suitable name for baby boy birth date is 06/10/2006 , starting with character 'D'?
Neeraj V
2006-10-27 00:03:51 UTC
suitable name for baby boy birth date is 06/10/2006 , starting with character 'D'?
41 answers:
2006-10-30 07:09:00 UTC
Here are some options for you:

DALE m & f English

From an English surname that originally belonged to a person who lived near a dale.

DALLAS m English

From a surname which was originally taken from a Scottish place name meaning "resting place"...

DALTON m English

From a surname which was originally from a place name meaning "valley town" in Old English...

DANIEL m English, Jewish, French, German, Scandinavian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Biblical

From the Hebrew name דָנִיֵּאל (Daniyyel) meaning "God is my judge"...

DANTE m Italian

Medieval short form of DURANTE...

DARCY m & f English

From a Norman surname meaning "from Arcy" from French D'Arcy, originally denoting one who came from Arcy in France...

DARDEN m English

From a surname meaning "from Ardennes" in French...

DARELL m English

Variant of DARRYL

DAREN m English

Variant of DARREN

DARREL m English

Variant of DARRYL

DARRELL m English

Variant of DARRYL

DAVID m English, Jewish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Czech, Slovene, German, Biblical

Possibly derived from Hebrew דוד (dvd) meaning "beloved"...

DAYTON m English

From a surname which was derived from a place name which possibly meant either "dairy town" or "ditch town" in Old English.

DEAN m English

From a surname which means either "valley" from Old English denu or else "dean" from Middle English deen (ultimately from Latin decanus meaning "chief of ten")... [more]

DECLAN m Irish

Anglicized form of Irish Deaglán, which is of unknown meaning...

DELANEY m & f English

From the Norman surname De l'aunaie meaning "from the alder grove" in French.

DEREK m English

From a Low German form of THEODORIC

DERICK m English

Variant of DEREK

DERRICK m English

Variant of DEREK

DESMOND m English, Irish

From a surname which was derived from Gaelic Deas-Mhumhan meaning "from south Munster"...

DEVON m & f English

From the name of the county in England, which got its name from the Dumnonii, a Celtic tribe...

DOMINIC m English

From the Late Latin name Dominicus meaning "of the Lord"...


From an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Donnabhain meaning "descendent of Donndubhán"...

DORAN m Irish, English

From an Irish surname which was derived from Ó Deoradháin meaning "descendent of Deoradhán"...

DRAKE m English

From a surname derived from either Middle English drake "male duck" or else from the Old Norse personal name Draki or the Old English personal name Draca both meaning "dragon".

DUNCAN m Scottish, English

Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Donnchadh which means "brown warrior", derived from Gaelic donn "brown" and cath "warrior"...

Of these options I like the name DECLAN best.
2006-10-27 00:31:23 UTC
I love the names Darell or Darren! But I have many D names to chose from. My husband's side of the family from his grandmothers generation down to his are all names that begin with D. There is not one that dose not have a D name. His uncles' and mother's names are : Donnie, David, Dennis and Debi. His generation here are the ones I know, but there are more: Dewayne,Dennie, Darel, Dawn, Davina, and Little Donnie

And this is why I named my son Hunter. We all decided enough with the D's in this family.
Suparna B
2006-10-30 00:15:08 UTC



Rajarajan Karur
2006-10-27 00:37:35 UTC
The follwoing names are suitable name the baby boy

