How many of you mommies go to Church or are religious in any way?
2008-12-07 07:38:23 UTC
Do any of you go to church regularly? What church do you go to or believe in? Any of you go to a Private school?
DO any of you think it's super important to install these beliefs in your babies?
I go to church every Sunday. I try to go twice most of the time. I strongly believe in God and I think it's really important to instill this in my girl.
Just wondering if anyone else is religious at all. I've seen some profiles say they were so just wondering how many are.

I'm totally not judging you if you aren't would just like to know why not.

It's Sunday so I felt inspired to ask this Q!
31 answers:
2008-12-07 07:45:55 UTC
I go to church every Sunday unless I get sick in the morning! (I am 8 weeks pregnant) I go to a christian church. I went to private school. Yes I believe it is very important my child's has the same belief system.
mommy to a princess
2008-12-07 09:18:11 UTC
Yes. I'm Christian ( raised Catholic and my daughter is baptized Catholic ) Church is usually on Saturday afternoons.

The Catholic church I go to is a little "nontraditional" the only reason is because the priest is so down to earth and makes us laugh through a good part of mass. He's an amazing guy and sometimes he has us almost rolling on the floor LOL!

I think it's very important to install beliefs in my daughter. Now Christmas for many family's celebrate it but I find more and more that their children have no idea what it means other than presents and santa.

My daughter is to young this year but as she gets older she will learn that it's Jesus' Birthday and the all the teachings that go along with it. Christmas is supposed to be fun for a child and I intend to make my daughter's special every year but I do want her to know there is more to it than give and take....same with Easter....ya know, more to it than a bunny and eggs.

With all that being said I am a very down to earth person and I do not judge people for their beliefs nor do I try to change people's beliefs....It is what it is.

O also I've been saying prayers with my daughter every night before bed since she was born.....I know she doesn't know what I'm saying yet but it's cute because every time I start to say them now she grins up a storm the whole time and watches me closely. ( =

O! and no I don't and never did go to a private school and I won't send my daughter to one because she will be attending the school I did and I'm exited about that ( =
Baba Booey!
2008-12-07 07:46:35 UTC
I don't go to Church, I am not very religious but I do believe in God, my husband is similar. I don't have a problem with any religion or anything, only when people try to force their religious beliefs on others.

I take part in a lot of religious holidays, Christmas, Easter, etc so I guess I am a little religious but I don't attend Church, however I don't think that makes anyone any better, I mean some people are very judgmental or mean people but they attend Church, that doesn't make them any better people or have better values.

I plan to instill values that are based on what I feel is right and to be honest I think I am a pretty good person, not perfect but good values and respect for people. I am not sure if we will attend Church at some point, maybe I will feel motivated to do it some day.
2008-12-07 07:53:09 UTC
I am not as "religious" as some people, as I am making my way back to God. I go on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings when I can. I believe that it is important for my daughter to be raised and familiar with a Christian environment. Not just so she can know what the word says, but so that she can also make good friends who are raised in the same environment that I approve of. She will learn good morals and good values if nothing else.

My church is non denominational. We just believe and stand on the word of God.
2008-12-07 07:56:30 UTC
My husband and I are Christians. I feel it's so important to be instilling these values and beliefs in my son from the beginning, and we attend a Baptist church. He loves the nursery which I'm so thankful for, and our church has an amazing children's program... I'm so excited to see him grow in his knowledge of the Lord as he gets older (now 15 months). Our prayer is that he'll be a humble man of God, and though it is ultimately his choice, it is our responsibility to teach him everything we can.

