Rita W
2010-08-02 17:36:25 UTC
He is my second, I have a 2.5 year old daughter. Everything is so different with him. She was bottle fed, he is breastfed. She was on a definite schedule, he sleeps whenever, wherever and eats pretty much on demand (like every 2-2.5 hrs but sometimes less). She was in her crib in her own room at two weeks and he sleeps in a bedside sleeper. She took until 8 months to sleep through the night after I finally let her CIO. I don't want to get to that point with him so what can I do now to encourage good sleep habits?
It seems really hard to be on a schedule with him, we are kinda on my daughter's schedule and he is along for the ride so to speak. He naps where ever, usually on the couch or in his swing, I turn it off after about 30 min. He doesn't nap as long when I put him in his crib during the day, I'm trying to get him used to it. And I usually have to go in multiple times to give him a pacifier to keep him asleep.
He wakes up twice at night usually to eat and then goes back to sleep. Our night looks like this:
9-9:30/9:45 - nurse, cuddle, down for night
1 or 2am - awake , nurse, usually asleep in 30-45 min
3 or 4am - same as above
5,5:30 super gassy in the morning so usually fussy, bring him in bed with me to nurse and catch a little more sleep before his sister gets up between 6:15-6:45
So, that is where we are at right now. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.