Would you donate money to Nadya Suleman the mommy of the octuplet babies. Is this the way she plans on making?
2009-02-10 21:28:25 UTC
Take a look at her website to get money from hard working people.
hope this link comes out
41 answers:
2009-02-11 18:34:48 UTC
I donate regularly to the SPCA and World Vision. These charities are just two of so many that deserve monetary donations because they are true to their missions. There have also been generous citizens around the country who are lending help to others who have lost their jobs due to the downfall of the economy. Remember after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and thousands became homeless? Many states offered relocation to help them start over. Now, when it comes to Ms. Suleman and her children, I have to say honestly that she had made unwise decisions that is not only unfair to her children, but very unfair to the taxpayers who have to help support them! If she receives donations, and help to care for her children from volunteeers while planning to attend school to obtain a Master's Degree this fall, I'll say 'Congratulations'. While there are people showing compassion for the children, I would not donate because of Ms. Suleman's ridiculous action that she put on herself. If caring for six children was already so difficult, then she should have discontinued having more. She is using food stamps and relying on the government to help raise her children, which is considered living on welfare. Ms. Suleman denies this, but the rest of us know better. What she has done is completely selfish and irresponsible.
2016-05-24 07:21:40 UTC
i think its and outrage the only 2 things you can do on this web site is either leave her a comment or donate money. this may sound mean but She knew she couldn't afford to raise all those children then she shouldn't have had them. i feel sorry for those babies its not their fault they have a WACKO for a mother. i specially feel sorry for those who are donating money to her, i could understand if you donate clothes for the children but not money. All she's probably gonna do with that money is spend it on some more BAD plastic surgery. Besides shes getting money from the government. Just to let her know Food stamps is welfare. And the what about the disability money she receives for her other children? What about the settlement money she got from injuring her back on her last job? After all that money she got she is still in a $50K debt. WTF! Either way She's raising her children based on other peoples working money. Why does she get to stay at home and not work living off the government like a parasite? We all have responsibilities. We all have bills to pay and also a family to contribute to. To bad This lady is an irresposible jerk who doesn't think about that. all she wants is money. How the heck does she expect to always be there for her children (all 14) and still go back to school and get a degree? not unless you take all online classes. As much as i feel sorry for her children NO I WILL NEVER DONATE ANY MONEY TO THIS LADY. Even though my, yours and everyone elses tax money is gonna end up raising these kids.
brenda s
2009-02-11 08:50:08 UTC
This woman has raped the system both on work comp and state aid. Now she wants the public to give her money because she squirted out 8 children? I am unemployed and struggling to make ends meet in this fragile economy. I lost my job with a company I had been with 11 years due to cut backs. Should I go out and have 8 kids so I can get a TV deal and lots of free stuff??? What is she thinking. She is untruthful when she says she didn't do this for money. She is unemployed and we are picking up the tab for her stupidity to the tune of thousands. She has 6 kids she didn't need 8 more. I feel sorry for the babies. Thousands of kids need homes we don't need women like her that have litters for money. Perhaps Jerry Springer could get the truth out of her, no Jerr's too nice maybe STEVE or Dr. Phil. What she did was criminal! I wouldn't give her a dime. After her 6th child she should have had her tubes tied but then she couldn't live off the tax payers then now could she? She is a criminal not a hero.
2009-02-10 21:54:19 UTC
I saw as much of the Dateline story as I could take, which wasn't much.

She says she is not on welfare. That is not the same thing as saying she can take care of those children on her own efforts. Do people really have any idea how much that pregnancy cost the taxpayers? I'd be willing to bet that if she had had to pick up the tab, it would have run at least $50k per kid, maybe more,with the enormous staff, working in shifts, that she had dancing attendance on her. And what if she had been paying for child care, 24/7, on the first six? Her mother took care of them for two solid months, while she was in the hospital. And by the way...if she was too disabled to work, what doctor in his right mind would think she could carry eight babies all at once???

I love it that she is going to try to get a COUNSELING!!!! She may just do it...all the nut jobs stick together. And who will be paying for her education? I went back to school when I was 47, and I know what it costs.

