what you think about the vaccine shots for your baby? Good or bad for them ?
2008-01-28 11:41:17 UTC
I did some research of the vaccine shots after everything I saw I did not feel like I should give them to my baby. Does anybody else feel the same way? Some of the things that got my attention was how your baby gets a shot at 2 3 and 6 months and that is the same time that sids accures during that same time.. Also there was this mom that wrote a story talking about her baby screaming in pain the night she got her shots and was dead the next morning and there was no know cause. There was a whole bunch of other stuff to check it out if haven't already it was very scary . They do it all for the money.
24 answers:
2008-01-28 12:07:42 UTC
Okay, I have very strong opinions on here it is...I believe they were discovered for a reason, and that they can be good...however, the push to give them so many, so fast, and too much at one time so young is not a wise idea. Here is some information about some of the vaccinations:

One of the causes of SIDS in the 2-4 month span is from the pertussis shot. It will sometimes just shut down their respitory system. Another one is the MMR, it is given around 15-18 months and has been linked (although your doctor will deny it) to autism. There are other shots that you won't need, like the vericella (chicken pox) the side effects to that one are worse than the actual disease...(side effects including having to get boosters, and if you don't and catch it, it comes out as shingles, which is 10x worse than chicken pox.) So don't even bother with that one. You can decide if there are others you don't want to give your child. Here is the key, if you can delay them as much as possible (wait until at least 6 months old - unless your child is at risk for a particular one) and spread them out. I have not vaccinated my son yet, but I am going to have him get his first shot at his 9 month check-up next week. One at a time. I am only doing a couple vaccinations, and he will be way behind, but that is ok. It is never good to fill a little baby's body with garbage that the baby doesn't need. Their little immune systems are not always fully developed (which is one of the causes for the severe side effects, even death.) Thank you for doing your research and finding and asking...more power to you!!! And don't let your doctor push you around, it is a law...although they will make you think it is...even going to school, they cannot force you, remember that. Good luck!
2016-05-22 11:21:18 UTC
Yes, and yes. HepB is given for two reasons: first to prevent transmission of Hep B from the mother to baby, and within households (Hep B isn't just spread through sex and needle sharing, it's can be spread through more common bodily fluids ) Secondly, giving HepB to everyone will kill the virus eventually...or that's the aim. Vaccinating all children makes sense and saves money and time. However, the vaccine at birth is almost certainly worthless, as a newborn doesn't have an immune system to stimulate a response. Vaccines are extremely important. Some babies are born with a vitamin K deficiency. This can lead to spontaneous bleeding. Internal bleeding is most concerning because it's hard to detect and by the time it's horribly obvious, serious complications/death have occurred. If you don't want the shot for whatever reason, it can be given orally. "Just as well, there have been plenty of babies that have not had any vaccines and are perfectly healthy." Because they rely on the herd immunity provided by others who did have the vaccine. "Besides, I don't put any shots in my body that is administered by the government." None are. They are administered by your health care provider. You shouldn't believe everything the antivaxxers say.
2008-01-28 11:56:47 UTC
I do believe that a lot of medical work is just for the money ..but I believe that the baby shots are good for the baby's said you read that baby was screaming in pain the night she got her shots and was dead the next morning ...well the Dr does tell you to keep a close eye on baby after the shots because they might get a allergic reaction or fever...the mother should of had call the Dr or 911 to have a better look at what was wrong with baby,,,,,,and about SIDS ...i think that is cause by suffocation of baby by blankets or other things that get on baby's face and baby can't move out of there face......I have a 4month old baby and if I had the smallest doubt the the shots will harm him I will not take him to the Dr.......

Overall I believe that baby shots have save more baby's than it has harm ......But is your baby you are the one to make the judgment for your little one .
2008-01-28 11:47:48 UTC
SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, meaning there is no known cause for it. It is sudden. You don't have to give your child vaccines, but I hope you plan to home school your child. Schools won't let them attend without certain vaccines. Also SIDS can happen all the way to 2 years, so the 2, 3 and 6 month thing is not the only time. How do you know they do it for the money? Are you listening to the liberal media? All I am saying if you think of all of the kids that had shots today, how many will die? A 2-3% chance of something like that will not convince me to withhold my son's vaccines. It does a lot more good than bad.
2008-01-28 12:03:47 UTC
Many of the side effects from vaccination are extremely rare and they are effective at protecting children from serious and life-threatening illnesses. A vaccination helps to protect babies from diseases such as polio. In this instance polio antigens or dead polio viruses are injected into the baby. The baby's immune system respond to this by attacking these antigens using antibodies. The antibodies will record what chemical were used to kill the already dead viruses and will be able to produce them much easier if the virus presents itself again.

Although vaccination is supposed to protect against many viruses they would not be necessary if people ate healthier food. Did you know that certain fruit and vegetables contain

anti- viral and anti-bacterial compounds which help to support our immunity and are very effective against colds, influenza and other temporary illnesses.

Since you have already been convinced that vaccination is bad do some research into the benefiical properties of fruits and vegetables.
2008-01-28 11:48:49 UTC
Your child has a very small chance at having a bad side effect due to a vaccine. Your child will have a large chance of contracting a disease later in life that could kill them w/o the vaccine.

Most of the naysayers out there do not have a clue about medicine at all. All medicine (or vaccines) have negative side affects, however, the they are usually very low and the GOOD outweigh the BAD. There is alot of stuff out there on the internet by so called "Dr.'s". Remember to be a Dr. means you need a Phd or MD in the field you are talking about.

The internet is a great tool, but the parent of 1 kid of a million has a problem and they make a website. Well not all vaccines are perfect, however, the overall POSTIVE of the vaccines outwieghs the risk of not having the vacinne.

