Okay, I have very strong opinions on vaccinations...so here it is...I believe they were discovered for a reason, and that they can be good...however, the push to give them so many, so fast, and too much at one time so young is not a wise idea. Here is some information about some of the vaccinations:
One of the causes of SIDS in the 2-4 month span is from the pertussis shot. It will sometimes just shut down their respitory system. Another one is the MMR, it is given around 15-18 months and has been linked (although your doctor will deny it) to autism. There are other shots that you won't need, like the vericella (chicken pox) the side effects to that one are worse than the actual disease...(side effects including having to get boosters, and if you don't and catch it, it comes out as shingles, which is 10x worse than chicken pox.) So don't even bother with that one. You can decide if there are others you don't want to give your child. Here is the key, if you can delay them as much as possible (wait until at least 6 months old - unless your child is at risk for a particular one) and spread them out. I have not vaccinated my son yet, but I am going to have him get his first shot at his 9 month check-up next week. One at a time. I am only doing a couple vaccinations, and he will be way behind, but that is ok. It is never good to fill a little baby's body with garbage that the baby doesn't need. Their little immune systems are not always fully developed (which is one of the causes for the severe side effects, even death.) Thank you for doing your research and finding and asking...more power to you!!! And don't let your doctor push you around, it is a law...although they will make you think it is...even going to school, they cannot force you, remember that. Good luck!