New mommies, I could really use your help!!!?
2009-09-02 19:04:57 UTC
I am in a child development class and I have an assignment where I have to interview either a pregnant woman or a woman that has given birth within the last 6 months. I dint personally know anyone that fits this category so if any of you are able to answer my interview questions I would really really appreciate it (-: Feel free to be as detailed as you like in your answers. Thank you sooo much for helping out with my assignment, and congrats on your babies!!!!

1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

10. Anything else you would like to add?
Eleven answers:
Gracelyn's Mommy {01.14.10}
2009-09-02 19:54:25 UTC
1. My husband and I were trying to conceive for 2 months using Clomid. I was scheduled and had to stick to our calendar diligently: taking the medication, intercourse, doctor appointments, etc. I was about 4 weeks pregnant (baby 2 weeks old) when I started feeling extremely tired and ill. I took to home pregnancy tests and confirmed the pregnancy with a blood test at the doctor.

2. I was SO excited. We had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years! We miscarried a baby in October of 2008, and it took us a while to feel ready to try again. So, when we got pregnant in just two was amazing. I also felt the fear of miscarrying again, so I contacted a specialist. My husband was thrilled to say the least.

3. We immediately regretted not have more in savings. We spent the majority of our savings trying to get pregnant and on medical expenses, because my insurance didn't cover it. I think that I have just started looking at people in general differently as well as myself. What kind of parent do I want to be? What do I not want my child exposed to? It's weird, because I have stopped listening to certain music...and I am only 6 months pregnant. I'm happy about the new responsibility. It is already shaping me and my husband into more mature and responsible adults.

4. The first thought before you do anything is: Will this hurt the baby? I always have enjoyed a glass of wine at dinner or a cocktail with the girls, but the idea that it COULD hurt the baby makes it easy to turn away. De-Caf everything, not being around people who smoke, finding anything remotely nutritious to eat and it stay down, seat belts, the way you shop, etc. Now that I think of it...what doesn't change? Needless to say, after I give birth, I want a venti white chocolate latte with TWO shots of espresso and a margarita.

5. I love our doctor visits. My husband has made it a point to be at every single one. We have had several ultrasounds, because it is a high risk pregnancy. So, we have watched her grow from a tiny dark spot on the screen to being able to see individual fingers and toes. It's the most amazing thing. Another exciting thing is all the "baby projects" we are doing like a very detailed a personal baby journal from mommy AND daddy, the baby scrapbook, a baby quilt, picking out baby furniture and clothes. I love it!

6. Definitely the risk of miscarrying. I had to take oral progesterone until I was 12 weeks. We made it through that ok. Then, at 16 weeks, I went in for a routine visit at 9 am and was immediately sent to the hospital to a surgery. M cervix had shortened to a very threatening level and we were worried that I would go into preterm labor. The surgery was very hard for me, and I was put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.

7. We have prepared in every way imaginable. We have done everything from read pregnancy, labor, and parenting books to watch videos on You Tube on how to correctly swaddle a baby.

8. I have always been very career orientated. I am only 25 years old, and I have a position with a great company that usually takes years to get in. When I found out that I am pregnant, I started thinking about daycare versus being a stay at home mom. I would have never thought that I would even consider staying at home with my newborn. However, we are now considering not only me being at stay at home mom, but also selling our house and moving back to our hometown.

9. I think the most advice has probably come from my sister. She has three children, and had a different experience with each of them. So, she has given insight on the different types of labor and delivery, and she has prepared me for the different scenarios for coming home with baby.

10. I know that some people are scared and disappointed with a unexpected pregnancy. I just want to be one of the ones who isn't. I don't think that anyone is really EVER prepared, but it isn't rocket's parenting. I will be satisfied as long as my baby is healthy, happy, and loved.

Good luck with the project!
2009-09-03 02:19:23 UTC
1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.

--I first suspected not when I missed my period, because I had an irregular period anyway, but when I couldnt get out of bed because I was so tired and nauseous.