born on 06-10-2006

Daksh Precious son*

Dakshin South direction*

Daman Rope; Girdle

Daniel God is my judge

Datta Given; Granted; Presented

Dattatreya Given by Atri

Daulat Wealth

Deepdas Servant of Light*

Dehabhuj Another name for Lord Shiva



Devansh Part of devas*

Devaraj Lord Vishnu

Devarsh God's gift*

Deyaan Concentration*

Dhanu Man of wealth*

Dharmik Religious*

Dhigana Masti *



Dhruv A Star*

Dhruva Son of Uttanapad

Dhumal Purple; Smoke coloured*

Dhureen Accomplished

Dhyanam Attentive*




Diler Brave*

Diliso Beautiful sky

Dipen Lord of the lamp


Dipten Brightened

Divakar The sun

Divit Immortal

Divjot Divine light*


Dyaus King of heaven and the first man on earth*

for additional

Luck by Numbers

As you know the world cannot consist of just nine personalities based on numbers from 1-9, but a variety of permutations and combinations. This is why we have provided you with two numbers that provide a more comprehensive analysis and better reflect your personality. At times you might find a contradiction in the two numbers, but then don't people have quirks in their nature. If both your numbers are the same then it indicates a stronger emphasis of that planet in your numerological chart.

So go ahead and have fun studying the various people you know.


It is the number of the Sun and represents benevolence, protection, creativity and success. It is the number of the leader, and any person represented by this number demands and commands respect. They have a strong sense of self worth and love to be in control.

No. 1's are highly ambitious and determined. In childhood, these qualities manifest themselves as willfulness. These youngsters will not budge until their demands are met.

Strongly original, definitive and stubborn, No. 1's do no like to be ruled and always manage to be in positions of authority. They love fighting for the underdog and protecting the weak and helpless.

Very proud, these people love compliments and thrive on attention. They hate being ignored. They enjoy the finer things of life - good clothes and jewelry. They are the most dignified of all the numbers.

Compatible Numbers - 1,4,8

Lucky Gems - Topaz, yellow diamond

Lucky Colors - golden, light yellow


It is the number of Venus and represents, beauty, compassion, love and romance. The number 6 personality has a magnetic personality and tremendous sex-appeal. Romantic and idealistic, they are extremely sensitive to their environment and love to surround themselves by beauty and harmony. They spend a lot of time picking up beautiful pieces to furnish their homes and are house proud. They love entertaining.

Lovers of nature, they blossom in the outdoors. They respond to music and art and are blessed with a keen aesthetic sense.

They make sincere and loyal friends, and love settling disputes. Though they appear to be peaceful and docile, they have a pronounced stubborn streak. If someone breaks their trust, they can even turn vicious. They can make the best of friends or the worst of enemies.

Despite their idealism, they are pragmatic and hard working. Highly opinionated, they do not hesitate to put forward their point. They love debating and usually win, because of their irresistible charm.

Compatible numbers - 6, 7

Lucky gems - turquoise, emerald

Lucky colors - light blue, rose pink
2006-10-27 12:06:03 UTC

Dale--Old Norse, English


Damon--Greek, English


Danny--Celtic, Gaelic





Dayton--Old English





Derek--Old German



Donnan--Gaelic, Celtic




Drake--Old English, Italian



Dustin--Old German, Old English


Rosey55 D
2006-10-27 11:16:49 UTC
2006-10-27 00:36:30 UTC
Dhanesh, Dhiren, Dinesh, Deepak
2006-10-27 06:07:10 UTC
Darby, Dudley, Dustin, Dominic, Danny
2006-10-27 00:45:57 UTC
I recently had a baby boy we named him Luke Anthony. We also liked Daniel James my favourite was Domenic but my husband didn't like it.
2006-10-27 00:13:20 UTC
Dinesh, Diwakar,Deep,Deepak,Deepankar,Dharmender
This is just my opinion!
2006-10-27 17:09:27 UTC
2006-10-27 09:15:34 UTC
Dhruv,Dhrupath, Dharmesh, Dhiraj,
jad D
2006-10-27 00:10:25 UTC
Drake,Derick, Deric, Derik, Dustin,
2006-10-27 00:11:32 UTC
David, Damian, Dylan
2006-10-27 00:14:01 UTC
Dushyant, Deepak, Dhaval, Dakshesh, Divyesh etc.
2006-10-27 00:22:41 UTC
I like Darion or Darian

