I need medical proof that circumcision is beneficial.?
2007-10-23 18:24:36 UTC
This is worth the 5 points. So My wife and myself sit on the two opposite ends of the "debate". I am for having our baby circumcised. She on the other hand is in with these anti-circumcision groups. So we are at a full stand-off. Their are websites, the pro ones give "supposed" medical information, but the anti sites find ways to discredit it. Some of these tactics look like they were done with PETA.

So, I say yes to it, since I am, and I don't know anything about it or how to clean it, I want to avoid teasing, and I don't want to risk the increase of urinary infections s he is young and other complications as he gets older.

She believes it is a procedure done just to make money and that not having it done prevents the urinary infections and so forth, also believe that it causes permanent psychological problems, and that she will regret it her whole life.
37 answers:
2007-10-23 18:37:54 UTC
Oh no, your wife is one of those! Does she spend a lot of time on There's a lot of those, "anti-circumcision" and "Im going to breastfeed until my kid is 18" types over there.

I had my son circumcised and Im so glad I did. No permanent psychological problems here. Tell your wife to back away from the anti-cric. groups for a minute so she can come up with her own opinion on the issue.
2016-05-25 11:35:37 UTC
Absolutely, but unfortunately our society believes that baby boys have no rights, while baby girls deserve to be protected 100 percent. It's illegal to ***** the clitoral hood of a female child, but you can hack off the prepuce in a male child without anyone blinking an eye. Medical "benefits" are tepid at best. People would like you to believe that if you don't get circumcised, you'll suffer from life-threatening painful infections. It's overblown. I come from a long line of uncut men and at least as far back as my grandfather, none of us have suffered from any infections. Besides, last time I checked, the men in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Canada and Austrailia were all still healthy and hearty. For some sick, strange reason people feverishly believe that the foreskin is "dirty" and come up with all sorts of foolish reasons why it MUST be removed that they would never come up with for any other body part. Cultural brain washing is a very sick and powerful tool.
2007-10-24 02:13:07 UTC
How about let your son decide? It's his penis. He could easily get it done as a teen or even a child if he wants. He will have the benefit of making a decision and also will get anaesthetic which a baby won't. Plus there are risks, with any surgery, but say the possible complications of the operation are far worse than the possible complications of having a foreskin. The main reason I'm against it though is that it doesn't leave the child a choice. In the incredibly unlikely case of terrible infections, unbearable teasing etc. he can always get cut later down the road. There is no point in doing something like this just because he "might" wish he were circumcised. You can't reverse it! What if he wishes he weren't? Many men regret it.

So far I haven't seen medical proof it's beneficial. I'm against it being done on newborns, but I didn't always feel that way, it was actually when I started researching it in depth and found a complete lack of real evidence in favour of it. Sure, it's needed medically in some very rare cases, but that's no reason to do it pre-emptively or as a first resort. Neither is the supposed HIV protection - I thought the studies were a bit dodge but even if what they say is true, nothing beats condoms and being careful with your partners, because unsafe sex will lead to STDs, circumcised or not. And besides your kid won't be having sex for a while, who knows what progress about treating/curing/vaccinating STDs they may make in the next 15-20 years? The HPV (cervical cancer) vaccination just recently came out.

Intact penis care is very easy. The foreskin doesn't retract for the first few years of life, sometimes until puberty, so you don't need to clean under it or anything. Just wash the outside. Easier than looking after a girl, or a circumcision wound.

About teasing it depends where you live but I agree with the answer given above ^ if somebody laughs there's a pretty good response "why are you checking me out down there?" also rates in the US have dropped to about 56% circed, so intact is no longer a rare minority. Most girls have no issue with guys being intact (many prefer it) and this will become even more normal in the future with the rates dropping so fast. Stuff like it being gross is ridiculous. Most girls who say that are relying on urban myths and never actually have experience with a clean intact guy. (Their loss) Anyway a shallow woman repellant could be a good thing.

About making money I suspect that is a huge part of the reasons why it's still done. The doctors get a lot for a simple procedure and they also use the foreskins to make face cream. I thought it was a joke...but it's true. Go figure.