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

--I was scared at first because it wasn't planned. During the pregnancy I began to become more excited, especially after I found out it was a girl =) and it was much easier after I talked to the dad and my family about it

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?

--Being a parent has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. It made me change my priorities so much all I want is her happiness, more than my own. I love the responsibilities because it makes my life more meaningful.

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.

--for one I was a smoker so I had to quit cold turkey the day I found out so that was hard. I also stopped drinking which I did occasionally. I had to quit working because I was so sick as well.

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.

--finding out the sex and feeling her kick

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.

-- everything! I always felt like something was going wrong because of the littlest problems, like not feeling her kick for a few hours or something silly.

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).

--I had doctors appointments every month and more often towards the end of the pregnancy and read pretty much every pregnancy book I could get a hold of as well as looking things up on the internet. I also took a breast feeding class.

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?

--This is my first child. I know my life will change completely but I am excited for those changes. I will have a baby to worry about as opposed to myself all the time and that will be great.

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

--Honestly the best advice I have gotten have been out of books. My Mom passed away when I was eight and none of my friends have had children yet so all I had were my books which I read religiously.

10. Anything else you would like to add?

Being pregnant and feeling a life inside of you is the most rewarding thing anyone could ever ask for
♥†Ërìcs wìfëÿ *&* Ëthãñs Mømmÿ†♥
2009-09-03 02:18:38 UTC
1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.( i suspected i was pregnant when no period came along. i took a pregnancy test and it came out positive)

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

( i was shocked and scared and happy all at the same time. I had lost to babies in the past so i was always worrying)

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?(didnt really change my identity just became mommy. having a child is hard work. but i know its worth it)

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.( well when i was pregnant it didnt change my lifestyle to much just wanted to eat lol)

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.( feeling the baby kick and finding out if it was a boy or girl)

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.( worried i wasnt going to be a good mom and was worried that i would lose another baby)

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).(ive made so many doctors appointments you never knew a little one would need so lol)

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?(my life has changed incredibly because your used to always thinkin about yourself but its not about you anymore its about your little one. You get no sleep EVER. all of my family was ready to meet him they were all very excited)

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?(my hubby and my sister. they helped me gain hope to know everything was ok and what to expect)

10. Anything else you would like to add?( wait until your much older to have children when your parents say you have your whole life ahead of you listen because once its done its done. its so much work then you realize)
Ginger Y
2009-09-03 03:50:59 UTC
1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.

My husband suspected first but did not say anything to me. I apparently yelled at our dog, which was uncommon for me.

I suspected when I was late on my period. Then I realized I had been napping every day. I never nap.

I took a First Response Early Response. It was very pale positive. I went to the doctor. The pee test was negative, so they drew blood and called me 2 days later saying that I was pregnant. I was only 3 weeks along. I had ovulated later than I thought.

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

I was thrilled! We were letting nature take its course. But when I got the call, I was a little scared too.

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?

I had always been called the mom of our social group, so I felt like I really had to live up to that reputation since I was expecting to be a real mom now. I felt like I had to have all the finances in order and give my baby the perfect nursery and childhood. I was so nervous about the financial aspect. No more spur of the moment trips to the beach, or big extravagant dinners, but totally worth it.

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.

I quit smoking. I actually had a cigarette in hand when it was confirmed... sad I know. I obviously had no more alcohol. I stopped drinking as much diet soda and started drinking decaf coffee. I drank a ton more water. I no longer stayed out... I was working at a bar one night a week in addition to my fulltime position then staying out later.

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.

Not finding out the sex

It was our first baby and the first grandchild on my husband's side of the family

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.

I was in prodromal labor the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).

Lots of doctor appoinments

What to Expect When You're Expecting

The Expectant Father

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?

My life changed greatly. I am at home much more now. I am happiest when I am with my husband and baby. I don't see my friends as much, but I think it comes with the territory. We were hanging out 3-4 nights a week. Now it is about once a week or so.