Try this link to find names for yourself, you can even have other moms vote on names there. Congrats on Baby
2006-10-27 02:22:53 UTC
2006-10-27 00:28:06 UTC
2006-10-27 03:23:59 UTC
Dhruv, Dipin, Duval, Deepak, & Dev
2006-10-27 00:22:30 UTC
Divyanshu, Dhruv, Deepak, Dinesh (The common ones) , Dhananjay . English names:

Derek, Dave, Damien .
2016-03-19 04:28:56 UTC
My Son born on 03-09-2014 (Tues Day) at 11.15 AM at Manali, Himachal Pradesh. Please suggest me good name for my son by his birth date and numerology
2006-10-30 10:01:06 UTC
My 1st choice Dakota or Devon.
2006-10-27 00:07:23 UTC
manpreet s
2006-10-27 10:48:40 UTC
Forget all that answer Dikshan or Dikshit is best for your child
siddhi p
2006-10-27 00:23:23 UTC
Well, Dhaval Dhruva Deep..So many are there..and by the way my bday is on 6/11
2006-10-27 00:15:51 UTC
i agree its odd you did not name your baby yet..if i had a boy i would of named him aidon or kyler but i had a girl her names Kyra..i never was partial to D names to common i do like damion though.
2006-10-27 00:08:52 UTC
Um so you've already had the baby and you haven't named him yet?? Weird.
2006-10-27 03:08:31 UTC
Divyam, Devank, dhruv,DEEPAM
shankari n
2006-10-27 00:10:05 UTC
the ideal names would be Dheeraj, Divyakant and Deep Kumar. all the best.
R. S.
2006-10-27 16:19:49 UTC

deepali s
2006-10-28 02:57:14 UTC

2006-10-27 00:16:23 UTC
derek, derrick, desmond, des, dirk, dave, david, davros, ****, dicky,
R Purushotham Rao
2006-10-29 18:28:00 UTC

2006-10-27 00:12:30 UTC

How about these names:






Daren or Darin







Hope these help you................ :-)
2006-10-27 00:12:47 UTC



















2006-10-27 04:08:48 UTC
simi das
2006-10-27 00:21:13 UTC
2006-10-27 00:08:24 UTC
like frndz
2006-10-27 02:30:28 UTC
2006-10-27 09:17:46 UTC
2006-10-27 00:48:48 UTC
Darpak .... Kamdev, god of love

Daruka .... deodar tree

Dattatreya .... a son of Atri, a god

Dakshesh .... Shiva

Dayanand .... one who likes being merciful

Deepak .... lamp, kindle

Deepankar .... one who lights lamps

Deependra .... lord of light

Devarsi .... sage of the Devas

Devdas .... servant of god

Devadutt .... gift of god

Devanand .... joy of god

Devraj .... king of gods

Debashish .... pleased by gods

Devesh .... god of gods

Devang .... part of god

Devendra .... king of gods

Devilal .... son of godess

Deviprasad .... gift of godess

Dhananjay .... one who wins wealth

Dhanesh .... lord of wealth

Dharma .... law (religious)

Dharmadev .... lord of law

Dharmesh .... master of religion

Dharmendra .... king of religion

Dhiren .... one who is strong

Dhirendra .... lord of the brave

Dhruv .... pole star

Dhaval .... fair complexioned

Digamber .... nacked

Dilip .... a king, ancestor of Rama

Dinesh .... sun, god of the day

Dinkar .... sun

Divakar .... sun

Divyesh .... sun

Divyendu .... bright moon

Duranjaya .... a heroic son

Durjaya .... difficult to conquer

In a type of numerological divination, a student of the field will use the name and birthdate of an individual to analyze and define something of the personality and propensities of that individual. Specific numbers are also assigned to the letters of the alphabet. Pythagorean numerological system (for the English alphabet) is represented here: A, J, S=1 B, K, T=2 C, L, U=3 D, M, V=4 E, N, W=5 F, O, X=6 G, P, Y=7 H, Q, Z=8 I, R=9

There is no scientific verification for the validity of claimed numerological principles.