I think you should go with your wife on this one. Congrats and good luck.

OK to your update. I can see how something drastically anti would scare you - it would me too. But as would anything drastically pro (there are a lot of gay men, paedophiles and others out there who are very much into circs, tight circs, they do have some fetish sites). Just ignore the drastic people on both sides. About him pulling it own foreskin back - that's okay when kids do that. In fact natural touching of it helps the separation process. An infact is unlikely to force it back or push it too far so that it gets damaged (like an adult could do to their penis), because they probaly don't have the strength to force it and would definitely stop when it became painful.
2007-10-25 11:43:31 UTC
Since you and your wife disagree, let's look at the consequences of your son's future views on the matter. If you leave him intact and he doesn't agree with your decision, he can get cut when he is an adult. If you cut him and he disagrees, there's not a whole lot he can do about it -- foreskin restoration is long and uncomfortable, and the results are not always all that good. He may bitterly resent having the choice taken away from him. Why not let him decide -- it's HIS penis.

He's not going to look like you down there anyway. There are lots of differences besides foreskin between an adult's organ and a child's. In all probability most of his peers will be uncut -- the procedure has fallen out of fashion since you were born.

So don't take this choice away from him. YOU may be fine with being cut, but there are a lot of men out there who are not, and many are quite bitter and angry about it. Let your son choose for himself.
2007-10-25 16:12:08 UTC
I'd be fighting a losing battle against all the previous answerers who insist it is more hygienic, cleaner and looks better, etc.

So I'm just going to say that if your son is born without any medical defect with his foreskin then there's no need to cut it off. Washing under my foreskin takes a few odd seconds each day in the shower and I've never had yeast or infections. Anyone who says they have or knows someone who has had foreskin problems, just had terrible personal hygiene!

If your son gets to the age of 18 for example and hates having his foreskin intact, he can make the decision as an adult to have it chopped off. For now, its not your penis and there's no need to remove part of it.
2007-10-25 18:49:28 UTC
I disagree with newborn circumcision for the following reason:

The medical benefits are few and far between, making it effectivly cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery decisions should be decided by the owner of the equipment in question. Yes there are some minor medical benefits, however I believe that ethically the choice belongs to the child.
2016-06-26 22:57:38 UTC
Natural Penis Enlargement Guide :
2007-10-25 02:04:34 UTC
as an uncut guy i can say that I never got teased about my penis, never worried that mine looked different as my mother told me the truth that mine was natural, I have never had a problem with it, never had a girl say she will not have sex with me because of it and wash it every day so it doesn't smell.

My son has known how to clean his since he was about 4. Only takes pulling the skin back, wash, rinse all done.

You need to ask yoursefl "why get it done'?.
2007-10-24 07:59:12 UTC
Well, for just about any pro proof that you find, there's data on the against side that will invalidate it. Perhaps you should research the against side so you know how she'll hit you back.

By leaving your son uncircumcised, if he's not satisfied with it he can always get cut and end up satisfied in the end. One survey found that about half of circumcised guys would have preferred to had made the decision themselves:

That may play a part into why circumcision rates have fallen so much. For example, circumcision rates were as high as 90% back in the 1960s and 1970s (that's partly why today's adults are so... for it at first, I supposed you could say, about thinking that circumcision is better) but they have fallen to as low as 14% in some states. Here are the statistics:

So now there are many more uncircumcised boys. They don't get made fun of anymore due to that (I know, I'm one and I'm 18, a pre-med student). It's no longer the fact that there's only 5% uncut guys in the school... that, and nowadays showers at school aren't done as much.

In addition, there are medical reasons that I'm against it, too. For example, medical studies have found that it reduces sensitivity:,2933,285532,00.html

Makes masturbation more difficult:

Which makes sense, that's how it was made popular in the USA:

Increases erectile dysfunction rates:

There's pain involved, often why doctors don't want you in the room when it's done:

Of course, there are other risks associated, but those are typically the ones due to surgery. You can research it more here: (here you can find all the risks and claims that invalidate most pro claims... you'll know how she'll fight your claims)

Best of luck.