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

My mom and sisters. I have 3 older sisters. 2 had children already while I was pregnant. I called them all constantly and asked them tons of questions. I would call over small things that were not mentioned in the books. I would call them for advice on how to handle hormones, the exhaustion, etc

10. Anything else you would like to add?
Jade H
2009-09-03 03:04:44 UTC
1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.

I've always had a very regular period and when I was a day late I was very concerned and suspicious that I may be pregnant.

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

I was very panicked at first. I never thought it would happen this soon in my life time. Even 5 months later I still have to look at my ultrasounds to remind myself that this is actually happening and I will soon be a mother. It is very exciting and stressful thus far.

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?

I feel as though I need to dress older and more my age to fit in with the image of many other pregnant women. I am fearful of not being able to provide for my child the same way that other mothers do. That I will be judged for being a younger mother based on my looks and parenting skills.

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.

I moved houses and began working full time to prepare for my child. I also had to postpone furthering my education this fall. I am now waiting until after the baby is born to enroll in online and night courses for nursing.

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.

Feeling the baby move still never ceases to amaze me, just knowing that there is a little person who is half of me and half of my husband is just so unbelievable. I love it already.

Seeing the ultrasounds and jsut watching your baby grow, its amazing the things the womans body can do.

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.

Just the responsibilty for another life, This is babysitting anymore you dont get to hand the baby back at the end of the night. Its all mine. I am also scared for the babys health, I just hope that it is born healthy and happy with no major problems.

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).

I've read "Your pregnancy and You" so far and have seen my doctor regularly with questions concerns ect. I have prenatal classes this upcoming fall in October.

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?

This is my first child. My life will change in the sense that I now have another life besides my own to worry about. I need to set an example for another human being. My husband and I were used to going out as late as we wanted and so on and that will certainly change once the baby is here. My freedom and an individual will be a major change especially since I have not many friends who do not have children yet and won't quite understand my husband and I's situation.

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

My mother. She had me at the same age and she is very understanding of my living situation, what I'm going through with my body ect. It's just nice to have some close that can relate to your worries, fears and stretch marks.

10. Anything else you would like to add?

Pregnancy has been the most challenging and rewarding thing that I have experienced in my entire life, and I doubt there will be anything quite like it.
2009-09-03 02:51:50 UTC
1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant?

I had missed my period for one month and started to get sick in the morning when i would get up so I took a pregnancy test and it said it was positive. I then called and made an appointment with my doctor and they confirmed that I was.

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed.

At first I was worried because I have a 20 month old daughter and Im only 19 and Im trying to go to college. After I thought about I realized that I have support from my husband and family.

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. Having a child while your still a child is a lot of hard work. What stuck in my head though was that I got myself in this situation there is no reason this child should suffer. I have sacrificed a lot of things for myself to get for my daughter. Since I have become a parent I have realized that it brings me joy when I can get for my daughter instead of myself.

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed. First off I had to stop eating a lot of what I was eating before hand. I also had to take the proper vitamins that was needed to make sure that the baby would develop correctly. My whole lifestyle was flopped from thinking of myself to worrying about the child I was carring in my stomach.

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy. The two things that I love the most about being pregnant aredefiantlyy the ultra sounds and feeling the baby move around inside you. That gives me the security that the baby is health and there is no problems.

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy. In thebeginningg I was worried that Iwasn'tt going to be able to handle another child with the one that I have now. After sitting and talking to my husband and family I know that if I ever need help with anything I have a big support system behind me.

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby.

I go to every single doctors appointment I dont miss one. Ive also started to get everything gathered up that I am going to need for the baby and have it in a place where I know I can get to it when the time is right.

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? As of right now my daughter wont understand that mommy is having another baby until the baby is here. She knows that mommy has a baby in her belly but shedoesn'tt understand fully because she cant see the baby,

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

I would have to say my doctors aredefinitelyy a big help to me. As a new mother with a lot of concerns my doctors are the first ones

I run to when I have questions.

