ABELIA: Latin feminine form of Hebrew Abel, meaning "sigh; breath." Variants include Abelie (Dan.), Abella (Eng.), and Abelle (Fr.).
ACADEMIA: named for Ciceros villa.
ACARNANIA: "from Arcanania."
ACCALIA: Latin name of the human foster mother of Romulus and Remus.
ACIDALIA: named for Venus.
ADORA: Latin name meaning "adored." Variants include Adorabelle, Adoray, Adoreé, Adoré, Adoria, Adorlee, Dora, Dori, Dorie, Dorri, Dorry, and Dory.
ADORABELLE: "adored beauty." Variant Adorabella exists.
ADRASTEIA: "unyielding."
ADRIE: "of the Adriatic."
AEA: "from Aea."
AEGAEA: "from the Aegean sea."
AEGATES: "from the Aegates"
AEGINA: mother of Aeacus. Variant Aeginae exists.
AEOLIA: daughter of Amythaeon
AGRIPPA: unisex name meaning "born feet first." Variants include Agrafina, Agrippina, Agrippinae, and Agrippine.
AGRIPPINA: name of the sister of Caligula and mother of Nero, who had her murdered.
ALBA: a form of Latin Albinia, meaning "white; fair." Variants include Albane, Albina, Albine, Albinia, Albinka, and Alva.
ALBERGA: Latin name meaning "white," and a German name meaning "noble." Variant Alberge exists.
ALBINIA: feminine form of Latin Alban, meaning "white; fair." Variants include Alba, Albina, Alva, Alvina, and Aubine.
ALBULA: "from the Tiber"
ALBUNEA: meaning unknown
ALCIMEDE: mother of Jason
ALCIPPE: "mighty mare"
ALCMENA: mother of Hercules. Variants include Alcamene, and Alcumena.
ALERIA: "eagle." Variant Alera exists.
ALIDA: Latin name meaning "small winged one." Variants include Alaida, Alda, Aldina, Aldine, Aldona, Aldonna, Aldyne, Aleda, Aleta, Aletta, Alette, Alidah, Alidia, Alita, Allda, Alldina, Alldine, Alldona, Alldonna, Alldyne, Alleda, Allida, Allidah, Allidia, Allidiah, Allyda, Allydah, Alyda, Alydah, Dela, Della, Dila, Dilla, Elida, Elita, Leda, Ledah, Lida, Lidah, Lita, Lyda, Lydah, Oleda, Oleta, Oletta, and Olette.
ALMA: a Latin name meaning "nurturing," an Arabian name meaning "learned," and an Italian name meaning "soul." Variants include Almah, and Allma.
ALMEDA: "driven; goal-oriented; ambitious." Variants include Allmeda, Allmedah, Allmeta, Allmetah, Allmida, Allmidah, Allmita, Allmitah, Almedah, Almeta, Almetah, Almida, Almidah, Almita, Almitah, and Maelle.
ALMODINE: Latin name meaning "precious stone."
ALTA: Latin name meaning "lofty; elevated." Variant Allta exists.
ALVITA: "lively"
AMABEL: "lovable." Variants include Ama, Amabella, Amabelle, Amabilis, Belle, Mab, Mabel, and Mabs.
AMADA: Latin name meaning "loved one."
AMADEA: feminine form of Latin Amadeus, meaning "loved by God." Variants include Amadée, and Amedée.
AMADIS: "loved by God." Variants include Amadea, and Amadee.
AMANDA: "much loved." Variants include Amadina, Amadine, Amandi, Amandie, Amandine, Amandy, Amata, Manda, Mandaline, Mandee, Mandi, Mandie, and Mandy.
AMARE: "to love."
AMARNA: meaning unknown
AMATA: "treasured"
AMICA: Latin name meaning "friend." Variant Amice exists.
AMILIA: Latin name meaning "amiable." Also a variant of Old German Amelia, meaning "industrious."
AMILIA: Latin name meaning "amiable." Also a possible variant of Old German Amelia, meaning "industrious; hard-working."
AMINTA: Latin name meaning "protector." Variants include Amynta, Amyntas, Minta, and Minty.
AMITY: Latin name meaning "friendship; harmony." Variant Amitie exists.
AMORITA: "dearly loved"
AMPHITRITE: aunt of Achilles
AMY: A Latin/Eng. name meaning "loved." Variants include Aimée (Fr.), Aimey, Aimie, Amada, Amata, Amé, Amecia, Amey, Ami, Amia, Amiah, Amice, Amie, Amii, Amye, Esma, and Esmé (Fr.).
AMYMONE: one of the Danaides
ANABEL: "lovely grace." Variants include Anabella, and Annabelle.
ANAHID: meaning unknown
ANAXARETE: mythological unfeeling woman who caused her lover to hang himself
ANCYRA: "from Ankara." Variant Ankara exists.
ANDES: "from the Andes"
ANDREANA: feminine form of Andrew, meaning "manly." Variants include Andria, and Andriana.
ANDROMACHE: wife of Hector. Variant Andromacha exists.
ANGELICA: Latin equivalent of Greek Angela, meaning "messenger from God; angel." Variants include Aingeal, Ange, Angel, Angele, Angeleta, Angelia (It.), Angelika, Angeliki (Gr.), Angelina (Sp.), Angeline, Angelique (Fr.), Angelita, Angelle, Angellina, Angie, Angil, Angilia, Angiola, Angy, Angyola, Anjel, Anjela, Anjelica, Anjelika, Anngela, Anngil, Anngilla, Anngiola, Annjela, Annjilla, and Gelya.
ANGERONA: goddess of anguish
ANNA: possibly the daughter of Dido. Variant Anna Perenna exists.
ANNORA: Latin name meaning "honor." Variants include Anora, Anorah, Nora, Norah, and Onora.
ANNUNCIATA: Latin/Italian name meaning "announces," referring to the Annunciation. Sometimes considered a month name for March. Variants include Annunziata (It.), Anonciada, Anunciación (Sp.), Anunciata, and Anunziata.
ANSA: "constant." Variant Anse exists.
ANTANDRA: name of an Amazon
ANTONIA: Feminine form of Latin Anthony, meaning "beyond price; invaluable; priceless." Variants include Antoinetta, Antonella (It.), Antonetta (Swed.), Antónia (Port.), Antonie (Ger./Czech.), Antonietta (It.), Antonina (Rus.), Antonine, Netta, Netti, Nettie, Netty, Toinette, Tonechka (Rus.), Toni, Tonia, Tonie, Tony, Tonya, Tonye, and Tosya (Rus.).
