the shelves every few years like the gardasil one which should have already been pulled for causing paralysis in young girls from the waist down yet still on the market and its made by Merck who knowingly left Vioxx on the market for 2 years even though they knew it was causing heart attacks and slowed up the vaccine schedule if these safety precautions were taken and the ethical issue about aborted fetal tissue being in the vaccines if they deal with these things many of those nonvaccinators would be willing to vaccinate. autism is an autoimmune disorder. Other autoimmune disorders are also linked to vaccines: Sids, ADHD, bipolar, allergies, eczema, ear infections, asthma, dyslexia, cancer, bowel disease What year exactly was there a massive outbreak of measles? Measles waxes and wanes, on an average year there are 100 cases. Last year was a high year 135, the cdc does not recognize this rise as significant, a few years ago measles was at an alltime low 42 cases. 1 in 1000 has a serious complication from measles vaccines I am most wary of Hep B, DPT, MMR, flu shot, gardasil, and chicken pox
2009-12-02 21:45:14 UTC
My son has Autism and I don't believe vaccines have anything to do with it. He was born Autistic! If you are really concerned you can ask to spread out the vaccines and give them on a slower schedule. I know parents who only let their children get one shot at a time.

The concern was about the MMR. This shot is given at the time when many children with Autism start to regress. Studies have not proved a connection between the shots and Autism, although some people will disagree. I know a lot of parents of children with Autism and nobody I know believes the shots caused their child's Autism.
2009-12-02 21:44:22 UTC
While there has been NO scientific proof of any link between vaccines and autism, the accusation isn't against the vaccines themselves but rather the thimerosol (mercury) preservative used in some vaccines. If you are concerned about an potential reaction you can find out which vaccines use thimerosol. Most of them do NOT contain it anymore. Your doctor's office can tell you which ones still do.
Smurfy Keeps Going and Going
2009-12-02 22:18:16 UTC
There are no official proven links between autism and vaccinations, but I'm still not convinced that there's not, at least, a possible link. There are some studies that seem to show an increase in autism in children (specifically boys) who have certain vaccines before certain ages, like the HepB vaccine. A new study shows that infant boys who receive the hep B vaccine before one month of age are 3 times as likely to develop autism:

There was also a supreme court case where the family of a young girl was awarded a settlement from a drug company because one of their vaccines was medically shown to cause symptoms of autism in the young girl. I'm sorry, but awarding a settlement in that case seems like pretty damning evidence against what the government keeps trying to tell us about autism and vaccines.

According to the article that I read about the case, medical evidence showed that some children have a biological predisposition to autistic symptoms when their brains are exposed to thimerosal - a component in most vaccines - before their brain is fully developed. There's no way to know which children have this biological predisposition without preforming a very invasive brain biopsy. Here's a link about the case:

Personally, I don't fully buy the whole argument that the CDC is trying to push. I think they're in bed with the drug companies that make the vaccines. Those companies stand to lose a lot of money if people don't vaccinate their children on schedule, so they're willing to fund all sorts of studies and spin them in their favor so people will continue to vaccinate their children far too aggressively. I'm not anti vaccine. I believe they can be lifesaving, but I think the US CDC vaccination schedule is way too aggressive, recommending too many vaccines too early, before an infant's immune system and nervous system are more fully developed. I prefer to delay and spread out vaccines for my children. Both of my children will be vaccinated, but not by the CDC schedule.

Now, I believe there are many other possible contributors to autism, and I'd love to see more studies on other possible environmental causes. Pitocin induction, amalgam dental fillings, radiation, and flame retardant chemicals have all been associated with autism, yet there's very little research and press about those chemicals in comparison to vaccines. I'd like to see more research there.
2009-12-02 21:42:39 UTC
I have researched this as my now 5 year old nephew has autism and like most family's we have no idea why. The vaccination theory is unproven, and by not giving your son the vaccine you are putting him at risk of some other infection or disease.

It is best to go with what your care provider recommends for your son as he is a trained professional. If your son does end up being autistic, it is not the end of the world.

If you don't get the vaccine and he gets sick you will hate yourself, if you do get the vaccine and he gets sick you will also blame your self. It is a loose loose situation if you look at it that way.

Either way, you should discuss your concerns with the doctor who will be able to give you the best information.
~Violet Colored Glasses~
2009-12-02 21:54:30 UTC
I have an autistic twin. My mother says he was functioning at the same rate as me and doing very well up until his 21th month. He got a MMR shot and the day or so after he came down with a very high fever and had a seizure.. they rushed him to the hospital and after that he wasn't right. I do not have autism so you cannot tell me ALL autistic kids are born with it, my brother was not.