10. Anything else you would like to add?

I enjoy being pregnant, but sometimes it takes a toll on me and I get tired very easily. But other than that it is very joyful to me to carry my child for 9 months.
2009-09-03 02:24:54 UTC
1. My husband suspected I was pregnant when I got physically ill one night. I didn't believe him, but he really pushed the idea of a pregnancy test...which came out positive. That was followed up with another test by my doctor to confirm.

2. I cried. A lot. We weren't trying and I didn't really feel ready. There were even times I seriously thought I couldn't go through with the pregnancy. As I got further along, I started to feel excitement, especially after the first ultrasound where I saw my baby!

3. I'm stealing this idea from a book, but it is so true. Once I was pregnant, I felt as though I was in the middle of a bridge. On one side are the motherless...those that can just take a vacation when they feel, go out and party, sleep in, etc. On the other side are the mothers...those that lives are filled with joy and love and sleep-less nights. It felt strange to realize I was leaving one group and heading toward another.

4. I had to quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant, so that was a BIG change for me. I also stopped driving like a lunatic.

5. The ultrasounds and the excitement from family to share in this special time in my life were the best parts of the pregnancy for me.

6. Toward the end, I was diagnosed with preeclampsia...wasn't scared until I researched what it was.

7. I read a couple of books (From the Hips being my favorite...also the one I stole #3 idea from.) My husband and I both attended baby budgeting, childbirth, and parenting classes through the hospital. I also took a breastfeeding class there. I went to all prenatal appointments...and hubby went to the ones he could leave work for.

8. The big change now that the baby is here is that I rarely sleep. I get about 3 hours solid here and there, but some days I'm running in zombified mode. I also can't just run out of the house when I feel like it. I have to plan around when my baby will need to eat, his sleep schedule, etc.

9. My mom really has been the most helpful, even though some of her info is outdated. She is always there for me and ALWAYS has an encouraging word...never critical of how I take care of my baby.

10. The only thing I can say is no person will ever truly be prepared for what goes into having a baby...experience is the ONLY way to find out.
2009-09-03 02:25:14 UTC
Lots of questions.. But I guess I fit your category I am currently 15 weeks pregnant... I don't know if it's boy or girl yet.

1.) We were trying to conceive, and what made me suspect that it was successful was a missed menstrual cycle. The only step that was necessary to confirm pregnancy was to go to the clinic and get a blood test to make sure.

2.) I was excited to find out about my pregnancy. Although, let me tell ya your emotions do take a turn!! Although it was intentional you still get so many questions in your head.. not necessarily bad ones just curiousity like will i be a good mom? what will the first doctor's appt be like? etc..

3.) As an expectant mommy you need to get ready for a lot and it's not only the mommy who needs to prepare for a whole new chapter it's daddy too. The mom has to make sure she eats right.. getting enough veggies, taking her prenatal vitamins, watching caffeine intake, making sure she doesn't gain too much weight, and following through with everything the doctor tells her. As a dad you have to prepare that you have to be there more for your woman then anyone else. This becomes your new family, and a new part of your life. You need to decide how you will be a good dad and how you can prepare for the worst times whenever they happen.

4.) I made some changes but not so many that it overwhelmed me.. actually i take that back lol. I have diverticulosus which is a intestinal disease. I have serious problems when it comes to ulcers, and heartburn and I no longer can take my zantac that I took on a daily basis that helped me when it may have come to a possible intestinal infection or heartburn issues from acid reflex. It causes me tons of pains.. but you get through it also I made the change of cutting caffeine down to almost nothing I only have about 1 can of soda a day sometimes not even that when I used to have about 3 cups of coffee a day. I also had to quit my full-time job and find a part-time job because I had too many morning sickness problems.

5.) What's most exciting is the ultrasounds. It's very cute and touching to see a little forming baby floating around and moving inside of you. It's been one of the more exciting parts of pregnancy.

