Anyone who doesn't vaccinate their child is a potential murderer or abuser of my child. Period. Vaccines convey a degree of immunity, but they are not 100%. They depend upon herd immunity. When you've got unvaccinated, diseased children walking around, exposing others who either cannot yet get vaccinated or who are vulnerable without their knowledge, you're talking about a walking squad of Typhoid Marys.
And guess what? Having a disease does NOT necessarily make you immune to the disease, as my niece just found out. Granted, the body does produce *more* antibodies, but not necessarily enough to fight off a repeat infection.
My 20 year old niece was pregnant for the first time, five months along. She'd had chicken pox as a child. A non-vaxing neighbor's child came over to visit with her mother. Unbeknownst to my niece, the child was coming down with chicken pox. My niece caught it again (oh, yes, that can happen.) She was not exposed to anyone else carrying the virus. This child was the one and only carrier.
My niece is now in the hospital, recovering from a miscarriage caused by the chicken pox. And it WAS caused by the chicken pox, no doubt about it.
All I can say is, I really hope the neighbor's 'choice' was worth the pain and suffering my niece is now going through. All it would have taken would have been for that child to have a vaccine, and my niece and her husband in Iraq wouldn't be grieving right now. That neighbor killed my niece's child as surely as if she'd walked up to my niece and stabbed her in the abdomen.
Let's get it straight. Disease doesn't care about your personal choice. Disease isn't going to skip over a baby too young to get a measles vaccine. Disease isn't going to spare an elderly person who hasn't the immunity to one of these so-called 'childhood' diseases. You may have the right to not vaccinate your child, sure, but you *don't* have the right to inflict pain and suffering by your choice upon everyone else. Your personal rights end where someone else's nose begins.
I say, if you want to hold by your personal choice, I think anyone who is sickened by your infected child should be able to sue you for personal injury. You want personal choice? Take personal responsibility, then.
In the meantime, I'm making a point of asking mothers of children in my daughter's playgroups and activities if their children are vaccinated. If they're not, I'm raising the roof with the management until they're ejected. I'm not going to let my daughter's health be compromised for the sake of some ill-informed person's 'choice'. You want to let your child be a disease carrier, go right ahead. But keep them away from my child.
Oh, and FYI? I've got a dear friend with a mild case of Asperger's. He was thrilled when the Lancet retraction came out and can't stand the whole 'autism is a death sentence' implication of most anti-vaxers. He's fully functioning, has a great career, lovely family. He's had his challenges, but really resents the whole implication that having his condition is somehow *worse* than being blinded, deafened, crippled or sterile. I don't blame him. What an insult!