My hubby is sick so we ditched church this morning, but we're discussing the Advent as a family every morning. It's so fun to have a child to celebrate Christmas with this year :-)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷAℓεx & Aаяöи have my ♥
2008-12-07 07:47:38 UTC
Yes I believe in God and I am Christian. It's very important for me to take my kids to church to instill these values in them...When they get older I would also like to read and study the bible at home; me, hubby, and the kids =) We go to a non denominational church but we're Christian. We used to go to a baptist church. I would like to say I'm more spiritual than religious =) Also I really want my kids to go to a private school.
2008-12-07 07:57:37 UTC
i believe in God however am not religious, does that make sense? I grew up in a none religious house and we never talked about God. In jr. high i searched and found a lovely church that i felt very comfortable in, and was there at least 4 time a week. When i was in 11th grade we moved and i never found a church that gave me that 'homey' feeling again, and as i went back to my church even it wasn't the same. Since then i haven't been back to a church. I believe in God, i read the bible, and i practice being a good human being. I want to teach my son (hopefully one day children) to be good, helpful, self-efficient human beings, i will tell him (them) about God, and Jesus and hope he (they) may one day find them as i have, however i will also except it when he(they) choice(s) a different path. My overall goal with my son is that he is a happy, respectable member of society, and he can do that with or without believing in God.

- At least that's the way i see it.
2008-12-07 10:35:37 UTC
I am a staunch atheist, but my children enjoy xmas so we celebrate. If they want to go to church when they are older, that's fine with me, but I'm not a believer (10 years of Catholic school and still no god in my eyes) and I don't force my ideas on anyone. My husband is an atheist also, so we don't do church or celebrate any other xtian holidays. The kids have been to church with their grandparents though, and enjoyed the time spent with family.
2008-12-07 10:28:08 UTC
My family goes to church regularly. We're Christian, specifically Southern Baptist. I never attended private school however.

I started going to church as a baby-- I've seen what it has made and given me and my husband--therefore I think it's only fair to share with our son what we were given as young children. I think that whether you realize it or not, your faith can get you through... To me it's important.

When my husband and I moved home from college this year we immediately started looking for churches to join so we would have a church by the time our son was due August 1st. We tried several churches until we finally found one that we liked for ourselves and thought our son could grow into.

I'm like you. I think it is very important to instill values into your children through religion.

... So yup. -l0l- We attend regularly. I have my whole life, and my son will as well. :)
2008-12-07 07:53:29 UTC
I only go to church on religious holidays.. i was raised catholic but i am not instilling anything on my children.. i belive in a god, and they know this and know of my beliefs, but they can believe in whatever they want to believe in. My god is non i believe no matter what religion they choose its all good in the end. As long is it doesnt harm anyone or thing.... it should not matter. They are their own people, i think forcing my beliefs on them is against what god would want.
momma of 2 :)
2008-12-07 09:08:33 UTC
I am a professing Christian and I do attend a nondenominational church where I live. We are part of an organization called Sovereign Grace Ministries. I believe that it is important to live your life the way God has called you to and to raise your children in that way. Then the time will come for them to make the decision for themselves. I pray for my daughter and unborn child everyday that they would one day follow God as my husband and I do. :)

Oh, and I was home schooled with my 6 other siblings. I plan on home schooling my children, too. It was such a wonderful experience. When I finally did go to a public highschool my Junior and Senior years I felt like I didn't learn nearly as much as I had while schooling at home. College was great though!
2008-12-07 08:32:29 UTC
I consider myself a Christian, but I only go to church occasionally. I'm Anglican.

Both my kids are baptised and go to private school, but I've no idea what the relevance of that to religion is. My daughter's school isn't at all religious. My son's is (it has its own chapel). I didn't pick the schools for their religious teaching, and both my kids have plenty of friends from other religions.

I think it's important to educate kids so they can make an informed choice. So we read Bible stories etc. when my kids were younger. Now they're 9 and 12, I leave it up to them what they believe.
Jamie's Mommy
2008-12-07 07:50:46 UTC
Yes I go to a home church every Sunday morning (we get more in the hour and half than most do all week lol). Its a nondenominational church, but I was raised Assembly of God and Church of God, and hated both.... I never learned anything and always fell asleep.... Nope never went to private school. (I wasn't trying to slam the other churches btw, just saying how I felt).