APOLLINARIS: Latin equivalent of Apollina, the feminine form of Greek Apollo, god of the sun. Variants include Abbelina, Abbeline, Abellona (Dan.), Apollina (Ger.), Apolline (Fr.), Apollinia, Apollonia, Apollyne, Apolonia (Pol.), Appoline, Appolinia, and Appolonia.
APOLLONIS: one of the muses worshipped at Delphi
APRIL: Latin/English month name, meaning "opening up; new birth; blossoming." Variants include Aprilete, Aprille, Averel, Averell, Averil, Averill, Averyl, Averyll, Averylle, Avril (Fr.), Avrill, and Ebrill (Welsh).
APULIA: from the river Apulia
AQUITANIA: "from Aquitaine"
ARABELLA: Latin name meaning "answered prayer." Variants include Ara, Arabel, Arabela, Arabele, Arabell, Arabelle, Arbela, Arbell, Arbella, Arbelle, Bel, Bella, Belle, Orabel, Orabela (Sp.), Orabella, Orabelle (Eng.), Orbel, Orbella, and Orbelle.
ARABIA: "from Arabia"
ARACELI: "treasure." Variant Aracelia exists.
ARAMINTA: Compound name consisting of Latin Arabella, "answered prayer," and Aminta, "protector." Variant Araminte exists.
ARCANANIA: "from Arcanania"
ARDEA: "from Ardea"
ARDELLE: "burning with enthusiasm." Variants include Arda, Ardeen, Ardelia, Ardelis, Ardella Ardene, Ardia, Ardina, Ardine, Ardinia, Ardis, Ardra, Ardyne, and Ardys.
ARDEN: Latin unisex name meaning "fervent; ardent; burning with enthusiasm." Name of a forest in one of Shakespeare's plays. Variants include Arda, Ardeen, Ardena, Ardenia, Ardi, Ardin, Ardis, Ardyne, and Ardys.
ARGENTA: "silvery." Variants include Argentia, and Argentina.
ARGOLIS: "from Argos"
ARGOUS: myth name
ARICIA: "from Aricia"
ARISTODEME: daughter of Priam
ARMENIA: "from Armenia"
ARMIDA: "little armed one"
ARMILLA: "bracelet"
ARNE: mother of Aeolus III Boeotus
ARROSA: "rose." Variant Arrose exists.
ARVA: "from the seashore." Variant Arvia exists.
ASCRA: "from Ascra."
ASIA: mother of Atlas.
ASSA: mother of Sithon.
ASTARTE: the Phoenician goddess of love.
ASTERIA: Latin equivalent of Greek Asta, meaning "starlike; like a star; of the stars." Variants include Asta, Astera, Astra (Lat.), Astrea, Astria, Estella (Sp.), Estelle (Fr.), Ester, Esther (Heb.), Estrela, Estrella, Eszter, Etoile (Fr.), Hester, and Stella (Lat.).
ASTYNOME: daughter of Chryses.
ATELLA: "from Atella."
ATROPOS: one of the Moirae.
ATTHIS: "from Attica." Variant Attica exists.
ATTRACTA: "drawn to."
AUGUSTA: Feminine form of Latin Augustus, meaning "worthy of respect; venerable; august; majestic." Variants include Auguste, Augustina, Augustine, Augustyna, Augustyne, Austina, Austine, Austyna, Austyne, Gus, Gussie, Gusta, and Tina.
AULAIRE: "well-spoken."
AULIS: a Praxidicae.
AURA: Latin name meaning "gold," and Greek name meaning "gentle breeze." Variants include Aure, Aurea, and Auria.
AURELIA: Latin clan name meaning "gold." Variants include Aranka (Hung.), Aural, Auralia, Aurea, Aurel (Rom.), Aureliana (Sp.), Aurelie, Aureline, Aurie, Aurita, Aurum, Aury, Ora, Oralia, Oralie, Orel, Orelee, and Orelia (Eng.).
AURIEL: Short form of Latin Aurelia, meaning "gold; golden." Variants include Aureola, Aureole, Auriol, Auriole, Oriel, and Oriole.
AURORA: Latin name meaning "dawn." Also the name of the Roman goddess of sunrise who was the mother of Memnon, King of Ethiopia, whose African troops came to the aid of the Trojans at Troy. Variants include Aurore, Eos (Gr.), Ora, Rora, Rory, Zora (Slav.), Zorah (Slav.), Zorana, and Zorica.
AUSTINE: feminine form of Latin Austin, and Augustus, meaning "worthy of respect."
AUTOMATIA: "Fortuna."
AUTONOE: mother of Hercules.
AVA: Latin name meaning "like a bird." Also associated with Hebrew Eva/Eve, meaning "life." Variant, Avis, exists.
AVE: Latin word and name meaning "hail."
AVENA: Latin name meaning "field of oats" or "from the oat field." Variant Avina exists.
AVERNA: queen of the underworld.
AZALEA: Latin flower name that literally means "dry earth." Variant, Azalia, exists.
BALBINA: Latin name meaning "stammers; stutters." Variant Balbine exists.
BALERE: "strong." Variants include Balara, and Balera.
BAPTISTA: Latin name meaning "baptizer; one who baptizes." Variants include Baptiste (Fr./Gr.), Batista, Battista (It.) and Bautista.
BEA: Short form of Latin Beatrice, meaning "brings joy; brings happiness." Variants include Bee, and Beea.
BEATA: Latin and Swiss name meaning "blessed." Variant, Beate (Pol.), exists.
BEATRICE: Latin name meaning "brings joy; brings happiness." Variants include Bea, Beatricia (It.), Beatrisa, Beatrix, Beatriz (Sp.), Bebe, Bee, Beea, Beeatrice, Beeatris, Beeatrisa, Beeatriss, Beeatrissa, Beeatrix, Beitris (Gae.), Beitriss, Trix, Trixi, Trixie, and Trixy.
BELLA: Latin name meaning "beautiful." Short form of Hebrew Isabella, meaning "pledged to God." Variants include Bell, Belle (Fr.), and Bellette (Fr.).
BELLONA: name of a goddess of war.
BENEDICTA: feminine form of Latin Benedict, meaning "blessed." Variants include Benedetta, Bénédicte, Benedikta, Benetta, Benita, Bennie, and Benoite.
BENIGNA: Latin name meaning "kindly; benevolent."
BEROE: traveled with Aeneas.
BITHYNIA: mother of Amycus.
BITTORE: "victor."
BLANDA: Latin name meaning "smooth; seductive." Variants include Blandina, and Blandine.
BLAISE: Latin unisex name meaning "one who stammers." Also sometimes used as a "fire" name. Variants include Balaza, Ballas, Blaize, Blase, Blasia, Blaze, and Braz.
