Oh my goodness you're not alone (neither am I!) Sometimes it gets so bad that I want to just go outside and take a walk! It was easier in the summer because we got a pool so I could get out of the house! Now I'm back to square one, feeling depressed, alone and stressed out! Please make your life easier and ask to go to that game with him for an hour, go to the store (whatever you do, go out!). I have stayed in the house for several weeks at a time due to my husband's busy schedule and his friend even picked up on it and told him to take off work to take me on vacation!
Please, please, please speak with your husband about how this is affecting you before you leave. Many many stay at home moms are in your shoes, you've got a lot of time ahead of you, make the best of it. Join a mom and baby group, get a new hobby, spend time with your newborn. I know the first few weeks I was so depressed thinking "this is how she turned out?" Because my baby just laid there. I didn't know how to play with her (first time mom!) and I didn't interact with her, which gave me a sense of bad parenting! Wait until you can sleep though the night, the stress isn't killing you, and you can play with your son. It gets better, I promise you!
Edit: tell him if he's not out earning money to support the family, that he needs to be home helping you. Talk to his dad if need be... because his father should be promoting his son spending time with his new son. Your family comes first, whether he sees it or not!
My husband used to spend a lot of time out with his mother and having his sisters over. It drove me nuts. I was walked all over, expected to cook, clean, babysit, and entertain. Once they left, he left to go shopping in their town. I was stuck feeling like I couldn't go out or do anything because I HAD to watch the baby. I straightened my husband out by going to his mother and telling her how much I don't appreciate her visiting us. Yes, it was a bit extreme, but I nipped it in the bud, now we haven't seen them in almost 3 months, and I couldn't be happier! Focusing on the family is what life should be all about, perhaps he has his priorities misunderstood!
I suggest you do things to get him involved. When he gets home, try getting the car keys and saying, "I'm going for a hair cut, be back in an hour!" Leave everything the baby needs out, and have a phone on you just in case. You need to show him responsibility.