I know... having a baby means you have to make all these weird decisions... down to where is baby gonna poop...
Personally I feel very strongly about leaving little boys intact.
For what it's worth, my son is 11 months old and intact. All you do is wash it like you would wash his "sac" in the tub... and wipe it down with wipes... no biggie! And come on, it was put there by nature... Every single part of your body has a purpose. Did you know your tonsils are the only part of your body that actually create a natural antibody to polio?? Your eyelids protect your eyeballs... Your fingernails protect your finger tips... Your outer ears protect the delicate inner ears... Your lips protect your teeth, your tongue... Your foreskin protects your penis head... Unless you don't have one, then the skin on the delicate sensitive head has to keratinize (the equivalent of what your nail bed would do if you removed the finger/toe nail - basically it toughens up, hardens over and becomes less sensitive to pain and pleasure)...
Personally I have yet to see a medical proof of a good reason to remove any healthy body part.
IF the penis is PROPERLY cared for, there should be ABSOLUTELY NO reason to remove the foreskin.
Now if the penis is IMPROPERLY cared for (if you pull the foreskin back before he can do it himself!!!!!!) you run the risk of CREATING a problem... this is what many many many many americans are confused about... If you hear about an uncirc'ed baby needing one when he gets older, 99.99999% of the time it's because the parents were pulling it back, putting q-tips up inside it, using alcohol swabs on it, etc etc.
You don't use q-tips inside your baby's rectum to clean it out...
You dont do anything special to a regular penis...
and by the way, the united states is considered an exception to the circumcision rule...
in fact if you talk to people from other countries (england, canada, australia, russia, china, etc) they are actually shocked, disgusted and appaled that we would do such a horrific and unecessary thing to our children.
plus they think it looks incredibly ridiculous.
My partner wanted our son circed and in the end he realized he had no good reason for wanting to do it. we both did extensive research while i was pregnant... he is now a self-described "Intactivist!!" talk about jumping the fence!!!
Oh and your concerns for your son are very similar to my partner's...
My partner was done as a baby, so he wanted baby to look like him... the end of that argument was "well you have hair down there, doesn't that make things a little different looking from the get-go?? And what about your nose? It looks different too."
How to clean: Simple wipe-down during changes. Simple soap and warm water and washcloth during baths. Let him play with it in the tub as he grows, tell him when he's 3 or 4 that he needs to move that skin around so he can clean himself. No need to stress out over it. Smegma - it's the same thing that women's little bits collect, and we have foreskins over our clitorises that no one has bothered to cut off... We just wash it and move the skin around. Same for uncut guys.
Teasing?? Considering less than HALF of baby boys are being circumcised at birth (and those numbers will decrease as time goes on, it has so far!!), your son may actually be more on the odd man out side if he's circ'ed than if he's intact... but seriously, are you considering doing cosmetic surgery on your baby's penis simply because of something some numbnuts might say in HIGH SCHOOL? what if the other kids are smoking, drinking or getting tattoos or body piercings? and your son gets teased cause he doesn't? what if the new big thing is amputation of the left foot, if it gets popular are you down for that too? Hope you see where I'm going with this one...
Increasing the risk of urinary infection? That's lack of hygeine, and that happens to uncirc'ed guys at the same rate as circ'ed guys...
I am on your wife's side as far as the money-making aspect... I also believe circumcision has to do with "preventing masturbation" from back in the 50's... Ooh...
Another thing is when you circ you are removing the part of their penis that provides natural lubrication for sex. Ever have a hard time with a partner being "dry"?? have you ever used KY? Bet anything if you weren't circed that might not even be necessary....
I would much rather do a guy with his whole penis, cause THAT is what sex is supposed to feel like!
And I would've cried my eyeballs out and would indeed have felt guilty and horrible every single time I changed my sons diaper if I had allowed his father to have him done. I am so glad I put my foot down and made him educate himself.
Also, I cloth diaper my son... it's not hard at all.
My son is completely unvaccinated
My son and I both are vegan
I breastfed him exclusively till he wanted solids at 71/2 months, now he's weaning himself...
I co-sleep with my baby...
Lots of crazy stuff we have to do as parents, and educating ourselves is part of our job... And I truly believe knowledge is power. Please continue to look into this, and try try try to see it from your wife's perspective :)
Especially since she is the one hoisting your baby around all the time.
I wouldn't want to go to all that time to grow a perfectly formed little being just to have someone take him and cut off part of his most sensitive bits, when he is so fresh and new to this horrible world... taking him from his mother's warmth to a cold room and cutting off part of his body!! OUCH!! and YES it HURTS LIKE HELL
some babies have died from oxygen deprivation, they cry so hard they DIE
lots of babies vomit after the procedure, and go into shock (hence the "oh he was fine, he went right to sleep and slept for 5 hours straight!")
some babies move at the wrong time and end up FEMALES because their penises either get cut off completely, the head gets severed or the cauterizing tool burns the shaft beyond repair...
lots of babies get infections, i mean after all it is an open wound on a brand new baby with no immunities... an open wound that is getting closed up in a dark diaper, where it will be bathed in feces and urine between changes...
oh and some babies have hemmhorages and die of blood loss...
some babies foreskins try to grow back onto the head, trying to protect that sensitive uncovered bit... and then they have to be RECIRCUMCISED b/c they can't even pee without excruciating pain...
OMG I could go on for-e-ver about this. it's really a risky, outdated old practice that I honestly can't believe it's still even LEGAL let alone ENCOURAGED or suggested.
but i'll stop now.