BOUDICCA: Celtic name meaning "victory." Name of a queen of the Iceni who led an army against Roman invaders. Variants include Boadicea (Lat.), Bodiccea, Bodicea, Bodicia, Boudicca, and Boudicea.
BOLBE: name of a nymph.
BONA DEA: "related to Faunus."
BREMUSA: name of an Amazon.
BRETT: Latin unisex name meaning "from Britain." More commonly used for boys. Variants include Brette, and Britt.
BRITANNIA: "From Britain." Latin name for the personification of the British Empire.
BRITTANY: Latin name meaning "from England." Variants include Brett, Bretta (Celt.), Brit, Brita (Slav./Norse), Britannia, Briteny, Britney, Britni, Britny, Britt, Britta, Brittan, Brittaney, Brittani, Britteny, Brittnee, Brittney, Brittni, and Brittny.
BUBONA: goddess of cattle.
CACIA: daughter of Vulcan. Variant Caca exists.
CADENCE: Latin name meaning "with rhythm." Variants include Cadena, Cadencia, Cadenza (It.), Cadyna, Kadena, Kadence, and Kadenza.
CAENIS: daughter of Atrax.
CAIETA: she who nursed Aeneas.
CALEDONIA: "from Scotland."
CALENDAE: "first."
CALES: "from Cales."
CALLISTA: "chalice."
CALLISTO: Latin spelling of Greek Kallisto, a myth name meaning "most beautiful."
CALLULA: Latin name meaning "small beauty."
CALTHA: Latin name meaning "golden flower."
CALVA: a name referring to Venus.
CALYBE: name of a nymph.
CALYCE: mother of Cycnus. Variant Calcia exists.
CALYDONA: "from Calydon."
CALYPSO: Latin spelling of Greek Kalypso, a myth name meaning "she who hides."
CAMELLA: "goblet."
CAMILLA: Latin, English, and Italian name meaning "servant for the temple; attendant at a religious service; attendant at a sacrifice." Variants include Cam, Cama, Camala, Camelia (Rom.), Cami, Camila (Sp./Port.), Camile, Camille (Fr.), Cammile (Fr.), Cammi, Cammie, Cammilla, Cammille, Cammy, Cammylle, Camyla, Camylla, Camylle, Kamila, Kamilka (Pol.), Kamilla (Hung.), Kamille, Kamyla, Milla, Mille, Millee, Milli, Millie, and Milly.
CANDIDA: Latin name meaning "dazzlingly white." Variants include Candi, Candide, Candie, and Candy.
CANDRA: Latin name meaning "glowing," and Hindu name meaning "of the moon."
CANENS: wife of Picus.
CANTABRIA: "from Cantabria."
CANTILENA: "song."
CANTRIX: "singer."
CAPITA: a name referring to Minerva. Variant Capta exists.
CAPPADOCIA: "from Cappadocia."
CARA: Latin name meaning "darling; friend; dear one." Also a Vietnamese name meaning "precious jewel." Variants include Caralie, Carina (It.), Carine, Carrie, Carry, Kara, Karina, Karine, Karrie, and Karry.
CARDEA: protectress of hinges.
CARIES: "rotten." Variant Caria exists.
CARINA: "keel." Variants include Carin, Caryn, and Caryna.
CARISSIMA: "dearest."
CARITAS: Latin equivalent of English Charity, meaning "charity; generous love." Name of one of the three cardinal Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity. Variants include Caridad (Sp.), Carissa, Chareese, Charis, Charissa, Charisse, Charita, Charitee, Charitey, Charitye, Cherri, Cherry, Karita (Norw.), Sharitee, Sharitey, Sharity, and Sharitye.
CARMEN: Sometimes considered the Spanish equivalent of English/Hebrew Carmel, "garden; paradise," but is the Latin word for "song." Variants include Carma, Carme, Carmea, Carmencita (Sp.), Carmia, Carmie, Carmin, Carmina (It.), Carmine (It.), Carmita, Carmyna, Carmyta, Charmaine, Karmen, Karmia, Karmina, Karmita, Lita, and Mina.
CARMENTA: name of a mythological healer. Variant Carmentis exists.
CARNA: Name of Latin goddess of flesh, and a form of Cornelia, meaning "horn." Variants include Carniela, Carniella, Carnyella, Karniela, Karniella, and Karnyella.
CARNATION: Latin name meaning "flesh-colored," or "becoming flesh." Also a flower name.
CARYA: daughter of Dion.
CASILDA: Latin name meaning "dwelling place." Variant Casild exists.
CASPERIA: second wife of Rhoetus.
CASSIA: Latin form of Hebrew Kezia, the name of a daughter of Job, who named her after a spice tree similar to cinnamon. Variants include Cassiah, Keziah, and Kizzie.
CATE: "wise."
CATENA: "retrained."
CECILIA: Feminine form of Latin Cecil, meaning "blind." Also, St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music, therefore, "musical." Variants include Ceceley, Cecelia, Cecely, Cecil, Cecile, Ceciley, Ceciliane, Cecilija, Cecilla, Cecily, Cecilyann, Cecyl, Cecyle, Cecylia, Ceil, Cele, Celia, Celie, Cesia, Cesya, Cicely, Cicily, Cile, Cilka, Cilia, Cilla, Cilly, Cissie, Kikelia, Kikylia, Sacilia, Sasilia, Sasilie, Seelia, Seelie, Seely, Sesilia, Sessaley, Sesseelya, Sessile, Sessilly, Sessily, Sheila, Sile, Sileas, Siseel, Sisely, Siselya, Sisile, Sisiliya, Sissela, Sissie, and Sissy.
CEGLUSE: mother of Asopus.
CELAENO: one of the Pleiades.
CELESTE: English and Latin form of French Céleste, meaning "of the heavens; heavenly." Variants include Cela, Celesta, Celestena, Celestene, Celestia, Celestijna, Celestina (It./Sp.), Célestine (Fr.), Celestyna (Pol.), Celia, Celie, Celina, Celine, Celinda, Celine, Celinka, Celka, Celyna, Saleste, Salestia, Seleste, Selestia, Selestina, Selestine, Selestyna, Selestyne, Silesta, Silestena, Silestia, Silestijna, Silestina, Silestyna, Silestyne, Tina, and Tinka.
CELINE: "hammer." Variant Celina exists.
CERELIA: Latin name meaning "fertile; of the spring." Variant Cerella exists.
CERES: goddess of the harvest.
CHALCIOPE: daughter of Eurypylus.
CHARYBDIS: daughter of Poseidon.
