For moms who had a C section?
~~Daniel's Mommy~~
2009-01-07 09:25:36 UTC
My SIL was the one who sat in for my C section because hubby was stuck 8 hours away and working.(Long story)
Anyway she got to see my son being born and after it was done she told me how they were doing it. Apparently there was 2 doctors with their arms inside me going after my son. His head was stuck up by my ribs so they had to go right IN lol.
Once he was finally born my SIL got to cut the cord and I was stitched up and sent to recovery where I got to hold my son for the first time.
What is your story? Did you have a funny/scary experience during your C section? And who was there with you?
Twenty answers:
Caleb kisses Momma w/that mouth!
2009-01-07 14:30:55 UTC
I pretty much begged for mine. I was induced and immediately my water broke and contractions started coming every 2 minutes but lasted a minute long each, my sons heartrate was dropping so I had to stay laying down on my back and couldn't turn or move or have any sort of pain medication. I went through 9 hours of this, and had only dialated to a 2. The doctor basically gave me my options, either continue like I was and try to do it naturally without any medication because of the heart rate or to go in for a c section. I said C SECTION ME NOWWW lol! I basically begged for it, anything to be out of that pain. Once they gave me the spinal I was calm and ready for my c section, had my fiance by my side and he and I both cried when we saw our son. I went from being totally miserable to in awe of the most amazing person that had just come out of my body. I always say it like this, I got to go through labor and then I also had the fun of recovering from a C section delivery. I got to experience both, and all that pain was damn well worth it, I would go through it ten times over just to have my baby in my arms. Motherhood is awesome, you forget all the pain immediately.

Lol, thumbs down, yay! For what??
2009-01-07 17:34:55 UTC
It surprises me that your SIL was able to cut the cord. More often than not, nobody is allowed past your little "screen" because it's an operating room and all things need to be sterile. Unless the Dr./nurse cut the cord from the placenta and then your SIL cut the cord...this confuses me.

My husband was in the OR with me during my C-Section. I, pretty much, fell asleep. I was so drugged up. Mine was an emergency C-Section and they almost had me cut open before they remembered to get my husband in the room. My husband did not get to cut the cord, it wasn't even an option, the Dr. never offered. :(

Denise W
2009-01-07 17:36:20 UTC
My husband was in the room with me. hey didn't let him cut the cord but he did get to carry the baby to the nursery. I didn't get to hold her until I was back in my room and they nursery was done bathing her and all. I was induced and waiting almost 24 hours for them to tell me I was going to need a c-section. My epidural wore off and I was given some pain medicine but is wore off and right before my c-section they gave me more pain medicine that lasted almost the whole time of my c-section. At the end when they were stitching me up the feeling came back so I was in serious pain. I was screaming all the way to the recovery room until the could give me moe pain medicine. That took a while since they had already gave me so much right before my c-section.
Chloe's Mama
2009-01-07 17:47:04 UTC
At 35 weeks, my doctor sent me to Triage to get me checked when I called and told him my blood pressure was high. Ironically enough it was Labor Day Weekend and he was on his way home.

I went into the hospital at almost 10pm and my daughter was born at 1:36am. My doctor met me at the hospital and determined that I definitely had preeclampsia. He gave me option of either doing the c-section that night or waiting until the next afternoon. I was still having trouble absorbing everything that was going on and was so nervous that I couldn't stop violently shaking... However, I decided to do it that same night. I remember thinking, what was the point in waiting, I'm not going to be less nervous tomorrow.

Thank god my doctor and I made the decision to go ahead and do the emergency c-section. When they went in, my daughter had the cord tightly around her neck three times.

My boyfriend was in the O.R. with me and he was able to take great pictures thanks to the amazing anesthesiologist. We had obviously forgotten everything at home becuase we didn't know I was having a baby when I walked into the hosptial. Both of our i-phones had died, and the anesthesiologist was like "here take my i-phone, you need to get the pictures of your daughter being born". He even emailed them all to us.

