Do you cosleep with your baby? ?
I love my boys
2009-01-29 23:59:59 UTC
I've 'co-slept' w/my 5mo old since day 1..(no it doesn't interrupt with the intimacy, we find other times and places other than night time in bed, for that...;] and I just love when I wake up in the middle of the night and have my little bug there to cuddle with.. It started out me just having to have him there so I knew he was ok and breathing...he was born a mo early and had sleep apnea..would make noises often trying to catch or take, ive exclusively BF. Anyways..done rambling now just wondering if many moms cosleep..what do the husbands think about it? Cause mine doesn't mind whatsoever=]
28 answers:
2009-01-30 05:35:21 UTC
My daughter being my husband's first child he was a little nervous about our bed turning into the "family" bed, only because he was scared he would roll on her. After only a few nights he realized it wouldn't happen ~ she sleeps like a baby kangaroo without the pouch. My son slept with me until a big boy bed interested him ~ I see the same happening for my daughter. Isn't sex more fun in the bathroom anyways? hahahaha

**oh the ignorant people...

First off if you're concerned about suffocation ~google it ~in all cases of suffocation the mom was drunk!!

Secondly, isn't it sad when a mom doesn't trust her own maternal instinct? Personally, I trust that no matter how deep a sleep I'm in I would never forget my child is beside me. Attachment parenting is the absolute easiest way to have a happy child. Babies are wired to be held close when they are sleeping.

And finally, SIDS used to be called "crib death" for a reason, because it was recognized right around the same time as the invention of the crib.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad for doing what you should be proud comes natural to you. I was a teenage mom when I had my son and had been told by everyone from my mom to the nurses not to sleep with him. But why I thought? If you're breastfeeding it's simply the only way to go. Sooo much easier! I just did it anyways, and at times felt bad and hide it. But now 8 years later, quite a bit of education under my belt and of course my new found best friend GOOGLE I still choose to co-sleep, and this time, proudly. Psychologically speaking, it does wonders for a child's self esteem and sense of security.

Co-sleeping is not a sign of a young mother but a modern mother in this western "parent prioritized" society and it should be worn as a badge of honor. HAHA my babies happier than yours!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-01-30 13:55:02 UTC
We co slept with both our kids until they were two and a half to three. I breastfed exclusively and I really liked having the baby close at night so that our sleep didn't get interuppted for feeding. It was nice for us all the be snuggled up. My husband never minded it, I think he liked it, actually, and I have to agree with other posters, our sex life NEVER suffered. Intimacy is about more than just sex, anyway.

Anyway, the kids are 16 yrs and 11 yrs now, and sleep wonderfully in their own rooms. We took our time and transitioned the right way, there were no tears and fuss. We certainly didn't feel that it was a "bad habit"
2009-01-30 08:36:14 UTC
We co-slept part time with our first baby. She started the night out in her own bed, then came into ours when she woke up to nurse. It certainly makes breastfeeding easier! We only had a full-size bed at the time, which was crowded, lol! She is almost 4 now, and sleeps great in her own bed!

Our 2nd daughter is 10 months old and has co-slept full time since day one (thanks to a bigger bed, lol!) I love it, she loves it, AND hubby loves it! We still manage to have a hot sex life, lol, despite what some people might think.

There is a lot of positive information about co-sleeping (when its done safely!) Being close to other people helps regulate a baby's breathing. I know one night, I woke up from a dead sleep feeling like something was wrong. I reached out and put my hand on my baby's chest, and it wasn't moving. It seemed like eternity, but was only a couple seconds probably. Babies often have pauses in breathing, and SIDS occurs when they never start back up! I tapped her chest gently. She heaved a big sigh, and resumed breathing and sleeping.

They've done studies that show that mothers will instictively do things in their sleep to rouse a baby from apnea. But you wouldnt be able to do that with a baby in the other room!