CHRISTABEL: Latin, French, and English name meaning "beautiful follower of Christ." Probably a compound name consisting of Christ, and Latin Bella, "beautiful." Variants include Christabella, Christabelle, Christobel, Chrystabel, Chrystabelle, Chrystobel, Cristabel, Cristabella, Cristabelle, Crystabel, and Crystabella.
CHRYSE: daughter of Pallas.
CHRYSOGENEIA: daughter of Halmus.
CHRYSONOE: daughter of Cleitus.
CILLA: daughter of Laomedon.
CINXIA: a name referring to Juno.
CIPRIANA: Latin feminine form of Cyprian, meaning "from Cyprus." Variants include Cipriane, Ciprianna, Cypriana, and Cyprienne.
CLARABELLE: "shining." Variants include Claribel, Claribella, Claribelle, Clarinda, and Clarinde.
CLARE: Latin name, meaning "clear; bright; famous." Variants include Cheeara, Chiara, Ciara, Clair, Claire (Fr.), Claireen, Clairene, Claireta, Clairette, Clairey, Clairice, Clairinda, Clairissa, Clairita, Clairy, Clara (Eng./Ger./It./Port./Rom./Sp.), Clarabel, Clarabelle, Clare, Clarene, Claresta, Clareta, Claretta (It.), Clarette, Clarey, Clari, Claribel, Claribella, Claribelle, Clarice, Clarie, Clarinda, Clarine, Clarissa, Clarisse, Clarita, Clarrie, Clarry, Clary, Claryce, Clayre, Clayrette, Clayrinda, Clayrissa, Clerissa, Cliara, Clorinda, Klaire, Klara, Klaretta, Klarissa, Klaryce, Klayre, Kliara, and Klyara.
CLARIMOND: Latin and German name meaning "shining defender; brilliant protectress." Variants include Clarimonda, and Clarimonde.
CLARISSA: "famous." Variants include Claris, Clarisse, and Clarry.
CLARITA: "clarity." Variants include Clareta, and Clarine.
CLAUDIA: Latin feminine form of Latin Claudius, meaning "lame." Variants include Claude, Claudelle, Claudetta, Claudette, Claudie, Claudina, Claudine, Claudey, and Claudy.
CLELIA: Latin name meaning "glorious."
CLEMENTIA: Feminine form of Latin Clement, meaning "merciful." Variants include Clem, Clémence (Fr.), Clemency, Clementia, Clementina (It./Port./Sp.), Clementine (Fr.), Clementya, Clementyn, Clementyna, Clemmie, Clemmy, Klementijna, Klementina, and Klementyna (Pol.).
CLIO: "Glory." Latin form of Greek Kleio, myth name of the muse of history.
CLONIA: name of an Amazon.
CLORINDA: "renowned."
CLOTHO: one of the Moirae.
COLUMBA: Latin name meaning "dove." Variants include Colombe, Columbia, and Columbine.
CONCEPTION: "understanding."
CONCORDIA: Latin name meaning "peace and harmony." Also the name of a goddess of peace. Variant Concordea exists.
CONSTANTIA: Feminine form of Latin Constantius, meaning "steadfast; firm of purpose." Con, Connie, Constance, Constancia, Constantina, and Constanze.
CONSUELA: "consolation."
CORA: Latin form of Greek Korë, meaning "maiden; girl; daughter." Another name for the goddess Persephone. Variants include Corabel, Corabella, Corabelle, Corabellita, Coralie, Coree, Corella, Corena, Corene, Coretta, Corette, Corey, Cori, Corie, Corilla, Corine, Corinna, Corinne (Fr.), Correen, Corrella, Correlle, Correna, Correnda, Correne, Correy, Corri, Corrie, Corrina, Corrine, Corrissa, Corry, Corynna, Corynne, Coryssa, Kora, Korabell, Koreen, Korella, Koretta, Korey, Korilla, Korina, Korinne, Korry, Koryne, Korynna, and Koryssa.
CORNELIA: Feminine form of Latin Cornelius, meaning "horn." Variants include Cornalia, Corneelija, Cornela, Cornélie (Fr.), Cornelija, Cornelya, Corelie, Cornella, Cornelle, Cornie, Korneelia, Korneelya, Kornélia (Hung.), Kornelia (Pol.), Kornelija, Kornelya, Neel, Neely, Nela, Nelia, Nell, Nella, Nellie, and Nelly.
CORVINA: Latin name meaning "like a raven."
CRESCENTIA: Feminine form of Latin Crescentius, meaning "increasing; growing." Variants include Crescencia (Sp.), Crescent (Fr.), Cressant, Cressent, Cressentia, and Cressentya.
CRISPINA: feminine form of Latin Crispin, meaning "curly-haired."
CYBELE: Asian equivalent of Latin/Greek goddess Rhea. She was originally bisexual, but made female by the Olympian gods.
CYNTHIA: Greek and Latin name, meaning "woman from Mount Cynthos/Kynthos." Another name for the moon goddess Artemis. Variants include Cinda, Cindee, Cindi, Cindie, Cindy, Cinnie, Cinny, Cinthia, Cíntia (Port.), Cinzia (It.), Cyn, Cynda, Cyndee, Cyndia, Cyndie, Cyndy, Cynnie, Cynthea, Cynthie, Cynthya, Kynthia, Kynthija, Sindi, Sindy, Sindya, Sinnie, Sinny, Synda, Syndee, Syndi, Syndy, Syntha, Synthee, Syntheea, Synthia, Synthie, and Synthya.
CYPRIEN: "from Cyprus." Variant Cyprienne exists.
CYRILLA: "noble." Variant Cyrillia exists.
DALMACE: Latin and French name taken from the placename Dalmatia, a region in Italy. Variants include Dalma, Dalmassa, and Dalmatia.
DARIA: feminine form of Latin Darius, meaning "rich." Variants include Dari, Darian, Darice, Darien, Darya (Rus.), Dorian, and Doriane.
DAVIDA: "dearly loved."
DEA: Latin name meaning "goddess."
DEA ROMA: goddess of Rome.
DECIMA: "born tenth."
DEIDAMEIA: daughter of Bellerphon.
DEIFILIA: Latin name meaning "God's daughter."
DELICIA: Latin name meaning "delight." Variants include Dee, DeeDee, Dela, Delice, Delicea, Deliciae, Delise, Delisha, Della, Delyse, Delysia, and Didi.
DELPHINA: Feminine form of Latin Delphinus, meaning "from Delphi," a city in Greece whose name probably means "dolphin." Delphine is also sometimes associated with the delphinium flower. Variants include Delfin, Delfina, Delfine, Delfyne, Delphia, Delphine (Fr.), Delphinea, and Delphinia.
DEMONASSA: wife of Hippolochus.
