2008-12-02 18:37:00 UTC
This time is a whole new ball game. It used to take about 10-15 minutes JUST to latch my daughter. She would unlatch, and it would take another 10-15 minutes to relatch. It was awful. And all this with a toddler is just frustrating.
Now I have no issues with latching, but she doesn't seem to enjoy eating much... and lately it's really bad. She doesn't seem to be getting any hindmilk at all. She is TICKED when my let down is done, and will just scream and scream, even if I express any in her mouth... She wants it all free flowing.
She also will NOT take a bottle. I have tried 2 bottles, and I tried letting daddy try. She would rather starve herself than eat out of a bottle. I have tried breastmilk and formula. She is so small.
At 4 months old she is about 11 pounds. At 2 months old she was 10 pounds. (Born at 5 pounds 14 ounces). She was doing O.K. through my efforts up until recently, and now just O.K. has turned to a nightmare. I need help.
I know there is something wrong with my daughter. She is so fussy. The doctor said colic. She used to sleep ok, but it was just tough to get her to sleep. Now she sleeps GREAT and just about all night... but all day she cries. She will smile, but she quickly cries. It is like she wants to be happy, but she just can't be for some reason. I have asked about acid reflux, but the doc said no more than once.
I have thought maybe she was sensitive to lactose so for the past MONTH I have had no dairy... it's not helping. Maybe she has a milk allergy? I have no idea. I am at my wit's end though. I have no idea if you guys can even help or not.
I can never put her down without her screaming like someone is killing her. SOMETHING IS JUST WRONG. Maybe her stomach isn't right? I don't know. She only poops once like every 10 days as well... and has about 4 wet diapers a day. My doc does not seem concerned.
I don't care what I have to do to get her to plump up some, but I am just concerned. My milk supply is also starting to fail, as she hasn't made my milk let down much lately.
And as I said, I have a VERY CHAOTIC 20 month old son, so a lot of my options are limited too. I cannot just go pump every 2 hours or anything, although I try when I can... my daughter also screams her head of when I put her down.
I don't really know what I am asking. I know she needs to eat more, and I know there is something wrong. I guess what I am asking is maybe if you have any advice??? I've been asking all around, and hearing how normal she is... me and daddy and my inlaws (my family lives 20 hours away and never sees her), all agree that something isn't right. But no one will help me. :(
Thanks in advance.
*I have a doc appt for her on 12/9 and I am am going to demand some kind of solution. I don't just make things up about my kids as I have seen people do. There is something wrong.