We LOVE co-sleeping, and I really don't care what the uneducated swine say, LOL!
2009-01-30 08:07:04 UTC
Well, I'm not sure if I can answer this question because my son isn't going to be here for another 2 months. But my husband and I are planning on having... Well I'm not even sure if this counts as co-sleeping. At the moment we are sleeping in what will be our babies room. Because it's warmer. But it's also smaller so we don't have much room in between the bed and the wall. So we decided to keep the baby in his bassinet in that small space. So he'll be right next to me. Even though he won't exactly be in the bed with us.
MilkMakingMama of Liam & Kaegan
2009-01-30 16:28:24 UTC
I did until my son was 18 months old (the HE wanted his own space...LOL). We have another due in Aug and we plan to co-sleep for as long as the baby wants. There is a great book on co-sleeping that I read called "Good Nights" with Jay Gordon....A great read if you want to understand WHY co-sleeping is so important. Also, to the person who said "Hope you don't smother your baby" As long as both parents are sober (no drugs, no alcohol) and non-smokers, co-sleeping is actually safer than making your baby sleep alone! As for what my hubby thinks about was HIS idea!! I never thought about it before my son was born, I just assumed that the baby would sleep in his bassinet and later his crib.....When my hubby suggested it, I was a little taken aback! LOL I am forever grateful that he did though! He misses baby snuggles in the morning too and can't wait for #2 to get here!! LOL
2009-01-30 12:37:37 UTC
my son is 21 almost 22 months and i still sleep with him. my fiance really had no problem with it until lately my son has been peeing in the bed all the time. he wants me to transition him, which i have began to do. every once in a while lately we will sleep in my son's room. there is a full size bed in there and it's pushed against his toddler bed. so far he doesn't mind it and even falls asleep better. hopefully the transition will be smooth. i don't know how i will deal with all the thoughts of things that can happen in my head. it certainly has not effected my sex life one bit. if people think it would then they're out of luck anyway and theirs is already in the hole. sex doens't just happen in the bed at night lying down- we're much more creative:)

More babies die in their own beds than in bed with mom or dad. co-sleeping reduces the risk for SIDS. my niece still sleeps with ym sister sometimes when she has a simple cold because she gets apnea and will stop breathing and my sister has to wake her to breath again- what would happen if she did not co-sleep? if someone could roll over on top of my 21 months odld son, then they are clearly on drugs. i am ALWAYS aware of my child when i am sleeping

Even my son's doctor asked me where he slept and i said with me she said as long as i do it safely then it could be a great situation for me and she was completely suportive. there are 7 kids in my family all of whom co-slept at one point and not one of them were suffocated
2009-01-30 17:52:11 UTC
My husband was even more in favor of it in the beginning than I was. We both love the time before we all go to sleep where we pile into bed and our son climbs on us, crawls around and just generally plays to wind down. Then he settles beside me, starts to nurse and drifts off. My husband and I always look at each other and smile just watching our precious baby cuddled up and peacefully sleeping. I wouldn't have it any other way and neither would either of the males in my life. ;)
2009-01-30 15:21:23 UTC
My husband is currently deployed and my daughter is only 6 days old, but since I'm breastfeeding I've found that it's easier to have her in bed with me. I also have a bassinet next to the bed so when my husband comes home she'll be in there. I'm scared that between the 2 of us she'd get rolled on, lol.
2009-01-30 09:29:05 UTC
yes we do!! and proudly!!

Me and my hubby live in Japan - hes Japanese - and here co sleeping is the norm, as is it in most countries in the world. The idea of a family bed is very common in most cultures, its only in western culture we try to separate and isolate our children.

If i was to put my child in a separate room alone, my in-laws and friends would be absolutely horrified.

Another factor for me is climate. Here in japan its very humid - which means super hot summers, and super cold winters. At the moment its winter, and i just feel better knowing she can take some of my body heat too.

I cant imagine my poor little honey waking up cold, alone and behind bars... it makes my heart break just thinking about it. Im all for attachment parenting!