DERIMACHEIA: name of an Amazon.
DERINOW: name of an Amazon.
DESIRATA: "desired."
DEVERRA: goddess of birthing.
DEVOTA: "devoted."
DEXTRA: Feminine form of English Dexter, meaning "dyer." Also a Latin name meaning "right-handed."
DIANA: Latin moon goddess name, meaning "divine." Variants include Anahid (Arm.), Danne, Dayann, Dayanna, Dayanne, Deana, Deane, Deanna, Dede, Dee, DeeDee, Deana, Deane, Deann, Dena, Di, Diahann, Diahanne, Dian, Diandra, Diane, Diann, Dianna, Dianne, Didi, Dyan, Dyana, Dyane, Dyann, Dyanna, and Dyanne.
DIELLE: French equivalent of Latin Diella, meaning "god."
DIGNA: Latin name meaning "worthy." Variants include Digne, and Dinya.
DIONYSIA: Latin form of Greek Denise, meaning "follower of Dionysus."
DIOXIPPE: name of an Amazon.
DIRCE: mother of Lycus.
DISCORDIA: goddess of war.
DOCILA: Latin name meaning "acquiescent; docile." Variant Docilla exists.
DOMELA: "mistress of the home." Variant Domele exists.
DOMIDUCA: surname of Juno.
DOMINA: Latin name meaning "lady." Variant Damina exists.
DOMINICA: "belongs to God." Variants include Dominique, Domitiana, and Domitiane.
DONATA: Feminine form of Latin Donato, meaning "given." Variant Donica exists.
DONELLE: "small mistress of the home."
DORIS: "woman from Doris."
DOROTHEA: "gift of God." Variants include Dorika, Dorote, Dorotea, Doroteya, Dorothee, Dorothy, and Dorottya.
DRUSILLA: "Fruitful." Variants include Cilla, Drucilla, and Druscilla.
DRYOPE: name of a nymph.
DULCINIA: "sweet." Variants include Dulce, Dulcea, Dulcia, Dulcie, Dulcine, and Dulcy.
D'VIDA: "the life."
DYNA: sister of Roma.
ECHIDNA: name of a monster.
EDULICA: protectress of children.
EGERIA: one of the Cumaean. Variant Aegeria exists.
EGESTA: daughter of Phoenodamas. Variant Segesta exists.
EIRENE: daughter of Poseidon.
ELATA: "glorified."
ELECTA: "selected." Variant Elekta exists.
ELOINE: "worthy." Variant Eloina exists.
ELVERA: "white." Variant Elvira exists.
EMERA: "worthy of merit." Variant Emira exists.
EMILY: From Latin clan name meaning "industrious." Variants include Em, Emmie, and Emmy.
EMPANDA: name of goddess of asylum; name means "openness and generosity." Variants include Empanada, Padana, and Panda.
ENTORIA: lover of Saturn.
ENYO: one of the Graeae. Variant Enya exists.
EPHYRA: daughter of Oceanus.
EPIONE: wife of Asclepius.
EPONA: protectress of horses.
EQUESTRIS: surname of Venus.
ERIBOEA: wife of Aloeus.
ERMINA: "noble."
ESPE: "hope."
ESTELLE: "star." Variants include Essie, and Estella.
EUADNE: daughter of Poseidon.
EUANDRA: name of an Amazon.
EURYALE: mother of Orion.
EURYANASSA: mother of Pelops.
EURYBIA: name of an Amazon.
EURYDICE: wife of Aeneas.
EURYGANEIA: wife of Oedipus.
EURYMEDE: mother of Bellerphon.
EURYNOME: daughter of Nysus.
EUSTACIA: "tranquil." Variant Stacy exists.
FABIANA: "bean grower." Variant Fabia exists.
FABIOLA: "bean."
FAITH: "trust."
FAMA: "rumor."
FANI: "free." Variant Fania exists.
FAUNA: lover of Hercules. Variant Faula exists.
FAUSTINA: "fortunate." Variants include Faust, Fausta, Fauste, Faustine, Fortuna, Fortunata, and Fortune.
FELICIA: "happy." Variants include Feleta, Felice, Felicitas, Felicity, Felisa, Felise, and Felita.
FIDELITY: "faithful." Variants include Fidelia, and Fides.
FILOMENA: "lover of man." Variant Filomina exists.
FLAMINIA: "Roman priestess." Variant Flamina exists.
FLAVIA: From Roman clan name meaning "having yellow hair." Variants include Flavie, and Fulvia.
FLORA: Name of Roman goddess of flowers and of spring. Variants include Fiorenza, Flo, Flor, Floria, Florice, Floris, Florrie, Floss, Flossie, and Forenza.
FLORENCE: "blossoming." Variants include Flo, Florella, Florentina, Florentine, Florentyna, Florenza, Floria, Florida, Florrie, Floss, and Flossie.
FLUONIA: surname of Juno.
FORNAX: goddess of bread.
FORTUNA: goddess of luck.
FRONDE: "leafy branch." Variant Fronda exists.
FRONIA: "wise."
FURINA: name of a Fury. Variant Furrina exists.
GALA: "from Gaul."
GALATEA: name of "milky white" statue loved by Pygmalion.
GARABI: "clear." Variant Garbi exists.
GENETRIX: surname of Venus.
GILL: "young." Variants include Gillian, Gillie, Gillien, Gilly, Guilia, Guilie, Jill, and Jillian.
GINGER: "from the ginger flower."
GLADYS: "sword."
GLAUCE: wife of Upis.
GLORIA: "glory." Variants include Gloriosa, and Glory.
GRACA: "grace." Variants include Grace, Graciana, Graciene, Gracinha, Grata, Gratia, Gratiana, and Grazia.
GREGORIA: "watchful."
GRYNE: name of an Amazon.
GUSTEL: "majestic." Variants include Gustella, and Gustelle.
GYMNASIA: one of the Horae.
HADRIA: "dark." Variants include Hadrea.
HAJNAL: "dawn."
HARMONY: "concord." Variant Harmonia exists.
HARPINNA: a mare of Oenomaus.
HECUBA: wife of Priam.
HENICEA: daughter of Priam.
HERMIPPE: daughter of Boeotus.
HERO: daughter of Priam.
HEROPHILE: priestess of Apollo.
HERSILIA: she who married a follower of Romulus.
HESPERIA: daughter of Cebren. Variants include Hespera, and Hesperie.
HIBERNIA: "from Ireland."
HIBISCUS: "flower name." Variant Hibiskus exists.
HILAEIRA: "shining."
HILARY: "happy." Variants include Hilaria, and Hillary.
HIPPODAMEIA: daughter of Briseus.