As far as cleaning it goes, it's quite simple. At a young age (typically up to around age 4 or 5, but it can be up to puberty or age 10 or so), the foreskin is attached to the head to prevent stuff like feces from getting in. The foreskin should not be pulled/forced back, simply because it won't. And as you said, he'll pull it back eventually. He wouldn't pull it back if it hurts him, but he'll eventually discover that pulling it back feels good because it's like your eyelids, that is, moist inside, so it gives a good feeling to rub it against the head. Once he slides it back, all it takes is 5 to 10 seconds to pull it back and rub the head when he showers; it even feels good. And you have to admit, if he's not circumcised, your wife will be mostly in charge of this; she sounds like she's really done her research.
2007-10-25 02:35:18 UTC
Don't do it, it's not your body so that you can permanently change it, it should be your son's choice, i know that this is a complicated issue in America becuase most of men are circumcised, but that doesn't make it right

here is a clip of circumcision, why would you put your son thru that
2007-10-23 18:35:23 UTC
Circumcision is only beneficial in one respect, it decreases the likely hood of contracting an std. Now keep in mind just because you have straight sex with someone with HIV, does not mean you will become infected, you could but its not 100 percent or even 70. However the likelyhood does increase if you were not circumsized. However if you use a condom or are more selective or your partners their is little difference
2007-10-23 19:25:36 UTC
You want to avoid teasing and cut an open wound in a place that gets no air circulation and is constantly being bathed in urine and feces to avoid infections. She will regret this her whole life. If it's that important to her, why not let your son decide for himself when he's old enough to understand?

Circumcisions became popular in the US as a way to prevent masturbation. The rest of the world hardly does it at all. You would think that the world's men are all plagued with chronic unirary infections, but they're not. We often hear of intact boys who have lots of infections, but those are often caused by parents forcibly retracting a foreskin that's not ready to retract.

I believe that you find the anti-circumcision sites to be a little too grassroots for you? I understand your concern. Remember that drug companies have LOTS of money to throw around on promoting their products (how much free formula have you received?), but those on the other side don't. They have to work full-time jobs in addition to running their own website. No expense accounts, no team of web designers, no interns and no money wasted. Just the facts. Even the AAP has decided that circumcision is cosmetic surgery. The scientific evidence you want is out there, but there isn't enough of it to be conclusive.

By the way, only half the baby boys being born right now in the US are being circumcised. Even if your son is in the minority, my experience as a teacher tells me that any boy who is looking at another boy's penis is instantly ridiculed. I've given plenty of detentions over boys calling each other "fags", but I've never heard of a boy being teased about the way his penis looks.

Cloth diapers are awesome! Again, a case of disposable companies (Proctor and Gamble) advertising that their products are sanitary and convenient. It's just not true anymore. It's so much easier to toss in a load of laundry than it is to drag a cranky child to the Wal-Mart. I'm drying diapers right now--in my pajamas, while playing on the computer. What's easier than that?
2007-10-24 06:30:09 UTC
Don't butcher your kid!

You will be taking something away from him if you do this.

Your child should have a say in the matter..maybe he cannot answer you yet but as he ages he can make up his mind better. and as far as being made fun of...well i come from one of those love me as i am families, so if some girl is gonna make fun of me for that well she dosn't love me all that much now does she....Plus that IS the way God made you, period. Even though Jesus was cut, it was done due to his jewish upbringing not for medical reasons. I would be mortified if my parents had it done to me, in fact i would be outright mad as hell. so please do not butcher your son
Terrible Threes
2007-10-23 21:09:45 UTC
Perhaps you might think about it this way. Put your own feelings and ego aside for a few...

What is the biological norm? What is the function, form and purpose of the human prepuce?

I am sorry that you were denied a choice with your own penis, but that is no reason to pass on this legacy of violation to your helpless newborn.

The risk of urinary tract infections is not greater. The studies were done on full term circumcised babies compared with NICU babies who were too small or sick to cut and even then the rate only went from .01% to .1%. Plus, girls are much more prone to UTIs, but we cut nothing off of them.

