It's awesome that you're wanting to try to do this. Know that it IS possible! I would start to latch your baby onto your breast, you can try to do that by taking your hand and form a "C" shape with your thumb and remaining fingers. Then take your hand and grasp your breast, you'll squeeze kind of like you're trying to squish your nipple. After that you'll kind of move your breast up around your babies mouth to his/her chin make sure your baby opens really wide. As soon as your baby opens wide, bring your baby to your breast and latch on!
After you breastfeed for as long as possible, then if needed, offer the bottle of formula. Slowly stop offering the formula, and strictly breastfeeding.
I would recommend you get in touch with a lactation consultant. You can call your hospital, and find someone local to help.
Oh, and with pumping, you can pump after each time you breastfeed your child. You can also power pump. Take 1 hour of your day and set it aside for pumping, pump on and off 10 minutes the entire time.
eta: Oh, and another thing - try to hand express some milk before latching your baby on. That way as soon as your baby latches on, milk will come out and it will provide instant satisfaction. This may help you have more success with getting your baby to latch on.