HIPPOLYTE: a queen of the Amazons.
HIPPOTHOE: name of an Amazon.
HONORINE: "honor." Variants include Honor, Honora, Honorata, Honoria, and Honorina.
HORACIA: "timekeeper." Variant Horatia exists.
HORTENSE: "gardener." Variants include Hortencia, and Hortenciana.
HUMILITY: "humble."
HYALE: name of a nymph.
HYRIA: daughter of Amphinomus.
IAERA: name of a nymph.
IBOLYA: "flower."
IDA: name of a nymph.
IERNE: "from Ireland." Variant Ierna exists.
IGNACIA: "fiery." Variant Igantia exists.
ILIA: mother of Romulus and Remus.
ILIONA: daughter of Priam.
IMMACULATA: reference to the Immaculate Conception
IMOGENE: "image." Variants include Imogen, and Imogenia.
IMPERIA: "commanding."
INA: Latin suffix used to feminize female names. Variant, Ena, exists.
INFERNA: surname of Prosperine.
INIGA: "fiery."
INTERCIDONA: goddess of birthing.
INVIDIA: "envious."
INYX: "spell."
IPHIMEDEIA: daughter of Triopas.
IPHINOME: name of an Amazon.
IRMA: "noble." Variants include Irmina, and Irmine.
IULIA: "young."
IULIUS: "youthful."
JACOBA: "supplanter."
JANA: "the moon."
JETTE: "jet-black." Variant Jetta exists.
JEWEL: "precious."
JINNY: "virgin."
JINX: "spell." Variant Jynx exists.
JOCELYN: "happy." Variants include Jocelin, Joscelin, Joy, and Joyce.
JUGA: goddess of marriage. Variant Jugalis exists.
JULIA: "young." Variants include Jill, Jude, Judith, Julene, Julesa, Juli, Juliana, Julianne, Julianna, Julie, Juliet, Julietta, Juliette, Julinka, Juliska, June, and Junia.
JUNO: wife of Jupiter.
JUSTA: "fair." Variants include Justina, and Justine.
JUTURNA: name of a nymph.
JUVENTAS: "youth."
JUVERNA: "from Ireland."
KALARE: "shines." Variant Kalara exists.
KAMILLA: "servant for the temple." Variants include Kamilka, and Kamille.
KATALIN: "pure." Variants include Katalyn, and Katlyn.
KIRA: "light." Variants include Kirie, and Kyra.
KIRSTEN: "Christian." Variants include Kirstie, and Kirsty.
KLARA: "clear." Variants include Klari, Klarika, Klarissa, and Klarisza.
KLAUDIA: "lame."
KONSTANZE: "firm." Variant Konstanza exists.
KORNELIA: "horn." Variant Kornelie exists.
LACHESIS: name of a Fury.
LACINIA: surname of Juno.
LAMIA: daughter of Poseidon.
LAMPETO: name of an Amazon.
LAODAMIA: daughter of Bellerophon.
LARA: "famous."
LARAINE: "sea gull." Variants include Larina, Larine, and Lorraine.
LARENTIA: name of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus. Variant Laurentia exists.
LARISSA: a lover of Poseidon.
LARUNDA: name of a nymph.
LATONA: "named for Latium." Variant Latonia exists.
LAURA: "laurel." Variants include Laureen, Laurel, Laurella, Lauren, Laurena, Laurene, Laurentia, Laurette, Laurica, Laurie, Laurin, Laurina, Laurissa, Lauryn, Lavra, Lora, Lorena, Lorinda, Loris, Lorita, and Lorna.
LAVEDA: "purified." Variants Lavare, Lavetta, and Lavette.
LAVINIA: wife of Aeneas. Variant Lavina exists.
LELIA: "from Laelius." Variants include Lela, and Lelah.
LEDA: mother of Helen.
LEDAEA: granddaughter of Leda.
LEIRIOPE: mother of Narcissus. Variants include Leirioessa, and Liriope.
LEIS: mother of Althepus.
LENA: "alluring." Variant Lina exists.
LENITA: "mild." Variants include Lenet, Leneta, Lenis, Lynet, and Lynette.
LEONCE: "lioness." Variants include Leandra, Leoarrie, Leodora, Leoine, Leolina, Leoline, Leona, Leone, Leonelle, Leonita, Leontin, Leontina, Leontine, Leontyne, and Lyonene.
LEROLA: "blackbird."
LETA: "joyful." Variants include Larissa, Letitia, Lettie, Letty, and Lita.
LEUCONOE: daughter of Poseidon.
LEVANA: "uplifting."
LEVERNA: goddess of thieves. Variant Lativerna exists.
LIBENTINA: surname of Venus. Variant Lubentia exists.
LIBERTAS: "liberty." Variant Libera exists.
LIBITINA: protectress of the dead.
LIDA: "sparkle."
LILA: "lily." Variants include Lilian, Liliana, Liliane, Lilika, Lillian, and Lily.
LILYBELLE: "beautiful lily." Variants include Lilybel, and Lilybella.
LILYBETH: "graceful lily." Variant Lilybet exists.
LIMA: goddess of the threshold. Variant Limentina exists.
LINDA: "beautiful."
LIVIA: "olive." Variant Livie exists.
LORELLE: "little laurel." Variants include Lorella, and Lorilla.
LUCANIA: mother of Roma.
LUCERNE: "circle of light." Variants include Luceria, and Lucerna.
LUCIA: "light." Variants include Luciana, Lucie, Lucilla, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucina, Lucine, Lucy, and Lukene.
LUCRECE: "profit." Variant Lucretia exists.
LUELLA: "make amends." Variant Louella exists.
LUNA: "moon."
LUPERCA: nursed Romulus and Remus.
LYSIMACHE: daughter of Priam.
LYSIPPE: name of an Amazon.
MABEL: "lovable." Variants include Mabelle, and Manda.
MADONNA: "my lady."
MAIA: daughter of Atlas. Variants include May, and Maya.
MALACHE: a Lemnian woman.
MALVINA: "sweet friend." Variant Malvinia exists.
MAJESTA: "majestic."
MANA: protectress of stillborn babies.
MANIA: mother of souls.
MANTO: name of a prophetess.
MARICA: name of a nymph.
MARINA: "of the sea." Variants include Marea, Marine, Marnia, Meris, Merise, and Merissa.
MARPE: name of an Amazon.
MARPESIA: name of an Amazon.
MARPESSA: daughter of Alcippe.
MARTINA: "warring." Variants include Marcella, Marcellina, Marcelline, Marcia, Marciane, Marcie, Marcy, Marsha, Marsil, Marsila, Marsile, Marsilla, Martella, and Martine.