6.) The most worrisome I guess would be just keeping the baby healthy while you are pregnant and getting ready to start walking around with a big belly. While a pregnant woman is in the first trimester it is very easy to miscarry, easier than most people would think. Having a miscarriage would just be awful so that is by far the most worrisome thing.

7.) At 15 weeks the only preparations you can really make are doctor appointments. You can't find out the baby's gender until about 18-20 weeks and the gender obviously depends on a lot. But you constantly have to make your work schedule work with your doctor. It can be frustrating.

8.) I know from watching my older sister have a baby that your whole life changes. Life was once all about worrying about yourself and its now worrying about the life you just gave birth to. It truly is the number one priority. When the baby is a newborn you can expect to change close to 10 diapers a day, getting up throughout the night to feed, and also have to stay up all night with a screaming child. It's not always a picnic.

9.) As for advice... I would say my mom. She helps me when it comes to everything and after she gave birth naturally to 3 girls she really has become the "icon" now and I go to her whenever something is wrong.

10.) I would like to add that pregnancy is full of mystery's and that you have to make sure your ready for the biggest adventure of your life becomes once you get pregnant you become a mommy for life.
2009-09-03 02:24:15 UTC
1) It was my husband actually that suspected I was pregnant. We were having an argument about lunch meat or something and he said that because I was irritable, I might be pregnant. I didn't believe him, but I took a home pregnancy test anyway and he was right! I was only 4 weeks pregnant at the time, but I guess he knew! It was a very faint line, so I took a digital one the next day to be sure, and it said "pregnant." I quickly made a doctor's appointment and they also confirmed 24 hours later that yup, still pregnant!

2) We were excited. We had just started trying to concieve, but I was worried because I had stopped menstrating for 8 months the year before, so I didn't know if we were going to have fertility problems since we also both turned 30. During my pregnancy, I have felt more and more protective of my son, and more confident that I could handle this. I've also felt closer to my husband. Before this I questioned his parenting potential because he seemed to be still a little kid, but as the pregnancy has gone on, I've felt better about him.

3) I was working an internship in a tech job that was scheduled to end 9 months later, so I started to feel a change from a working professional to a full time mom. All of a sudden, meetings and career development didn't seem so important anymore, and reading up on child vaccinations did.

4) I ate soooo many more fruits and veggies. I ate them before, but now I almost ate them exclusively. I cut back on red meat, also. When the morning sickness stopped, I also became more active.

5) Feeling the baby kick with more strength. We play little games with eachother now while he's still in the womb. Getting the baby's room ready. I and excited about having control over what it will look like and how it will function

6) The health of the baby. At first I was worried about genetic diseases, and then realized there was not much I could do about it, which was even more scary. Then I worried he wasn't growing right (but he was) and in general, worried about things that I didn't have much control over.

7) I read What to Expect When You're Expecting and found it extremely valuable. I would make the hubby watch infant massage, CPR, changing and feeding videos on the internet with me. I wanted to sign up for the "baby classes" but I ended up in the hospital for my 3rd trimester and then bed rest for the last couple weeks, so I missed them. I really wish I had a chance to take them. (more for the hubby, than me ;) )

8) This is our first. I know I will be much more protective over the health and eating habits of our family. I think my relationship with my husband will change too, but in a good way.

9) The nurses in the hospital where I spent some of my 2nd and most of my 3rd trimesters. They all had kids of their own, and many were also pregnant in addition to being skilled in their field, and most of them close to my age also. It helped to hear not only what the standard advise was but also what they were doing.

10) I love being pregnant and I'm really going to miss it when it's over! (October 12th, 2009)
Connor's Mama.
2009-09-03 02:23:00 UTC
1. I suspected I was pregnant when I got sick when I walked into a diner on Fish Friday. I took a home pregnancy test and told my husband that I was pregnant, and he made me take about three more. Then, I went to the pregnancy center and got an ultrasound.

