I really don't know what else to say about the wonderfulness of cloth diapers.
For the first four and a half months, we used disposable. It took me that long to convince my husband to switch. I thank God it didn't take too long to do so. I think one of the things that sold him was not always finding diapers at the store. With cloth, we don't have to worry about that. We do have some disposables left, partially for when we go out (we pretty much only go out for church on Sunday mornings, so it's maybe five diapers at the most) or when we run out of cloth.
As for using them as burp cloths, I don't even do that. I use rags, baby washcloths and bibs for that.
We also use G Diapers. They're like Pocket Diapers, I think. I think Pocket Diapers is a brand name; I'm not overly familiar with them, but I just did a search for "pocket diapers" and it appears so. However, the insert is biodegradable. They can either be flushed, composted or tossed in the trash and will break down, assuming they're not in something like a plastic garbage bag. My husband just tosses them into the Dumpster on their own. Before we take them out, we just keep them in a plastic shopping bag.
Thus far, we only have five cloth diapers from Kushies, which i found on Craigs List. Also, cloth can be found on eBay as well, as mothers/parents have sites of diapers that they make (one of the links I've provided shows how to make your own) or used ones. I'm pretty sure that children's consignment shops like Once Upon a Child might have them as well.
On the Mothering site, just scroll down to Natural Family Wearing, then to the subcategory of Diapering. There's a closed thread there that is essentially Cloth Diapering 101. If you want to ask questions, you will, of course, have to register. However, I have found the women there to be quite helpful. There is a section of women with cloth diaper stores that post their specials and their sites, as well.
I hope this has been of some help. I found a few sites that I have been to in the past (I pulled up my history and typed in diapers) and am going to go to again.