MATUTA: goddess of the morning.
MAURA: "dark." Variants include Maure, Maureen, Maurine, and Maurita.
MAVRA: "Moorish."
MAXINA: "the best." Variants include Massima, Maxime, and Maxine.
MEDEA: wife of Jason.
MEDESICASTE: daughter of Priam.
MEDITRINA: goddess of healing.
MELANIPPE: name of a nymph.
MELIA: name of a nymph.
MELISSA: name of a nymph.
MELLONA: "honey."
MERCEDES: "merry."
MERLE: "blackbird." Variants include Merlina, Merolla, Merrill, Merula, Meryl, and Myrlene.
MESSINA: "middle child." Variants include Messena, and Messinia.
META: "goal."
MIRANDA: "deserves admiration." Variant Mirande exists.
MINERVA: Latin equivalent of Greek Athena, meaning "wise." Name of the goddess of wisdom. Variants include Athenais, Athene, Athie, Attie, Minnie, Nikephoros, Pallas, Parthenia, and Zinerva (Rus.).
MODESTA: "modest." Variants include Modeste, and Modesty.
MOIRAE: "fate." Variant Moira exists.
MOLPE: name of a Siren.
MONICA: "counselor." Variant Monika exists.
MORAG: "blind."
MUTA: goddess of silence.
MYRA: "marvelous." Variants include Merta, Merte, Mira, Mirilla, Mirillia, and Myrilla.
MYRINA: name of an Amazon.
MYRTOESSA: name of a nymph.
NAENIA: "lamenting."
NAIDA: named for the nymphs. Variants include Naia, and Naiadia.
NAPEA: name of a nymph. Variant Napia exists.
NARDA: "fragrant." Variant Nardia exists.
NASCIO: goddess of childbirth.
NATALIE: "born at Christmas." Variants include Natalia, and Nathalie.
NAUTIA: "from the sea."
NEBULA: "misty." Variant Nebulia exists.
NECI: "ardent."
NELIA: "horn." Variants include Nella, Nellie, and Nelly.
NEPTUNINE: surname of Thetis.
NERINE: named for the Nereides. Variants include Nerina, and Neris.
NERIO: wife of Mars.
NEVADA: "snowy."
NIXI: goddess who helped with childbirth.
NILA: "from the Nile." Variants include Nilea, and Nilia.
NOLA: "olive."
NOLETA: "unwilling." Variant Nolita exists.
NONA: "born ninth."
NONNA: "sage."
NORA: "honor." Variants include Norah, Norina, and Norine.
NORMA: "typical."
NORTIA: "lucky."
NOVIA: "young." Variants Nova, and Novea.
NOX: goddess of night.
NUMERIA: goddess who assisted with childbirth.
NUNCIATA: "announces." Variant Nunzia exists.
NYDIA: "refuge."
NYX: "blond."
OCTAVIA: "born eighth." Variant Octavie exists.
OCYALE: name of an Amazon.
OENONE: daughter of Cebren.
OLETHEA: "honest." Variants include Olethe, Olethia, and Olithia.
OLINDA: "fragrant."
OLIVE: "olive." Variants include Olivia, and Olivie.
OMA: name for Bona Dea.
ONA: "only child."
OPS: goddess of plenty.
ORA: "pray."
ORALIE: "golden." Variants include Oralia, Oria, Orial, Oriana, Oriel, Orlena, and Orlene.
ORBONA: protectress of sick children
ORELLA: "divine message." Variant Oracula exists.
ORIBEL: "beautiful golden child." Variants include Oribella, and Oribelle.
ORIS: mother of Euphemus.
ORNORA: "honor." Variant Ornoria exists.
ORPHE: lover of Dionysus.
ORTENSIA: "farmer." Variants include Ortensiana, and Ortensie.
OTRERA: mother of the Amazons.
OVIA: "egg."
PALES: goddess of shepherds and flocks.
PALLANTIA: daughter of Hercules.
PALLAS: daughter of Triton.
PALMA: "a palm tree." Variants include Palmira, and Palmyra.
PAMELA: "made of honey." Variants include Pamelina, Pameline, Pamella, and Pammeli.
PANTXIKE: "free." Variant Pacquita exists.
PANYA: "crowned in victory."
PAOLA: "small." Variants include Paula, Pauleta, Pauletta, Paulette, Pauli, Paulina, Pauline, Paulita, Pavla, and Pavlina.
PAPHOS: mother of Cinyras.
PARCAE: named for the Furies. Variants include Parca, and Parcia.
PASITHEA: mother of Pandion.
PATIENCE: "patient." Variants include Patiencia, and Patientia.
PATRICIA: "noble." Variant Patrice exists.
PAX: "peace."
PEACE: "tranquil."
PEARL: "precious." Variants include Pearla, Pearle, Pearlina, and Pearline.
PEIRENE: lover of Poseidon.
PELLKITA: "happy." Variant Pellikita exists.
PELLONIA: she who is invoked to ward off enemies.
PENTHESILEA: a queen of the Amazons.
PERDITA: "lost."
PERDIX: sister of Daedalus.
PEREGRINE: "wanderer." Variant Peregrina exists.
PERO: mother of Asopus.
PERPETUA: "continual."
PERSIS: "from Persia."
PERTUNDA: surname of Juno.
PETRA: "rock." Variants include Petronella, Petronia, and Petronilla.
PHAEDRA: daughter of Minos.
PHOEBE: daughter of Leda.
PHOENICE: mother of Torone.
PHYLO: handmaiden of Helen.
PIA: "pious."
PILUMNUS: goddess of birthing.
PLACIDA: "tranquil." Variant Placidia exists.
POLEMUSA: name of an Amazon.
POLYXENA: daughter of Priam.
POMONA: "fertile." Variant Pomonia exists.
POMPEIA: "from Pompey."
POPPY: "flower."
PORTIA: "an offering."
POTINA: she who blesses the food of children.
PRAENESTINS: surname of Fortuna.
PRIMA: "firstborn." Variant Primalia exists.
PRIMAVERA: "born at the beginning of spring."
PRIMROSE: "first rose."
PRISCILLA: "ancient." Variants include Cilla, Piri, Piroska, and Prisca.
PROCRIS: lover of Hercules.
PROSERPINA: goddess of the underworld
PROSPERIA: "prosper." Variant Prospera exists.
PRUDENCE: "prudent." Variant Predentia exists.
PRUNELLA: "plum." Variant Prunellia exists.
QUIES: "tranquility."
QUINTINA: "born fifth."
RAIDNE: name of a Siren.
REGINA: "queen." Variants include Regine, and Reginy.