Its worked really well so far. I dont have any separation anxiety from her, and she sleeps much better and longer with us. Its been proven that sleeping with a mummy or daddy helps baby regulate her breathing, and she has sagnificantly fewer breathing "dips" in her sleep.

As long as its done safely, its great!!!
My baby girl Sapphire
2009-01-30 08:25:53 UTC
If my 5 month old daughter is unsettled i have her in our bed. My partner doesnt mind what so ever. I knowsuffocationn does happen... but for the majority of us mothers this rarely is an issue as our instincts are onto it. Mothers with babies usually sleep half awake anyway haha.
2009-01-30 08:12:43 UTC
It's hard for me to say if I would do it or not, because I'm not a mommy yet...But I'm a nanny for a baby girl who will be 9 months old soon and she has been sleeping with her parents since she was born. It is very hard on me. They want me to have her sleeping in her crib, which is fine with me, but she does not like it. It's gotten worse in the past month, she really just enjoys sleeping on me, which is also not a big deal...But the parents hate it. So I think I might just be in a horrible situation
2009-01-30 08:23:29 UTC
when i had my son the nurses in the hospital told me to put him into bed with me because he had colic and was very unsettled and sleeping cuddled up to me was the only thing that settled him so i co slept with him until he was 5mnths old. I dont think there is anything wrong with it and all the time he slept with me not once did i even come close to rolling on him
2009-01-30 08:49:13 UTC
It has been proven that you can very safely co-sleep with your baby. Have a look at the SIDS website and it shows perfectly safe sleeping positions.

I have co-slept with my other children, but my baby who is 13 weeks sleeps from 10pm until 6am in his cradle next to me. I do give him his morning feed in my bed, but then get up for the day afterwards. I really enjoy our early morning snuggle in the quiet though!
2009-01-30 08:04:27 UTC
From the start my daughter slept with both me and my hubby and after a few months she would sleep in her own bed off and on but lately she sleeps with us and shes 17 months old now. My hubby prefers her to sleep with us but I prefer her to sleep in her won bed.
Nurse Autumn Intactivist NFP
2009-01-30 08:21:42 UTC
Yes, I co-sleep, started out because breast feeding was easier, then found out about all of the benefits and fell in love with it.

I am single, so usually it is just me and Jayden, but occasionally my boyfriend will spend the night. He doesn't mind, and i have a queen bed so there is plenty of room
Irritated Lactivist
2009-01-30 08:14:08 UTC
I did it full-time for the first 7 months, then part-time for a few after. Our toddler loves her bed but will join us in ours whenever she feels like it. That is usually about 3 times a week in the middle of the night.

I remember LOVING being able to nurse and cuddle her when she was so teeny, awwwwww. We ended up stopping it fulltime because she was so active my husband and I didn't get any rest LOL! We are getting a bigger bed soon so that we all have more room, and it'll be great for future babies too. :) Josh likes the co-sleeping regardless, but since he is a light sleeper he has to wear earplugs.

**Don't mind any ignorance you hear on the subject! It's rampant! Never mind that around the world it's the NORM to sleep with your babies, LOL!! ;)
2009-01-30 14:06:57 UTC
I won't co-sleep for my own life-personal reasons with the baby in our bed.

For the first few months, we will have the baby his/his own bed near our bed in our room til we get into a tag team mode of it. Alot easier to breastfeed and attend than to walk across and back in the house multi times a night.

My husband and I are "mover" sleepers. I would be afraid we would both move and hurt the baby with out knowing.

My husband is also a Veteran from Iraq, deployed twice. There has been a few times he became violent. He talks in his sleep and have to becareful on how I wake him up. Doctor says this is very common.

I usually can sense and wake up him up, but there was times I was so deep in sleep and he would throw fist around etc.

We both agreed our bed is not safe for young children to sleep in.