As for teasing, why not teach you son to be proud of who he is? Self-esteem is the only real protection against teasing. After all, will you get him surgery in case he is teased about being tall, or short, or fat, or skinny, or freckled, or needing glasses or braces? How about teaching him to simply say "Dude, why are you checking out my package?"

Cleaning is super easy. Wipe it like a finger. The foreskin is there to protect the meatus from foreign matter. It is sealed to the glans until sometime before puberty and is self cleaning.

Most foreskin "problems" are caused by people ripping back the foreskin before it has naturally retracted. This (which, by the way, is the first step in circumcision) is akin to ripping a fingernail back to clean underneath it. It can cause tears in the delicate mucosa which allow bacteria in.

As for the horror stories and mythology you will hear from folks on here. Remember, the united states is the ONLY country in the 1st world that routinely cuts babies for non-religious reasons people here are terrified of the human foreskin and willing to say anything to protect the status quo. 85% of the rest of the men in the world are intact and most of them are not strangled to death by their foreskins.
2007-10-23 18:42:56 UTC
Now you have me curious about permanent psychological problems. Every man I have ever known except for one was circumcised, I wonder if that's why they're all crazy? :)

The one who wasn't grew up in Appalachia and they didn't have doctors. I have heard of women getting infections from their uncircumcised husbands who didn't clean properly.

If I have a son he will be circumcised, its not even an issue in my family.

"some boys have a medical condition requiring circumcision. However, some studies suggest that uncircumcised male infants have an increased risk of urinary tract infections. Other studies show correlations between being uncircumcised and an increased risk of developing penile cancer, certain sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, infections of the penis, and phimosis (tightness of the foreskin that prevents it from retracting). "

Maybe the penile cancer is related to all the infections?

Having the foreskin leaves a nice little hiding place for bacteria and viruses to hide that is not easily washed. Seriously is a man going to rinse it off in a sink every time he takes a pee? I don't think so. I can just imagine a guy breaking out the wet wipes in the men's room, that'll cause stares.
2007-10-23 18:37:29 UTC
Assuming you are circumcised... has it caused you any psychological problems? How do you feel about it? Explain this to her all while referring to yourself.

Circumcision is not medically necessary.. however.. it is a personal choice that parents have to make. There honestly is no medical proof that it is beneficial. You must go on how you feel about it, what your child will feel about it and so on. Good luck in making a decision.
2007-10-23 18:42:46 UTC
The procedure is not done just to make money. It does not create permanent psychological problems. Those arguments fall flat.

As for yours - how to clean it - easily done...your child has to be taught to make a habit of it, and your doctor can tell you how to clean it. Also - your child won't be teased...there is such a mix these days of children with and without circumcisions, so that will be the norm for his generation.

One real problem that can arise with an uncircumcised male is called 'abonormal foreskin constriction', or 'phimosis'. It is rare. It's not a blanket reason for having circumcision, but we have a family medical history that includes it.

In extreme cases, the foreskin becomes extremely abnormally constricted, causing a lot of pain, as well as infections, etc, as the foreskin cannot be cleaned properly, if at all. This happened to my brother, and I remember what he went through vividly. He was 2 or 3 at the time - I was 9 or 10.

While not every case of phimosis becomes severe like that, nor does it always require circumcision to repair, my brothers did, and what he went through was horrible.

As a result, in consultation with our children's pediatrician, we chose to have our boys circumcised - the first was done in hospital, the second at the six week mark at a surgical clinic (the hospital we go to had since changed its policy on postnatal in-hospital circs).

In our case, we chose the route we did because of the family medical history. It's not highly likely that our boys would go through what my brother did, but on the chance that they would, we chose to circumcise. Our doctor, who is typically a 'don't circumcise' kind of guy, fully supported our decision.

I do know a couple of nurses who have worked on geriatric wards in hospital, and they say that the average cleanliness of the elder male foreskin, when they are admitted to hospital, is not very good. Typically then, the man has been ill for a while, and neglecting his overall health/daily care, and that's one of the things that falls to the wayside, so infections then are pretty common.