I really feel sorry for kids who do not get them. And 5-10yrs down the line, people are going to wonder why some of these diseases are making a comeback all of a sudden, and we wont have any med's to cure them. Well we do, they are called vacinnes and they prevent them.
2008-01-28 11:48:41 UTC
I had both of my children vaccinated. I believe that the benefits out weight the risks. I don't know anyone who ever had any negative side effects from vaccines. I'm not saying that they never happen, but I think it is very rare. My dad had polio as a child, and my grandfather lost a sister to whooping cough as a child. I don't want to take those kinds of risks with my children. I think when people stop vaccinating their children they are putting the whole population at risk. I think that when you are researching this sort of thing, you have to be very careful and make sure that the research you get is being put out by accredited health professionals.
2008-01-28 12:35:58 UTC
What is scarier is a case of tetanus. If you know anything about tetanus and how easy it is to be in a situation where tetanus could be lurking than you would definitely want to be vaccinated against it. IPV, MMR, and the DTaP are definitely warranted in my book. So is HiB as meningitis is no joke and seems to be on the rise in many places. It is also recommended that parents be up to date on their vaccinations (including DTaP, which is much safer than the old DTP) so that they do not risk contracting pertussis and passing it to their child. I do think it would be reasonable to wait on HepB and/or varicella. However, I plan on having my child immunized according to the schedule. It will make life much safer and easier.
2008-01-28 11:49:13 UTC
My daughter (7.5) is up to date on all of her recommended shots & has never suffered any ill effects. I do recommend giving an appropriate dose of Tylenol or Motrin (ask your pediatrician how much to use since it sounds like your child is very young) to help alleviate the pain of the shot itself. They can also prescribe patches that you put on about a half hour before your appointment which numbs the area where the shot will be given. I highly recommend speaking w/ your pediatrician about what you have read & get his or her take on vaccinations. If you two don't agree on the issue after this discussion, you might want to take your child to a pediatrician who has the same principles on this issue as you do.
2008-01-28 11:53:17 UTC
I have not given my babies shots and they are perfectly healthy - have only gotten minor colds in 3 years!! Never any ear infections or anything. My friend had a baby, got his shots and then the next day, her baby was dead. Her other 2 haven't received shots and are just fine. If you have been doing research on shots and know what they put into them, then why would you give your baby shots after that? Most people in today's society are brain-washed and will argue that you NEED to give your baby shots?! Um, no. You are just injecting them with poison for all I'm concerned.
2008-01-28 11:50:29 UTC
the benefits of the vaccine are much greater than any risk!!! Please do more research, we vaccinate for a reason. Also SIDS has nothing to do with shots!!!!! If you choose not to vaccinate that is your decision, however I could never make that decision and then watch my child suffer and get something that I know I could have prevented.
2008-01-28 11:49:55 UTC
do your child a favor and DO more research... your SIDS info is unfounded and not acceptable to me as a mother to put my child at risk for deadly diseases.

Make sure whatever you read online has MEDICAL studies that are PROVEN (resources etc.) not just "someones opinion" most online information is NOT medically proven.

You also need to discuss it also with your doctor/pediatrician. You need to hear BOTH sides of the story. You want to worry about SIDS, why don't you google infant measels.. or infant rubella, and look at the image results. Then lets see how you feel about NOT vaccinating your children.

They do it for the money? .. please! give me a break at least do your research before you put your child AND others at risk.
2008-01-28 11:47:29 UTC
someone recommended the Dr. Sears vaccine book here, I may check it out. It had an interesting piece of advice on waiting on some vaccines, for the low risk stuff, until after age 2, when side effects can be less. Ill see if I can find the post.
2008-01-28 11:49:59 UTC
there are a lot of people aou there that feel the same as you do. intellegent, well-studied people. you need to do what is right for yourself and your baby. my children only get some of the shots because i feel the risks of the diseases out-weigh the risks of the shot. but they don't get all of them because the chances of them coming into contact with some infections is incerdibly slim. those shots are not magical, there are ingredients in them that are not safe.

you need to balance the pros and cons and then make your desision and be satisfied with it.
2008-01-28 11:47:06 UTC
Tens of MILLIONS of babies have gotten their shots accordingly, so if "sids" was somehow related there would be much more greater numbers with "sids". The shots are there to protect them...not hurt them.
2008-01-28 11:48:06 UTC
good. my son cant get vaccines cuz he had a stroke but i think they are very important you can pick diseases up off many people and babies immune systems arent strong enough.

there are so many myths about vaccines pick up the book what to expect baby first year it has a whole section on it.
2008-01-28 13:48:54 UTC
good because if you do not they are pron to chicken pox, and all that other crap. I stay safe and allow the doctors to proceed with the shots, plus it can be harder to get them into a daycare.
2008-01-28 11:48:55 UTC
I am giving my son his vaccines because I would much rather have him have a fever for a couple days than die of a disease I could have prevented.
Pam H
2008-01-28 11:46:04 UTC
Have you read the stories about babies with polio? hepatitis? The don't do it all for the money. Immunizations save lives. Check out what happens to babies that don't get immunized. Children have to be immunized to go to school - unless you are going to protect them from that also.
2008-01-28 11:44:42 UTC
Statistically you are better off giving your baby the shots... The effects of the shot are nowhere near the effects of the diseases they are intended to prevent.
2008-01-28 11:45:50 UTC
Good, vaccines are always better
2008-01-28 11:44:29 UTC
There's some serious thought that they cause a variety of nasty problems. Keep reading. At the very least, some or all contain mercury, a seriously toxic substance.
2008-01-28 11:43:48 UTC
Good, you have only yourself to blame if you do not have the vaccine then your child catches the disease and perishes.

2008-01-28 11:45:41 UTC
this is the reason that half of the population should be neutred or spayed.

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