My baby is scratching his head and making it bleed sometimes, is there anything safe to put on it?
2007-04-15 21:17:15 UTC
My baby is almost 4 months and scratches his head quite a bit. I try to keep his nails short so he wont make himself bleed. But it is hard to keep on top of that. I was wondering what I can put on the cuts and rough spots he created by scratching. And if there is anything that will help him stop scratching his head
Sixteen answers:
2007-04-15 21:58:30 UTC
you might be using a shampoo he could be allergic to or just not rinsing it off well. If he's scratching allot you may want to take him in to the doctor he could be developing a scalp condition. I had a friend who's son would do the same thing and took him to different doctors because they couldn't diagnose the problem it got to the point she was getting frustrated seeing him get worst to the point he would scratch spots of hair off. I recommended her to my doctor and that's when she found out he had a bad case of fungal infection he received proper treatment and the problem went away. I'm not saying that's the case but better safe then sorry. You could try to put some mittens they sell especially for them

and on the cuts you could apply some aloe vera I like to use the one straight from the plants it's real good for cuts,marks and stretch marks.

You may want your doctor to see your baby and have him prescribe something for him. he'll give you the best advice for your baby.

Good luck!
2007-04-15 21:28:22 UTC
Keep the skin moisturized. The scratching can be eczema or crattle cap.... very common in kids.

If its crattle cap dont pick at it, wash the hair once a week and u can use baby oil or olive oil on his head.

If its eczema "kerri" lotion works wonders, but i will consult that with his doctor since he's only 4 months.

U can make little loose fitten mittens out of a light breatheable fabric for his hands. That will prevent him from scratching himself to the point where he bleeds.

The mittens look like little booties(like the ones u put on the feet).
Emily J
2007-04-15 21:24:55 UTC
He could have cradle cap or excema, and if this is the case, you should try to cure it so that he'll stop scratching. Babies don't scratch for no reason. Try to figure out why he's doing it in the first place, and use mittens in the meantime. You can also rub baby oil on his head to try to alleviate the itchiness until you can get some prescription cream. See his doctor.
2007-04-15 21:29:17 UTC
does he have yellowy scales on his head? it might be craddle cap cause him to scratch. You can put A&D ointment on the scratches but keep it away from his eyes and if your ped says ok try 1% hydrocortizone cream at night on his scalp to help with the itching. As others have suggested try to use baby mittens but some babys are good at the taking these off. If you are followjg the usual well baby check up pattern bring this up at your 4 month appointment. If baby is having a problem he can be referred to a pediatric dermatologist.
2007-04-15 21:28:30 UTC
Your baby could have Eczema, Cradle Cap, Baby Acne or Head ringworm. (no thats not just something dirty people get, so relax :) )

Your doctor can identify either of those and give you creams to help.

In the meantime, try using some oily based moisturising cream, (and if theres a light brownsh yellow covering on babys scalp, indicating cradle cap you can try to loosen this gently wth a brush) and use soft mittens to reduce any scratching baby can do.
2007-04-15 21:24:22 UTC
My mom does foster care for drug addicted baby's that have this problem (not that your baby is -- lots of babies do it!). Since its not good to have scratches on a baby's head (could look like abuse) she puts soft socks over their hands, so that when they do scratch it does no damage/leaves no marks.

As to why, some babies just do it when they cry or are frustrated. Others aren't doing it on purpose, but since they cant really relate their hand scratching the head to the pain, they cannot stop. oncew they have control over their hands to start grabbing and rawling, it should stop.
2007-04-15 21:23:29 UTC
Other than cutting his nails, try the little mittens, I called them "crazy mits" when our daughter used them LOL, But they do work {you can get them at most stores in the baby section, ad we got some from the hospital when our daughter was born} They are little cloth ones.

As far as putting something on the cuts, try neosporin, I don't think it'll hurt him at all and it should help clear them up.
2007-04-15 21:21:35 UTC
Try mittens, or you could put socks over his hands when he is sleeping. I am guessing that is when he is doing it the most.

I would just leave the scratches, but if you really want to put something on them I would say what ever you have at home already, but you may want to test it to make sure it doesn't sting.
White Rose
2007-04-15 21:21:56 UTC
My nephew did the same thing when he was in that age and my sister bought him little hand covers, not so much gloves or mittens but hand covers. After these were put on his hands, he didnt cut himself anymore. I really hope that this helps and it must break your heart to see your own child have a scar or bleeding, it was my nephew and my heart broke....
Drea Z
2007-04-15 21:23:46 UTC
keep the scratches clean, and put a little triple antibiotic ointment like neosporin on the scratches to help keep out the bacteria. i can't think of any way to get him to stop other than have you tried putting socks on his hands? he might think its fun to play with the socks. you should ask his doctor what he recommends as well.
Advice giver
2007-04-15 21:29:36 UTC
As far as to what put on his head, ask your peditrician. BUT to make him stop scratching his head.

CUT HIS nails short. its really not that harrd to stay on that. and put his hands in those special mits they gave you when u brought him home

or ask ur dr what mits are safe to use..
2007-04-15 21:27:03 UTC
I would have him wear mittens, and after it stops bleeding, apply a little bit of Vitamin E oil (from Henrys or Traders Joe) will heal very quickly. :)
2007-04-16 00:15:37 UTC
OLIVE OIL. Highly recommended by a doctor and midwife.
2007-04-15 21:28:09 UTC
just try to avoid mittens. my mom told me that sometimes they have uncut thread inside and they may twirl around the fingers and cut them
2007-04-15 21:25:11 UTC
How about a helmet and mitts will do to.
2007-04-15 21:21:53 UTC
See your pediatrition.

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