I have a lot I want to say about this (particularly on the sexual pleasure myth) but it won't fit the word count. I'll base my answer on Juniper's relatively neutral pamphlet (I copied a link below) and make as many other comments as I can fit in.
Juniper's pamphlet extras (besides the pros and cons)
"Fewer children in the U.S. are being circumcised now ... 1979, 90% ... compared to 60% now."
The circumcision rate was lower. It is only close to 60% now because it is going up again. BTW Connor congratulations on getting pre-med and where did you source 2010 data? I thought most current released hospital data 2008?
"Over 80% of the men in the world are not circumcised."
The more common estimate of 30% of the world's population I suspect is correct.(?) In USA it is much higher.
"It protects the glans (top of the penis) against urine, feces, and other types of irritation."
The glans seems to cope with these things quite well if a child is reasonably cared for and clean.
"It protects the sensitivity of the glans."
Not in any sexual/relevant way.
1. Young babies can't talk and often suffer the pain without being able to say it hurts in a location where no inflammation is visible. Parents are most likely to get medical attention when it moves on to the point that the child is febrile. I suspect that if the baby could talk it would be treated early and they wouldn't get kidney damage in 50% of cases. For balance I note that UTIs are more common for girls but unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to prevent it.
2. "rare" = 5% to 10% of uncircumcised Americans. The theory is that it relates to the pulling back of the foreskin but I have seen it too often in people from countries where that don't teach to pull back the foreskin to believe it. Nevertheless I'll need to keep an open mind until it is properly researched and I wouldn't recommend to anyone to think they are safe just because they don't pull it back too hard etc or recommend the parents of an uncut boy force the foreskin back.
3. Correct. It is more of a vaccination then a condom.
4. The pamphlet claims that good hygiene offers equal protection against this very rare cancer. It is a theory. There are others. Nevertheless the protection against cancer of the penis has been shown using subjects from the US of A and the circumcision needs to be neonatal (you don't clean under a neonatal uncircumcised's foreskin) so I am skeptical. Bluntly taking off some overhanging skin as a newborn baby basically guarantees he won't need to get his penis chopped off later to treat penile cancer. Otherwise he'll probably be fine but he might not be.
5. This is not a medical pro. I'm not saying it is wrong but just that a parent can speculate or get anecdotal evidence just as well as a doctor.
Not mentioned - Protection against HPV, syphilis and chancroid, thrush, and inflammatory dermatoses. In women circumcision of the male partner - cervical cancer and chlamydia.
1. I think they mean one very large study found that complication rate but they were mainly minor. I have seen the misleading inclusion of "serious" or "major" in other places. It must be coming from some source document referencing the study that doctors repose confidence in but I'm not sure where.
2. Correct. Same story as vaccination except pain relief is possible (and recommended) and it is a one off when they are at their youngest. You don't get the same feeling of holding down and torturing your kid every couple of months that you get with vaccination.
3. Correct. Anti-circumcision organisations have very actively and successfully lobbied insurance companies. Some scientists doing relevant research have criticised this problem because groups in the USA who are most likely to catch HIV and least likely to be circumcised can't afford to have the protection. However until more medical organisations move forward from their neutral stance this public health problem will probably remain.
4. "You must decide quickly...after ... 2 months old, ... require a general anesthesia..."
General anesthesia adds an extra layer of risk which in rare cases can be death. However I note also that this applies whether you change your mind or whether the baby gets to age 2 and needs to be circumcised for medical reasons so the safety of neonatal circumcision compared to older babies could also be listed as a pro for neonatal circumcision.
I want to comment on a few misleading comments here but am precluded from doing so due to the word count. For example:
"-The foreskin is fused to the head of the penis at birth, so to have it removed it has to be ripped off, like if you ripped your fingernail off."
It is stuck on but ripping someone's fingernail would be torture while separating the foreskin from the glans appears to me to be like taking off a band-aid. I don't believe that the fingernail analogy is a good one.