To circumsize or not? Is there really that much of a difference when he is older?
2008-07-29 17:49:20 UTC
My little boy is due in a couple months. My hubby doesn't think a circumcision is needed these days. I think it will effect him when he is older (in the locker room in high school, having sex, etc). There aren't really any medical reasons TO do it (besides basic cleanliness). Any thoughts on the subject?
26 answers:
2008-07-30 14:50:34 UTC
I'm cut. I have two sons (20 and 18) and they were never circumscised.

As Babies we just soaked them in the bathtub every night (as you do with babies!) and let them kick their legs n the water while it was warm and this seemed to keep potential for infection away.

As toddlers we gave them toys to play in the bath together and this kept them emtertained for about half an hour every evening ... and this kept infection away...

As adolescents we told them to retract their foreskin and wash their glans and behing their ears... and this seems to have kept infection away.

As teenagers, they don't talk about their business to us (lol)... but here in Australia only 14% of newborns are cut these days. The figures have steeadily dropped since the 1970's. I think the figures are around 50% and falling in the USA....

Kids tease each other on the size question and if anything.. a foreskin will give the appearance of extra length...

Men's health. Check it out. All the teenagers seem to worry about is penis size.
2008-07-30 16:49:09 UTC
It never HAS been needed, just a blood ritual that survived into modern times and became very profitable for surgeons who promoted the practice. American society has a problem talking frankly and honestly about sexual matters, so while other countries (Canada and Australia) that once had high circumcision rates have turned that statistic around, the US lags behind.

As others have explained so clearly, cleanliness isn't a problem. (Seems to me that a vagina is much harder to clean than a penis, and you don't see a lot of surgery on that front!) The only potential issue is that doctors in the US have relatively little experience with foreskins, in the unlikely event that problems should crop up, but it's not hard to find a urologist who studied in Europe or Asia.

As for sexual pleasure, let's just say that labia and foreskins evolved for a reason! The "built-in lube" effect from a moving foreskin is always a point of fascination and praise from women. And yes, it's nice for me too, I can't imagine needing spit or oil or something to masturbate with.
2016-05-23 03:20:55 UTC
Cleaner? Dude, the difference is waaay to small to consider surgery. You simply have to pull it back and rinsing for a couple seconds in the shower. The cleanliness stuff is just BS, besides, we wouldn't ask women to cut off parts of their body that give them pleasure just so there would be a little less smell and taste. As for medical reasons, at best case, you could say it makes no difference or is unclear... it is all way to controversial to be able to rely on some of the things people talk about (Stds, infections, etc). As for pleasure, when it comes to masturbation, oral, or handjobs there will no longer be a mobile skin to move for pleasure, instead something lubricated (like a hand) must be moved up and down the penis for pleasure. This creates two main issues, one the need for a good lubricant, and two, since the hand itself doesn't receive pleasure (like the foreskin would) sensation would be reduced as well. Also, during sex, the lack of mobile skin can also create a "rawing" sensation in some women, even with plenty of lube. This can happen because the foreskin provided "give" and "padding" to improve pleasure and lessen the need for artificial lube. Of course, these affect everyone differently, but it is something to consider. Being intact is NATURAL, it is not some sort of deformity or useless skin. I definitely wouldn't recommend the procedure.
2008-07-30 11:41:34 UTC
He won't be teased when he's older, since its now a 50/50 split between circumcised and uncircumcised boys in the US, according to the latest Gov't statistics. (It used to be about 80% circumcised in the US but nowadays fewer and fewer parents are circumcising.)

80% of the world's men outside the US are not circumcised, and the overwhelming majority go their entire lives without any infections of the foreskin. Its a myth that the foreskin inevitably causes problems.

An baby's uncircumcised penis requires NO special attention. You don't need to clean under the foreskin after every diaper change! He'll discover his foreskin whenever he's ready (which won't be retractable until the age of 5-10) and then its a case of simply educating him about his own personal hygiene.

The foreskin is not just a useless flap of skin. It holds many protective, sensory and sexual functions.

Also, circumcision is now seen as medically unnecessary. The AAP does not recommend routine circumcision anymore. They say "it is not essential to the child's current wellbeing."

