So this is my life. I'm 21 and in college. I finish my degree in a year and a half. I haven't had a stable place to live since I graduated high school and have been bouncing around from place to place for a while now.My parents recently came into several millon dollars and my mom can't have any more kids. I have a sister who is 1 and my mom has been pressuring me for several months now to give her grandkids. Well she set me up with a proposition. She said that if I got pregnant, she and my stepdad would buy me a house and a car, give me all of my little sister's baby stuff, and furnish the house. Coming from someone who has been on the streets trying to put a roof over their head for the last couple of years this sounds like a safe haven to me. My classes are two days a week at night and the plan would be for me to work during the day to pay for utilities and such and day to day things the baby would need and they would pay for my house (pay the entire mortgage in full) and my car insurance. What my mom would be getting out of this would be another kid in the house while I'm working and at school but it would be agreed upon that I would be the parent and she would be the grandparent.For me the deal seems too good to be true. I will have my degree in a year and a half and I will be able to take care of myself. However I have a ton of debt to pay off and my earnings would seem better fit to paying off student loans and such rather than scrambling to put a roof over my head as soon as I graduate.If you were put in this situation would you have a baby if someone was willing to basically foot the bill for it? I thought my mom was absolutely crazy when she suggested it but the more I think about it, I'm starting to rationalize it and seriously consider it. I hear of older mothers becoming single moms by choice all the time and the more I start rationalizing it in my head the more I compare it to that...