I do think its important to teach him once he gets here and gets bigger, but if he wants to go to a different church, that's fine. I'll gladly take him where ever (as long as its Christian lol). I'd rather me be slightly inconvenienced and him happy, then him not happy and rebelling.
2008-12-07 08:19:20 UTC
No, I'm not religious at all. I can't really say that I believe in God. But to each their own. The only time I have a problem with religious people is when I feel that it is to the point of promoting hate... such as shunning people who don't follow the same religion, or discrimination against gays and lesbians.
Heather Y
2008-12-07 08:07:32 UTC
We're Catholic and attend regularly. Our son attended a private Catholic preschool last year but is in public school now that he is in kindergarten. I believe that it is very important to instill good morals in my children and I feel the Church gives us a good foundation for that (I don't believe its the only way, its just the way we've chosen).
Bird Flippin'
2008-12-07 08:03:59 UTC
We believe in God, but usually only end up in a church for 3 reasons, a wedding, a funeral, or holiday service. DH, the joker that he is, says we can just open our window to hear Sunday service...we live right across the street from the town church.
2008-12-07 08:03:25 UTC
I am a Christian but I do not attend church. I still believe that it's important for my son to believe in God and everything but I couldn't stand to continue to go to Church where people will condemn anyone who doesn't go but preaches that we must do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

For me that was being hypocritical and I really don't see myself continuing to attend a church full of hypocrites.

I was also forced to attend church when I was a kid so I can't do that to my son (my mother would make me go even if I was very ill). I also was forced to attend Christian schools which were very strict and by comparison lax on education compared to other schools.

Like I said, it's still important to me that my son know God and the Bible. But I would rather it be an environment where he feels like he can openly express his opinions about God and not have to fear that he will be judged by others. It's God's place to judge, not ours.
2008-12-07 08:01:53 UTC
I was raised catholic, my mom was a nun! But I'm atheist. If you want to be religious and teach your child that its your choice. My daughter will be taught evolution and taught generally about all religions from a historic perspective. I actually find theology fascinating, I just don't believe in it. I was actually wondering today how I was going to teach her stories like Noah's Ark and David and Goliath because they are a major part of our culture and are referenced a lot. I think I'll just teach them the same wahy I tell her Greek mythology stories. Its important to understand all of the major religions of the world because they have influenced history quite a bit. Both in good ways and bad ways.
2008-12-07 08:29:37 UTC
I'm not really religious at all. I have beliefs, don't get me wrong, but I just don't go to church.

I also tend to believe in a lot of different things, from a lot of different religions, so it would be kind of hard to find a church...LOL

Regarding my child, I do want her to believe in *something*. As for what she comes up with, thats for her to decide. Right now, I'm teaching her right from wrong, and how to respect herself and others. The religious part will come later, if she so chooses. If not, then that's okay too.
*Alli* Michael's Mommy
2008-12-07 07:52:28 UTC
We went to church regularly and were very involved before baby came. We try not to affiliate ourselves with one particular denomination, but we are members of the Baptist. We consider ourselves Bible believing Christians. I thought I would have him in church the weekend after he was born - not the case. We have been going through colic the past 3 months and I am afraid to take him. I do believe it is super important to tell my son who Jesus is and that He died to save us from our sin, we are saved by grace through faith in Him. We pray as a family everyday and hope that our son can learn to lean on God through rough times as we have these past 3 months and many other times in our lives.
2008-12-07 07:56:36 UTC
My husband is Catholic, and I'm in between religions at the moment. Neither one of us are church goers. Eventually my husband wants our son to go through all the Catholic ceremonies, but since they would be for his and his family's benefit (who are all in Europe), we will be waiting to do so until we can travel abroad. I am of the belief that as long as your child is taught morals and kindness, it is not necessary for religion to play a part. I woud rather my son be a good person because he wants to be, as opposed to being a good person because he's afraid of going to hell if he doesn't act properly. My husband is much more religious than I am (and he's really not that religious) and we have an understanding that he will teach our son about religion, while I will be there to teach him that it's important to think for yourself and not worry constantly about the spiritual aspects of his behavior. Obviously my husband will also be teaching him to think for himself, but he will also go more along the religious route.

I was raised in a Presbytarian household and I was taught to follow the church's teachings almost with a blind eye. As I got older I started questioning, and no one in my church, or any other church for that matter was willing to give me the answers I was looking for. I started strongly opposing many of the church's teachings and could no longer support organized religion.