If your wife is this solidly against it, then why fight her? She is right in that in MOST (but definitely not all) cases, uncircumcised males will have no problems with keeping their foreskins clean, avoiding infection, etc. If she strongly feels that she would regret this for life, then you should reconsider your position, if for no other reason than that one right there.
2007-10-23 18:43:51 UTC
There really aren't any medical benefits to being circumcised. I'm not a boy, but my (circumcised) son is and I would do it again for my next son, just because it seems most males in America are. I bet if I did more research, I'd start to agree with your wife (who needs unecessary medical procedures?), but I doubt my fiance would like that, haha.
2007-10-23 18:33:46 UTC
Search the web and you'll find plenty of information. I had my son snipped because it can help prevent certain cancers that run in our family. Also, I don't know where your wife heard that not doing it prevents urinary infections - it's the EXACT OPPOSITE! Having it done prevents infections AND will help prevent STD's when he's older. You can request to be in the room with your son when it's done (just don't look!) so your wife can be sure that the doctor does indeed use anesthetic. My son didn't even cry when his was done, so don't worry.

Personally, if the father wants it done, I think it should be done. Let you handle this one, and your wife can handle bras and tampons when/if you have a daughter. This really is a "guy" area.

Good luck and congratulations!

*Edit* Reading some of the other answers jogged my memory. My mom mentioned that my brothers weren't circumcised. They were forever getting urinary and other infections when they were younger. Also, the foreskin can end up getting fused to the penis, making it impossible to retract and VERY painful. At that point, circumcision is required. What's worse - a little snip now, or a lot of pain and a big snip later?

Yeah, this question is making me VERY glad I'm a woman!
2007-10-23 18:55:19 UTC
It is more sanitary to have it circumcised because it is easier to clean. That said, it's not that hard to clean it uncircumcised. Usually little boys "match" their daddies. No evidence of permanent psychological trauma--that's just your wife being anal. Ask your pediatrician if he/she can use a local anesthetic while it's being performed. Then, there'd be no reason for pain/trauma. You can find an opposite side to any argument. Just like Darwinism vs Creationism. To vaccinate/not vaccinate. Public Schools v. private schools. There are pros and cons to every one of these, and as a woman, your wife has no clue what it's like to be circumcised or not, so I would leave that decision up to my husband because he knows what it's like. Maybe ask your dad about the decision.
2007-10-23 18:35:19 UTC

Try reading through this page.
2007-10-24 22:44:47 UTC
I think if you are circumcised, then your son should be circumcised. tel your wife that not circumcising him will warrant unwanted questions like "why is daddy's ____ different" me he will accidentally see it someday. And also not circumcising him will make him more susceptible to STD's and other problems. But the main argument is that if you are "clipped" he should be too.
2007-10-23 19:04:16 UTC
If we had a boy we would have had him circumcised (had a girl so it didn't matter) It will not cause permanent psychological problems, my husband is totally fine they don't remember (well he says he can't anyway). They are also saying that if you are circumcised it can decrease the chances of catching an STI later in life.

A guy I went to High School with had to be circumcised when he was in primary school because he got an infection, It's a lot worse to recover from that we you are that age because you do remember it than if you were a newborn.

Hope this helps : - )
2007-10-23 18:49:55 UTC
Not being circumcised can actually cause him to have more yeast and UT Infections if it is not kept clean enough, because of lint and bacteria being trapt inside by the skin encasing the penis. It also makes it easier to spread the infection to a female during intercourse. The thing is that you have to think of his future not just right now. We all know that kids are not the cleanest human beings in the world. Just something to think about.
2007-10-24 02:02:19 UTC
I know... having a baby means you have to make all these weird decisions... down to where is baby gonna poop...

Personally I feel very strongly about leaving little boys intact.

For what it's worth, my son is 11 months old and intact. All you do is wash it like you would wash his "sac" in the tub... and wipe it down with wipes... no biggie! And come on, it was put there by nature... Every single part of your body has a purpose. Did you know your tonsils are the only part of your body that actually create a natural antibody to polio?? Your eyelids protect your eyeballs... Your fingernails protect your finger tips... Your outer ears protect the delicate inner ears... Your lips protect your teeth, your tongue... Your foreskin protects your penis head... Unless you don't have one, then the skin on the delicate sensitive head has to keratinize (the equivalent of what your nail bed would do if you removed the finger/toe nail - basically it toughens up, hardens over and becomes less sensitive to pain and pleasure)...