I think you should leave your son’s penis intact — He’ll be a bit of perfection when he’s born so 'if it aint broke dont fix it'!
2008-07-29 18:26:35 UTC
I wouldn't worry about the teasing. Most states in the US no longer pay for circumcision with their medicaid program and I know that for us that made our choice. About a third of the population has their children on medicaid and I am assuming that we are not the only ones that could not pay. By the time we got the money our son knew very well what was going on and I could not see doing this to our son. I also know that my nephew is also not circumsized so I do not believe that locker room jokes should influence your decision one bit.
2008-07-29 19:22:02 UTC
It is uneccessary. I was going to do my son before I researched the topic. I then had my son and he was so absolutly perfect I felt who I am to decide I should remove part of HIS penis? We don't remove earlobes or fingernails to keep the skin under there cleaner. My husband was done, this has no bearing on our decision as father and sons do not compare themselves. Hygene is not an argument when anyone can be taught to clean themselves. The rate of circumcism is falling, as someone above said it is only 50%, and here is Australia it is around 15% so those who are done will be the "different" ones. People are slowly coming to their senses about changing a penis that is not theirs to change.

Basically however, you both need to decide what is right for you. You can always wait until he is born and see how you feel then.
2008-07-29 21:18:06 UTC
Yur husband is right on this one Newcastl !

I'm 24, and still have a natural penis, and I'm happy with what it does for me and my Lady. When it's hard, the skin slides back over the head and looks like most all penises except the head is kind of an awesome blue color and the crown a bit more toward purple, because the head is a sensitve feelingfull membrane with feeling receptors on the surface, instead of a thicker dried skin with reduced feeling ability.

My Lady loves it, and it excites her as to how wild she can make me with what she has learned to do with it.

I would proudly enter it into a penis fashion show if there was one, and would definitely expect to win. I'm proud of mine, and how it is, with huge confidence. A Dude needs to come to like himnself that way. Don't let the other side of the fence.. (circumcises) throw you in any way. Grass isn't greener there! Just lots of voices. Fewer males are being circumcised in North America as time goes by. Here, it is a carry over from the Victorian era, which didn't have such noble intentions and reasons when it came to circumcising a Dude it wasn't about clean, but more about preventing pleasure or making masturbation more difficult.

Do a little reasearch into Victorian practices an attitudes! Hahaha! This is really where our North American circumcision came from.

So did the Salem witch hunts and drowing of inocent Ladies in dunking chairs as witches is from the same mentality.

What being natural does for "Me!" because all of the parts that it has is what totally matters. I wouldn't consider any penis as an ornament. Hahaha! Like as in Moose comparing antlers? Hahaha! Locker room antlers! :- )!!!!

I'm amazed too at people associating std to the natural penis.

Std is a bacteria or virus passed on from an infected person to a non infeted person through body fluid mainly as semen into a female, or vaginal lubrication that gets into the urethra of the male. It's about infected to non infected, nothing to do with the natural penis or curcumcision. It's the constant effort to falsely make like the natural penis is dirtier or something?

A penis is only as clean as the owner. A natural penis isn't any difficult to clean than a circumcised penis, and at the right time, the skin can slide back for cleaning in 2 ..1/100th of a second. A circumcized Dude needs to wash the same as well. So do Ladies, who have stuff that will never slide back and the sun will never shine there, and they can make gummy bears. I'm not down on Ladies at all..Love them. What I am down on is the Lady cleaner than thou attitude! ;- )

Mine gives me enough sensation to almost overwhelm me with pleasure, and I'm going to give that up for "some look" or some other person???? NOT! ...Sorry,..It's mine, and about what's best for "Me!"

I don't give a rip, ...I mean a cut, about what someone else has! School..Locker room or whatever! Always felt that way!

I'm not a follower, never will be, and neither should yur son be.

That again depends upon upbringing and building of confidence.

I have machanical aptitude and common sense and know what is better as a design and what isn't, as a mutilation of an awesome design. Hahaha!

There are only two states..

1. Natural penis!

2.circumcised penis!

Or you can try to get a circucised penis restored as some are doing! Then you would have an Uncircumcised penis. Better to not get it cut, if you are able to choose....

Again, ....I forgot! We always know better than nature! And it shows everywhere around us as well!

