I saw as much of the Dateline story as I could take, which wasn't much.
She says she is not on welfare. That is not the same thing as saying she can take care of those children on her own efforts. Do people really have any idea how much that pregnancy cost the taxpayers? I'd be willing to bet that if she had had to pick up the tab, it would have run at least $50k per kid, maybe more,with the enormous staff, working in shifts, that she had dancing attendance on her. And what if she had been paying for child care, 24/7, on the first six? Her mother took care of them for two solid months, while she was in the hospital. And by the way...if she was too disabled to work, what doctor in his right mind would think she could carry eight babies all at once???
I love it that she is going to try to get a degree...in COUNSELING!!!! She may just do it...all the nut jobs stick together. And who will be paying for her education? I went back to school when I was 47, and I know what it costs.
The new health care package they have sneaked into the "stimulus" bill calls for a new bureaucracy: the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology will look at what your doctor says is wrong with you, and how he or she plans to treat your ailment, and then the government will tell the doc if, based on your age, medical history, life expectancy, etc., whether or not you can receive the treatment. Daschle says we should adopt the European outlook, and just accept a bad diagnosis. So, where will the money come from in the future for little adventures like giving birth to a litter???
EDIT: Well, my estimate was WAY low. According to Yahoo News, Wednesday, Feb.11, the litter will cost the California taxpayers over $1.3 MILLION, with disability payments for the three developmentally disabled children from the first batch receiving $2,379 per MONTH. So...how do all the bleeding hearts feel now, knowing that y'all are picking up the tab? Having been born in L.A., and brought up watching California turn into the Welfare Capitol of the World, it sickens me that someone can do this to honest people who are trying to keep up with their own expenses, let alone some narcissistic obsessed woman who can apparently manipulate the medical community into getting her pregnant.