Personally I have yet to see a medical proof of a good reason to remove any healthy body part.

IF the penis is PROPERLY cared for, there should be ABSOLUTELY NO reason to remove the foreskin.

Now if the penis is IMPROPERLY cared for (if you pull the foreskin back before he can do it himself!!!!!!) you run the risk of CREATING a problem... this is what many many many many americans are confused about... If you hear about an uncirc'ed baby needing one when he gets older, 99.99999% of the time it's because the parents were pulling it back, putting q-tips up inside it, using alcohol swabs on it, etc etc.

You don't use q-tips inside your baby's rectum to clean it out...

You dont do anything special to a regular penis...

and by the way, the united states is considered an exception to the circumcision rule...

in fact if you talk to people from other countries (england, canada, australia, russia, china, etc) they are actually shocked, disgusted and appaled that we would do such a horrific and unecessary thing to our children.

plus they think it looks incredibly ridiculous.


My partner wanted our son circed and in the end he realized he had no good reason for wanting to do it. we both did extensive research while i was pregnant... he is now a self-described "Intactivist!!" talk about jumping the fence!!!

Oh and your concerns for your son are very similar to my partner's...

My partner was done as a baby, so he wanted baby to look like him... the end of that argument was "well you have hair down there, doesn't that make things a little different looking from the get-go?? And what about your nose? It looks different too."

How to clean: Simple wipe-down during changes. Simple soap and warm water and washcloth during baths. Let him play with it in the tub as he grows, tell him when he's 3 or 4 that he needs to move that skin around so he can clean himself. No need to stress out over it. Smegma - it's the same thing that women's little bits collect, and we have foreskins over our clitorises that no one has bothered to cut off... We just wash it and move the skin around. Same for uncut guys.

Teasing?? Considering less than HALF of baby boys are being circumcised at birth (and those numbers will decrease as time goes on, it has so far!!), your son may actually be more on the odd man out side if he's circ'ed than if he's intact... but seriously, are you considering doing cosmetic surgery on your baby's penis simply because of something some numbnuts might say in HIGH SCHOOL? what if the other kids are smoking, drinking or getting tattoos or body piercings? and your son gets teased cause he doesn't? what if the new big thing is amputation of the left foot, if it gets popular are you down for that too? Hope you see where I'm going with this one...

Increasing the risk of urinary infection? That's lack of hygeine, and that happens to uncirc'ed guys at the same rate as circ'ed guys...

I am on your wife's side as far as the money-making aspect... I also believe circumcision has to do with "preventing masturbation" from back in the 50's... Ooh...

Another thing is when you circ you are removing the part of their penis that provides natural lubrication for sex. Ever have a hard time with a partner being "dry"?? have you ever used KY? Bet anything if you weren't circed that might not even be necessary....

I would much rather do a guy with his whole penis, cause THAT is what sex is supposed to feel like!

And I would've cried my eyeballs out and would indeed have felt guilty and horrible every single time I changed my sons diaper if I had allowed his father to have him done. I am so glad I put my foot down and made him educate himself.


Also, I cloth diaper my son... it's not hard at all.

My son is completely unvaccinated

My son and I both are vegan

I breastfed him exclusively till he wanted solids at 71/2 months, now he's weaning himself...

I co-sleep with my baby...

Lots of crazy stuff we have to do as parents, and educating ourselves is part of our job... And I truly believe knowledge is power. Please continue to look into this, and try try try to see it from your wife's perspective :)

Especially since she is the one hoisting your baby around all the time.