Overall, this was an extremely long story. :) Sorry for the ranting.. Thinking back to the day Chloe was born, I can't believe how amazing everything turned out. I really think everything worked out because my dad was watching over us in heaven :)
2009-01-07 17:41:16 UTC
I had a scary experience. I had extremely premature triplets. The epidural didn't work so I had to be put under and my husband had to wait out in the waiting room. After the C-section I was not walked, so I developed Pulmonary Embolisms which almost killed me. So if anyone is having or has recently had a C section, get up and move around, if the nurses don't help you, make them!
Gibby Girl is an Elephant
2009-01-07 18:16:09 UTC
Lucas's head was literally STUCK. I had been in labor for over 42 hours at this point and because it was back labor (he was trying to kick himself free by using my spine) I was physically exhausted and could not push any longer. I was in so much pain that I just went limp and cried. They decided that since his heart rate was going all erratic, that they would do a c-section and get him out now. None of the freezings or the epidurals took, so I was put to sleep at the very last second. hubby was not allowed in, but as soon as Lucas was out they grabbed him and brought him in to see his son and cut the cord. He was told to stand in a square taped on the floor and not to move. he got a bunch of wonderful pics, including my favorite, which is him and our son minutes after he was out in the OR (you can see them still working on me in the background!

I was HIGH as a kite for 24 hours though (thanks morphine) and told everyone who asked how I was doing "I;m fiiiiiiiiiinnne, how are you?". I guess I was quite chipper!!
2009-01-07 17:39:02 UTC
I would describe my c-section experience as terrifying-with-a-happy-ending. It was an emergency c-section after around 30 hours of labor and my daughter's heart rate was dropping and staying low. It was very scary. My mom was in the room with me because we thought she'd be more "useful"--my boyfriend was freaking out (inside) and didn't think he could be helpful, so he let my mom go. Plus, she'd been there for the birth of every other grandchild, so that was nice for her to get to come in. They didn't let her cut the cord. The doctors did it, let me get a quick glimpse (and I mean a nanosecond) of my daughter, and rushed her to the nursery. I didn't see her again for two hours.
dakotas momma<3
2009-01-07 19:12:51 UTC
I went through 72 hours of induced labour.

and made no progress.

They decided a C-section was the route we had to go, and than asked me to sit up, and my sons heart rate dropped. Turning it into an emergency section.

I was going to get a spinal but again, was an emergency so they put me under. No one was in the room except all the experts.

I arrived in the room at 3:14, and I was just shaking, I don't know if it was becuase I was accually cold of just totally scared. Tehy kept asking me if I was okay and I was like "yes, but I don't have any blnkets on and its freezing in here!" So when I woke up I had like 10 warm blankets on me:)

My son was born at 3:43pm and peed all over everyone in the room:) lol.

I didn't hold my son until 6:05 pm.

But when I woke up I totally forgot I had a surugry and started coughing and trying to talk.. acting like I just woke up from a nap, that brought on a lot of pain:(

Before they set me back to my room, they gave me 2 shots of morphine.

I don't know why but before I had my son I always thought that some babies aren't as cute as others.

And the moment i laid my eyes on him I was in 'aw' I was surprised he was so cute!:D

Every since I had him, Every baby is cute in their own little way.
2009-01-07 17:46:19 UTC
Well mine was scary! They induced me and gave me an epidural early...which was pretty much imposed on me! I wanted to try it with out it but the midwife yes i said midwife was telling me how much pain I was gonna be in and it scared me! LOL!! But They came in 12 hours after my induction and I was still at a 3 and they said I wouldn't have the baby! I was so sad and I cried and started signing papers and they made me drink this stuff to "settle" my stomach and I immediately started vomiting and his heart rate dropped of the monitor and they jerked me out of the room and ran down the hall pushing me (i was in the bed of course) but my husband is running behind in his scrubs he was already ready cause I was being prepped well I could feel the pinching and they gave me some meds and knocked my A$$ out cause I was freaking! Luckily they let my hubby come in even though it was considered "emergency" he got to see the baby cut the cord and hold him and stuff while I was knocked out till midnight! He was born at 8:35pm and I didn't get to nurse till midnight! I woke up seeing two of my husband cause he was holding my hand in recovery and this woman pushing on my stomach and I was like what the heck you are hurting me could you stop I didn't know what she was doing cause no one told me they massaged my uterus geesh I will be prepared this time!! LOL!!
N and A's Momma
2009-01-07 17:35:59 UTC
Well, my C-section was the result of 16 hours in labor and finally not progressing. So it was unexpected. I just remember my poor husband with tears in his eyes holding my hand. He told me later he was scared to death of losing me. I myself was too exhausted to really think much of it at the time.

I don't remember a whole lot of the actual procedure. I just know when I first got in and they started numbing me that my whole body was shivering uncontrollably, which apparently is normal. My husband walked in right as they were cutting me open and that was enough for him! He sat right down next to me and didn't really peek over the curtain until they pulled Noah out. The poor little guy had his cord wrapped three times around his neck and he had swallowed some meconium.