Historians believe that modern numerology is an integration of the teachings from Ancient Babylonia, Pythagoras and his followers, (6 th. Century B.C. Greece) Astrological philosophy from Hellenistic Alexandria, early Christian mysticism, the occultism of the early Gnostics and the Hebrew system of the Kabbalah. The Indian Vedas, the Chinese "Circle of the Dead",and the Egyptian "Book of the Master of the Secret House", (Ritual of the Dead) are records giving strong evidence that Numerology dates back thousands of years.

Pythagoras and other philosophers of the time believed that because mathematical concepts were more "practical" (easier to regulate and classify) than physical ones, they had greater actuality. This is an idea in harmony with philosophical pragmatism and a choice for permanent concepts over changeable physicality.

St. Augustine of Hippo in A.D. 354 - 430 wrote " Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth." Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have them revealed by divine grace.

In 325 A.D., following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from the beliefs of the state Church were classified as civil violations within the Roman Empire. Numerology had not found favor with the Christian authority of the day. It was assigned to the field of unapproved beliefs along with astrology and other forms of divination and "magic." Through this religious purging, the spiritual significance assigned to the heretofore "sacred" numbers began to disappear. In spite of this suppression there were still many devout believers, who kept the secret knowledge locked away.

An example of the influence of numerology in English literature is Sir Thomas Browne's 1658 Discourse The Garden of Cyrus. In it the author illustrates that the number five and related Quincunx pattern throughout art, nature and mysticism. The Discourse is a late example of the influence of Pythagorean thought in English philosophy.

[edit] Definition of the Numbers

The ten digits are usually assigned distinct definitions.

[edit] The New Age definitions

0. The All, the infinite. Nothing and everything, simultaneously. The quest to find our true, spiritual selves, outside of our material bodies.

1. Individual. Individual motivation, individual activity. Need to be alone, to make one's own decisions. Aggressor (positive enforcer as opposed to negative receptive). Yang. The one who takes charge, who manages.

2. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin. Ability to cooperate, or work with others. Hidden influences at work. The subconscious.

3. Union of one (yang) and two (yin) produces three, creation. Nature, the nature goddess. Creativity, joy of life. Fertility.

4. After creation, the order, discipline and logic of creation MEASURED. Logic, math, order, the hard facts of reason devoid of emotions.

5. Action. Change. Movement, flux. Travel. Boredom with sameness.

6. Reaction/flux. Responsibility. Synthesis of heavenly and earthly. Family. Family responsibilities, and also a sense of responsibility to society. Need to find, or create, harmony in the family, or in society. Difficulties saying "no."

7. Thought/consciousness. Need to think deep thoughts, to philosophize. The spiritual found through introspection.

8. Balance of spiritual and earthly, reactive and passive. Practical. Conservative. Realistic, not given to flights of fancy. Good entrepeneur. Power/sacrifice.

9. Completion. Arriving at a spiritual goal. Altruistic, giving to others without thought of return. Potential fear and anxieties, as a cycle of completion comes to an end. Uncertainty of what's next.

However, Cheiro, and ancient numerological systems such as the Chaldean, do not necessarily agree with this system, leaning toward the either astrological, or the psychic/symbolic. Under these systems, the numbers 0-9 possess the following associations and colours:

0. - Nullify, Void, Space - Astrology: sometimes, space/infinity - Colour: Black

1. - Activation, New Beginnings, Consciousness - Astrology: Sun - Colour: Brown

2. - Duality, Duality of Physical/Non-Physical, Duality of Male/Female - Astrology: Moon - Colour: Red

3. - Creative, Perfection in Creation - Astrology: Jupiter - Colour: Orange

4. - Earth-based, Ego, Physical Solidity - Astrology: Uranus - Colour: Yellow

5. - Healing, Growth, Christic - Astrology: Mercury - Colour: Green

6. - New Ideas, Vision - Astrology: Venus - Colour: Blue

7. - Perfection, Creation, Completion, Physicality - Astrology: Neptune - Colour: Violet

