A cold to an adult may seem like nothing, but a cold to a baby/child could turn dangerous. Their bodies are so little and haven't built up the immunities that we adults have, so illnesses of any sort affect them worse than us.
You really should listen to your fiance and take yourson to the doctor even if it is "just a cold" to make SURE that it is, in fact, "just a cold". You're not a doctor so you can't make that call yourself.
BTW: Did you know that if a child is sick and doesn't take any fluids for a day, it's life threatening and they'll have to be hospitalized? It can happen quicker than you'd think, over what seemed to be something as simple as a cold.
No, there's nothing that can be done for a cold but a trip to the doctor can tell you if it's more than just a cold or not. Since your son can't tell you what is wrong, the only signs you have are the obvious ones, like runny nose and cough.
Noah's Mommy: Doesn't matter. Can a 2 1/2 year old still accurately tell their parents what is wrong with them? Babies and young children can have viral infections that look an awful lot like colds. Don't take him to the doctor, but if you do that, don't send him to the daycare. Perhaps to a 2.5 year old it ISN'T life-threatening, but take that child to the daycare and other children will catch it if he's contagious. Babies and children with compromised immune systems are therefore being put at risk from one child, even if you think it IS just a cold. Just take him to the doctor and make sure he's not contagious. Be considerate of other parents and children at that same daycare.