From that point I was out until they finally brought Noah in to me. He was beautiful and in that moment I knew everything I had just gone through was totally worth it.
2009-01-07 17:36:20 UTC
Well my hubby almost didn't make it for my c section. I was in labour for 21 hrs without dialating but my water had already broke so they came in and told me that I was going to have to have a csection and I will be going in an hour so my husband goes to get some coffee across the street and as soon as he left they came back in to get me. Long story short he came in just as they were getting ready to start the surgery!
Sophies mama
2009-01-07 17:38:04 UTC
My husband was with me. I was really really drugged up but awake. My husband refused to look at anything.. he does NOT like blood. But he had to pass by me (on the table) to cut the cord so he just about covered his whole face so he didnt have to see anything. When he cut Sophie's cord he did not know that blood quirts out, so I hear him go, "ewww gross.. and drop the scissors as soon as he cut it!" the nurses just laughed at him!

Kato: Technically the doctors cut the cord free from the mother, but they leave a section on so the father can cut it too.
2009-01-07 17:47:25 UTC
My mom was in the room with me. Baby's father is a loser, and she was there for the whole pregnancy, all my appointments and everything so I thought she deserved to experience that. I was a big baby, I'm terrified of all medical procedures, and was sick to my stomach, but wouldn't tell the anesthesiologist, she had to keep asking me. But as soon as they took my little girl out, she was screaming so loud, the minute I saw her I forgot how scared I was and told my mom to go be by her so she wasn't alone. I no longer cared about myself, she came first from the minute she came out!
2009-01-07 18:39:26 UTC
For the first C-section, I was having my non-stress test for my twins when I went into labor. I wasn't due for another month, but they were already 6 and almost 8 pounds each, so they weren't too worried about getting them out early. When they made the incision, they nicked the sac of waters and it burst all over the floor and all over the doctors. They had a good laugh about it though. I actually could see someone on the side of the screen with great big towels full of blood, and that was really grossing me out. My husband was supposed to sit next to my head and hold this plastic bucket looking thing in case I needed to vomit. (I really think that they just wanted him to have something to do, so he didn't freak out...) He kept snapping them in half. I don't know how. They actually put one in my room to hold all the diapers and stuff that they send home with you, and we still have it. The kids use it for a play baby bath.

The second one was scheduled and prepared for. I went in, got the epidural, and was fairly relaxed. I had chosen to have my tubes tied though, and after they delivered the baby, my husband was over looking at him with the nurses. I smelled something really odd, and I told the anesthesiologist that I smelled something really weird, and he said it was because they were cauterizing my fallopian tubes. I started laughing and they had to have me stop because it was jiggling everything around while they were trying to "put me back together again". I wonder how many women know what their burning fallopian tubes smell like? Gross, but hysterically funny to me.

I also remember on both hearing them count the number of sponges they used going in, and counting them again when they were taking them out. I was relieved to hear them say they were all accounted for.

ETA: I agree with the Mom who said to get up and walk. I had force myself on the second one, but I managed to walk within 2 hours of being back in the room. It was unbelievably easier to heal on that one. I spent most of my time in the hospital pacing the room.
2009-01-07 17:41:19 UTC
I have no idea what happened during mine. My epidural failed in the operating room - even though they put additional anesthesia in it before they started cutting, and they had to put me under. They kicked my husband out because of liability. He got to see and hold the baby right after she was born, but wasn't allowed to witness the surgery because I was unconscious.

When I woke up three hours later, I remember one of the first things I said to my mom (when I finally got to see her) was, "I can't talk!" I'd lost my voice due to a horrible cold I'd come down with just days before I went into labor, and the breathing tube they shoved down my throat during the surgery didn't help matters. "It's okay," my mom said, "you don't have to talk!"

Good luck!
Mom of Twins
2009-01-07 17:48:37 UTC
My husband is a science teacher so you'd think that he doesn't get grossed out easily. He said that what he saw made him want to faint... he said he couldn't imagine how someone could lose so much blood and survive. Ouch. Guess I'm glad they had that curtain there so I couldn't see.
Turtle Isle
2009-01-07 17:47:30 UTC
Ive had 4 cesction 3 asleep one awake. The awake one had me FREAKING OUT. I felt like I wasnt breathing and I screamed "Im not breathing!" They said if you werent breathing you wouldnt be calm down
2009-01-07 17:45:31 UTC
My mom came in with me because the sound of my boyfriends voice gave me excruciating head ache pains any time he spoke.
2009-01-07 17:55:27 UTC
As they were pulling my baby up she peed in my uterus where the opening was...and on the nurse. I guess it was her revenge.
2009-01-07 17:34:40 UTC
The baby came out so fast there wasn't anytime for a C-section.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.