The new health care package they have sneaked into the "stimulus" bill calls for a new bureaucracy: the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology will look at what your doctor says is wrong with you, and how he or she plans to treat your ailment, and then the government will tell the doc if, based on your age, medical history, life expectancy, etc., whether or not you can receive the treatment. Daschle says we should adopt the European outlook, and just accept a bad diagnosis. So, where will the money come from in the future for little adventures like giving birth to a litter???

EDIT: Well, my estimate was WAY low. According to Yahoo News, Wednesday, Feb.11, the litter will cost the California taxpayers over $1.3 MILLION, with disability payments for the three developmentally disabled children from the first batch receiving $2,379 per MONTH. do all the bleeding hearts feel now, knowing that y'all are picking up the tab? Having been born in L.A., and brought up watching California turn into the Welfare Capitol of the World, it sickens me that someone can do this to honest people who are trying to keep up with their own expenses, let alone some narcissistic obsessed woman who can apparently manipulate the medical community into getting her pregnant.
2009-02-12 00:01:45 UTC
I would probably rather send clothes or gift cards. This is because the "paypal" feature makes one feel this is a commercial venture, rather than an outpouring of public generosity.

It is impersonal, and the idea is to put back the "personal" caring in the situation, like a "public shower".

I don't feel the way everyone else does, that this is a matter of SHAME and outrage over the unintended consequences of in vitro births.

I just see eight babies that need (and deserve) caring and nurturing, and support.

The "shame" and "outrage" should be reserved for those people who are making all the outrageous comments, and for the hysteria people are allowing themselves to be sucked up into.
Katarina J
2009-02-11 08:20:31 UTC
I intend to, but only because the kids are who are suffering from this self absorbed loony Mom. Donations help the grandparents and the children MORE than they do Nadya.

Hilarious in her interview she says "God will provide" Yeah - Nadya I guess God works through food stamps, donations from strangers, and disability checks. Those are beamed from a Celestial hand, not covered by your neighbors who actually work and WITHIN their means.

Imagine the carbon footprint 14 lives leaves. Please, having too many babies is a huge burden on society, planet, and existence on the whole.
2009-02-10 21:48:31 UTC
Honestly, I feel badly for her and her children. She has them not because she wants to provide the best opportunities for them, but because she feels that she needs to have lots of children to validate herself. She was an only child, feels she had a dysfunctional childhood, and feels like the only way she can have value is to have lots of children. It reminds me of the crazy old cat ladies who hoard dozens and dozens of cats.

She's commented in interviews that she hopes the sperm donor she used will some day be able to accept her decisions and want to be a part of the children's lives. This, to me, seems a lot like a trap. Isn't sperm donation and use of donated sperm supposed to be anonomoys? A guy doesn't donate sperm so that he can have a relationship with those children which were conceived from his donation. A woman doesn't use donated sperm to have a baby and then expect that man to have any sort of involvement in the baby's life. I wonder if this is how she is expecting to form a family?
2009-02-11 07:33:53 UTC
It is absolutely wrong to donate money. It is not, however, wrong to support the children by donating neccessary items, like formula and diapers, etc. There is a good chance that money will be used unwisely (lip injections anyone?? See 2nd cited source below). On the other hand, items for the children will have to be used only by the children.

I mean...if student loans went to something other than SCHOOL...what makes us think that "paper" will be spent on only the kids? (1st cited source)
2009-02-10 22:29:54 UTC
I (along with all) tax payers are already helping her and her kids out. She is receiving SSI benefits for 3 of the 6 older kids due to various disablilities. She is receiving food stamps (which she doesn't believe is government aid/welfare). She is possibly on Medi-Cal. She doesn't pay rent or any other expense according to her mom. She is mentally unstable and shouldn't have been able to have the last IVF procedure. There is a nanny agency that is donating their services for 1 year for all 14 children... Go ahead and give me thumbs down.. I have no problems with people who NEED the aid to receive it, but it is a completly different situation when you seek IVF as many times as she did for as unstable mentally and financially unstable she is. She put herself in this situation she should be able to provide for ALL those children.
2009-02-10 21:35:25 UTC
Those pictures are heart wrenching. It still gets me that she knew there was a huge possibility that this would happen if she carried so many and she *still* asked the dr for 6 embryos. She is one selfish woman! As a mother, it makes me sick. I could never purposefully carry so many babies at once simply because I wanted a large family. You want a big family? Do it the safe way, one or two at a time.

