What is attachment parenting?
2010-09-02 22:52:02 UTC
So I just read this question:;_ylt=An1dbXUGv5Rj9e7zj7NoA6177hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20100902215822AAYv1RX

and it doesn't sound right to me. What exactly is attachment parenting? How does it differ than other methods? Why would it be benificial? What are some examples of attachment parenting?

I'm 32 weeks pregnant with my first. I've done research on breastfeeding and circumcision because I know I want to do both those things. As for a certain parenting style I figured we would play it by ear. I don't really understand all these methods. As long as the baby's needs are met and they get plenty of attention- isn't that enough?

Not trying to judge whatsoever- just curious
Four answers:
2010-09-02 23:44:08 UTC
The original concept of attachment was a psychological theory developed in large part by two researchers, John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, in the 1960's. Ainsworth classified mother-baby dyads into three categories of attachment based on observations of the infant: secure attachment, anxious-resistant insecure attachment, and anxious-avoidant insecure attachment. Infants who had a secure attachment to their mothers were able to better explore their environment, play and learn.

Today's "attachment parenting" is much different. Largely pioneered by William Sears, the attachment parenting style does encourage breastfeeding, babywearing, and cosleeping. The real ideas behind those specific behaviors are what separate attachment parenting from other parenting philosophies. Attachment parenting asks that parents of infants see parenting as a mostly child-directed activity. Therefore, you should respond to your child's needs, rather than forcing your child to conform to your schedule. E.g. breastfeed on demand, rather than by the clock, and respond to baby's cries by picking her up, even in the middle of the night when she refuses go back in her crib.

In constrast, other parenting styles, such as Babywise, take a more parent-directed, or both child and parent-directed approach. They believe that setting a flexible feeding schedule for your baby helps him to gain a comforting sense of structure, and that allowing a baby to cry in his bed for a short period of time isn't a bad thing because he will learn to fall asleep by himself and won't be dependent on someone's arms to put him to bed. These kinds of parenting styles are much more common in the U.S., where we have a higher value on independence, even for infants.

The ideas (like breastfeeding, babywearing, cosleeping) behind the attachment parenting strategy are really fairly well supported by the scientific literature (Yes, there is scientific literature on these topics. Whole journals, in fact.). However, I do not think there is evidence to suggest that a child reared using a different parenting strategy is any less likely to be securely attached, at least the way researchers think about attachment.

If I were to offer a criticism of attachment parenting, I would say it perhaps requires more of parents than is reasonable for the average family, and is a bit too rigid for specific kinds of families. Parents should not be made to feel guilty if they must give up breastfeeding to earn an income, and parents from varying cultures should not feel they must replace their traditional childrearing styles to conform to attachment parenting beliefs. Additionally, there are individual differences between babies and certain parenting behaviors may work much better for one baby than for another. I believe in a more balanced approach to parenting, and I encourage you to do some research, try some different things, and ultimately pick and choose which parenting strategies work best for you and your family. You don't need to have a "philosophy" about parenting in order to be a good parent.
2016-11-16 07:33:24 UTC
i think of if people study attachment parenting their comments could substitute a splash. earlier i became pregnant i became certainly one of those individuals who believed you had to allow young ones 'cry it out' at times and all that different stuff. not because of the fact i became recommend, I basically concept that's what had to be completed. I have been given Dr. Sears toddler e book early on in my being pregnant and my opinion completely replaced on each and every thing. i've got not at all as quickly as permit my toddler 'cry it out' and he or she easily enjoys sitting by employing herself and enjoying because of the fact she's shield adequate to appreciate that once she's completed, i will come and get her. i became criticized plenty whilst she became first born because of the fact I held her each and all of the time, (and likely, I held her particularly plenty each and all of the time) besides the undeniable fact that it felt perfect and that i nonetheless choose to hold her plenty (she's in basic terms 3 months). i like putting her in her sling and donning her around with me at the same time as i'm doing house prevalent jobs. She is the type of satisfied toddler, i does not do something distinctive so a good distance. My factor is, i'm so happy that I study and tried to appreciate toddler habit earlier she became ever born. It particularly replaced my way of thinking. i'm an attachment determine and pleased with it!
2010-09-03 06:00:00 UTC
Circumcision of unconsenting minors is a downright ridiculous practice. You should be aware that circumcision rates in countries which (not too long ago) had high infant circumcision rates are going wayy down (i.e. in Australia, England, and especially in America). America has gone from having a 90% circumcision rate in the 1970's to an approximately 33% circ rate right now.

You are not meeting a baby's needs by circumcising him. You are just removing a normal, healthy, functional part of his body for no medical reason and without his consent.

I used to be mildly pro-circumcision (I just figured it was the normal thing to do, and that all boys are circumcised), but upon doing research, I was humbled by how incredibly wrong I had been. Please do research on this issue (and that includes watching videos of actual circumcisions). Youtube is a good resource for videos of actual procedures and also general videos on the practice (very, very informative).

I'm sorry I didn't truly answer your question, but I just figured that I might as well urge you to do research on this matter, since you are probably in the same place I was a year ago (knowing very little about circumcision, and apt to blindly circumcise my sons).
2010-09-02 22:56:05 UTC
I think what you read was a radical taking the concept to the extreme... after reading the following, it looks to me that attachment parenting is really about the parent(s) being emotionally & physically available to the child(ren), to create a sense of safety & nurturing, which is how a lot of parents tend to bond with their children naturally anyway...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.