Me! :- )

P.S. ..never had an infection there in my life! Hahaha!
2008-07-29 18:00:53 UTC
your husband is right in fact, only about 50% of boys in teh US are being circ'd these days andd teh rate is goign down. a circ is never needed and most docs advise against is unless there is true need for one. it's still easier IMo to clean an intact penis than it is to clean a vagina. you dont retract the foreskin for some time. only about 20% of men in teh world are done with a declining rate. i had my son done but i regret it. when he's older half the boys wont be so it wont be a big deal. when a man is left intact he is less likely to become impotent early on. also since teh foresking ios the msot sensitive part of the man's boy they experience mreo sexual pleasure and less numbness and painful sensitivity during an erection due to scar tissue

with baby boys, their foreskin is not retractable yet so you leave it alone or it very well may get infected if you forece it back and expose the glands.
mommy to damian, nickolas and baby girl bump
2008-07-29 17:58:16 UTC
it wont effect him when he is older as far as having sex cause my hubby is not and the sex is unbelievable. and as far as the locker room that is only if he is in a sport or a gym class my hubby took auto tech instead of gym no locker room. one question is is your hubby circumcised or not? since mine is not my son is not and i was told by my dula that boys should match their dads so there are no questions on why they are different. and if you teach your son to clean right it does not matter
2008-07-30 03:52:27 UTC
There's a lot of difference. Your husband feels mutilated (like I do). Why would you want to make him feel even worse by having your son mutilated too? Even in the US the rate is around 50%, so he won't be the odd one out. Here in Australia the rate has plummeted since I was a kid because doctors generally refuse to do it. Parents who insist have to go to sickos who make lots of money pandering to their prejudices. Still the national rate is about 10-15% here now and the vast majority of males under 30 are intact.

Circumcision is the amputation of the foreskin, not extra skin but an integral part of the penis; measuring 15 square inches in an adult and accounting for over half the penile skin, lots of specialised nerve endings and the most sensitive parts of the penis.

Not one medical organisation in the world recommends routine infant circumcision anymore but the US is the last western nation still doing this to about 50% of its newborn males. They still don't generally use anaesthetic either. It's child abuse, pure and simple.

The penis forms as one organ and at birth the foreskin is usually fused to the glans like a fingernail to its finger. So there is no cavity for germs and dirt to collect in until it separates naturally later; sometimes not till puberty or later. Only the boy himself should retract it and then he can be taught to skin back and rinse with plain water regularly.

Misguided attempts to retract too early, often by doctors and nurses, are the main cause of damage to boys’ foreskins and the real main reason for childhood circumcisions.

To perform a neo-natal circumcision the circumciser has to rip the foreskin away from the glans with forceps. Then the foreskin is either cut away or clamped until it falls off. Both methods cause the baby extreme pain and his raw glans and wound sting every time he urinates. It's quite common for the raw edges of the cut foreskin to fuse to the raw glans during the healing process, forming skin bridges or tags. These complications and other more serious ones are often not found till puberty and do not show up in complication statistics.

More serious complications, though not common are immediate. Some babies lose their penis to infection, bleed profusely (often because they are haemophiliac) or even die each year.

The claimed benefits of circumcision are a beat up (based on flawed studies) and don't really exist but medical authorities have worked out that the overall complication rate is higher than all the benefits claimed by the pro-cutting advocates. One by one the claims are disproved but the pro-cutting zealots come up with more and keep quoting the old ones despite the evidence against them. For example you have more chance of dying from a circumcision or losing your penis from infection than from penile cancer. The rate of penile cancer is higher in the largely-circumcised USA than in European countries where less than 1% of the male population is circumcised. Plus circumcised men have been found to have penile cancer, mostly on the scar. (Remember this is a very rare disease in intact or circumcised men).

A very recent study in New Zealand followed a cohort of boys through life from birth to age 32. About 40% were circumcised. The intact males had a slightly lower rate of sexually transmitted infections than the circumcised but there was no significant difference.

Using surgery to mutilate the genitals instead of washing in a modern western society makes no sense. Normal intact male genitals are, if anything, easier to wash than female ones and the same substance, smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes. A few intact males have problems with tight foreskin but this is only a tiny proportion of intact males. The condition can now be almost always treated with simple stretching exercises, sometimes in combination with a steroid cream that speeds up the process. However doctors who do not value the preservation of the foreskin often still trot out circumcision as a first-option treatment in the US and even some other countries.