ETA: I didn't see Dateline tonight, so I missed that she was going for a degree. Something she should have done first...

But you're right, at least it's something.

Semper Fi: I almost did. Lol!
Baby #3 due 3/3/2010 its a boy!
2009-02-10 21:45:42 UTC
This lady is pathetic I really think she has the nerve to ask for donations as she made the decision to do invitro. She knew the odds and the possible consequences of having multiples. I really think she did this in hoping to get recognized, but it's a sad and selfish act as nothing is guaranteed! I personally don't car what kind of degree she gets because at the end of the day she ahs 14 kids and it's going to be equivalent to having a minimum wage job. As she got her priority backwards. To each it's own!
2009-02-10 21:45:07 UTC
I don't have a problem with this woman choosing to have this many children because it's her business, not mine. But I do have a problem with the idea that she requires donations from strangers in order to support them. If you know you can't afford to have that many children, don't have them. Period. Don't bite off more than you can chew and expect others to take up the slack. If people choose to make donations out of the kindness of their hearts, that's fine. But for her to go asking for money? That's just rude.
2009-02-11 07:56:07 UTC
I look at it this way, if Nadya wants 14 more kids, more power to her! At least it's her and not me. I'm not the one that's going to be pulling my hair out. With that said, it isn't any of my business. Plus, if I want to donate money or whatever I can, I know for a fact I'll be blessed in the end. Every single time I freely gave away money, clothes, food, etc out of the goodness of my heart and not expecting anything back in return, not even a thank you, I get back 10 times that much! I may not receive money, but I always get back something in return ten times more than what I gave away. If by chance I don't receive back right away after giving, I know I will in due time. So, if people want to help Nadya by donating whatever, God bless them! As for as Nadya doctor, he should be left alone. It isn't like every single woman in America wants 8 kids at one time, let alone 14! Nadya said she wanted one more kid, that's what she hope for, she took a risk knowing what the risk was and got eight kids. In the back of her mind she may have thought that wouldn't happen to her like so many other people believe things won't happen to them. Women out there that want to do the same that hear about this may think twice.
2009-02-10 22:25:48 UTC
No, I wouldn't donate money to her, as I have my own baby that I need to support. I do feel for her babies and other children, though. I think it's so important for babies and children to feel connected to and loved by their caregivers...and I just hope that there will be enough help around to give those babies the attention they really do need.
stellar <3
2009-02-10 22:15:02 UTC
Absolutely not!!

Where the heck did she get money for invetro?

I work hard to support my child, something she should have thought of doing in the first place! I feel horrible for those children, it's not their fault that they were put into this situation.

I think the state should intervene and take those children away from her. What kind of life are they going to have?

I also feel sorry for the Californians that have their tax money fed to this lady.

Is she going to teach her children that it's okay to not have a job, live with your parents for the rest of your life, and to ask for hand outs from strangers? Seriously.

2009-02-10 22:18:50 UTC
i would NEVER donate a dime to her. it doesn't go to her kids! if what her mom says is true SHE pays for them. plus nadya gets food stamps already im sure the money will be raised. she supposedly never gave a dime to her mother the whole time she has lived with her and doesn't even have a decent place for her children to live. if she wasn't ready for more she shouldnt have had them implanted. i understand accidents happen and people get int to tight spots and need help but she planned on having more kids. she should have been financially ready to care for them before she decided to have 6 more implanted. she may have only expected 2 but she wasnt even ready for 2 new ones! she needs some mental help and i doubt those babies will even be allowed to go home with her which is sad. babies need to be with their mom and moms need to be with their babies but it may be the best thing for them. its just a sad situation and she would never get a dime of my money.