2. I was excited when I found out I was pregnant but nervous all rolled into one.

3. I have so many responsibilities now that it isn't funny. I love taking care of my little man.

4. I ate a little healthier when I found out I was pregnant. That is really the only change. I cleaned a little more.

5. Finding out he was a boy. Feeling him kick.

6. I always freaked out that I had high blood pressure or a fever and never had either.

7. I had a midwife with my pregnancy, monthly appointments with her. I took one lamaze class and never went back. I spent hours upon hours on Yahoo Answers looking up different things about pregnancy, and now about babies.

8. My life changed dramatically after the baby.

9. My midwife.

10. I am not pregnant but those were my answers for my pregnancy.
2009-09-03 02:30:40 UTC
my daughter is 7 mths old, but if my answers work, then use em!

1.When did you first suspect you were pregnant and what made you suspect you might be pregnant? Describe what steps you took to make sure you were pregnant.

I realized that I had missed my period for almost 2 months (I have always been irregular) and that morning sickness was starting to settle in... I am actually 17 so I had my best friend go with me to take 2 pregnancy tests and both came out positive.

2.Describe your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed. Describe any new emotions you have felt during your pregnancy.

At 17, I was scared, excited, nervous, terrified, and anxious! Throughout my pregnancy though, I began feeling MUCH more comfortable with being a parent, especially a teen parent, and I quickly got emotionally attached to the little human being growing inside of me!

3.Describe how the prospect of being a parent changed your sense of identity. What new responsibilities do you have as an expectant parent and how do you feel about these responsibilities?

I was a teenager, and I had to mature quick. I knew that I had to get my life in order, keep a stable job, (i never was a partyer or a drinker/smoker). I knew the responsibilities I was taking on were going to be tough, but I felt that I was mature enough to handle them. I knew that taking care of a human being meant making sure she had everything she needed when she needed it, and I was okay and fully ready to do it!

4.Describe the kinds of changes you made in your lifestyle when your pregnancy was suspected or confirmed.

Well, both my fiance and I got jobs that we knew we could enjoy and keep, we began saving money left and right, we made sure everyone we lived with knew that the cigarette smoking in the house needed to stop and that things needed to be kept clean constantly, and we made SURE that everyone knew to keep quiet!!

5.Describe two things that have been the most exciting aspect of this pregnancy.

During my pregnancy, we were always told by our doctors that our daughter was a VERY healthy baby, and the other thing was that I got "special treatment" at work, not having to tuck in my shirt or lift heavy things (:

6.Describe what has been the most worrisome aspect of this pregnancy.

At 8 months, I developed a very severe case of Preeclampsia, which consists of high blood pressures and high protein counts. Due to this condition, I gave birth by emergency c section. My daughter was born exactly 1 month early (born jan 23, due date was feb 23) and weighed a whopping 4 lbs. She was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a week and a half and was on breathing tubes, but she gained her strength quick!

7.Describe any preparations you have made for this baby (books, classes, doctor appointments etc).

We took parenting classes/birth classes, prepped our house for a baby, bought all the necessary items to safely take care of a baby in a safe and loving environment, and I made sure to take my vitamins ON TIME!!

8.If this is your first child, in what ways do you think your life will change after the baby’s birth? If you have other children, how have you prepared the sibling(s) for the new baby?

This is my first child, and after her birth, my life changed drastically. It took awhile to get used to a screaming baby at 3am but the life of parenting is so joyous and rewarding, I cannot imagine my life without my daughter!

9.Who has given you the most advice or has been the most helpful during this pregnancy? In what ways have they helped you?

My mother has been the most supportive throughout this pregnancy/birth. She helped me get everything in order and answered any question I could think of. She was always there to help me when I needed it and always reminded me to do the necessary actions (take vitamins, eat more often, etc)

10. Anything else you would like to add?

Coming from a 17 year old parent, teen parenting is not as bad as most make it to be. I am not promoting teen pregnancy, because it can be avoided 100%, but if any teen finds themselves pregnant, grow up and look forward to always being around for your child's events!! LOL!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.