8. - Infinity, Eternity, Non-Physical/Angelic - Astrology: Saturn - Colour: Silver

9. - End of a Cycle - Astrology: Mars and Pluto - Colour: Gold

The numbers following the cycle of 9 in base-10 are also assigned colours and associations such as the following examples:

10. - God, Universal Mind, the Intelligence of Space, the Wheel of Fortune - Colour: White

11. - New Cycle, New Beginnings, Courage - Colour: Maroon

12. - All Lineages, All Frequencies, Number of Total Variant Rays in Creation -

13. - Maturity, Totality, Completion -

18. - Good Luck. Long Life, Portent -

22. - Transition, Between Past and Future - Colour: Turquoise

33. - End of a Series of Cycles - Colour: Clear

44. - All Possibilities -

[edit] Chinese numerology

Main article: Numbers in Chinese culture

The chinese assign a different set of meanings to the numbers and certain number combinations are considered luckier then others. In countries with a large chinese speaking population, lucky number combinations are much sought after for use in both business and personal life. In general, even numbers are considered lucky since it is believed that good luck comes in pairs.

[edit] Chinese number definitions

1 - 一

2 - 二 easy

3 - 三 live

4 - 四 - considered unlucky since 4 in chinese (sì} sounds like the chinese word for death (死). NOT ALL CHINESE REGARD THE NUMBER 4 AS "DIE" The interpretation for Number 4 in Chinese numerology article here does not necessarily mean "die" to all Chinese. Chinese Teochew regard it as "Hee" meaning "Good News" and "Happiness" and so it is an auspicious number to them. Only the Chinese Cantonese regard the number 4 as "die". And so it is very subjective for each particular Chinese dialect group.

Retrieved from ""

5 - 五 - the self, me, myself, nothing

6 - 六 - easy and smooth

7 - 七 - together

8 - 八 - sudden fortune, prosperity

9 - 九 - long in time

Some lucky number combinations include:

168 - road of prosperity or to be prosperous together - many charged telephone service numbers in China begin with this number. Many businesses also prefer to have this number as part of their names.

518 - I will prosper, other variations include: 5189 (I will prosper for a long time), 516289 (I will get on a long, smooth prosperous road) and 5918 (I will soon prosper)

888 - prosperity x3.

[edit] Numerology and astrology

Main article: astrology and numerology

Some astrologers believe that each number from 0 to 9 is ruled by a celestial body in our solar system.

[edit] "Numerology" in science

Scientific theories are sometimes labelled 'numerology' if their primary inspiration appears to be mathematical rather than scientific. This colloquial use of the word 'numerology' is quite common within the scientific community and it is mostly used to dismiss a theory as questionable science. [citation needed]

The best known example of 'numerology' in science involves the co-incidental resemblance of certain large numbers that intrigued such eminent mathematical physicists as Dirac, Weyl and Eddington. These numerical co-incidences refer to such quantities as the ratio of the age of the universe to the atomic unit of time, the number of electrons in the universe, and the difference in strengths between gravity and the electric force for the electron and proton. As one author has observed however, we are bound to find co-incidences if we look long enough at any sample of numbers and therefore the kind of study that Dirac, Weyl and Eddington pursued 'seems like numerology' to many physicists ('Is the Universe Fine Tuned for Us?', Stenger V.J., page 3[1]).

Large number co-incidences still continue to fascinate many mathematical physicists even at the risk of being labelled 'numerologists'. Thus, for instance, James G. Gilson has constructed a 'Quantum Theory of Gravity' based loosely on Dirac's large number hypothesis [2].

get a book on numerology and see various combinations attaching your family name with selected first names, so that you get the best name.

hope thats helpful. or you can look at any website on baby names!! congratulations on the new arrival!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.