I am circumcised and hate it. I wish I'd been given the chance to choose for myself. Intact men can choose to get cut at any time in their life, though most have no desire to do so. The internet has shown that many men resent being circumcised. It's just not something that most of us talk about a lot, even to our parents.
2008-07-29 20:24:42 UTC
I would definitely advise you not to circumcise. It is unnessecary, painful, and not without serious risks. Here is some information, with links, to help you make your decision....

First, only 50% of boys nationwide are circumcised. You may actually find that your son is in the minority in the locker room if you cut him. (I don't advocate making this decision on those grounds, but if you were leaning towards doing it because you don't want him to be "different", you should know that the boys will be pretty evenly split between cut and intact and noone will think intact is weird)

Second, it is VERY painful to an infant. Most doctors still don't use any anesthesia, those that do rarely offer adequate anesthesia because the only stuff that works is not safe enough to use in infants for such a "minor" procedure. Further, some of the pain meds offered to infants aren't even reccomended for use on babies! Further, some doctors argue that it has beenb done "for thousands of years" without anesthetic- what they neglect to tell you is that a medical circumcision can take over 15 minutes to complete. A Jewish ritual circumcision, by contrast, takes under 60 seconds to complete (and the bay is given wine) Here is some info on the pain..... (note in this one that even infants offered pain meds for the procedure showed signs of post traumatic stress!)

You should also know that studies have shown that the most sensitive parts of the male anatomy of ON the foreskin- NOT the head of the penis. By cutting off the foreskin, you remove a mans most errogenous genital tissue. Here is a study about that.... (note that other studies found no difference, but they neglected to test the sensitivty of the foreskin- they only tested the glans penis of intact and cut men and didn't pay any attention to the foreskin at all)

You should know that infant boys are EASIER to care for when they are intact. The foreskin does not retract until late childhood or even puberty, so you do nothing special, just wipe the outside of his penis clean and leave it alone. In a cut boy he will be extremely sensitive for a few weeks because the head of the penis is raw and exposed (they have to tear the foreskin off of the head in infants, it is naturally fused). During this time you will need to keep it VERY clean and may need to cover the wound with vaseline and guaze. Furthermore, to prevent painful and bleeding erections later in life, doctors are now commonly leaving more skin behind- in a cut boy this means you may have to push the left over skin back at every diaper change and clean beneath it to prevent it from readhereing or infecting. The very thing that mother's think they avoid by circumcising! In short-

Intact = wipe like a finger, NEVER retract

Cut= vaseline, clean thoroughly, push back remaining skin to prevent adhesions etc (the last step perhaps for several months or years)

Here are two excellent tutorials on the basics of intact care and circumcision....

Another factor in your decision is that circumcised boys experience a 12% increase in their risk of MRSA infection. MRSA is commonly picked up in hospitals (where circumcision is performed in non-sterile conditions) and has been known to kill adults. I wouldn't want to deal with it in an infant. Also, 12% is a BIG risk, the risk of a boy "needing" a circ later in life is WELL below that- under 1%.

The so called "benefits" of circumcision are generally trumped up. A big one now is that it "prevents" AIDS. All the studies showing "benefits" like this have been poorly designed and inconclusive. Also, for every study that finds a "benefit" there are more studies that find no benefit.

It is rather eye-opening to see how circumcision first became popular in the US to begin with. It was virtually unknown in this country until the 20th century. This slideshow takes you through the rise of circumcision....

Finally, you should watch a video or two of the procedure so you are fully informed of what your infant will go through. I will warn you that these are graphic. If you can't handle watching them as an adult, why would you expect your infant son to endure them?

There are two main methods for circumcision here is one of each-

Gomco Clamp- note that the father is in the room, and the doctor claims to have used anesthesia (although whether or not he did is debateable, and he is dissmissive about the whole idea)

Plastibell- I include this because some parents will have you believe it is "painless" or "requires no cutting/blood" I'll let you judge for yourself.....

And finally, some comic relief. Penn and Teller did an excellent episode of Bull Sh*t dedicated entirely to circumcision. in three parts.....