RENEE: "rebirth." Variants include Renata, Renate, Renella, and Renelle.
RENITA: "dignified." Variant Reneta exists.
RESELDA: "healer." Variant Reseda exists.
REVA: "regain strength." Variants include Riva, and Rive.
REXANA: "royal grace." Variants include Rexanna, and Rexanne.
RHEA: mother of the gods.
RHEA SILVA: a Vestal Virgin.
RHODE: daughter of Poseidon.
RHODOS: daughter of Poseidon.
RISA: "laughter."
ROMA: "from Rome." Variants include Romana, Romania, and Romola.
ROSA: "rose." Variants include Rosaleen, Rosalina, Rosaline, Rosalyn, Rose, Rosie, Ruusu, and Ruzena.
ROSABEL: "beautiful rose." Variants include Rosabella, and Rosabelle.
ROSALBA: "white rose."
ROSEMARY: "bitter rose."
RUBETTE: "little, precious jewel." Variant Rubetta exists.
RUBY: "precious jewel."
RUFINA: "red-haired." Variant Rufine exists.
RUMINA: protectress of sleeping babes.
RUNCINA: protectress of crops.
SABINA: "a Sabine." Variants include Sabine, and Savina.
SABRIA: "from Cyprus." Variant Sabrina exists.
SALACIA: wife of Neptune.
SALINA: "from a salty place." Variants include Saleen, Salena, and Saline.
SALVIA: "wise." Variants include Sage, Salva, Salvina, and Salvinia.
SAMIA: wife of Ancaeus.
SANCTA: "sacred." Variant Sancia exists.
SATURNIA: surname of Juno.
SCHOLASTICA: "scholar."
SCOTA: "from Ireland."
SEASON: "fertile."
SEBASTIANE: "majestic." Variant Sebastiana exists.
SECUBA: "born second."
SEMELE: mother of Dionysus.
SENA: "blessed." Variant Sina exists.
SEPTIMA: "born seventh."
SERENA: "tranquil." Variants include Serene, and Serina.
SIDE: wife of Orion.
SIDERO: name of an evil nymph.
SIDON: "woman of Sidonia"
SIDRA: "luminous." Variants include Sidera, Siderea, and Sideria.
SIGNA: "sign." Variants include Signe, and Signia.
SILKE: "blind." Variants include Silka, and Silkie.
SILVIA: "from the forest." Variants include Silva, Sylanna, Sylva, Sylvana, Sylvania, and Sylvia.
SINOPE: daughter of Ares.
SOLITA: "accustomed."
SPERANZA: "hope."
SPES: "hope."
STELLA: Latin equivalent of Greek Asta, meaning "starlike; like a star; of the stars." Variants include Asta, Astera, Asteria (Lat.), Astra (Lat.), Astrea, Astria, Estella (Sp.), Estelle (Fr.), Ester, Esther (Heb.), Estrela, Estrella, Eszter, Etoile (Fr.), and Hester.
STIMULA: another name for Semele.
SUADA: "persuasion."
SYLLIS: name of a nymph.
SYMAETHIS: mother of Acis.
TACITA: "silent."
TANAQUIL: she who was worshipped in the home.
TANSY: "tenacious."
TARPEIA: she who was killed for an act of treason against her father.
TELEPHASSA: wife of Agenor.
TELES: name of a Siren.
TELLUS: "earth." Variant Terra exists.
TEMPLA: "sanctuary."
TERTIA: "born third."
TETHYS: daughter of Gaea.
THALASSA: "Mediterranean."
THELXIEPEIA: name of a Siren." Variant Thelxepeia exists.
TIBERIA: "from the Tiber."
TIGRIS: "from the Tigris." Variants include Tigrisa, and Tigrisia.
TIMANDRA: sister of Helen.
TIRYNS: aunt of Hercules.
TITA: "honored."
TOINETTE: "praiseworthy." Variant Tonia exists.
TOPAZ: "jewel."
TOSCA: "From Tuscany." Variant Toscana exists.
TRINITY: "unity."
TRISTE: "full of sorrows." Variant Trista exists.
TRIVIA: another name for Diana.
TRIXY: Short form of Beatrix, meaning "brings joy." Variants include Trix, and Trixie.
TRYPHENA: "delicate." Variants include Tryphaena, and Tryphana.
TUCCIA: a Vestal Virgin.
TULLIA: "peaceful." Variant Tulia exists.
TULLIOLA: "little quiet one."
TUTILINA: goddess of harvest.
UNA: "one."
UNDINE: "of the waves." Variants include Undina, and Undinia.
URBANA: "born of the city." Variant Urbania exists.
URSULE: "bear." Variants include Urselina, Urseline, Ursola, Ursula, and Urzula.
VACUNA: "victory."
VALENTINA: "healthy." Variants include Val, Valari, Valarie, Valeda, Valencia, Valentia, Valeria, Valery, Valora, and Valorious.
VALONIA: "from the vale." Variant Vallonia exists.
VEGA: "star."
VENESSA: named for Venus. Variant Vanessa exists.
VENILIA: "of the sea and winds."
VENUS: goddess of love and beauty. Variant Venita exists.
VERA: "true." Variants include Veradis, and Veradisia.
VERBANE: "sacred limb." Variants include Verbena, Verbenaie, and Verbenia.
VERDA: "unspoiled."
VERNA: "born in the spring." Variant Vernita exists.
VERONICA: "honest." Variant Veronika exists.
VESPERA: "evening star." Variants include Vesperia, and Vespira.
VESTA: goddess of the hearth.
VICTORIA: "triumphant." Variants include Victrix, Victrixa, Viktoria, Vincentia, and Vittoria.
VIGILIA: "alert."
VIOLA: "flower."
VIRDIS: "young and budding." Variants include Virdia, Virdisa, and Virdisia.
VIRGILIA: "staff-bearer."
VIRGINIA: "blossoming." Variants Ginger, and Ginny.
VIRILIS: surname of Fortuna.
VIRTUS: "virtue."
VITA: "life." Variants include Veta, and Vitia.
VIVA: "youthful."
VIVIAN: Latin unisex name meaning "lively; alive; animated." Vivien was the name of the Lady of the Lake in Arthurian legend. Variants include Bibiana (Sp.), Bibiane, and Bibine, Vi, Viv, Viviane, Viviana, Vivie, Vivien, Vivienne (Fr.), Viviette, Vyv, and Vyvyan.
VOLUPIA: "sensual pleasure."
XANTHE: name of an Amazon.
YULIYA: "young." Variants include Yulene, Yulenka, Yulenke, and Yulia.
ZEUXIPPE: daughter of Lamedon.
ZEZILI: "gray eyes." Variant Zezilia exists.