ETA: her "sperm donor' is supposedly her ex boyfriend. she got the money for IVF from disability from 2002 when she hurt her back at work. she got 100,000 some odd dollars. instead of using that money to give her first children a better life when they were born she just decided to keep having them and screw money. she is sick
Anna Z
2009-02-11 13:01:02 UTC
The whole situation bothers me. I have a 3 month old and before I got pregnant my husband and I thought long and hard if we were going to be able to provide for ONE child. This baby is my responsibility, not the governments or the general public's. This woman obviously has issues and has not considered her children's well being.
Cheyene B
2009-02-10 21:55:58 UTC
I wouldn't donate money to her. I just feels so bad for those babies though and hopefully something good will come out of all this for good so these babies will turn out all right. Those babies are so precious and adorable and something needs to be done about it. Also I heard she's going on Oprah and the only way she was going on Oprah was 2 million dollars and I guess Oprah gave it to her because she's going on the show. But I feel so bad for those babies and hopefully something good will turn out for them.
Hallie's Mommy
2009-02-10 21:50:01 UTC
I don't understand why she wanted more children. She already had 6! There are tons of people out there who would make great parents and are unable to conceive, yet this lady can have 14!! She still lives with her mother and has no job. How unfortunate for those babies.
Peyton & Lucas's mommy
2009-02-10 21:38:27 UTC
there are WAY better things to spend my money on and I do donate money and my time (before I had a baby) to needy causes but I will not donate to her. I guess in a way I've already have since we live in the same state (California) and I pay taxes so there it goes. California is a financial crisisa and all we need is 8 more kids to take care of. I'm sorry if it's a bit harsh but it's reality. She should never have that many kids not knowing how she will support them. She's been on govt assistance and haven't worked for years. It's selfish of her to do that. She's sick. She shouldn't have spent all her injury settlement on plastic surgery on her face and in vitro instead use it on her kids. I feel for her parents because they will have to raise her kids after raising her.

ETA is she going to spend the donated money on her babies or is she going to use it on in vitro or more plastic surgery? Please she is sick. The state needs to intervene! LOL yeah the californian are force to take one day off a week to help the budget crisis but yet this lady is getting food stamp, SSI, and is able to go out and have her nails done. It's going to cost between 1.5-3 million dollars for the birth and after care of her 8 babies. And she's getting paid 300K for her interview and 2 million to be on oprah. For what... it's already confirmed she is CRAZY, and selfish. I can't stand paying taxes to help people like that. it's makes me so sick!
2009-02-10 21:51:01 UTC
No one forced this crazy woman to get fertility treatments done when she already had 6 kids too many. She should be ashamed of herself asking for hand outs. But at the same time, these babies deserve a good quality of life.

She needs to find herself a rich husband, get her family to help out with the babies and then go out and get a decent job, or two or three....
It's me
2009-02-10 21:35:34 UTC
I just saw on Chelsea lately (GREAT SHOW!!) a clip with her in it. She pointed out how she had her nails done. Good point, how does someone who is not working have the money to get her nails done or the time?? I hope this isn't the way she plans on making her money. She wanted this many kids then she should have thought about how she was going to afford them, huh.
2009-02-10 21:37:10 UTC
God she is pathetic. Well everyone if you wanna give this baby horder a piece of your mind you can leave a comment for her =)


