If you have to ask these questions on HERE, you need to wait until you have done your research before you allow someone to inject something you know NOTHING about into your baby...that you clearly have NO idea how to look for reactions to either. If you don't know what is being done, then you should wait and learn before you do!
Vaccinations DO NOT have to be administered at such a young age...they are merely RECOMMENDATIONS! If you are afraid that your child won't be able to attend school...guess what....there are three types of waivers provided by our government and vary from state to state...medical, religious (religion by definition is a strongly held belief) and philosophical. Every PUBLIC school MUST accept them as well as ANY daycare or school that accepts government assistance.
You can ALWAYS catch your daughter up later, but please, do some reading...give it time! You can NEVER undo any harm that vaccines are renown for! And I'm not just talking about Autism...I'm talking seizures that can cause life long impairment of any part of your daughter's body...an allergic reaction that could cause lifelong allergies, eczema, asthma, and other chronic ailments. Oh and lets not forget the fact that the chemicals in the vaccines are able to pass the blood-brain barrier and cause neurotoxicity...so that high pictched creaming that won't stop and gives your baby a fever after her shots...yeah that is her brain being hyper stimulated and damaged...don't believe me, read up on NEUROSURGEON R. Blaylock - who has been practicing for over 25 years. Oh and this article too...http://www.vaccinationnews.com/DailyNews/May2002/MechEncephDamVax.htm
*****Vaccination is ofcourse of personal CHOICE, but to go in COMPLETELY ignorant on the subject is foolish! Until you have read what the shots are your daughter is getting, what diseases they are meant to prevent, how to treat the diseases if she were not vaccinated, what ingredients are in each vaccine - how those ingredients affect the body, how to identify a vaccine reaction and how to report it to the authorities and MUCH MUCH MORE...you should seriously postpone these shots. Come on, you are putting the life of your baby in the hands of a doctor instead of your own. There are too many doctors out there that think M.D. stands for "medical diety" rather than "medical doctor."