With our daughter, we would tell her stories. Made-up stories, fun stories, silly stories. She was almost always in the story as the heroine or the main character. We've become pretty good at story telling on the fly!
By starting her to be interested in the actual excitement of the story (by telling stories, singing songs, doing puppet shows and so on) over time you can take the next step and teach her that books are a fun way to hear a story - and see pictures too!
My daughter has heard at least 2 made up stories (and songs too) a day since she was a newborn, and now she can't get enough of reading books (okay - with some help); she's 4. We order books through her school, and one of our most exciting traditions is 'book day', when we get to read through all those new luscious books!
She also can't get enough of making up stories and play-acting. She will listen to a story and then she LOVES to re-enact it, giving everyone parts. She started this when she was 3, and still does it today. Let's see, she does the Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Bears so much that she know them off by heart! It is so much fun.
I think what we're seeing now is a culmination of learning to enjoy stories (augmented by her active participation and inclusion in the story's content and/or delivery), and having the freedom to play and roll around and have fun. We found that her vibrancy came into a fantastic union with books.
So, our advice? Let your daughter be free, be active, have fun. While she's little, start telling her stories with funny voices and sounds. Mommy and Daddy's faces are way, way more fun than any silly illustration at her age! And, as she grows, keep going, make up stories with her as a character, sing songs, play puppets, play act and slip in an actual book when you can. All of that creative play and energy will come back to you and your husband and put big smiles on your faces - it will just take some time!
Good luck sweetie!