He only does it at night. Not if he takes a nap etc. Which is very common to do in deep sleep to war veteran and those who been in past situations that was never solved etc.

Another reason is also very common with co-sleep children is that once you try to place them in their own beds/bedrooms, it will be a hassle for awhile. They are also used to sleeping with you and will have separation anxiety.

My niece is 7 years old and my sister is still battling. My Bro in law loves his daughter but thinks it is appropriate for her to be in her own room. so it often leads to parents fighting and my sister giving in to my niece....after a few hours of crying.

I had seperation anxiety too as I was a co-sleeper with my mom.
2009-01-30 08:55:48 UTC
i think co-sleeping extends to sleeping in the same room so yes i co-slept with my first, she was in her crib and me in bed. she never woke in the night and seemed happy with her own space.

my madie is 2 next month and starts the night in her crib but always moves to the big bed between midnight and 4am.
2009-01-30 08:07:39 UTC
I LOVE it too!! Its perfectly normal and it all just depends on your personal preference. My husband is in the military and is away from home, so its comforting for me to sleep with my lady bug right next to me. Its beautiful to wake up in the morning to that sweet little face :)
Green Is Sexxxy
2009-01-30 15:01:13 UTC
yes, we are a proud co-sleeping family ☺

no, hubby doesn't mind ☺

yes, we were "forced" to be more....intimately creative ☺

for our family bed, we have a queen size bed in the corner of our room. then we have our king size bed butted up against the queen size bed...forms one *huge* family bed! i nurse my girls to sleep on the queen, then move to the king. i move back and nurse periodically through the night to nurse as needed.
2009-01-30 08:15:22 UTC
Yes we do. She's 7months and still sleeps with us. We're moving soon so we're going to see if she wants to sleep in her own bed now. Lol! We'll see about that. I'm kinda sad b/c I just love cuddling with her.
2009-01-30 08:19:11 UTC
My niece sleeps in my bed OCCASIONALLY. But its not something that happens all the time. She is never with her mum, i basically have her every night, she is 2.
2009-01-30 08:30:19 UTC
No i do not co-sleep - i did for about 3 weeks and stopped because i would have to stop one day, and i didnt want to have my son whinging when he was 5 about sleeping with mum.

I do not think it is a safe at all - i have exclusively BF and dont see how co sleeping and BF go hand in hand at all, you could roll on the baby or the blankets could cover him etc.

Plus you are going to have to put them in their own bed one day, its easier to break the habit when they are small - or better yet, don't start one.

But that is just my view.

I do indeed trust my insticnt, it has NOT been wrong yet - but i have common sense enough to know not to start a habit that is going to be hard to break in the long run.

My son sleeps in his cot at the foot of our bed, he LOVES his cot - he plays in it and has all his own space.

But i guess us aussies are different - we don't beleive in wrapping our children in cotton wool all their life.
2009-01-30 08:12:41 UTC
I do and always have, she is 10 months.

She will play in her crib but will not sleep there.
~CHLOE~ Mother to 2 gorgeous boys
2009-01-30 10:17:19 UTC
i have never let my baby boy sleep in our bed, i didnt want him to get that attached, i enjoy my own sleep and its hard enough sleeping next to a snoring husband haha my baby boy slept in a cot next to his bed until he was 2 months old, now he's sleeping in his own room - but everyone is different
2009-01-30 08:25:37 UTC
no way, i didn't want to fight the out of the bed battle that u have coming......she has slept in our room but not our bed,
2009-01-30 08:11:04 UTC
I think co-sleeping is an unnecessary and selfish risk and it's a sign of immaturity that young mothers tend to talk about this irresponsible practice like it's a badge of honor rather than just an excuse for them to not have to get out of bed. A baby can sleep in your room without being in your bed.

Read the news.
2009-01-30 08:04:02 UTC
I hope you don't suffocate the child to death in your sleep.

Sorry, i'm sure you're a good person and mother, but this practice is unsafe at best.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.