I wouldn't want to go to all that time to grow a perfectly formed little being just to have someone take him and cut off part of his most sensitive bits, when he is so fresh and new to this horrible world... taking him from his mother's warmth to a cold room and cutting off part of his body!! OUCH!! and YES it HURTS LIKE HELL

some babies have died from oxygen deprivation, they cry so hard they DIE

lots of babies vomit after the procedure, and go into shock (hence the "oh he was fine, he went right to sleep and slept for 5 hours straight!")

some babies move at the wrong time and end up FEMALES because their penises either get cut off completely, the head gets severed or the cauterizing tool burns the shaft beyond repair...

lots of babies get infections, i mean after all it is an open wound on a brand new baby with no immunities... an open wound that is getting closed up in a dark diaper, where it will be bathed in feces and urine between changes...

oh and some babies have hemmhorages and die of blood loss...

some babies foreskins try to grow back onto the head, trying to protect that sensitive uncovered bit... and then they have to be RECIRCUMCISED b/c they can't even pee without excruciating pain...

OMG I could go on for-e-ver about this. it's really a risky, outdated old practice that I honestly can't believe it's still even LEGAL let alone ENCOURAGED or suggested.

but i'll stop now.
Blair C.
2007-10-23 19:05:23 UTC
CIRCUMCISE. I agree with all of the previous answers son didnt even cry when they circumsized him..he just sucked his pacifier. I am so for does decrease infections and i do not believe for one minute that it causes psychologial fact, the teasing if he doesnt have it dont would probably cause more damage than if he did! Also, why would she regret it her whole life? Wont you regret it if you didnt? And what about your son? How will he feel later in life??

Please tell me you are not going with cloth husband wanted cloth diapers. Let her deal with those for a week lol...she will change her mind!!!
2007-10-23 18:33:10 UTC
I have dated men who were not circumcised. They were clean and never had any problems. don't worry that you don't know how to clean it - you can learn.

I would opt not to circumcise - not because I have any guilt in the matter, but just because I don't think it's necessary.
2007-10-23 19:04:27 UTC
Google the terms "Circumcision" and "AIDS". The studies are out there showing the medical benefits of circumcision.

Yes, some day your child will be having sex! Why not do all that you can to avoid problems/infections/diseases?
2007-10-23 18:32:14 UTC
the stronger will be the winner
2007-10-23 18:28:20 UTC
read up on it in webmd
alison a
2007-10-23 18:55:02 UTC
funny I was pregnant with my son when my brother's wife was pregnant with theirs. He asked if we were going to circumcise our son and I was like "Uh yeah" at which point he went off about how it was cruel, unnecessary etc. I wondered if I was missing something so I looked online and read the penis militant stuff, at which point I decided to ask my friends who had boys. Eveyrbody else had their sons circumcised, but my friend Michelle told me that with her first 2 she did not have it done at birth and everything was fine until the got to be about 3 and 4 at which point they suffered from horrible painful infections (she is one of the cleanest women I know as are her kids). She ended up having to have them circumcised at age 4 and 6 which was incredibly painful, but at least alleviated the other problems. She had her third son circumcised at birth (learned from her mistakes) and she said it was so much easier and less painful. She told me "GET HIM CIRCUMCISED AT BIRTH!!!!!" and I did and so far he has not complained. My nephew has not had any problems either as far as I know, but my brother would never admit it if he did anyway! Good luck!
tasha l
2007-10-23 21:02:22 UTC
just let her be crunchy!! seriously it is her motherly instincts~~allow it she knows what is best natural living and parenting congrats!!
2007-10-23 19:04:05 UTC
"cloth vs disposable", "vaccine vs not", "uncircumsized vs circumsized"...all those should have been discussed before the birth of your child
2007-10-24 01:06:38 UTC
girls dont like uncircumsized guys, honestly its just growse to see an uncircumsized penis. you mine as well do it while hes a baby and cant remember the pain! he'll get made fun of too!
Shelbi =)
2007-10-23 18:52:30 UTC
My brother didn't get it done and he had tons of infections, and my mom kept it plenty clean. They are just way more prone to infections, its harder to clean, they look different. I think you should get it gone.
2007-10-23 18:33:58 UTC
Your wife needs to realize that the baby can get infections very easily...and its a higher chance of stds. MAKE HER GOOGLE IT
2007-10-23 18:31:44 UTC
i agree with you! girls are gonna make so much fun of him. true!!

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