How do I get my baby to sleep without CIO?
Rita W
2010-08-02 17:36:25 UTC
I know it works but I hate it! My son is 8 weeks and he is a screamer, ear peircing, red faced, tears and all. It is louder than I've ever heard a baby cry before!

He is my second, I have a 2.5 year old daughter. Everything is so different with him. She was bottle fed, he is breastfed. She was on a definite schedule, he sleeps whenever, wherever and eats pretty much on demand (like every 2-2.5 hrs but sometimes less). She was in her crib in her own room at two weeks and he sleeps in a bedside sleeper. She took until 8 months to sleep through the night after I finally let her CIO. I don't want to get to that point with him so what can I do now to encourage good sleep habits?

It seems really hard to be on a schedule with him, we are kinda on my daughter's schedule and he is along for the ride so to speak. He naps where ever, usually on the couch or in his swing, I turn it off after about 30 min. He doesn't nap as long when I put him in his crib during the day, I'm trying to get him used to it. And I usually have to go in multiple times to give him a pacifier to keep him asleep.

He wakes up twice at night usually to eat and then goes back to sleep. Our night looks like this:

9-9:30/9:45 - nurse, cuddle, down for night
1 or 2am - awake , nurse, usually asleep in 30-45 min
3 or 4am - same as above
5,5:30 super gassy in the morning so usually fussy, bring him in bed with me to nurse and catch a little more sleep before his sister gets up between 6:15-6:45

So, that is where we are at right now. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
Six answers:
2010-08-02 19:43:58 UTC
A hair dryer on high, a suckie in the mouth, and a mobile on the go.... If hes fed good, and burped, he should go to sleep within 10 min. Just try 1 thing at a time. Some nights one thing will work, another night it might be something else. Some nights you might only need one of the things, or none at all. other nights you need all 3. Cut it out as you go along. Hair dryer or vacuum works wonders though. Very soothing for baby.
2010-08-02 18:06:22 UTC
Hello! I am a mom of 4 and have experience with screamers! The gas and fussiness could be from something you are eating. If I were you, the first thing I would try eliminating is Dairy. My newborn has a lot of issues when I eat Soy products. He gets a diaper rash, and spits up and cries alot for a day or two until it is out of my system. I would try eliminating soy if dairy doesn't seem to make a difference after a week. You should know within a weeks time. I don't believe in letting them cry it out. Especially when they are so little. Maybe at 2 or 3, yes. But not as a baby. Maybe he just doesn't feel well. Try the elimination diet and see what happens. It may work wonders. Also I would strongly suggest spacing out the vaccines as much as possible. Don't do 4 or 5 at a time. I think that is just too much for their little nervous systems to take. ( I know, your pedi won't agree, but some doctors I know do agree) Good luck!
Omari's Yummy Mummy (6.17.10)
2010-08-02 18:01:13 UTC
You described my 6 week old baby exactly in your 1st sentence. My baby is also breastfed. There isn't a lot you can do at the moment because breastfed babies feed on demand and that could be anywhere from every 30 minutes to every 3 hours. Your baby may be going thru a growth spurt if he wants to feed more frequently. If he keeps spitting his paci out and won't go back to sleep with patting, then he's probably ready to nurse again. One thing that's helping my baby sleep longer is putting him in a swaddle. It works miracles. Also, if you haven't already, put him in bed with you and learn how to nurse while laying down because that helps tremendously. Hang in there sweetie and enjoy your baby while he's little. Good luck and congrats
★ haŋdle with care ★
2010-08-02 17:45:21 UTC
I don't think there is such thing, unless you rock them to sleep, sing, pat the back, etc, and that works... but that isn't answering your question, just means your baby relies on you everytime to goto sleep. Even if you were willing to do CIO/or any other form of controlled crying, 8 weeks would still be classed too young... I have done responsive crying (not quite as barbaric as CIO) and it has eventually worked in the past, but I cannot do due to my circumstances.

Whatever works for you, there is no real way to get a baby 'to sleep by themself' unless you're real lucky in that aspect...
2010-08-02 18:28:42 UTC
Wait...I tried everything and he didn't start sleeping through the night until about 10 mos. I didn't change a thing.
2010-08-02 17:38:08 UTC
Nyquil. It ALWAYS puts me to sleep

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