I only think that the combined MMR vaccine is what causes it. Although I would NOT adivse against getting any shots.. I would consider finding an alternative to the combined shot if these is one. Good luck in your search. If anyone would like to disagree please IM on msn.. my name is jakes_babygirl_always @ thanks!
2009-12-02 21:59:20 UTC
every study i've read says that the scientific community believe autism (a spectrum disorder) is genetic.

i know a few children with a autism diagnosis and they are all very different from each other...BUT all of of their parents have similar characteristics ... my brothers son is considered 'slower' than his brother is / was very hyper...had learning disabilities, etc. he also took Ritalin as a child.

all of these children also had front row seats to extremely messy hostile divorces...which i think can scar a child emotionally. now, these are high functioning autistic cases...the worst case scenerios..seem like they could be environmental induced...but it could have been from anything. it could be from radon in the basement for all we know...or from a vaccination...who knows!
Opal C
2009-12-02 21:43:19 UTC
A researcher around 10 years ago posted a research study about vaccines that made people belive that Autisum was caused by vaccines- thus leading to the DEATH of many young kids. Autisum is highly misunderstood and people are forgeting that you are born with it and it can not be spread. REPEAT: CAN NOT BE SPREAD. not through vaccines, not through anything.
Lesley M
2009-12-02 21:41:52 UTC
No vaccination should be avoided because of that risk. There have been many studies on this, and there is no proven link between vaccines and autism. On the other hand, there is a proven association between Measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pertussis, and all vaccinated diseases and death or permanent disfigurement. In fact, on my husband's side of the family there is a person who got one of those diseases (I can't remember which) and he is in his fifties and has to live with his mother because he is unable to care for himself. You really should weigh known risks versus known benefits, rather than hypothetical risks and unproven theories.
2009-12-03 09:15:20 UTC
The vaccine thing with autism is related to the MMR vaccine and thimerosal -a mercury additive used as a preservative in vaccines.

The claim of the MMR vaccine causing autism was made by a man named Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Dr Andrew Wakefield who made a report released in 1998 and published in The Lancet claiming that the MMR caused autism was found to have faked his reports and was paid to do so, by a solicitor and a legal aid board. Dr. Wakefield and some of his associates are currently facing charges in court because of the false report. The majority of the children used in the study had signs of autism documented in their medical records before receiving the MMR vaccine. Many of Dr. Wakefield's associates have discredited their report about the MMR, including The Lancet. Not long after this report was made, Japan removed all MMR vaccines from it's country but yet in March of 2005 they noted that the cases of autism continued to rise. There have been several scientists who have replicated the exact tests Wakefield did, they showed nothing like what Wakefield claimed. I suggest the top 2 links, the 1st is to Dr. Wakefield's report, the 2nd is to an in-depth investigation into Dr. Wakefield's claim, it will show you just how much of a fraud Dr. Wakefield really is.

Thimerosal was claimed to cause autism as well. (was never in the MMR) In the US, in 2001 thimerosal was removed from all vaccines with the exception of the flu vaccine (today you can get the flu vaccine with or without thimerosal), and all remaining vaccines that contained thimerosal expired in 2003, but yet autism continues to rise. Thimerosal-containing vaccines in Denmark and Sweden was eliminated in 1992 and autism rates continue to increase.

Another thing is that we know is that autism affects boys 4 times more than girls. If vaccines caused autism, then why would they affect boys 4 times more than the girls. The vaccines aren't made and given according to your sex. Autism affecting a boy 4 times more than girl would be a genetic issue not a vaccine issue. According to recent studies (may 2009), a gene known as CACNA1G, is more common in boys than in girls, why it is more common is boys than girls is still not known. CACNA1G, which sits on chromosome 17, amid other genes that have been previously linked to autism, is responsible for regulating the flow of calcium into and out of cells. Nerve cells in the brain rely on calcium to become activated, and research suggests that imbalances in the mineral can result in the overstimulation of neural connections and create developmental problems, such as autism and even epilepsy.,8599,1899756,00.html

Chromosomes X, 2, 3, 7, 15, 16 has also been linked to causing forms of autism, you can do a search on any of those. I know NOVA did a televised report about chromosome 16, but I'm not sure if any other reports were televised in regard to the other chromosomes. I don't have cable or satellite so I am limited as to what we can watch on tv so there could have been but I was not aware of it.

Also there is current research consisting of genetic studies to develop a prenatal test for autism, which is expected to be available in about 6 yrs... Dr. Joseph Buxbaum, who heads the Autism Genome Project at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said in an interview posted on on Feb. 23, 2005, that there could be a prenatal test within 10 years. To me, if the MMR or any vaccines played such a role in causing autism I don't see how you could have a prenatal test for autism. Genetics would have to play a major role into causing autism in order for a prenatal test to be even considered or even possible.

I have 3 sons, my youngest has autistic disorder which is the severest form of autism. His 2 older brothers are neurotypical (normal) and all 3 of them have received their vaccinations and will continue to do so. I don't believe for one second that any vaccine contributed to his autism.
2009-12-02 21:51:46 UTC
the only thing ive EVER heard of may be a cause of autism is if you are pregnant and you get the H1N1 shot. but, i'm pretty sure its a genetic disorder. youll be alright. however, now you have me worried bc my son has to go in for a 2 month and i thought he was only gonna get one shot, not that many. =[ i don't like it when he cries in pain.
2009-12-02 21:38:13 UTC
People think alot of shots cause autism, its just like these people that say you can get cancer from this and that. People make things up and most people believe them.
2009-12-02 21:36:19 UTC
vaccinations do not, i repeat, do not cause autism. that is an unproven rumor that doesn't even make sense. get whatever vaccines your doctor recommends.
2009-12-02 21:49:01 UTC
Any that contain Thimerosal which contains mercury.Mercury is pure poison and is linked to developmental defects.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.