If i remember correctly it is illegal to solicit money over the Internet. A new mom cant make her own website and ask for donations, she would get arrested for that. So why is she any different? She should get a job or a few jobs, screw college she should have thought about that before she went and had a litter, if she wanted to get a degree she should have done that before she got pregnant, not after. Its about her kids now she dosent have time to go to school, she needs to get a real job and make a real income to feed, clothe,and take care of her kids.
2009-02-11 08:20:04 UTC
Unfortunately, making contributions will only add to this woman's delusions. If she is unable to provide for them, this should be made obvious now so that the state can intervene before they leave the hospital - rather than waiting for an unavoidable crisis to occur.
2009-02-10 21:38:15 UTC
I think she just wanted all them babies so she can get a free ride..She see all the shows like Jon & Kate and Meet the Guggar's (which all had all the there kids before TV) and she wants to sale her life story. She cant even play her bills much less take care of 14 kids. She doesn't need any of them.
Ella D
2009-02-10 21:33:01 UTC
The lady is obviously mentally unstable. However, I feel so bad for her children. I don't think its wrong for people to donate. Obviously they are donating to the babies and not the mother. I'm wondering if some of her children will end up being taken from her. I dont' know how she'll do it with 14 kids.
2009-02-11 10:01:27 UTC
NO! I wouldn't donate to her. If she had the money to get fertility treatments then she shouldn't need any money. Is she tring to run a scam? Get a job like everyone else.
2009-02-10 21:42:32 UTC
no i would not donate money to her. shes nuts having 14 kids, especially 8 of the same age. her mom isnt even happy about it. this story was on the news earlier about how taxpayers feel if they have to pay the hospital bills and how the hospital wants to government to help pay and pretty much everyone who was interviewed said they dont want to help support her kids, thats such a waste, i would not pay either. i feel so bad for those kids. shes gonna have NO time for a job.
2009-02-10 21:47:10 UTC
OMG!! I am so freaking insulted! I don't know which is worse, doing this or going on welfare. The absolute freaking nerve of some people. Get a job woman! You wanted them, now take care of them!

I couldn't help myself, I did leave a comment.
2009-02-10 21:37:13 UTC
i dont think its wrong for people to donate i would not but that is just me if she wanted that many kids she should not want money from others.

she knew the chances of that when she under went the treatments. i personally think she is crazy. i pray those kids will have a good future that woman is just crazy
2009-02-10 21:35:44 UTC
i feel so bad for those kids

their mom seems seriously demented and theyre soooo cute

shes probably hoping to get her own show and

you know what she probably will

how sad is that

but noi wouldnt donate money to her

if i knew them id help out for the kids sake babysitting and stuff but no money from me
2009-02-11 15:12:17 UTC
she knew the economy was in a bad situation and she gets PREGNANT NO SORRY I WONT before i donate anything to her i would help families in foreclosure and losing there jobs!
cutie pie
2009-02-12 07:22:31 UTC
NO no no no no. But if her kids are taken away from her then i would donate for the kids. she did this for attention.

Poor babies
2009-02-10 22:34:30 UTC
u have to be kidding me; sorry, but i had to leave a freakin' msg...i hate to sound harsh, but if u can't feed 'em, don't have 'em...i know some ppl hit hard times, and it is unavoidable, but it is totally different when you make your own hard times on purpose for some weird reason....i wouldn't send her a red cent if i had every dollar in the world....
Nothing But Time
2009-02-10 21:50:59 UTC
HECK NO! I wouldn't....This was all her choice and I would rather help a family who really needs the help instead. Besides, she already cost the tax payers enough!
8 mo old baby girl
2009-02-10 21:34:12 UTC
I personally wouldnt. She knew the risks and still went through will having the 8 babies on top of 6. She should be able to support them herself, otherwise she should not have had them. (Not meaning she should have aborted them)
2009-02-11 11:20:01 UTC
no she new what she was getting in to and couldnt take care of what she had no i think cps should come get all of them
2009-02-10 21:39:14 UTC
well if they were starving in the streets, yes i would. the babies shouldnt have to suffer because their mom is kind of mentally unstable. look at all the people on welfare, were supporting them also.
2009-02-11 10:17:34 UTC
Hell no. I wouldn't urinate on her if she was on fire.

She's what's wrong with this world.
2009-02-10 21:34:44 UTC
No I would not. you shouldn't expand your family if you can't support them.
Two Peas
2009-02-10 21:33:56 UTC
Ok,do you want me to arrest her for asking for donations?

If so,I'll have to arrest homeless people,salvation army,oh and kosair charities....

Did you not watch dateline tonight? She plans on getting a job after she finishes her degree. It's something!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.