Part 1-

Part 2-

Part 3-

Congrats on the new addition! I'm sure given all the facts, you'll make the right decision for your son. :) -Neb
2008-07-29 19:10:59 UTC
About 50% of baby boys are circumsized in the US. So, you baby will not be the "freaky" kid in gym class by any means.

Go with your gut. It is a personal decision that should be made between you and your husband.

I have a six month old son and we were going thru this decision not to long ago as well. I talked to a lot of friends who had boys and most of them made the decision to circumsize or not based on wether the father was circumsized or not. If the father was cir. then they had their son cir., if the father wasn't they opted out.
2008-07-29 17:55:16 UTC
I think you should look up this show called BS (i believe) its hosted by Penn & Teller the magicians. they have lots of shows that disproves certain things our society thinks as normal or the truth and they did a whole show on whether or not to circumsize children. they had great details on the history and costs and benefits to it all. if nothing else it will give you greater insight on the whole topic. and i have to say it made me think twice for when i have some boys
2008-07-29 18:12:36 UTC
I know a guy who wasn't circumsized when he was born and when he turned 18 (after having sex countless times) got an infection and had to be circumcised. He said that it was the most painful experience of his life. BUT sex was better afterwards.
2008-07-30 00:00:38 UTC
you are his mother and father. Its your decision to make. You should be well informed before making this decision. I disagree with you that there are no medical benefits. Even though the american pediatrics association and the board of Urology dont recommend it, they do admit that there are medical benefits to it and that it should be discussed with your doctor. These statements were just revised last month.

Jews, who circumcise at birth, have the lowest cancer of the penis rate in the world and jewish women have the lowest cervical cancer rate in the world.

here are some sites to visit. get some facts and then make a decision. good luck with your newborn son.
2008-07-29 17:58:49 UTC
Circumcision is basically mutilation. Sex is better for uncircumcized men and how will it affect him in the locker room? Dont be lazy and mutilate the child because you dont want to teach him proper hygiene.
2008-07-29 17:56:01 UTC
oh yes, there is a very big difference. My husband isn't circumsized and his orgasm is a hundred times better, but the chances of getting a tear or getting that extra flap of skin caught go up. But honestly it's what you think is best.
2008-07-29 17:54:21 UTC
actually to not be circumsized I've at least heard that its more pleasurable during sex but i wouldn't know to be honest since i am circumsized. but its really up to the parents discretion. now as far as school, i wouldnt think he would be flashing it around lol or the guys in the locker room would be looking at it :P
2008-07-29 18:32:57 UTC
it is a very heated and difficult discussion. But you have to do what is right for you and your family. I've heard about many men having a lot of trouble as they age with it. One even had to be circumsized as an adult and was in agony for a very long time. We had our little guy snipped and I feel he is better off for it. have you researched all the pros and cons?
claudia l
2008-07-29 17:53:53 UTC
No it does not make any diffrence but your baby is most likely not to get an urine infection. And you can make it cleaner which is good. But if you just clean it right then no it doesn't make any diffrence. Also later on hwen they grow upp they grow the skin back. So it won't affect him.
Nathaniel Z
2008-07-29 17:54:01 UTC
i wouldn't think that it would make that much of a difference at all its only what you like and i know it sounds really weird but ask a guys that you know well very very well and see what makes difference. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
2008-07-29 17:53:14 UTC
From what I heard women don't like it when a man isn't circumcised. So that could probably effect him later on in adult life if he isn't circumcised.
Shelbi =)
2008-07-29 17:54:28 UTC
My brother wasn't circumcised at birth and he suffered his whole life, and my mom kept it spotless. I remember him always in pain from infections... I'm not saying to get it done; this is just my own experience with it. My brother even sold his prized possession (his PS2 when it first came out) so he could get his son circumcised. Hope this helps, and congratulations on the new baby!
2008-07-29 17:58:21 UTC
My husband is adament about getting a son circumsized b/c he said he will be teased relentlessly if we don't.
two july boys
2008-07-29 17:54:29 UTC
mostly people dont do it due to religion or personal beliefs....the only difference is that if left uncircumsized...he'll have to maintain it by pulling down the skin and washing it...its more likely to get infected if left undone
2008-07-29 17:52:38 UTC
i think u should do it just cuz circumsied penises or is it penie...look better.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.