my daughter is 7 mths old, but if my answers work, then use em!
1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.
I realized that I had missed my period for almost 2 months (I have always been irregular) and that morning sickness was starting to settle in... I am actually 17 so I had my best friend go with me to take 2 pregnancy tests and both came out positive.
2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.
At 17, I was scared, excited, nervous, terrified, and anxious! Throughout my pregnancy though, I began feeling MUCH more comfortable with being a parent, especially a teen parent, and I quickly got emotionally attached to the little human being growing inside of me!
3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?
I was a teenager, and I had to mature quick. I knew that I had to get my life in order, keep a stable job, (i never was a partyer or a drinker/smoker). I knew the responsibilities I was taking on were going to be tough, but I felt that I was mature enough to handle them. I knew that taking care of a human being meant making sure she had everything she needed when she needed it, and I was okay and fully ready to do it!
4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.
Well, both my fiance and I got jobs that we knew we could enjoy and keep, we began saving money left and right, we made sure everyone we lived with knew that the cigarette smoking in the house needed to stop and that things needed to be kept clean constantly, and we made SURE that everyone knew to keep quiet!!
5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.
During my pregnancy, we were always told by our doctors that our daughter was a VERY healthy baby, and the other thing was that I got "special treatment" at work, not having to tuck in my shirt or lift heavy things (:
6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.
At 8 months, I developed a very severe case of Preeclampsia, which consists of high blood pressures and high protein counts. Due to this condition, I gave birth by emergency c section. My daughter was born exactly 1 month early (born jan 23, due date was feb 23) and weighed a whopping 4 lbs. She was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a week and a half and was on breathing tubes, but she gained her strength quick!
7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).
We took parenting classes/birth classes, prepped our house for a baby, bought all the necessary items to safely take care of a baby in a safe and loving environment, and I made sure to take my vitamins ON TIME!!
8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?
This is my first child, and after her birth, my life changed drastically. It took awhile to get used to a screaming baby at 3am but the life of parenting is so joyous and rewarding, I cannot imagine my life without my daughter!
9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?
My mother has been the most supportive throughout this pregnancy/birth. She helped me get everything in order and answered any question I could think of. She was always there to help me when I needed it and always reminded me to do the necessary actions (take vitamins, eat more often, etc)
10. Anything else you would like to add?
Coming from a 17 year old parent, teen parenting is not as bad as most make it to be. I am not promoting teen pregnancy, because it can be avoided 100%, but if any teen finds themselves pregnant, grow up and look forward to always being around for your child's events!! LOL!