What am I missing on this list??? Diaper bag checklist?
2008-11-20 14:47:48 UTC
___ diapers
___ wipes
___ bottles (if full, include icepack)
___ diaper rash cream
___ burp clothes
___ bibs
___ extra outfit w/onesie
___ diaper disposal bags
___ teether/ rattle
___ pacifiers
___ emergency contact list
___ blanket
___ changing pad
___ $20 cash for emergencies
___ antibacterial gel
___ formula (if needed)

What else am I missing???

I am trying to put together a checkilst to stay in my daughters diaper bag. That I can use as a guide when I am packing it... Can someone please double check this list and tell me what I am missing. This is my first... so I have no clue what should go in there.
26 answers:
2008-11-20 14:52:44 UTC
You seem to have it all down pat. I just got a checklist off of the website and if you go to the site, type in "Diaper Bag Checklist" in the search bar!

Something else that they have on their list is:

Medications (for Mom & baby)

Bottle of water for cleanup

Snacks for Mom

Your doctors' numbers
Mommy to Boys
2008-11-20 15:09:47 UTC
I breastfeed and still keep a 12oz bottle of bottled water and single serving fomula packets in my diaper bag just in case of an emergency. These I keep in there all the time and never unpack them... I had to use them once in a situation where i couldn't get him out of his carseat to feed him. LIFESAVER!

Also, once baby hits about 4 months old, a couple of toys would be a good addition to the list. Make sure that you pack more than one of anything that could be spit up on like extra outfits, blankets, and burp cloths. I always take at least 2 blankets... different weights so that I'm prepared for cool weather and COLD weather.

Another good thing to have would be some disposable changing pads. For some reason the one that came with my diaper bag keeps falling out in my trunk and the disposables have been great for those emergencies.

I keep those disposable wash cloths that have baby bath already on them in there too. I've had to use them a few times when he has pooped out the back of his diaper.

None of those things are anything that you'd die without, but they are great to have in a pinch!
2008-11-20 14:56:46 UTC
Looks great to me... haha good going with the outfit cause I dont know how many NEW outfits my daughter came home in in the beginning because I forgot to pack a spare... Your very prepared... Id never though of having spare cash.... only thing for later on be sure to have some Teething tablets and Oragel on hand. Some babies get teeth at 2 months so just so you know.... my baby didnt until she was after 1 but thats just her. Congrats they are great.... your list looks wonderful!

AHHH.... bottle warmer... be sure to buy one they fit great in front pockets of diaper bags. Haha glad I remembered.
Gretchen B
2008-11-20 15:10:36 UTC
You might want to add a baby spoon. We went to church one night and some friends asked us to dinner afterwards. We stopped at Walgreens to get some baby food for our son, but I didn't want to have to spend five dollars on spoons because I have a ton at home. Now we carry a spoon and food in the diaper bag just for times like these. This won't be necessary until your baby is a little older, but I learned the hard way. Sounds like you have eveything else you need.
2008-11-20 14:52:53 UTC
I second the extra outfit, especially if you are breastfeeding. I often needed to change my shirt because I was leaking! I also just use the diaper bag as my purse because carrying so many bags got annoying, so maybe your keys, wallet, cell phone, etc.
2008-11-20 15:07:57 UTC
Sounds like you are pretty well prepared. Good job. I would also include a sweater or something warmer just in case, nail clippers, hand sanitizer, infants tylenol, and a water bottle and snack for mom.
2008-11-20 14:57:58 UTC
sounds like you gotta good list there. good luck with your first. dont worry so much, mistakes happen and sometimes you forget a thing or two. then you improvise. the checklist is not a bad idea but youll learn it will be more of a mental list as you get into the swing of things.
2008-11-20 14:52:29 UTC
I think the list is complete.

If you want to be extra safe you can bring a thermometer, baby orajel, and baby powder.

A first aid kit too, With band aids and such.
Mommy of 2
2008-11-20 14:54:06 UTC
Themometer, Tylenol, Bulb Syringe(for nose or if choking), more than 1 extra outfit (trust me u will change baby once and they will spit up all over that one too!!) Those are the big ones you forgot to put! Hope i helped!!
confused mummy
2008-11-20 17:33:47 UTC
that look right to me but i wouldnt know lol

thank you but for the idea im going to do the same thing make a list for mu babys diaper bag cause i always forget things

so thanks ill use the stuff in ur answer =D
Pooh Burr♥
2008-11-20 14:53:16 UTC
Its more than ok! The only thing i would add is have more than one pair of extra clothes kids r messy even newborns. and this will be ur choice but you didnt have a pacifier on ur list!! Good luck!!
2008-11-20 14:51:21 UTC
I would also put in a plastic bag to hold her clothes if she has a blow-out. Baby medicine if you have any for her, in case she gets a fever while you are out, or starts teething
2008-11-20 14:51:05 UTC
You might want to put an extra outfit for yourself in that bag, just in case your daughter throws up on you or something!
2008-11-20 14:53:02 UTC
Bottle of Water if taking formula.

2008-11-20 14:52:51 UTC
first aid kit with tylenol and baby orajel (they sell little ones for diaper bags at walmart).
§abrina ♥♥
2008-11-20 17:45:08 UTC
A couple of face cloths.

Cell phone.

Small flashlight. Pen type.

Small notebook and pen.

Baby thermometer.

Extra baby sox or booties.
2008-11-20 14:51:31 UTC
maybe a mini first aid kit with baby tylenol band aids.
2008-11-20 14:53:10 UTC
it looks like you got it all. get a big diaper bag
2008-11-20 14:53:36 UTC
you will need maybe 2 extra vests, and 2 blankets, just incase your little one has a few accidents, otherwise you got everything covered
2008-11-20 14:53:52 UTC
Your baby's medical card and immunization record
sandy c
2008-11-20 14:51:58 UTC
looks like you got a good handle on things.
2008-11-20 14:52:40 UTC
a nuk
2008-11-20 14:51:41 UTC

you pretty much have more than you need, which is a good thing[:

good luckkkk![;
2008-11-20 14:51:19 UTC
i think it sounds good
k y
2008-11-20 14:50:38 UTC
i dont think ur missin anything =)
2008-11-20 14:53:32 UTC
travel-size baby lotion/soap

booger squeezer thing (idk what they're called = ) )

antibacterial hand sanitizer (for after you change your baby's diaper)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.