2012-09-15 11:04:45 UTC
In my opinion, it's all part of being a dad. They are your kids and part of being an involved parent is taking on full responsibility, and not just selecting certain parts of raising a child that appeal to you. And not assuming that someone else will always take on responsibility for the parts you don't like- just because she's "the woman". If he's not mature enough to change a diaper, in my opinion he's not mature enough to have a baby.
I said to him, ok so what if I decide, come the time we have a baby, that I find it too disgusting to change diapers too, and I don't want to change them either? Then what? And he said, "Then don't have one.".
I'm sooo angry. He's just riding on the assumption that I would take care of it. Like I'm not much of a feminist tbh but that's sexist, and so immature. I said "Well I would never have a child with you if that's your attitude" and he said "Yeah I would never have a child with you either.". I mean what a baby!! I wanted a baby but it seems like I already have one.
I said to him you make such a big thing of being "the man", too manly to change a friggin diaper, but clearly you're more of a girl then I thought. I mean I find it disgusting too, but it's my CHILD. Of course there is no doubt in my mind that I would change his/her diapers. I mean is this really ok?? Am I supposed to be fine with it?