The vaccine thing with autism is related to the MMR vaccine and thimerosal -a mercury additive used as a preservative in vaccines.
The claim of the MMR vaccine causing autism was made by a man named Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Dr Andrew Wakefield who made a report released in 1998 and published in The Lancet claiming that the MMR caused autism was found to have faked his reports and was paid to do so, by a solicitor and a legal aid board. Dr. Wakefield and some of his associates are currently facing charges in court because of the false report. The majority of the children used in the study had signs of autism documented in their medical records before receiving the MMR vaccine. Many of Dr. Wakefield's associates have discredited their report about the MMR, including The Lancet. Not long after this report was made, Japan removed all MMR vaccines from it's country but yet in March of 2005 they noted that the cases of autism continued to rise. There have been several scientists who have replicated the exact tests Wakefield did, they showed nothing like what Wakefield claimed. I suggest the top 2 links, the 1st is to Dr. Wakefield's report, the 2nd is to an in-depth investigation into Dr. Wakefield's claim, it will show you just how much of a fraud Dr. Wakefield really is.
Thimerosal was claimed to cause autism as well. (was never in the MMR) In the US, in 2001 thimerosal was removed from all vaccines with the exception of the flu vaccine (today you can get the flu vaccine with or without thimerosal), and all remaining vaccines that contained thimerosal expired in 2003, but yet autism continues to rise. Thimerosal-containing vaccines in Denmark and Sweden was eliminated in 1992 and autism rates continue to increase.
Another thing is that we know is that autism affects boys 4 times more than girls. If vaccines caused autism, then why would they affect boys 4 times more than the girls. The vaccines aren't made and given according to your sex. Autism affecting a boy 4 times more than girl would be a genetic issue not a vaccine issue. According to recent studies (may 2009), a gene known as CACNA1G, is more common in boys than in girls, why it is more common is boys than girls is still not known. CACNA1G, which sits on chromosome 17, amid other genes that have been previously linked to autism, is responsible for regulating the flow of calcium into and out of cells. Nerve cells in the brain rely on calcium to become activated, and research suggests that imbalances in the mineral can result in the overstimulation of neural connections and create developmental problems, such as autism and even epilepsy.,8599,1899756,00.html
Chromosomes X, 2, 3, 7, 15, 16 has also been linked to causing forms of autism, you can do a search on any of those. I know NOVA did a televised report about chromosome 16, but I'm not sure if any other reports were televised in regard to the other chromosomes. I don't have cable or satellite so I am limited as to what we can watch on tv so there could have been but I was not aware of it.
Also there is current research consisting of genetic studies to develop a prenatal test for autism, which is expected to be available in about 6 yrs... Dr. Joseph Buxbaum, who heads the Autism Genome Project at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said in an interview posted on on Feb. 23, 2005, that there could be a prenatal test within 10 years. To me, if the MMR or any vaccines played such a role in causing autism I don't see how you could have a prenatal test for autism. Genetics would have to play a major role into causing autism in order for a prenatal test to be even considered or even possible.
I have 3 sons, my youngest has autistic disorder which is the severest form of autism. His 2 older brothers are neurotypical (normal) and all 3 of them have received their vaccinations and will continue to do so. I don't believe for one second that any vaccine contributed to his autism.