younger moms usually are less educated about breastfeeding, at least, if not less educated altogether. proper education about breastfeeding and its benefits and how to perservere through the "hard part" is really important and its something that often times is education that must be sought after--its not like anti-smoking ads, the information isn't in your face all the time and the benefits may not be as widely known as they should be.
honestly, selfishness is a big reason, imo. from personal experience with friends and acquaintances younger moms, or first time moms, seem a little bit more selfish and less aware of what would be best for their baby. i'm sure this isn't a problem across the board but when you hear young moms ranting about their "disgusting" post pregnancy bodies and what breastfeeding will "do to my boobs" its hard not to see the selfish reasons behind some people's choice to NOT breastfeed.
breast is definitely best for baby and anyone who insists otherwise is just not educated on the subject enough to even have an opinion...
i don't feel that breastfeeding should be so much of a choice since it is incredibly beneficial and since it is free and since it has very little room for complications as long as the mother is educated on HOW to breastfeed and encouraged to do so.
i do feel that i'm much more concerned with little things that benefit my new baby, more so than i was with my first...just because i'm older and a little less selfish and a little more experienced. so i know that the selfishness, in part, comes from being younger and less experienced in the world...i don't mean that younger moms are "worse" its just a different perspective. i've had both perspectives and i can honestly say that this time around i have a more "adult" perspective and i'm a lot less self absorbed. as an older mom its easier to make sacrifices for my children.