2011-02-09 14:25:44 UTC
My friend tore into me the minute he was gone. "How could you encourage that guy? You're a married lady with a baby!" I had no intentions whatsoever toward this man, and since clearly he noticed I was a parent (and probably noticed the wedding ring too) he could not possibly have had any serious intentions either. I'd worked so hard to lose my extra weight from my pregnancy, it was SO great to finally be noticed again by somebody who isn't obliged to tell me I look great "no matter what".
I'm completely devoted to my husband and family and I don't think a little light flirtation in a coffeehouse can possibly violate somebody's marriage vows. Personally I think casual flirting has a completely legitimate place in polite society and makes everyone feel cheerful and good about themselves. No names or phone numbers were exchanged for heaven's sake. Neither of us meant anything by it except to inject a little fun into the others day. My friend has tried her hardest to make me feel like a tramp about speaking to this man, but sometimes I will even flirt with saucy old people to make THEM feel good ("If you were a little younger, or I a little older, I might get into some trouble!...")
To me this is totally normal. My husband and I enjoy a happy marriage. Do you think flirting is rude and puts people in a bad position, or do you think it's OK so long as nothing comes of it? Can married people still flirt without calling their morality into question? Thanks!