Do I think my lack of religiosity will harm my son. Absolutely not. I'm a good and moral person and my kindness will be bestowed on my son even without the teachings of a religious organization.
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2008-12-07 07:44:29 UTC
I got to church on a sunday, I didnt go this morning because I had a lot to do - Christams decs, tidying, daughter was coming back at 1pm. ( I had a word with Him, He said it was ok lol )

I just go to a regular church, not catholic, My daughter is baptised. No, I never went to private school.

My church is great, really loose. when we joined, the minister said, there is parts of the bible that you will think - nah, i dont buy that, that never happened. And there is parts that you think - I can really relate that to were i am in my life, or past experiences. He said tale from the bible what you want, take the things that mean something to you, its ok for something not to strike a chord in you.
~~Daniel's Mommy~~
2008-12-07 07:42:59 UTC
I believe in God, and I am Catholic. However, I was forced to go to church as a child, so I choose not to go now.

I want my son to be able to make his own decision, but at the same time, I want him to learn about it early. I plan on having him christened next year, and we will start going to church more regularly. But when he is old enough, and says he doesn't want to go to church, I won't be forcing him.
2008-12-07 08:04:38 UTC
We are both Catholic, but we are C & E Catholics. (We go to church on Christmas and Easter, lol). We both went to Catholic schools and, once we were out of school and were no longer forced to go to mass, we just didn't.

However, now that Sally is here, I really want to get back into church.
2008-12-07 07:52:23 UTC
No, I do not go to church...I'm an atheist.

I was raised in a very devout Christian family, however, my mother thought it was very important that I choose my own beliefs. I was allowed to go to any church (and I went to a lot,) was allowed to study any religions that interested me (and I did,) and I was encouraged to read scripture from many religions (which I did.) I just simply don't believe in any of it.

I feel it is important for my child to have the same opportunity. I will be happy if they choose a religion or belief set that they truly believe in....even if it differs from my lack of religion.

Also not judging. Just answering your question with honesty.
UK Yummy Mummy
2008-12-07 08:09:57 UTC
I don't believe in God at all and have only been inside a church twice in my life for other peoples weddings. I will not be forcing any belief on my child,if they choose to go when they are older that is fine,but they won't be going with me.

Personally i think all religion is a load of cra*p and i think the world would be a better place if no religions existed.

Just my opinion.
Braydens Callin the Troll Police
2008-12-07 07:46:05 UTC
I was raised in a strict catholic home, I went to a catholic school, and I try to go to church almost every sunday! I will instill these beliefs in my son.
2008-12-07 07:44:30 UTC
We are very conservative Baptists. We go to church at least once a week, sometimes more. We are snowed in today so we couldn't get out. My husband is a deacon in our church which in turn makes me a deaconess. We believe that their is a God and a Jesus and that once you can prepare yourself worthy in sight of the Lord, he will save your soul from an eternal hell. We believe once you are really saved, you are saved. No backsliding. I did not go to private school.
2008-12-07 07:46:36 UTC
Im atheist, so dont believe in god and dont go to church. However I would like my daughter to learn about many religions and if she chooses to worship one then thats fine.
Danielle (Reece's Mummy!)
2008-12-07 08:30:23 UTC
i don't believe in God, period. my choice, my reasons. my BF is a christian, altough doesn't go to church. my son will no doubt learn about God in school, and he can chose what he wants. i'm not influencing him at all. i keep my opinions on religion to myself.
2008-12-07 07:51:46 UTC
I am a practicing Roman Catholic. The most important responsibility I have to my children is to baptize them into the Catholic community of God and lead by example. My two grown children are practicing Catholics and went to both private and public schools. The strong relationship with God they developed based upon our example, will enable them to raise their families as practicing Catholics

Our youngest went to mass with us beginning when she was four days old. I thank God that my parents took me to church. I see a difference in the lives of those who attend mass regularly, and those who don't.

Yes, it is vital to instill a faith in God in babies. Unfortunately, some people think there is more than one God, which is not the case. It's just God the father of Jesus Christ the son.

Instilling the wrong faith results in problems.Instilling NO faith or atheism is far WORSE.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.