ya welcome to the world of parenting. Everybody has their way to do it, some make it up, some follow a book, some listen to a doctor who has never had children, some try to make their children hit all the averages and milestones exactly when they are told they should. Luckily most children are pretty resilient and can handle it and survive quite nicely when a parent doesn't meet perfection in parenting skills. And if a parent is that way off base hopefully a doctor or daycare provider or observant bystander will notice and contact the authorities.
I'm trying my best to have a laid back attitude towards raising my first. I am an older Mom, was told I would never have children and was given the most amazing gift this year of my own precious little boy. Does that mean I am going to raise him in a bubble? Heck no, he's 7 weeks old, been camping twice, he loves to lay on a blanket in the grass where his feet can touch the grass. We have 3 cats, a dog (well technically two dogs this week as we are babysitting the neighbor's dog) and my house is far from perfectly clean.
He eats when he is hungry, I try not to force a schedule on him and he has developed his own schedule. He only naps in his swing so I stock up on batteries for it. Curved spine, flat head? Not worried. I follow the instructions on the formula can because they are there for a reason. I listened to my 2 sister in laws and my mother in law and gave my son rice cereal, thinned out in a bottle at night and he loves it, sleeps better and with 4 nephews and a niece that have all followed this and are perfectly healthy and happy I ignore those that freak and say you can't do this, you might cause this to happen!!
So to each their own as long as it is not obviously harmful or dangerous. I try to follow common sense, see what doctors recommend and ask people who are successfully raising children what they did and then follow what I feel is the best course for my son, me and our lifestyle. On here though, I have no way to know if the posters are successful parents or full of **** but sometimes the advice given is good, sometimes it is crap and I have to take the rest of the information I get from other sources and balance it out.
So don't freak about way out there answers, give them a thumbs down and post what you think is right.